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Faculty: City Graduate School

Course : Organizational Communication

Submission Date : 14th June 2024


Total marks : 100 marks (30 %)

Student Name : Sazali bin Mohamed Mokhtarudin

Student ID : 202309010067

NRIC : 780513-14-5361

Program : Master of Education














Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri, often known as Malurians, is a primary school that is part of

the national education system. It is situated in the Taman Maluri neighbourhood of Cheras,

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Because it is a national school, it is an integral component of the

Malaysian public education system, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of

Education. The primary objective of the school, like several other public schools in Malaysia, is

to deliver high-quality education to students, nurturing their cognitive, emotional, and physical

growth and equipping them with the necessary information and sense of responsibility to become

informed and accountable members of society.

The dimensions of Malurians may fluctuate, but generally, a primary school in Malaysia may

accommodate a student population ranging from a few hundred to well over a thousand, with a

staff size that is commensurate with the number of pupils. The headmaster holds the highest

position in the school's hierarchical organization, followed by senior assistant teachers, the

subject committee chairman, and regular instructors (teachers). The school's operations rely

heavily on the contributions of support staff, which encompass administrative personnel, student

management assistants, security guards, and maintenance workers.

Teachers and administrators need good communication skills and a willingness to have tough

talks. School stakeholders include students, instructors, administrators, and families. All groups

have high expectations of the educational system and meeting them requires great verbal and

nonverbal communication skills (Glaze, 2014). Effective communication within the organisation

of Malurians, or any educational institution, is vital for several reasons. Efficient communication

guarantees that every member of the school community is well-informed on policies, processes,

and any modifications. This facilitates the efficient functioning of the school's daily activities.

Effective communication between educators and learners is essential for the process of acquiring

knowledge. Additionally, it facilitates the exchange of exemplary methods among educators,

thereby increasing the quality of teaching. Establishing robust lines of communication between

parents and teachers may result in improved comprehension and collaboration, which are vital

for the holistic advancement of pupils. During periods of crisis, such as crises or unforeseen

circumstances, it is of utmost importance to have concise and prompt communication to

guarantee the well-being of students and staff. Schools frequently function as central gathering

places for communities. Effective communication plays a crucial role in including the broader

community in school activities and projects, cultivating a feeling of inclusiveness and assistance.

Efficient communication channels facilitate input from all parties involved, which is crucial for

the ongoing enhancement of the school's programmes and policies.


Vertical and horizontal forms of communication are the most common ways of communication

flow discussed by Fashiku (1997). In Malaysia, schools such as SK Taman Maluri employ a

range of communication methods and channels to facilitate efficient information dissemination

among stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and staff. The modes of

communication have progressed over time, assimilating both conventional and contemporary

ways to accommodate the varied requirements of the school community. The following is a

summary of the typical communication process in Malaysian schools:

2.1. Traditional Method

a. Notice Boards and Bulletin Boards

These are still extensively utilised for the purpose of exhibiting significant

notifications, declarations, and circulars. They are especially beneficial for

communication inside educational institutions.

b. Parent-Teacher Meetings

Regularly planned sessions facilitate direct connection between parents and teachers,

offering an opportunity to review pupils' progress and resolve any issues.

c. Assemblies

Regular assemblies, held either weekly or monthly, serve to effectively convey

significant information to all students. These assemblies often consist of

announcements, acknowledgements of accomplishments, and informative


2.2. Modern Digital Tools

a. School Websites and Portals

Several educational institutions maintain their own websites or portals to disseminate

updates, announcements, and resources. Additionally, these systems help streamline

the process of registering and making payments for school events using online means.

b. Email Communication

Email is a frequently employed method of official communication among educators,

parents, and school administration. It offers a straightforward and effective method

for exchanging information.

c. Social Media

Schools can utilise social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to

disseminate announcements, images, and event details. This is especially

advantageous for actively involving parents and the community.

d. Mobile Apps

Several educational institutions have created or embraced mobile applications that

provide instantaneous communication, push alerts for important updates, and provide

access to timetables, assignments, and academic performance.

e. WhatsApp and Messaging Groups

When it comes to informal communication, WhatsApp groups are frequently utilised.

These groups allow for the rapid flow of information between educators, parents, and

even students.

There are several elements that can increase or decrease the efficiency of various communication

tools. Some of these aspects include the level of digital literacy within the school community, the

dependability of internet connection, and the regularity of updates. These approaches, on the

other hand, have the potential to dramatically improve information exchange when they are

utilised properly, therefore generating a school community that is more involved and informed.

To guarantee congruence with the objectives of the organisation, schools frequently undertake

the tasks of training staff, standardising communication, and engaging parents and students.


Smooth communication in organisations, such as Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri (SK

Taman Maluri) in Malaysia, can be hindered by many causes. These impediments not only

hinder the smooth transmission of information but also exert a substantial influence on morale

and production. Presented here are many crucial concerns and their corresponding impacts.

3.1. Different Levels of Hierarchy

Within a hierarchical framework, information may necessitate traversing several tiers

before reaching its intended recipients. These factors might result in the prolongation of

time, misinterpretations, or even the weakening of the intended communication. Indirect

communication can cause a feeling of disconnection between the administration and the

school community, which may result in reduced morale among staff and students.

3.2. Cultural Diversity

Malaysia has a rich cultural variety, which is seen in its educational institutions.

Although ethnic variety enhances the classroom atmosphere, it can sometimes pose

communication difficulties. Misunderstandings can arise from disparities in

communication methods, values, and interpretations of messages. Insufficient

management of these misconceptions can have a detrimental effect on cooperation and

collaboration, thereby impairing production and the overall performance of the


3.3. Language Barriers

Language limitations can greatly impede efficient communication. Communicating vital

messages in a multilingual environment such as Malaysia, where English, Malay,

Mandarin, and other languages are spoken, might provide difficulties in guaranteeing

comprehension among all members of the school community. Language limitations can

result in a sense of being left out and can hinder the exchange of thoughts and opinions,

impacting both motivation and efficiency.

3.4. Lack of Feedback

Efficient communication involves the exchange of information between two parties. The

absence of feedback channels might result in staff and students experiencing a sense of

disempowerment. Lack of recognition and appreciation for individuals' thoughts and

proposals might lead to a decline in their motivation and involvement. The absence of

feedback might hinder the school's ability to rapidly identify and solve concerns,

therefore impacting its capacity to enhance and innovate.

Impact on Morale and Productivity

a. Decreased Morale

When communication is not successful, individuals may experience feelings of being

underappreciated, misunderstood, or socially disconnected. These factors can result in

diminished work satisfaction, less motivation, and increased staff turnover.

b. Reduced Productivity

Poor communication can result in ambiguity, redundant work, and hindered decision-

making processes. Additionally, it might impede collaboration and the exchange of

optimal methods, resulting in decreased production and effectiveness.


When it comes to communication inside an organisation, such as a school in Malaysia called

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri (SK Taman Maluri), the values, conventions, and leadership

styles of the organisation have a big impact on the overall feel of communication for the

organisation. These components are responsible for shaping the culture of communication, which

in turn influences not only the way individuals connect with one another but also their levels of

engagement and pleasure. Taking a deeper look at the way these components interact with one


4.1. Values and Norms

The communication style of an organisation is determined by the ideals and conventions

that it upholds. Communication tends to be more constructive and beneficial in an

educational environment that places an emphasis on values such as respect, inclusion, and

open-mindedness. An atmosphere that is supportive and in which all members feel heard

and appreciated may be fostered via the establishment of norms that encourage active

listening, empathy, and straightforward expressing of ideas.

4.2. Leadership Styles

The communication patterns that exist within an organisation are significantly influenced

by the leadership styles that are in place. One example of a leader who may dramatically

boost engagement and morale is a transformational leader. These leaders can inspire and

encourage their followers via their communication. On the other side, authoritarian

leadership styles that inhibit open communication can result in a workplace that is more

hierarchical and less collaborative, which may lead to a decrease in job satisfaction and


4.3. Impact on Engagement and Satisfaction

An effective communication strategy that is supported by inclusive norms, positive

values, and supportive leadership styles has the potential to have a significant impact on

the level of engagement and satisfaction experienced by employees.

a. Enhanced Engagement

When employees see that their viewpoints are esteemed and that they can

express themselves openly with their superiors and peers, they are more

inclined to be actively involved in their tasks. This commitment has the

potential to result in increased efficiency and improved results for the


b. Increased Job Satisfaction

Communication that is both open and polite is one factor that leads to a

workplace that is good. Employees who have the sense that they are being

heard and understood tend to report higher levels of job satisfaction. Because

of this satisfaction, turnover rates may be reduced, and a staff that is more

stable and devoted can be created.

c. Improved Teamwork and Collaboration

Efficient communication strategies promote synergy and cooperation by

guaranteeing the transparent sharing of information and facilitating the active

participation of all team members in the decision-making process. This can

result in the development of more groundbreaking solutions and a heightened

sense of unity among the team.


The communication style of senior leaders, such as CEOs and managers, is crucial in influencing

the organisational culture, employee motivation, trust, and ultimately, the success of the

organisation. Effective leadership communication is essential at educational institutions such as

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri (SK Taman Maluri) in Malaysia to ensure that the school's

activities are in line with its mission and goals. The following is an analysis of how leadership

communication might influence these specific areas.

5.1. Motivation

Leaders who communicate well motivate employees. This entails educating and

motivating team members. Leaders may encourage staff and instructors to perform well

by communicating the school's vision, goals, and individual contributions. Genuine praise

and gratitude also boost motivation.

5.2. Trust

Communicating openly builds trust. Leaders who discuss the school's accomplishments,

issues, and future objectives build staff trust. Regular updates, two-way communication,

and feedback help personnel feel informed and involved, which builds trust between

leadership and employees.

5.3. Organizational Success

Leadership communication is crucial to company success. Leaders may guarantee

everyone is working towards the same goals by clearly stating the school's mission, goals,

and tactics. Aligning efforts can increase educational achievements, reputation, and

school performance. Good communication helps organisations adapt to changes,

overcome obstacles, and seize opportunities, which boosts success.

Alignment with Organizational Goals

Effective leadership communication aligns with the organization's aims and values. Leaders'

messages should represent the school's mission, whether it's excellent education, supportive

learning, or diversity and inclusion. Communication that supports these aims strengthens the

organization's mission and helps it succeed.


Scenario: Implementation of a New School Initiative

SK Taman Maluri has made the decision to launch a new environmental sustainability strategy

with the goal of minimising waste and encouraging recycling among its students and staff. The

campaign encompasses the implementation of novel recycling receptacles, informative

workshops, and a competitive event with incentives for the class that achieves the highest

recycling rate.

6.1. Communication Challenge

What Went Wrong

Considering a quick note on the school's notice board and a mention in the weekly assembly

adequate, the management publicised the effort. Many instructors and parents were uninformed

of the specifics, goals, and participation strategies. School community response was tepid due to

lack of clear, accessible information.

Lessons Learned

a. Clear Communication is Key

The initiative's aims, methodology, and expected achievements should have been

properly conveyed via emails, social media, and parent-teacher informative sessions.

b. Engage All Stakeholders

All stakeholders must be involved in school-wide planning for success. Teachers, parents,

and students should be partners in the initiative's success by providing input.

6.2. Communication Success

What Went Well

Due to the communication gap, the school administration held seminars for teachers and parents

to explain the initiative's value, how it would be executed, and address concerns. They also built

a FAQ section on the school's website and an email contact for comments.

Lessons Learned

a. Multifaceted Approach

Multiple communication routes guarantee the message reaches everyone.

b. Feedback Loop

Feedback permits plans to be adjusted depending on community input, making the effort

more inclusive and effective.


The situation emphasises the significance of unambiguous, comprehensive communication in the

achievement of organisational endeavours. To enhance future performance, SK Taman Maluri

should consider the following actions:

a. Before beginning any new endeavour, you should establish a detailed communication

strategy that outlines the most important messages, channels, and timing.

b. The increasing reliance on technology for the distribution of information should be taken

into consideration when incorporating digital communication tools in a more efficient


c. Communication methods should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis depending

on feedback and the ever-changing demands of the community.

It is possible for organisations to improve their communication methods by gaining knowledge

from both their triumphs and their failures. This will result in a community that is more involved

and informed.


A well-structured strategy with defined goals, dates, roles, and performance indicators is needed

to improve communication at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri (SK Taman Maluri). Detailed

action plan:

8.1. Define Clear Goals

a. Goal 1: Improve digital communication to reach all stakeholders.

b. Goal 2: Training improves worker and leadership communication.

c. Goal 3: Promote open and inclusive communication in the school.

8.2. Set Timelines

a. Short-term (1-3 months)

i. Create a simple school app and start social media promotions.

ii. Facilitate introductory seminars on communication skills.

b. Medium-term (4-6 months)

i. Thoroughly execute the implementation of the school administration system and

enhance the notice boards.

ii. Enhance training initiatives by including digital literacy and leadership


c. Long-term (7-12 months)

i. Create a communication committee and institute frequent feedback loops.

ii. Analyse and improve communication tactics by considering feedback and


8.3. Assign Responsibilities

a. Headmaster: Supervises the whole execution and guarantees conformity with the

school's goal.

b. IT Coordinator: Oversees the creation and upkeep of digital communication


c. Senior Teacher Assistant: Facilitates and coordinates training programmes and


d. Communication Committee: Once formed, this committee will have the

responsibility of managing daily communication tactics and feedback channels.

8.4. Metrics for Success

a. Rise in application downloads and number of engaged users.

b. Enhanced user response and heightened interaction on social media sites.

c. Enhancement in staff and student survey outcomes pertaining to the efficacy of


d. Increased engagement in school programmes and events.

8.5. Monitoring and Adjusting

a. Implement periodic evaluations (monthly or quarterly) to evaluate the

advancement towards objectives.

b. Utilise feedback tools like as questionnaires, meetings, and suggestion boxes to

collect input from all stakeholders.

c. Anticipate the need to modify techniques in response to feedback and the

requirements of the school community.


After analysing the communication inside Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Maluri (SK Taman

Maluri), we have discovered numerous important findings and recommendations to improve

communication effectiveness. These observations emphasise the need of being flexible and

always striving for development to fulfil the changing requirements of the organisation.

Key takeaways are technology intergeneration, training and development, structural adjustment

and inclusive communication.

Enhancing communication inside an organisation such as SK Taman Maluri requires ongoing

and consistent efforts rather than a one-time endeavour. Implementing new technology, investing

in staff development, and implementing structural changes are necessary to guarantee that

communication is inclusive, effective, and connected with the school's mission and values. A

proactive approach is required for this. SK Taman Maluri may cultivate a more involved,

knowledgeable, and cooperative school community by giving importance to communication and

being flexible.


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