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MIS171- Business Analytics T1, 2024 Assessment 2 Rubric

Appropriate 0 points <25 points >25 points >30 points >35 points 50 points
and accurate
business Does not use Uses inappropriate (or Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Comprehensive Clear and complete
performance appropriate data irrelevant) techniques to techniques to analyse techniques to analyse analysis of the data analysis of the data
data analysis analysis techniques. analyse the data. the data, but there are the data, but there are using appropriate using appropriate
many errors in the some errors in the techniques to produce techniques to produce
ULO1, ULO2, There are many errors There are many errors in analysis. analysis. accurate results, with accurate results.
ULO3, GLO1, in the analysis. the analysis. only minor errors.
GLO5, GLO3 Conclusions have Provides broadly Provides concise and
Conclusions are Conclusions are multiple errors and/or correct conclusions, Provides broadly correct conclusions
(50 marks) incomplete and have incomplete and/or have are not appropriate for with some errors, correct conclusions that are clear,
multiple errors and are multiple errors and/or a specialist audience. and/or generally appropriate for a coherent, logical and
typically not appropriate are typically not appropriate for a specialist audience. appropriate for a
for a specialist audience. appropriate for a Does not provide an specialist audience,. specialist audience.
specialist audience. appropriate and Provides appropriate
Does not provide an accurate charts/graphs Provides appropriate and accurate Provides appropriate
appropriate and Does not provide an (where appropriate), or and accurate charts/graphs (where and accurate
accurate charts/graphs appropriate and accurate with formatting, charts/graphs (where appropriate), with charts/graphs (where
(where appropriate), charts/graphs (where and/or accuracy appropriate), with good formatting, appropriate), with clear
and with formatting and appropriate), with exceptions or errors. some formatting, and/or minor formatting.
accuracy errors. formatting, and/or and/or accuracy exceptions or errors.
accuracy exceptions or A basic presentation of exceptions or errors. An exemplary
The analysis is not errors. the analysis. A well organised presentation of the
provided, typically A good presentation of presentation of the analysis, appropriate
poorly presented and The analysis is Workings frequently the analysis. analysis. for a professional
disorganised. incomplete, and/or appear in the Output analyst.
poorly presented and/or (i.e. Reporting) Workings often appear With few exceptions
Workings frequently highly disorganised. sections, and/or key in the Output (i.e. appropriate analysis Only appropriate
appear in the Output analysis appears in the Reporting) sections, appears in the Output analysis appears in the
(i.e. Reporting) sections, Workings frequently Workings (or similar) and/or key analysis (i.e. Reporting) Output (i.e. Reporting)
and key analysis appear in the Output (i.e. section. appears in the sections, with most sections, with all
frequently appears in Reporting) sections, Workings (or similar) supporting workings supporting workings
the Workings (or similar) and/or key analysis section. confined to the confined to the
section. appears in the Workings appropriate location appropriate location
(or similar) section. (e.g. Workings section). (e.g. Workings section).

(0 - 12.4 marks) (12.5 - 24.9 marks) (25 - 29.9 marks) (30 - 34.9 marks) (35 - 39.9 marks) (40 - 50 marks)
MIS171- Business Analytics T1, 2024 Assessment 2 Rubric

Insightful 0 points <25 points >25 points >30 points >35 points 50 points
interpretation of
the analysis Demonstrably Does not adequately Provides an With some With minor Provides an
inadequately explain the main adequate exceptions, provides a exceptions, provides a outstanding and
ULO2, ULO4, explanation of the findings of the analysis. explanation for detailed and detailed and insightful explanation
GLO5, GLO2 main findings of the each question that insightful explanation insightful explanation for each question,
analysis. Incomplete responses is reasonably clear, for each question, for each question, that is clear, coherent,
50 marks to some/all of the coherent, logical that is clear, coherent, that is clear, coherent, considered, logical
Substantially question and/or and somewhat logical and generally logical and and appropriate for a
incomplete responses responses lack clarity, appropriate for a appropriate for a non- appropriate for a non- non-specialist
to most/all of the and/or responses lack non-specialist specialist audience. specialist audience. audience.
question, that lack coherent and logical audience.
clarity, lack coherence reasoning The answers to most The answers to most The answers to all
and logical reasoning. and/or is not The answers to questions draws on questions draws on questions draws on
appropriate for a non- most questions (make reference to) (make reference to) (make reference to)
Responses are not specialist audience. draws on (make appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and
appropriate for a non- reference to) comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive
specialist audience. The answers to most appropriate analysis, with some analysis, with only analysis.
questions does not analysis, with some errors. minor errors.
The answers to draws on (make errors. The written
questions does not reference to) The written The written communication is well
draws on (make appropriate analysis, The written communication is well communication is well structured, free of
reference to) or with substantial communication is structured, generally structured, generally grammatical errors
appropriate analysis. errors. not well structured, free of grammatical free of grammatical and adheres to the
has grammatical errors and adheres to errors and adheres to appropriate format.
The written The written errors and/or does the appropriate the appropriate
communication is communication is not adhere to the format. format.
poorly structured, has poorly structured, has appropriate format.
grammatical errors and grammatical errors
does not adhere to the and/or does not
appropriate format. adhere to the
appropriate format.

(0 - 12.4 marks) (12.5 – 24.9 marks) (25 - 29.9 marks) (30 – 34.9 marks) (35 - 39.9 marks) (40 - 50 marks)

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