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Merck Business Solutions Europe Sp. z o.o.

• Strzegomska 42 AB • 53-611 Wroclaw • Poland

Data wyst. faktury/
Document Date:
Data sprzedaży /
Sales Date:
Merck Life Science AS Issuer
Drammensveien 123 TAX/VAT No: PL8943082820
0277 Oslo Department: EF-BX-SFM
Norway Contact: Desiree Del Campo
TAX/VAT No: 976145801
Department: EF-BX-FBE5
Contact: Olga Klimek

Numer faktury / Invoice No. IC23122801356
We have debited you with Kwota / Amount
Wir haben Ihnen belastet Betrag
Nous avons porté à votre débit Montant
Cargamos en su cuenta Importe
Obciążamy Was za PLN

We hereby issue an Intercompany cross charge for the following item(s):

MBS Service Charges 2023
for period: Oct 2023
MBS FI Service Charges 2023 w/ 5% mark- Oct 2023 30,795.31
MBS FI Service Charges 2023 w/ 0% mark- Oct 2023 4,423.54

Total costs 35,218.85

Total Mark up (Marża) 1,539.77

For further details of this document, please refer to: Posting file sender, posting file receiver (or any additional attachments)

Total Net (Razem Netto) 36,758.62

VAT (0%) on 36,758.62 PLN 0.00

Total Tax 0.00

Total (Razem Brutto) 36,758.62

Recipient of the invoice is liable for VAT (Reverse Charge Rules)
Terms / method of payment: Due immediately / Intercompany Clearing
Besteht keine Verrechnungsmöglichkeit, bitten wir um Überweisung / If it is not possible to clear this amount, please settle account by bank transfer
Sil n'y a pas de possibilité de compensation, prière d'effectuer un virement / Si no hay posibilidad de compensación, rogamos transferencia

Bank Account: Beneficiary: Merck Financial Services GmbH IBAN: DE63 5087 0005 0020 2341 00

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z o.o.
Strzegomska 42 AB
53-611 Wroclaw

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