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Ref. DSD T 1/50/32 5 March 2008 Drainage Services Department Technical Circular No. 2/2008 Handling of Abandoned Pipes under DSD’s Purview Introduction Abandoned pipes refer to those pipes or culverts which are no longer required and have been left in their original position due to various reasons, such as redevelopment of site/building or modification to the drainage and sewerage systems, etc. rendering them useless. These pipes apart from occupying our congested road space may unnecessarily become potential hazard to public safety due to sudden collapse causing road subsidence or the trapping of hazardous gases causing explosion. It is desirable that the pipes are removed or properly filled as far as possible. p For better management, it is proposed to include records of the abandoned pipes into the Automated Mapping/Facility Management (AM/FM) system so that they can be managed as part of our permanent Drainage Records. Uncharted pipes should also be recorded once discovered. 3. In cases where pipes are planned to be abandoned in various stages of a project, advance planning for their removal/filling should be scheduled and proper records kept. Scope 4. ‘The purpose of this Circular is to provide guidelines for handling abandoned drainage/sewerage systems under DSD’s purview and subsequent DSDTC No. 2/2008 Page 1 of 5 keeping of their records. Effective Date 5. ‘This Circular shall take immediate effect. Requirements for Handling Abandoned Pipes 6. Pursuant to Clause 5.77 of the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (2006 Edition) (GS), if the top of the pipes to be abandoned is within 1 m below the finished ground level (for pipes underneath carriageways, the corresponding depth should be inereased to 1.2 m), the whole pipes (including associated manholes and chambers) should be removed as far as practicable. The voids so arisen should be backfilled so as to free up space for future works. In cases where the pipes are not removed for whatever reasons, prior agreement has to be obtained from the respective Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Division. For pipes left in place, the pipes should be filled with foam concrete or other suitable filling materials as agreed by the respective O&M Division. 7. For abandoned pipes with their top more than I m below the finished ground level, the pipes should be filled with foam concrete or grout, by pumping or by gravity. Associated manholes and chambers to be abandoned shall be demolished to at least 1 m below finished ground level (for the cases of manholes and chambers within carriageways, the corresponding depth should be increased to at least 1.2 m). The abandoned manholes and chambers should also be filled with foam concrete or grout. 8. In accordance with GS Clause 5.35, foam concrete is specified for pipe filling while other alternative materials are permitted if it is considered suitable. For example, cement grout may be used in pipe filling if a high DSDTC No. 2/2008 Page 2 of 5 strength filling material is required. In comparison with foam concrete, cement grout has a lower workability and it is not preferred for long pipelines. Pressure grouting may be a better alternative for long pipelines. 9. Should other materials be considered suitable under particular site conditions, the responsible Engincer' should consult the respective O&M Divisions and obtain agreement on the details. For District Engineers, they should seek the approval from their Chief Engineer. 10. Prior to executing any removal or filling works to the identified abandoned drainage/sewerage systems, the responsible Engineer shall conduct a desktop study on the layout and other available information on the conditions of the concerned pipes (including the encroachment into private lands, traffic conditions, utilities in the vicinity, etc.), Site investigation should be carried out to re-affirm that there is no ‘live’ connection to the pipes and no adverse effect will arise from such removal or filling works. 11, The general investigation and preparatory works before carrying out the removal and filling works are listed below: (i) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Survey to ascertain the pipe conditions, existence of pipe connections or extent of the previous and planned filling works, ete.; (ii) Clearance works to facilitate the investigation work where necessary; (iii) Investigation by means of an appropriate underground utilities detector or digging some trial pits to locate the abandoned pipes 2 For the context of this Circular, the responsible Engineer refers to (j) the project engineer or Engineer's Representative of the Projects & Development (P&D) Divisions and Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Division if the abandoned pipes are discovered in connection with the project works, or (i) the District Engineer of the O&M Divisions for other cases. DSDTC No. 2/2008 Page 3 of 5 in case the manholes of the abandoned pipes cannot be located on site; (iv) Openings at strategic locations as determined by the responsible Engineer to be added to facilitate the filling of long pipelines or to ascertain whether the concemed pipe has been filled up; and (v) Some existing abandoned pipes may have been plugged or sealed up at both ends instead of filled up for the whole section. The sealing materials at both ends of the pipes can be removed and a CCTV camera inserted into the void behind to check the pipes condition. The above list is by no means exhaustive and the responsible Engineer shall use the most appropriate method based on each case's merits. 12, There are three categories of abandoned drainage/sewerage systems: (a) existing identified abandoned drainage/sewerage systems; (b) uncharted abandoned drainage/sewerage systems; and (0) drainage/sewerage systems to be abandoned in the future. Specific requirements for handling the above categories are given in the Appendix. 13. In cases where the proposed filling works or removal for the concemed pipe cannot be executed, e.g. no pipe is found on site, ‘live’ connection is identified, etc., the detailed reasons should be recorded and agreed by the Chief Engineer via the Senior Engineer of the respective O&M Division, using Form I in Annex I of the Appendix. The Drawing Office shall also update the Drainage Records in accordance with the following paragraphs 14 to 15. DSDTC No. 2/2008 Page 4 of 5 14. The Drawing Office shall maintain comprehensive records of the abandoned pipes as part of the Drainage Records in the AM/EM system, 15. The respective Senior Technical Officer (STO) of the Drawing Office shall be responsible for the collection of Forms I and II in Annexes to the Appendix and updating of the records in the AM/FM. The STO shall also report to the respective District Engineer when the Drainage Records on the abandoned pipes are updated. 16. Works inside abandoned drainage/sewerage systems are confined space works and, as such, the Labour Department’s Code of Practice for Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces and DSD Practice Note No. 1/2007 “Safety Supervision of Work in Confined Space” should be complied with. Enquiries ae Enquities on this Circular should be directed to SE/SM, Mainland North Division. ~ (C K WONG ) Director of Drainage Services DSDTC No. 2/2008 Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX Specific Requirements for Categor (b) or (c} List of Actions Category (a) - Existing Charted Abandoned Drainage/Sewerage Systems Responsible | Enabling Parties Parties ay ‘The O&M Divisions shall retrieve the records of charted abandoned pipes from the Drainage Records for investigating the pipe conditions and filling situation, and planning for removal and filling works where appropriate. O&M Division Q) In case where the abandoned drainage/sewerage systems fall within a private land, the responsible Engineer’ shall liaise with the land owner for details of the concemed pipes and pass them to the respective District Engineer for action through the Buildings Department. The removal or filling works of the public pipes shall be executed up to the boundaries o as close to the concemed private land as possible, taking account of other site constraints. In some cases, the land owner/developer may make use of the existing public pipes connecting to private Iand for future connections upon redevelopment of the _site/building. Accordingly, the respective District Engineer shall ascertain the conditions of the pipes and determine whether the pipes may still be in use or shall be abandoned. Relevant | O&M Division® Division @) Upon completion of the filling works or removal of the pipe concerned, the responsible Engineer shall report the as-built details to the Drawing Office using the Form I in Annex I. The Drawing Office shall update the Drainage Records in accordance with paras. 1410 15 of this Circular. Relevant O&M Division Division @ Each O&M Division should formulate his own programme and ‘monitor the progress of works against the programme regularly. O&M Division Category (b) - Uncharted Abandoned Drainage/Sewerage Systems G) ‘Case (i) - Discovered by the P&D Divisions or HATS Division (collectively referred to as “Project Division” hereinafter) when excavation works for new projects are carried out — ‘The Project Division shall notify, using the Form II in Annex I, the | respective District Engineer who should check the Drainage | Records in the AM/FM and the supplementary information obtained from the Project Division. If necessary, the Project Division may assist in carrying out investigations in accordance with paras. 10 & 11 of this Circular and provides the results to the respective District Engineer. For pipes outside DSD's purview, the Project Division shall liaise with the relevant parties to determine the status of the pipes, agree on the follow-up actions and keep the respective District Engineer informed. Upon | confirmation of the abandoned status of the DSD pipes by the respective District Engineer, the Project Division shall take up the Project OaM Division Division DSDTC No. 2/2008 Appendix Page 1 of 3 List of Actions removal or filling works within the works limits of the project and report the as-built details to the respective O&M Division pursuant to item (3) above. Responsible Parties Enabling | Parties © Case (ii) - Identified by O&M Divisions — The concemed District Engineer shall follow the procedures similar to those for charted abandoned pipes as listed in items (1) to (4) above. The District Engineer and his site staff shall also initiate the issue of Forms I and II in Annexes as appropriate. O&M Division |@ Case (iii) - Reported by other parties, such as project offices of other departments, utility undertakers, members of the public, etc. - The concerned District Engineer shall liaise with the concemed parties to determine the status and conditions of the discovered pipes and agree on the filling or removal action for the abandoned pipes. The District Engineer shall follow the procedures for reporting and taking over of filled abandoned pipes. The District Engineer and his site staff shall also initiate the issue of Forms I and IT in Annexes as appropriate. 0am Division Category (©) - Drainage/sewerage systems to be Abandoned in the Future 8) ‘Where there are drainage/sewerage systems to be abandoned in the future, the concemed District Engineer shall plan in advance together with the related project offices/parties concemed for devising the associated removal and filling works. When there are outside project offices/parties involved in the pipe abandonment, the District Engineer should ensure that the ntified pipes are properly investigated and removed or filled up by the appropriate parties. ORM Division 0) Case (i) - Demolition works under Buildings Ordinance — For demolition works under the control of Buildings Ordinance, the registered specialist contractor appointed in respect of the demolition works shall, in pursuance of Building (Demolition Works) Regulations 3(2)(b), seal all sewer and drainage connections. Buildings Department should be requested to advise drainage connections and record of the completed sealing up of drainage connections. the applicant to submit plans showing the seal-up points of the | ‘Appointed specialist contractor OM Division, Buildings Department (10) Case (ii) - Termination of land allocations and short term tenancies (STD — DLO should be requested to inform the respective O&M Division at_least_3 months before the termination/expiry of the land O&M Division O&M Division, District Lands DSDTC No. 2/2008 Appendix Page 2 of3 List of Actions Enabling Parties Responsible Parties 1 ‘allocation and STT so that the abandoned pipes could be removed or filled up after the termination/expiry. Moreover, it would be preferable to include a land allocation or STT condition on sealing up all sewer and drainage connections upon termination and before handing over the land to DLO. Office ww Case (iii) - Construction of drainage works and other public facilities, etc. ‘The Project Division should liaise with the respective District Engineer for determining the existing status, investigating and planning for the necessary removal and filling works. The respective District Engineer shall monitor the progress of the action to be taken on the identified pipes. When the concemed removal or filling works are completed, the Project Division shall inform the Drawing Office via the District Engineer using the Form T in ‘Annex [to update the Drainage Records accordingly. Project ORM Division Division Notes 1: For the context of this Circular, the responsible Engineer refers to (i) the project engineer or Engineer's Representative of the Projects & Development (P&D) Divisions and Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Division if the abandoned pipes are discovered in connection with the project works, or (ii) the District Engineer of the O&M Divisions for other cases. 2: Relevant Division means the Division under which the responsible Engineer works. DSDIC No. 2/2008 Appendix Page 3 of 3 Annex I of Appendix Removing / Filling up Abandoned Pipe (Form 1) ‘To: Responsible Engineer! or Site Staff (SIOWOW/AIOW/ Location (Street and number and distances from reference points) Feature Nos ofthe identified pipes in AM/FM and Plan if available ‘Action required forthe identified abandoned pipes (Removal filling requirement): —__(____) District Engineer signature (Name) Post Division Date ‘To: CE/ HK&I/MS/MN" ‘Attn: District Engineer (B) via SE/ Removal/illing” works to the abandoned pipes have been completed. ___no(s). of as-built drawing(s)isfare” enclosed. Drawing No. Filling material used: * Filling works or pipe removal cannot be executed for the reasons of: lease provide sheets if requ c —— Responsible Engineer signature (Name ) Post Division Date ‘To: Drawing Office (STO/—) Please update the Drainage Records accordingly. — District Engineer signature (Name) Post Date ‘To: District Engineer (EY) Drainage Records updated. a | — sto signature (Name) Post Date To:GR Please file to File No. ee oe District Engineer signature (Name) Post Date * Delete as appropri ? Responsible Engineer - Engineer's Representative or the project engineer of the P&D Divisions and HATS Division for DSD project ‘works or the District Engineer of the O&M Divisions for other cases * Site Staff - SIOW/OW/AIOW of the O&M Divisions DSDTC No. 2/2008 - Annex I of Appendix Page 1 of 1 Annex II of Appendix Report of Abandoned Pipes Identified (Form 11) To: CE(HK&IUMS/MN') From: Site Staff or Responsible Engineer" Location of abandoned pipes identified (Street and number and distances from reference points) Ref. No. of attached plan(s) Information shown on attached plans) 1. Diameter, length and depth of identified pipe 2. Survey data if available 3. Existing filling conditions 4, Other relevant details c ) Site staff or Responsible Engineer signature (Name) Post. Division Date ‘To: District Engineer (Evia SEY Please check and initiate Form I if removal/filling works required or Issue letter to other party concemed. i CE(HK&IMSIMN’) signature (Name) Date ‘To: Drawing Office (STO!) Please update the record. eee (eee) —— District Engineer (E/ signature (Name) Date ‘Tor District Engineer (E/ Record updated. 2 a | — Drawing Office (STO/ ) (Name) Date To:GR_ Please file to File No. * Responsible Engincer- the Engineer's Representative or project engineer of the PAD Divisions and HATS Division for DSD project _,_Norks or the District Engineer of the O&M Divisions for other cases Delete as appropriate DSDTC No. 2/2008 - Annex II of Appendix Page 1 of 1

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