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Persuasive Writing
Writing to convince others of
your opinions

Grade 8 GMIS
Jakarta 10-May-2023

Why ???
• Helps us to formulate specific reasons for our opinions

• Provides us with an opportunity to research facts related to

our opinions

• Helps us to understand the persuasive nature of the

marketing that we are exposed to

HOW ???
1.Make up your mind (State your opinion)

2.Give 2 or more reasons

3.Summarize ( In conclusion…)


Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms

School uniforms and why students wear them has been a topic of concern
and debate for as long as these clothes have been around.
Though people who argue that wearing uniforms in educational
institutions make people appear all equal, give a sense of community, and
teach discipline, I believe there are more disadvantages to wearing
uniforms than advantages.
Namely, demanding students to adorn uniforms takes away freedom, they
are often uncomfortable, they are a waste of money, they promote
conformity over individuality, and children’s self-image is damaged more
when they wear uniforms at school.

•Enhance student safety and deter crime •School uniforms may limit students’ ability
to express themselves.
•Shift students’ focus to their education, not
•School uniforms may prioritize conformity
their clothing over individuality.

•Foster a sense of equality among students •School uniforms alone may not effectively
by creating a level playing field and address bullying and may even exacerbate
reducing peer pressure and bullying violent behavior.

•There is insufficient evidence to support

•Instill school pride, unity, and community the touted benefits of school uniforms.

Persuasive Words and Phrases

• I am writing to……. • This needs to be dealt with ….

• We can do without this… • It will ruin our …

• Now… • Surely…

• How unfair ! • Off course…

Remember to write
• Obviously … • This will mean that … in a forceful
manner. You want
• We can solve this by … • Another thing…
people to agree
• I believe that… • Just think about… with you!

• This will cause … • How could we/you possibly …

• Is it really worth … • Do you want to be part of …


“Students don’t like being

in the classroom”
A Change I'd Make
“Most students have to
bring their own lunch”
1. Think of a problem at your school?
“Traffic jam in front of
school during school rush

“The desks and chairs are

not comfortable”
2. What causes the problem?
“Limited food selection in the

“There is only one spot for

picking up/ dropping off

1.Students get neck pain and

go to the restroom often.
A Change I'd Make
2. Lose focus in class.
3. Some students come to
3. What are the bad things happening because of it? class late

1.Students skip lunch

2.Students eat unhealthy

1.Students have to wake up

2.Students come to school
late or arrive home late
4. What do you think should be done to fix the problem?

As a concerned student, write a persuasive essay noting the problem,

suggesting a solution, and convincing your principal to take action.

A Change I'd Make

1. Think of a problem at your school.

2. What causes the problem?

3. What bad things happen because of it?

4. What should be done to fix the problem?

As a concerned student, write a persuasive essay noting the

problem, suggesting a solution, and convincing your principal to

take action.

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