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वंदे भुमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वंदे जगत् कारणम् वंदे पन्नगभूषणं शशिधरं वंदे पनां नां

वंदे सूर्य शशांक वह्नि नयनं वंदे मुकुंद प्रियम् वंदे भक्तजनारयंयंश्रच वरदं वंदे
शिवंशंकरम् ।।
[ I salute Shambu, Umapati, the preceptor (teacher) of devas, I salute the cause of the earth, I
salute the one ornamented with the serpent, the wearer of the moon, I respect that master of
all beings. I salute the one with sun, moon, and fire as eyes, I salute the lover of Mukunda, I
salute the succour of the devotees, I salute Shiva, the dispenser of welfare. ]
मृत्युंजायाय रुद्राय नीलकंठाय शंभवे l अमृते य शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll
[ O Lord of Death, destroyer of the physical realm, he who pervades the whole universe, he
whose is the source of Bliss The eternal one, sum total everything there is, Lord of Lords
salutations to you ]
नमस्ते अस्तु भगवन विर् वे
र् रा
वराय यश्र्महादेवाय
वेश्र्व त्र्यम्बकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
त्रिकालाग्निकालाय कालाग्निरुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय मृत्युंजयाय सर्वेर् रा
वराय यश्र्सदा
व वायवा
महादेवाय नमः
[ Oh Lord, salutations to you Oh Lord of the Universe, Greatest of them all He who has three
eyes (eye of omniscience), he who gives enlightenment which is beyond three (Astral,
Physical & Causal) worlds He who like fire, devours all three times (Past, Present, Future)
within himself Like Time, he who ends everything, like time he who disciplines the world
into order, He whose body is vast ( blue like sky, oceans), He who has conquered Yama the
Lord of Death/ Time. Lord of all Beings, Conscousness which is untouched by the world yet
everything in the world is because of him. Oh great Lord, salutations to you ]
ओं नमः शंभवाय च , मयोभवाय च । नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च । नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च ।।”
[ We bow to Thee ,who art All-Joy,All happiness , the dispenser of ease and Fulfiller
righteous desires,All Calm and All-peace.]
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्। उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय
[ Hey three-eyed Lord Shiva, Our Nurturer, please relieve us from the worldly desires,
bondages and the cycle of birth & death just like a ripe melon detaches from its branch
effortlessly. ]
नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय भस्माङ्गरागाय महेवराय रायश्व। नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय
[ He who has the king of snakes as his garland and who has three eyes, He whose body is
smeared with sacred ashes and who is the great Lord, He who is eternal, who is ever pure
with the four directions as his clothes, Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the
syllable “na” ]
मन्दाकिनीसलिलचन्दनचर्चिताय नन्दीवरप्रमथनाथमहेवराय श्वरप्रमथना थमहेश् वरा यश्व।
मन्दारपुष्पबहुपुष्पसुपूजिताय तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय
[ He who is worshipped with water from the Mandakini river and smeared with sandal paste,
He who is the lord of Nandi and of the ghosts and goblins, the great Lord, He who is
worshipped with Mandara and many other flowers, Salutations to that Shiva, who is
represented by the syllable “ma” ]
शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जबृंदा सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय । श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय तस्मै शिकाराय
नमः शिवाय
[ He who is auspicious and who is like the newly risen sun causing the lotus-face of Gauri to
blossom, He who is the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha, He who has a blue throat and has
a bull as his emblem, Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “shi” ]
ठकु म्भो द्
भवगौ तमा र्
व ष्ठकुम्भोद्भवगौतमार्यमूनीन्द्र न् द् रशि देवार्चिता शेखराय । चन्द्रार्कवैवानरलोचनायनरलोचना यश्वा
तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय [ He who is worshipped by the best and most respected sages –
Vasishtha, Agastya and Gautama, and also by the gods, and who is the crown of the universe,
He who has the moon, sun and fire as his three eyes, Salutations to that Shiva, who is
represented by the syllable “va” ]
यज्ञस्वरूपाय जटाधराय पिनाकहस्ताय सनातनाय । दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय तस्मै
यकाराय नमः शिवाय पञ्चाक्षरमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसंनिधौ । शिवलोकमावाप्नोति शिवेन सह
He who is the embodiment of yagna (sacrifice) and who has matted locks, He who has the
trident in his hand and who is eternal, He who is divine, who is the shining one and who has
the four directions as his clothes, Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable
“ya” He who recites this Panchakshara near Shiva, Will attain the abode of Shiva and enjoy
bliss. ]

1. Mahadev
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे,
सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्,
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्,
मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् !!

2. Shri Ganesha
वक्रतुंड महाकाय,
सूर्य कोटि समप्रभ
निर्विघ्नम कुरू मे देव,
सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा !!

3. Shri hari Vishnu

मङ्गलम् भगवान विष्णुः,
मङ्गलम् गरुणध्वजः ।
मङ्गलम् पुण्डरी काक्षः,
मङ्गलाय तनो हरिः॥

4. Shri Brahma ji
ॐ नमस्ते परमं ब्रह्मा,
नमस्ते परमात्ने ।
निर्गुणाय नमस्तुभ्यं,
सदुयाय नमो नमः।।

5. Shri Krishna
वसुदेवसुतं देवं,
देवकी परमानन्दं,
कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम।

6. Shri Ram
री रामाय रामभद्राय,
रामचन्द्राय वेधसे ।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय,
सीताया पतये नमः !

7. Maa Durga
ॐ जयंती मंगला काली,
भद्रकाली कपालिनी ।
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री,
स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तुते।।

8. Maa Mahalakshmi
ॐ सर्वाबाधा विनिर्मुक्तो,
धन धान्यः सुतान्वितः ।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन,
भविष्यति न संशयः ॐ ।

9. Maa Saraswathi
ॐ सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं,
वरदे कामरूपिणि ।
विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि,
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ।।

10. Maa Mahakali

ॐ क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं,
हलीं ह्रीं खं स्फोटय,
क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं फट !!

11. Hanuman ji
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं,
जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठं ।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं,
श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥

12. Shri Shanidev

ॐ नीलांजनसमाभासं,
रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम ।
तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् ||

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