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Media Projects
Unit Information and Learning Guide
Semester 2, 2021

Mark Sutton © 2021

This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning materials which can
be found on your My Units page.

Unit Coordinator/Lecturer

Mark Sutton
School of Arts
Room: EH4.072
Murdoch University, 90 South Street, Murdoch WA 6150
Tel +618 9360 2185

Unit information

Information about the unit 3

How to study this unit 4
Resources for the unit 5
Study schedule 6
Assessment Details 8
Loans Desk – Technical Service Unit Rules 14

© Published by Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, July 2021.

This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in
any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast or transmitted without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

2 Murdoch University
Information about the unit

Welcome to:

PHO312 Media Projects

Unit description

In this unit, students will work on a directed client project. In addition, students identify and
develop their personal and professional photographic aspirations, and market their work
through both online and printed outputs. A web presence is developed through an online
portfolio. Students also acquire printing skills required to output work to a professional


PHO124 Photography

Unit Learning Experiences

The unit is based around acquiring essential skills to develop photographic work and present
it professionally through both an online presence and printed media. The unit involves
extended seminar sessions that include lectures, discussions and practical workshops.
Students will learn to produce, collate, curate and present their work to a professional
standard in order to market their photography. A range of guest lectures provide insight into
diverse employment possibilities and photographic opportunities.

Learning outcomes for the unit

On successful completion of the unit you should be able to:

 Interpret a client brief and develop a project proposal to a professional standard.

 Project manage a photography commission; reporting with targets, milestones,
completion and delivery.
 Produce and deliver a client based photography project.
 Confidently complete and deliver a client-based photography project to a professional
 Print images to a professional standard using a range of print media.
 Develop a professional standard photography web presence and profile.
 Have a thorough understanding of colour management.

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Graduate attributes developed in the unit

This unit will contribute to the development of the following Graduate Attributes.

 Professional Communication
 Critical and creative thinking
 Professional networking ability
 Project and time management ability
 Professional Ethics
 Business procedure
 Confidence in business practice
 Self-marketing and promotion
 Independence as a professional practitioner

How to study this unit

PHO312 Media Projects - Photography is concerned with preparing an undergraduate
photography student for work and/or further study after the completion of their degree.

The unit has major elements of practical photography, many of which you will have to learn
and acquire independently but with the help of your tutor. Your particular area of
photographic specialisation will determine what additional skills you will need to pursue.

You will undertake a directed client project. With the help of your tutor you will also develop
your online profile and a printed portfolio.

There is no Unit Reader, but there will be readings on LMS that all students must complete
as part of the weekly activities.

Contact time

Tutorial/Workshop - 2 hours per week. There will be a field trip second half of the semester,
and some sessions may be held online. Additional consultation times can be made by

Time commitment

As this is a 3 credit point unit, we expect you to spend on average 10 hours per week for the
total 14 weeks of this teaching period working on this unit.

Unit changes in response to student feedback

We are always looking to improve this unit and its delivery and welcome any feedback you
may have that you believe will improve the unit for the future

4 Murdoch University
Important dates

HECS Census Date - Withdrawal Deadline without financial penalty – 23/08/2021

Last day to withdraw to avoid incurring a tuition liability and prevent units appearing on
academic record (W0)

Withdrawal Deadline – 17/10/2021

Last day to withdraw from Semester 2 and Full-Year

units with a Withdrawn outcome. Withdrawals after this date result in a FAIL


The Canon DSLR systems are used in classes. Students may book cameras and
accessories out from the Loans Desk. Cameras will be provided in class.

It is highly recommended if you can afford it to buy a DSLR of your own – they are
relatively inexpensive these days ($400-500) and are a great investment.

If you have a camera and you are unsure if it is suitable for the course, bring it along
to the tutorials and show it to your tutor.

Scanners are available for you to scan your film negatives or prints

Resources for this unit

There is no Unit Reader for this unit but readings will be available via the unit website.

Online resources

Best Business Practices for Photographers, Third Edition, 3rd Edition

by John Harrington
Publisher: Rocky Nook
Release Date: October 2017
ISBN: 9781681982687

Available at Murdoch Library Via LMS

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Wk: Topic Weekly Actions Assessment items

1. - Introduction to the unit - Understand the Brief

- Marketing Brief
- Project Planning
- Developing a Proposal
- Write proposal

2. - Printing Intro - Work on proposal

- Colour management
- Three printing tasks explained

3. - Meet the client - Shooting for Client Brief Proposal Due

- Scouting trip
- Submit proposal Wk3 5pm 9th August
- Refresher on using fill flash
- Submit website example on LMS 2021 Via LMS

4. - Website Presence - Shooting for Client Present website

- More on fine art printing example and client
- Bring work in progress to class
- Mid-project feedback work in progress
for review

Study Break

6. - Shooting for Client

- Image Selection,
- Consult Group A
- Editing & Critique
- Print exercises

7. - Shooting for Client

- Image Selection,
- Consult Group B
- Editing & Critique
- Print exercises

8. - Presentation and Client Project

submission of Client Project
& 3 x prints
and three printing tasks.
- Present portfolio/book idea Due Wk8 5pm Mon
in small groups 13th Sept 2021

9. - Guest Lecture : TBA Work on Online & Print Portfolio

This may be an online session
see LMS to confirm date and

6 Murdoch University
Study Break

11. - Guest Lecture: Mark Sutton Work on Online & Print Portfolio Present book/portfolio
- Copyright Law
- Adding Metadata and
copyright information
- Present book/portfolio progress

12. Field trip to PCP - TBA Work on Online & Print Portfolio
See LMS for details
13. - Final feedback for Online and Work on Online & Print Portfolio
print portfolio

14. - Presentation of Online and Submit and Present

print portfolio online & print
portfolio in class

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Assessment for this unit is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Policy.

All the assessments are individual projects. However, you will work in small groups to
discuss, prepare, and assess each other’s work.

 All photographs and work must be completed within Semester 2, 2021 period.
 Any photographs taken before the S2, 2021 period are not admissible.
 Any work or photographs from any other Murdoch units are not admissible.

Schedule of assessment items

Assessment Description Value Due

Assessment 1 Attendance and participation 10% On going

Assessment 2a Client Project Proposal 5% Week 3

9th Aug
Assessment 2b Client Project 35% Week 8
13th Sept

Assessment 3a Print exercises 10% Week 8

(this can be old work) 13th Sept

Assessment 3b Printed portfolio/book 30% Week 14

- submit min 15 images (min 7 must be new 25th Oct
Assessment 4 Online portfolio/website 10% Week 14
25th Oct

8 Murdoch University
Assessment Details
Assessment 1 – Critical Participation (10%)

The content of each tutorial/workshop is primarily practical and discussion based. The unit
includes guest lectures and a field trip.

Participation is essential and you will be assessed in relation to preparation, attendance, &
active participation at workshops, critiques, discussions & lectures.

Assessment 2a – Client Proposal (5%)

Written document (600-800 words) submitted via LMS Mon 9th August 5pm (week 3).

Using the information provided in class and on LMS, write your own proposal for the
Murdoch Marketing Project Brief allocated in week one. You can format it as you wish, but
ensure that you cover all the bullet points below (and in the week one PowerPoint).

One purpose of the Client Proposal is to get you thinking and planning seriously about the
Client Project. Another major purpose is to demonstrate to the client that you understand
their business and their needs. An important consideration is to develop your ideas, but
also to communicate them effectively to others – particularly clients.

This document is essentially an agreement between the client and yourself on what you are
proposing to do for them. It is written after you have received a brief. Sometimes a client will
give you a formal brief as a written document, other times they will not; in either case you still
need to respond to that brief with your own creative approach to the tasks at hand.*1

The document should provide a clear description of the Photographic Brief (Aim and Scope),
Design (style & mood of images) & Proposed Production Methodology.

The Photographic Proposal should include:

 Description of the Photographic Brief and Client (Aim)

 Show that you understand the client and what they need
 Target audience
 Scope (intended use/s of the images, how many images, timeframe etc)
 A creative plan on how to achieve the brief – include concept and style of images
(examples of image research are essential!). Include a shooting plan – list some key
 Project Requirements
 Assessment of skills and equipment required

Very often this is a competitive situation and so your performance at the briefing session with the client and the quality of your
proposal will determine whether you get the work.

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 An assessment of props, location, additional personnel etc. (if required)
 A Project management timeline with milestones
 Copyright/Usage rights (this has been outlined in the Murdoch Marketing Brief).
 Budget estimate (this is not a paid commission, but you should include this section -
we will discuss some payment formalities in class)
 Delivery Format
 Troubleshooting/risk assessment for what might go wrong, and a plan to correct it.
 Terms and conditions - Spell out any special terms and conditions
You will be assessed on the clarity in communication, accuracy in meeting the client’s brief,
creativity in project design, professionalism in layout, completion in including all the items
required for a professional client proposal (listed above).

Assessment 2b – Client-directed Photographic Assignment (35%)

12 images (as outlined by client) & a 300-500 word reflection submitted before class
via the Y drive on Mon 13th September 2021 (week 8).

For this project you will be assigned a client-based photographic brief in week one.

You will be required to:

 Develop a client project proposal from the client brief (Assessment 1a)
 Undertake the project whilst reporting to the client (this contact will happen in class)
 Complete and deliver the photography project on time (week 8)
 Be prepared to present your work
 Write a 300-500 word reflection

In addition the Photography Assignment will be accompanied by a short written document

(300-500 words) critically evaluating the project, what you learnt during the process, and
what could have been done differently to improve overall outcomes. This refection can also
include any client feedback you received, and how you responded to it.

You will be assessed on your accuracy in meeting the client’s brief, the creativity in project
design, professionalism in photography and presentation, timely completion and delivery.

-------------------See submission details for Assessment 2b on the next page----------

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Cont. Submission details (Assessment 2b):

The following must be submitted through LMS before the commencement of class in
week 8:

- 300-500 word reflection

The following must be submitted on the Y drive in the students submissions folder before
the commencement of class in week 8:

- 12 x SCREEN RESOLUTION jpgs - 2000px along the longest edge at 72ppi in

- 12 x PRINT RESOLUTION jpgs a minimum of 4000px along the longest edge at
240ppi in RGB.
- 12x RAW unedited files (DNG recommended)
- 300-500 word reflection

All files must be clearly labelled with your name and the particular image ie.

Assessment 3(a) – Print Exercises (10%)

Present and submit 3 printed photographs in class in week 8.

Upload the SCREEN RESOLUTION JPGS to LMS for marking by the start of class in week 8
(2000px along the longest edge at 72ppi in sRGB).

Also upload the print resolution and RAW files to the Y drive.

Following the printing instructions learned in weeks 3 & 4, you are required to print three
photographs to a professional standard (A4 minimum size). This can be work that you have
taken in previous semesters.

You will need to submit:

1 x colour portrait (with particular attention to correct skin tone)

1 x colour landscape (with particular attention to achieving full tonal range)
1 x moody/dramatic black and white image with split toning applied (on matt paper)

Photographs do not need to have been acquired this semester, but all prints must be done
in our print labs and must be printed by you (after the induction in week 3). It is not
acceptable to get prints done by external print labs.

You will be assessed on the quality of your printing with particular focus on: correct image
resolution, colour management, contrast and sharpness.

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*You can buy the correct paper from the Murdoch bookshop, or source your own (ask your
lecturer/tutor for recommendations). If sourcing your own paper – make sure it is compatible
with our Epson printers.

Assessment 3(b) – Printed Portfolio (30%)

Present and submit a minimum of 15 printed photographs in class in (week 14). (You
will be able to collect your work from Tim Eng’s Office (450.2.049 ) once it has been

Identify an area of interest/strength and print and present a minimum of 15 images (7 of

these must be new images taken this year to develop your book/portfolio).

The selection should showcase your strongest work. Your lecturer/tutor can assist with
identifying an area of strength during the consultation in week 6 & 7 (make sure you come
prepared with a selection of work for that initial consultation).

You will be assessed on the development of your photography work, the presentation and
formatting of the final work, the sequencing of the images, and the quality of the printing with
particular focus on: correct image resolution, colour management, contrast and sharpness.

Prints should be done in our print labs for maximum control of print quality/ print media.

Also consider how you will display the work as this is essential to the overall impression of
your work, and will also be assessed.

As well as the presentation of the book in class, the following must be submitted on the Y
drive in the students submissions folder before the commencement of class in week 14:

- 12 x SCREEN RESOLUTION jpgs - 2000px along the longest edge at 72ppi in


- 12 x PRINT RESOLUTION jpgs a minimum of 4000px along the longest edge at

240ppi in RGB.

- 12x RAW unedited files (DNG recommended)

12 Murdoch University
Assessment 4 – Web Presence (10%)

Due 5pm, Mon 25th October 2021 (week 14). Submit your link on LMS before the
beginning of class.

This project involves developing a photographic online portfolio. This will be an important arm
of your networking effort and a vital platform for your photographic profile / business.

Using the skills learnt in class you will develop a website that:

 Profiles your photographic profile / business

 Communicates your areas of specialisation and interest
 Showcases your best work via a gallery
 Communicates your style and approach to photography
 Gives potential clients all the information they need to get in contact with you

Formatting and Presentation should be of a professional standard. Aim for a simple and
slick design that does not detract attention from the photographs themselves. Some minimal
text should be included to provide context. The folio must be well organised with appropriate
headings that makes navigation easy. Images need to be correctly sized and formatted for
optimal viewing.

You will be assessed on the presentation and formatting of the portfolio, the clarity of your
profile, the consistency of your style/approach to photography showcased on your site, the
inclusion of all necessary components on the site (ie. profile, contact details, image galleries,
Individual client project).

Assignment submission

 Assessments are to be submitted via LMS and Y drive.

 Check LMS for details on any assessments.

Determination of the final grade

The final grade will be determined as follows.

 The component marks for each assessment will be summed.

 Any penalty incurred will be deducted from the sum of the assessment marks to
determine the final mark.
 Marks should be seen as interim marks until moderation has taken place to ensure
consistency across different components of assessment.

What will get you a FAIL.

 Failure to submit any of the assessments will results in a FAIL for the unit.
 Failure to attend 3 or more workshops will results in a FAIL for the unit.

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University Policy on Assessment
Notation Grade Percentage Range

HD High Distinction 80 – 100

D Distinction 70 – 79
C Credit 60 – 69
P Pass 50 – 59
N Fail Below 50
DNS Fail Fail, the student failed to
participate in components
that had a combined weight
of 50% or more of the final
S Supplementary 45 – 49*

For further information on the students obligations and what you need to know
about assessments go to this page.

Media Arts Centre - Loans Desk

Room: (450.2.036)
Phone: 93602852
Open: (See website for days and times).
Closed University limited service periods and National Public Holidays

Media Arts Centre Homepage:

Stay up to date with current notices and physical distancing measures.

Equipment Booking: (this

will show you what you are allowed to borrow).

Before borrowing equipment or using any Media Arts Centre rooms or facilities, please read
the Media Arts Centre Rules
Fines and penalties apply for breaches of these rules.

14 Murdoch University
Damaged, Stolen or Lost Equipment
and Rule Breaches
If you return equipment late or in damaged condition, or if you are in breach of any of the
Loans Desk rules, your borrowing rights may be restricted or suspended.

You may also incur a fine or an academic penalty (such as the withholding of your results)

 The current “Rule breach fee schedule” can be found on the website:

If negligence on your part has contributed to damage, loss or theft, you will be required to
reimburse the University for repair or replacement costs.

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