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Structure of Atom 1. Which ofthe following equations describe(s) paticle ike behaviour? Which describo(s) wavelke behaviour? Do any involve both types of behaviour? @ ceu ()E= me? ray h oe =hv aot mes (dE =hy Ore 2, When compounds of barium are heated in a flame, green light of wavelength 554 nm is emitted. How much ‘energy is lost when one mole of barium atoms each emit one photon of this wavelength? 3. The values of charge on the oil droplets "experimentally observed were ~1.6 * 10%, -2.4 * 10°" and 4 * 10" coulomb. The value ofthe electronic charge, indicated by these results is @ -16 «10 (0) -24 x 10-9 (©) 4x10 (08x 10" 4. Consider a large number of hydrogen atoms with electrons randomly dstibuted in the n= 1, 2,3 and 4 orbits. How many different wavelengths of light are emited by these atoms as the electrons all nto lower energy orbits. @t ) 3 oe @s 5. arpartides of 6 MeV energy is scatered back from a silver fll. Calculate the maximum volume in which the ‘entire positive charge of the atom is supposed to” podendaete (Z for silver = 47) k= 8.0 10° Neo Owe 6. Energy required for excitation of electron in 1 mole H atom from ground state to 2% excited state is 2.67 times lesser than dissociation energy per mole of H,(q). Calculate the amount of energy needed to excite each H ‘atom of H,(g) confined in 1.0 lire at 27°C and 1 bar pressure, R = 0.083 bar litre K-¥ mot"; Ryg= 4.4. 107 mrt 7. Abyydrogertike atom (atomic number Z) isin a higher excited siate of quantum number n. This excited atom can make a transion tothe fist excited state by successively emitting two photons of energies 10.20 eV and 17.00 eV respectively Alternatively, the atom from the samre excited stale can make a transition to the second excited state by successively emiting two photons of energy 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV respectively. Determine the values of n and 2. 8 What is the maximum precision with which the momentum of an electron can be known if the uncertainty in the position of electron is #0.001 A? Will there be any problem in describing the momentum if it has a value h xa," MAW ais Boh’ radu of fst orbit, 0.529 A? 8. Wavelength of the K, ch cleristc X-ray of Iron and potassum are 1.931 * 10-* and 3.737 * 10% cm ‘espectvey. What is the atomic number and name of the element for which characteristic K, wavelength is 2.289 * 10°* cm? [Use Vv = a(z-b)} ™\ %\ 2) Structure of Atom Practice Assignmom 10. 1.6 y sample of Ho" fons are excited fo emit radiations. Spectral studies reveals that highost excited state Is 2nd and total number of ions in 1st and 2nd excited state is one third the number of ions in ground state. Total energy volved on de-excitation of sample is 429.5 kJ. Calculate the percentage of He* ions in 2% excited state of original sample. 11, When photon of energy 4.25 eV strikes the surface, the ejected electron has maximum kinetic energy Ty, expressed in eV and de Broglie wavelength 2,, The maximum kinolic energy of photoolectrons liberated by another metal B by photons of 4.70 eV Is Ty (Ty = Ty - 1.5 €V). If do Broglia wavelength of the electron is 2g (hg = 2kq), then which is not correct? (2) Work function of Ais 2.25 (0) T,=050v (©) Work function of B is 1.20 eV ( T,=200V 12. Electronic transition in He* ion takes from n, to n, shell such that 2n, + 3n, = 18 2n, ~ 3n, = 6 ‘What willbe the total number of photons emitted when electrons transit ton, shell ? (@ 2 , ©) 15 (©) 0 @ 10 13. Alight source of wavelength? iluminates'a metal and ejects photoelectrons with (K.E.)nq, = 1 eV. Another ight source of wavelength *, ects’ photocletons from Same meta with (KE Jnu, = 4 eV. Find the value of work function. Ey (@) tev (&) Zev (@ o5ev © (@) None of these 14. JV on two particles A and B ave plotted against de-Broglie wavelengths. Where V Is potential aifference applied on the particles. Which of the following relation is Correct about the mass of particles? (Assume equal charge on the two particles) > | 8 A — (a) m= mg ©) m> my (©) me 1> 1V > I praetive AAIQINONT . Mo atsunnae nat Abt (0) Outer oF apy nvattiptiety WV HE bt (e)V-does nit violates all thes thiee filam af eloctionie configurations (VL 16 The Sehroxtinger wave equation for Nyaa alan te wont Athen AT when Kept neal a magnnl, ale ae diaiiagtathy aiiulatie _ (veactiaal) £ ) Cony CaO) toad aang} len Den? mee tal whore ay anit 2 ar the constant in which anawar van bie axpirnand and i Atinunany ant maxim position a fatal oxtow tan mau ay amply ay ay fv, w 3S we @ 28 «nf, M80 arg wee ( i Ke rotential enveray af tne evalu) ls aivan by Hy. where 6 yornvanitenn fe appdicales 17. For a hypothotical hydrogen tke Bion, te the dlatance botwean the (wo paxillan, If Yolw's model OF quRMMAntn of eraulan than velocity of particle fe given by tn nn" too mi (0) ¥ = etontn? iy Dicotilin’ at oe vee ft (OY Sakon (0) Daca? and Is the ‘A amail particlo of mass m moavos In fucli a woy (hal &- Mine? , where k is a const 18. distance of the paste from oxgin, Ansuiming Hons medal of quantization of angular mnanianturn fe applicable thon F Is directly proportional 10 @) we © vn (4) Nono of thone 19. An element undorgoos a roaction as shown X-+ 20" -» X?, anorgy rolonwex! # 30.87 eV/atom. If tho enargy released, fe weed to diewociate 4 gers of Vi, protocuios, equally nto Hand H", whore H* la axcitad stato of H alos where the electron travel in orbit whose oles of X that would bo Circumforenco qual to four timas ite do Broglio’s wavelength, Dotormine the tor roquited : Given : LE. of H © 13.6 oV/atom, bond anergy of H, * 4.620 aV/molecula, 4 2 Om wa In @ measurement of quantum efficioncy of photonynthoole In green planta, It wae found that 10 quanta of rod light of wavolongih 6850 A wore noodod to reloano one molecule of O,, The average energy storage In thie procoss Is 112 kcal/mol O, avolvod. What Is tho onorgy convorsion officlancy in this exporimant? (ic arramCIn x ROT. AAHRETOOO PN ATEN mR RI 20. 4) Structure of Atom Practice Assign, Given: 1 cal = 4.18 J; Ny (a) 235 (b) 26.9 (©) 65:34 @ 73.4 * 102; h = 6.63 « 10° Js 21. The radial distribution functions {P(0)] is used fo determine the most probable radius, which is used to find the Then which of the following statements is/are correct? (@) At the point of maximum value of radial distribution function #0 =0 (©) Most probable radius of Lis Spm (6) Most probable radius of He* is Som git (@) Most probable radius of hydrogen atom is ay pm 22. Match Column-twith Column Column Column R a “ H Se epas T 4nr'R| ®) @) &, Distance from nucleus (C) Angular probability is dependent of © and = (R) 3s (©) At least one angular node Is present ©) 64, Practice Assignment Structure ofatom 6 23. For 1s orbital of Hydrogen atom ratal wave function is given as Rir)= 4 7 y’ es (where ay = 0.629 A) The ratio of radial probability density of finding electron at r = ay to the radial probability density of finding electron at the nucleus is given as (x.8"). Calculats the value of (x + y) QgQaa . Structure of Atom > . 1.6gHe’ =! ©) s 1. (b) Answer Key (a,d) (216 kJ) @ (©) ng 20028) 4 (220) te ast + x 104.Ns 2= 24, chromium 4 @ © > @ © © © © . (b) . (a,b, c,d) A> (P),B > (P,Q, 8), C+ (2, S),D + (@, 8) @)

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