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Variable name and description

The dataset provided is gathered from publicly available sources and contains real data and insights. It is specifically curated to
align with the themes of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is used for educational purposes in MIS171: Business
Analytics, led by Reza Kachouie at Deakin Business School.

The dataset primarily utilizes data from 2022. In instances where 2022 data was not available, the latest available data has bee
provided (unless otherwise indicated). Please note that some data may be lagged values from 2020.
The full dataset sources are provided in a separate ZIP file for anyone wishing to review the data origins. Please note, several
countries with missing data have been excluded from the dataset.

e and description
Country code
Country name
World Bank Income group (2023 July)
Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP (%) in 2022
Population of Urban Areas at Mid-Year (thousands), 2018
Population of Rural Areas at Mid-Year (thousands), 2018
Total Population should be calculated based on the summation of Urban and Rural Areas.
GDP per capita (current US$) in 2022
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (2017 PPP $)
Individuals using the Internet (%)
Households with Internet access at home (%)
Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
Population covered by at least a 3G mobile network (%)
Population covered by at least a 4G/LTE mobile network (%)
Fixed-broadband Internet basket price (as % of GNI per capita)
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate), 2022
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate), 2022
Educational attainment rate, completed primary education or higher, population 25+ years, both sexes (%), 2022
Educational attainment rate, completed Bachelor or equivalent education, population 25+ years, both sexes (%), 2022
Expected years of schooling (years), 2021
Mean years of schooling (years), 2021
Gender Inequality Index (GII), 2021
Gender Development Index (GDI), 2021
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%), 2022
Human Development Index (HDI), 2021
HDI is divided into four tiers: very high human development (0.8-1.0), high human development (0.7-0.79), medium hu
dium human development (0.55-.70), and low human development (below 0.55).
Code Country Region IncomeGroup
AFG Afghanistan Central and Southern Asia Low income
AGO Angola Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
ALB Albania Europe and Northern America Upper-middle income
ARE United Arab Emirates Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
ARM Armenia Northern Africa and Western Asia Upper-middle income
AUS Australia Oceania High income
AUT Austria Europe and Northern America High income
AZE Azerbaijan Northern Africa and Western Asia Upper-middle income
BEL Belgium Europe and Northern America High income
BEN Benin Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
BFA Burkina Faso Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
BGD Bangladesh Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
BGR Bulgaria Europe and Northern America Upper-middle income
BHR Bahrain Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
BLR Belarus Europe and Northern America Upper-middle income
BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Latin America and the Caribbean Lower-middle income
BRA Brazil Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
BRN Brunei Darussalam Eastern and South-Eastern Asia High income
BTN Bhutan Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
BWA Botswana Sub-Saharan Africa Upper-middle income
CAN Canada Europe and Northern America High income
CHE Switzerland Europe and Northern America High income
CHL Chile Latin America and the Caribbean High income
CHN China Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Upper-middle income
CIV Côte d'Ivoire Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
CMR Cameroon Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
COL Colombia Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
CPV Cabo Verde Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
CRI Costa Rica Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
CUB Cuba Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
CYP Cyprus Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
CZE Czech Republic Europe and Northern America High income
DEU Germany Europe and Northern America High income
DNK Denmark Europe and Northern America High income
DOM Dominican Rep. Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
DZA Algeria Northern Africa and Western Asia Lower-middle income
ECU Ecuador Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
EGY Egypt Northern Africa and Western Asia Lower-middle income
ESP Spain Europe and Northern America High income
EST Estonia Europe and Northern America High income
ETH Ethiopia Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
FIN Finland Europe and Northern America High income
FJI Fiji Oceania Upper-middle income
FRA France Europe and Northern America High income
GBR United Kingdom Europe and Northern America High income
GEO Georgia Northern Africa and Western Asia Upper-middle income
GHA Ghana Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
GRC Greece Europe and Northern America High income
GTM Guatemala Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
HND Honduras Latin America and the Caribbean Lower-middle income
HRV Croatia Europe and Northern America High income
HUN Hungary Europe and Northern America High income
IDN Indonesia Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Upper-middle income
IND India Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
IRL Ireland Europe and Northern America High income
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
IRQ Iraq Northern Africa and Western Asia Upper-middle income
ISL Iceland Europe and Northern America High income
ISR Israel Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
ITA Italy Europe and Northern America High income
JOR Jordan Northern Africa and Western Asia Lower-middle income
JPN Japan Eastern and South-Eastern Asia High income
KAZ Kazakhstan Central and Southern Asia Upper-middle income
KEN Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
KGZ Kyrgyzstan Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
KHM Cambodia Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
KWT Kuwait Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
LBN Lebanon Northern Africa and Western Asia Lower-middle income
LKA Sri Lanka Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
LSO Lesotho Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
LTU Lithuania Europe and Northern America High income
LUX Luxembourg Europe and Northern America High income
LVA Latvia Europe and Northern America High income
MDG Madagascar Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
MDV Maldives Central and Southern Asia Upper-middle income
MEX Mexico Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
MLI Mali Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
MLT Malta Europe and Northern America High income
MMR Myanmar Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
MNG Mongolia Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
MOZ Mozambique Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
MRT Mauritania Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
MUS Mauritius Sub-Saharan Africa Upper-middle income
MWI Malawi Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
MYS Malaysia Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Upper-middle income
NAM Namibia Sub-Saharan Africa Upper-middle income
NGA Nigeria Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
NLD Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Europe and Northern America High income
NOR Norway Europe and Northern America High income
NZL New Zealand Oceania High income
OMN Oman Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
PAK Pakistan Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
PAN Panama Latin America and the Caribbean High income
PHL Philippines Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
POL Poland Europe and Northern America High income
PRT Portugal Europe and Northern America High income
PRY Paraguay Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
QAT Qatar Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
ROU Romania Europe and Northern America High income
RUS Russian Federation Europe and Northern America Upper-middle income
RWA Rwanda Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
SAU Saudi Arabia Northern Africa and Western Asia High income
SEN Senegal Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
SGP Singapore Eastern and South-Eastern Asia High income
SLV El Salvador Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
SRB Serbia Europe and Northern America Upper-middle income
SUR Suriname Latin America and the Caribbean Upper-middle income
SVK Slovakia Europe and Northern America High income
SVN Slovenia Europe and Northern America High income
SWE Sweden Europe and Northern America High income
SWZ Eswatini Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
TGO Togo Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
THA Thailand Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Upper-middle income
TLS Timor-Leste Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
TON Tonga Oceania Upper-middle income
TTO Trinidad and Tobago Latin America and the Caribbean High income
TUN Tunisia Northern Africa and Western Asia Lower-middle income
TUR Türkiye Northern Africa and Western Asia Upper-middle income
TZA Tanzania Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
UGA Uganda Sub-Saharan Africa Low income
URY Uruguay Latin America and the Caribbean High income
USA United States Europe and Northern America High income
UZB Uzbekistan Central and Southern Asia Lower-middle income
VNM Viet Nam Eastern and South-Eastern Asia Lower-middle income
WSM Samoa Oceania Lower-middle income
ZAF South Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Upper-middle income
ZMB Zambia Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
ZWE Zimbabwe Sub-Saharan Africa Lower-middle income
GovExpend Urban Rural GDP GNI IntUse IntAcc
4.34 9273.30 27099.87 355.78 1824.19 11.40 5.70
2.33 20161.54 10612.67 3000.44 5465.62 37.80 37.90
2.75 1769.98 1164.39 6810.11 14131.11 79.30 88.30
3.90 8255.64 1285.97 53707.98 62573.59 100.00 99.90
2.49 1852.88 1081.28 7018.05 13157.99 78.60 90.10
5.21 21307.04 3465.21 65099.85 49238.43 95.00 97.30
4.77 5102.07 3649.75 52084.68 53618.67 92.50 95.00
2.90 5525.65 4398.27 7762.07 14256.74 86.00 86.50
6.21 11268.68 229.84 49926.83 52293.40 92.80 92.30
3.21 5434.13 6051.55 1302.85 3408.97 30.70 43.00
5.28 5798.77 13952.88 830.04 2117.92 18.10 12.20
1.97 60944.25 105423.90 2688.31 5472.10 38.90 38.10
4.29 5278.21 1758.64 13974.45 23078.96 75.30 83.50
1.99 1399.13 167.87 30146.93 39497.25 100.00 100.00
5.19 7428.87 2023.24 7888.26 18848.97 86.90 87.20
7.74 7786.49 3429.19 3600.12 8111.19 66.00 56.90
5.77 182546.46 28321.50 8917.67 14369.89 80.70 81.50
4.43 336.97 97.11 37152.48 64489.54 95.60 91.00
8.14 334.14 482.92 3560.20 9437.54 85.60 94.30
8.06 1620.33 712.88 7738.88 16198.32 75.20 78.10
4.14 30084.50 6869.27 55522.45 46807.99 92.30 94.20
5.61 6305.27 2238.76 93259.91 66933.00 95.60 96.20
4.04 15934.21 2263.00 15355.48 24563.24 88.80 91.90
3.30 837022.10 578023.83 12720.22 17504.40 73.10 80.90
3.52 12646.82 12259.02 2486.41 5217.45 38.80 58.20
2.62 13912.13 10766.10 1563.49 3620.93 42.50 46.70
3.92 39956.41 9508.27 6624.17 14384.36 73.00 60.50
6.04 363.72 189.62 3754.30 6230.20 71.40 76.30
6.28 3929.85 1023.35 13365.36 19974.27 82.70 81.30
9.39 8850.82 2638.27 9499.57 7878.85 71.10 33.30
5.48 794.43 394.65 32048.24 38188.42 90.80 93.40
5.05 7840.58 2784.67 27226.62 38745.21 82.70 83.00
4.54 63622.35 18671.11 48717.99 54534.22 91.40 91.90
5.93 5056.59 697.77 67790.05 60364.79 98.90 96.10
3.80 8823.30 2059.69 10111.25 17989.60 85.20 46.10
6.30 30510.02 11498.04 4342.64 10800.23 66.20 78.30
3.65 10762.37 6101.06 6391.28 10311.63 70.70 53.20
3.93 42437.53 56938.21 4295.41 11731.69 71.90 73.00
4.55 37267.07 9130.38 29674.54 38353.60 93.90 95.90
5.91 900.12 406.67 28247.10 38048.26 91.00 91.80
3.74 22327.77 85207.11 1027.59 2361.07 16.70 16.70
5.71 4732.30 810.22 50871.93 49452.17 92.80 91.70
5.97 513.12 399.13 5356.16 9980.11 81.90 76.30
5.24 52476.37 12756.91 40886.25 45937.05 86.10 87.20
5.40 55521.23 11052.28 46125.26 45224.77 94.80 95.20
3.81 2290.84 1616.30 6674.96 14664.17 76.40 86.10
2.90 16517.22 12946.42 2203.56 5744.50 68.60 52.20
4.09 8808.77 2333.39 20867.27 29002.49 78.50 85.10
3.23 8804.38 8440.97 5473.21 8723.29 50.80 30.00
4.44 5376.80 4040.37 3040.17 5297.96 52.00 39.40
5.20 2371.71 1793.08 18570.40 30132.29 81.30 86.30
5.01 6913.06 2775.79 18390.18 32789.01 88.60 90.80
2.42 147603.01 119191.97 4788.00 11466.07 62.10 82.10
4.63 460779.76 893272.09 2410.89 6589.98 55.70 23.8
2.93 3034.53 1769.22 103983.29 76168.98 92.00 92.00
2.67 61425.06 20586.68 4669.57 13000.71 78.60 79.50
3.60 27723.81 11615.95 5937.20 9977.25 65.00 79.80
7.14 316.88 20.90 73466.78 55782.05 99.70 98.40
6.46 7811.92 640.92 54930.94 41523.74 90.30 83.00
4.02 41763.10 17527.87 34776.42 42839.51 81.70 81.50
3.24 9010.37 893.43 4311.00 9923.71 86.00 90.10
3.46 116521.53 10663.81 34017.27 42274.29 82.90 88.20
4.21 10568.98 7834.88 11492.03 23942.82 90.90 94.50
4.63 13771.81 37179.07 2099.30 4473.57 38.20 44.90
7.96 2229.37 3903.56 1655.07 4566.30 72.00 87.80
1.67 3799.52 12446.21 1759.61 4078.70 55.60 55.70
3.80 4197.13 0.00 41079.52 52919.76 99.70 99.40
1.67 5398.41 695.10 4136.15 9525.83 87.90 75.80
1.20 3870.64 17079.40 3354.38 12578.22 44.50 61.70
6.43 637.10 1625.91 969.94 2700.44 43.70 30.40
4.75 1946.76 929.71 25064.81 37931.30 86.90 86.60
4.70 537.08 53.24 125006.02 84649.47 98.70 99.20
5.62 1315.10 614.84 21779.50 32803.23 91.20 91.10
3.14 9767.29 16495.53 516.59 1483.52 18.10 13.10
4.58 176.85 267.41 11780.82 15448.13 85.20 83.10
4.63 104811.50 25947.58 11496.52 17896.29 75.60 66.40
4.04 8093.32 11014.39 833.30 2132.63 30.50 39.60
5.40 408.81 23.28 34127.51 38884.46 87.50 90.50
2.14 16468.36 37387.37 1149.21 3850.52 30.70 28.30
4.26 2136.71 985.06 5045.50 10588.23 81.60 80.00
7.03 10986.62 19542.05 558.30 1198.07 20.00 14.30
2.29 2436.74 2103.32 2065.16 5075.31 43.80 14.30
4.84 517.39 750.93 10256.23 22025.35 71.60 73.80
3.32 3245.93 15918.80 645.16 1465.64 26.90 14.50
3.51 24363.73 7678.73 11993.19 26657.94 96.80 94.90
9.68 1294.74 1293.06 5031.12 8633.50 61.10 63.00
3.10 98610.80 97264.44 2162.63 4790.28 32.30 34.60
5.05 15630.59 1453.87 57025.01 55979.41 92.10 96.00
3.97 4403.04 950.32 108729.19 64660.11 99.00 99.00
5.51 4110.19 639.41 48418.59 44057.31 95.70 96.30
4.20 4083.21 746.74 25056.79 27054.33 95.20 94.40
1.69 73630.43 127183.39 1588.88 4623.71 18.90 32.80
3.89 2818.46 1344.16 17357.63 26956.84 73.10 80.50
3.58 49961.98 56550.10 3498.51 8920.43 63.40 38.00
4.92 22884.90 15219.93 18688.00 33033.96 85.40 92.40
4.61 6710.99 3580.20 24515.27 33154.53 82.30 87.30
3.41 4247.43 2649.48 6153.06 12349.29 77.00 45.40
3.23 2671.55 23.30 87661.45 87134.13 99.70 95.00
3.25 10573.10 9007.54 15786.80 30027.29 83.60 88.70
3.70 107156.86 36807.85 15270.71 27166.31 88.20 84.00
4.75 2151.56 10349.60 966.23 2209.80 23.80 18.70
5.10 28133.14 5421.21 30447.88 46111.55 100.00 99.80
5.64 7689.64 8604.63 1598.73 3344.31 55.00 60.40
2.39 5791.90 0.00 82807.63 90918.64 96.90 99.30
4.53 4617.81 1793.75 5127.32 8295.67 54.60 27.60
3.30 4914.78 3847.25 9537.68 19123.03 81.20 81.50
3.81 375.42 192.88 5858.82 12672.20 72.00 79.80
4.26 2927.95 2521.86 21256.81 30690.49 88.90 90.30
5.66 1135.13 946.13 28439.33 39746.02 89.00 93.00
6.65 8727.99 1254.72 56424.28 54489.37 94.70 90.70
5.69 295.32 906.34 3986.89 7678.59 56.20 61.60
3.80 3332.35 4658.58 942.65 2166.62 32.50 45.10
2.61 34556.08 34627.10 6909.96 17030.15 85.30 88.70
2.97 404.88 919.21 2389.30 4460.87 35.50 18.70
5.65 25.22 83.79 4425.97 6822.03 57.50 33.80
2.88 730.01 642.59 19629.47 23392.02 79.00 80.60
6.22 8038.43 3620.75 3747.42 10257.54 71.90 55.50
2.62 61554.69 20362.18 10674.50 31032.80 81.40 92.00
3.24 19958.55 39132.85 1192.77 2664.33 29.70 31.10
2.56 10525.08 33745.48 964.40 2181.44 10.00 5.70
4.37 3307.66 161.89 20795.04 21268.88 87.60 83.20
5.44 268786.71 57980.03 76329.58 64765.22 96.80 92.50
5.28 16337.22 16027.77 2255.15 7916.79 76.60 95.00
2.90 34658.96 61832.19 4163.51 7867.37 74.20 81.00
4.48 36.07 161.63 3745.56 5307.95 76.30 75.50
6.18 38086.77 19311.65 6766.48 12948.37 74.20 77.50
3.58 7663.68 9945.50 1456.90 3217.77 27.00 42.30
2.05 5447.51 11465.75 1676.82 3809.89 29.30 50.10
Broadband 3G 4G IntPrice UnemploymentFUnemploymentM
19.00 57.00 26.00 15.20 30.56 16.66 21.03
21.20 87.20 33.00 16.10 25.52 30.47 74.30
72.00 99.20 98.90 1.50 27.00 29.00 97.44
241.20 100.00 99.80 0.60 18.35 7.48 93.23
90.60 100.00 100.00 3.50 16.06 21.58 99.77
122.20 99.50 99.50 1.30 7.25 9.18 100.00
105.30 98.00 98.00 0.80 10.32 10.38 100.00
68.80 99.50 94.00 1.70 15.26 12.08 99.83
93.20 100.00 100.00 0.80 14.47 18.19 96.64
33.40 80.00 46.00 26.10 4.62 3.20 25.77
60.90 53.20 36.60 32.70 8.32 8.20 21.21
54.70 98.20 98.20 2.00 17.28 10.28 60.57
110.40 100.00 99.90 1.70 10.68 10.82 99.17
135.20 100.00 100.00 2.40 12.92 2.78 90.04
94.50 99.90 97.40 0.80 9.82 10.68 99.79
86.70 87.80 74.50 8.90 6.91 5.77 75.48
95.90 90.20 88.30 3.50 24.62 17.62 85.81
136.80 96.60 96.60 1.10 23.92 11.90 90.68
86.20 95.00 80.00 2.80 33.56 25.47 99.46
93.90 98.00 88.00 7.40 50.84 37.35 89.47
80.90 99.70 99.40 1.20 8.94 11.25 96.11
101.10 100.00 100.00 1.00 7.52 7.48 99.64
110.80 95.00 88.00 2.50 19.91 17.09 90.60
101.60 99.90 99.90 0.50 13.36 15.97 95.84
79.30 96.40 64.50 15.70 4.98 3.34 32.76
38.20 25.80 13.50 21.00 7.18 6.12 60.22
71.40 100.00 99.50 4.40 26.55 17.17 81.64
76.30 93.80 80.00 3.10 34.85 25.55 51.92
95.20 94.00 93.00 1.80 36.78 26.28 83.89
33.10 73.00 49.20 6.80 2.59 3.38 91.95
80.20 99.90 99.90 1.00 18.56 18.74 97.41
101.90 99.80 99.80 1.20 7.90 5.95 99.22
94.40 99.80 99.80 1.00 5.50 6.34 99.00
141.80 100.00 100.00 0.80 10.46 10.61 98.92
66.70 99.50 97.60 3.20 17.67 10.01 74.30
97.10 98.20 79.90 4.70 47.64 28.59 64.01
56.70 94.80 92.90 5.10 11.05 6.70 83.82
61.60 99.50 98.00 3.00 35.68 11.57 66.65
107.30 99.80 99.60 1.90 30.78 28.98 94.35
180.10 100.00 99.00 1.00 16.35 20.69 99.88
21.70 85.00 10.00 20.50 7.26 3.87 22.29
157.20 99.90 99.90 1.00 13.98 14.29 99.96
76.40 96.00 80.00 4.70 23.09 12.34 91.18
105.20 99.00 99.00 1.30 16.12 18.63 96.04
113.30 99.90 99.90 1.30 8.08 12.82 100.00
99.80 100.00 99.70 2.80 32.94 28.88 99.35
71.50 95.80 67.70 12.70 6.42 6.76 58.19
94.50 99.70 98.80 2.70 39.09 25.05 97.32
17.00 95.00 88.00 7.20 10.17 4.44 50.81
47.60 82.10 78.50 15.30 19.25 8.45 61.90
109.60 100.00 99.50 0.60 22.68 14.82 99.29
82.20 99.20 99.20 1.40 9.48 11.27 99.70
114.80 96.20 96.20 7.60 13.62 14.35 83.23
54.4 98.8 98.7 3.30 18.87 17.54 62.82
108.70 95.00 90.00 1.30 9.92 10.12 98.99
104.50 85.00 81.00 0.90 35.10 20.23 86.52
47.50 96.90 95.90 5.04 60.86 27.42 32.50
119.50 100.00 100.00 1.50 5.52 11.37 99.98
123.60 99.00 97.00 0.80 6.42 7.03 96.47
96.80 100.00 100.00 1.30 25.83 22.31 97.66
65.30 99.80 99.00 11.00 49.75 40.10 58.75
223.60 99.90 93.20 1.10 3.74 5.09 99.59
93.80 96.00 83.50 0.80 4.98 2.88 99.94
53.50 95.00 94.00 18.10 16.17 8.08 78.75
124.00 91.00 85.00 3.60 9.20 7.59 98.87
105.70 92.10 92.10 12.10 0.88 0.68 43.21
136.60 100.00 100.00 1.60 29.51 9.43 61.80
76.80 99.60 99.20 1.90 22.22 24.82 86.23
87.00 96.00 96.00 0.90 33.12 20.46 86.73
64.20 95.00 85.00 7.40 35.15 17.75 99.57
122.50 100.00 100.00 0.90 10.39 13.35 99.28
115.00 99.00 99.00 0.80 18.51 16.71 98.18
117.90 99.00 95.00 1.50 10.15 19.38 98.65
17.80 67.10 27.10 164.20 3.14 4.04 41.19
46.40 100.00 100.00 4.20 9.29 18.72 92.86
86.40 95.70 95.00 2.40 7.36 6.04 83.31
40.00 68.00 47.00 25.00 4.27 4.15 13.00
78.70 100.00 100.00 1.10 5.63 10.93 99.10
109.60 94.30 94.30 12.40 9.16 10.65 87.47
116.20 100.00 99.00 1.90 13.16 10.38 96.26
19.30 85.00 50.00 35.80 7.67 8.32 42.13
70.80 43.70 34.70 19.10 31.46 20.80 21.01
108.70 99.00 99.00 1.60 24.19 20.05 97.10
39.30 84.40 68.60 63.30 7.28 6.44 46.84
125.10 95.40 95.40 2.30 10.97 9.99 94.79
76.00 89.00 79.00 8.80 39.69 38.36 79.60
36.60 84.60 61.90 21.50 7.92 5.89 87.10
138.70 99.00 99.00 1.40 8.20 7.61 98.55
98.80 99.90 99.90 1.20 8.77 11.12 97.74
93.30 98.30 97.50 1.30 9.06 9.59 81.90
112.60 100.00 97.80 3.50 13.58 5.85 98.44
46.50 78.10 75.40 15.70 10.91 9.29 50.46
96.40 95.00 84.00 5.70 23.31 16.88 88.50
62.30 96.00 80.00 11.60 8.79 6.23 85.71
205.80 100.00 100.00 1.20 11.17 10.28 98.47
88.60 99.90 99.80 1.60 20.42 17.80 95.73
69.70 95.20 93.50 5.20 17.77 12.34 80.42
144.00 100.00 99.80 2.20 1.55 0.27 90.47
95.90 100.00 98.60 0.70 24.64 21.39 98.95
108.20 96.20 89.80 0.70 15.45 13.53 99.82
47.00 98.60 98.10 45.70 23.46 21.02 43.87
119.50 100.00 100.00 3.60 26.04 11.66 88.58
94.10 99.40 83.10 18.50 6.92 2.96 21.39
147.50 100.00 100.00 0.80 10.70 6.59 90.57
77.00 92.00 76.00 9.90 11.16 5.59 63.81
104.80 99.50 98.60 2.70 26.01 23.16 98.77
128.10 92.00 87.00 4.90 39.72 18.76 73.80
88.70 99.00 99.00 0.80 21.54 18.62 99.82
90.80 99.90 99.90 2.00 12.01 8.64 99.71
126.60 100.00 100.00 1.10 23.50 20.04 100.00
114.50 99.10 80.40 14.10 50.43 46.01 90.88
34.30 97.00 83.00 56.80 7.25 12.36 58.75
111.90 98.80 98.10 3.50 7.57 3.90 73.21
30.30 96.50 45.00 32.10 5.80 2.48 58.01
60.70 99.00 96.00 3.50 10.96 4.58 100.00
40.30 100.00 75.00 3.20 13.36 10.67 99.18
81.30 99.00 95.00 3.10 40.64 40.54 76.07
82.60 98.80 96.80 1.50 24.95 16.27 85.37
18.30 85.00 13.00 22.00 4.44 2.62 3.04
52.20 85.00 31.00 50.50 5.76 3.50 86.40
109.10 92.70 92.30 2.50 26.97 23.94 92.86
165.80 99.90 99.90 1.00 7.44 8.71 99.03
105.50 95.00 75.00 2.10 18.64 6.91 100.00
87.80 99.80 99.70 3.50 5.96 5.88 87.23
12.80 91.00 49.00 12.30 30.65 13.75 93.49
115.70 99.90 97.90 4.80 54.33 46.29 87.23
53.20 95.50 91.20 16.00 9.26 7.35 88.76
58.30 84.30 39.10 18.30 15.76 13.97 94.82
Bachelor ExpSchooling MeanSchooling GII GDI ParliamentFemaHDI
3.98 10.26 2.99 0.68 0.68 27.02 0.48
0.13 12.17 5.42 0.54 0.90 33.64 0.59
17.32 14.45 11.29 0.14 1.01 35.71 0.80
51.07 15.72 12.69 0.05 0.95 50.00 0.91
28.58 13.12 11.33 0.22 1.00 35.51 0.76
36.84 21.05 12.73 0.07 0.97 38.41 0.95
16.61 16.01 12.26 0.05 0.98 40.98 0.92
17.67 13.50 10.54 0.29 0.97 18.33 0.75
39.39 19.60 12.38 0.05 0.98 42.67 0.94
3.06 10.77 4.30 0.60 0.88 7.41 0.53
2.40 9.14 2.11 0.62 0.90 16.90 0.45
9.79 12.44 7.38 0.53 0.90 20.86 0.66
26.40 13.90 11.41 0.21 1.00 24.17 0.80
29.78 16.30 11.05 0.18 0.93 20.00 0.88
28.30 15.17 12.14 0.10 1.01 40.00 0.81
16.89 14.95 9.83 0.42 0.96 46.15 0.69
16.54 15.60 8.13 0.39 0.99 17.74 0.75
17.57 13.95 9.18 0.26 0.98 9.09 0.83
20.46 13.23 5.17 0.42 0.94 17.39 0.67
9.52 12.27 10.34 0.47 0.98 11.11 0.69
32.35 16.40 13.83 0.07 0.99 30.47 0.94
40.02 16.50 13.86 0.02 0.97 41.50 0.96
20.28 16.73 10.93 0.19 0.97 35.48 0.86
7.68 14.24 7.60 0.19 0.98 24.94 0.77
3.83 10.68 5.20 0.61 0.89 14.17 0.55
6.42 13.11 6.15 0.57 0.89 33.89 0.58
16.20 14.44 8.86 0.42 0.98 28.88 0.75
6.93 12.55 6.29 0.35 0.98 38.89 0.66
21.61 16.55 8.80 0.26 1.00 47.37 0.81
15.33 14.44 12.50 0.30 0.96 53.41 0.76
33.16 15.65 12.44 0.12 0.97 14.29 0.90
20.97 16.22 12.87 0.12 0.99 25.50 0.89
29.21 17.01 14.09 0.07 0.98 34.92 0.94
32.72 18.71 12.96 0.01 0.98 43.58 0.95
17.70 14.47 9.31 0.43 1.01 27.89 0.77
11.44 14.63 8.07 0.50 0.88 8.11 0.75
12.13 14.62 8.82 0.36 0.98 38.69 0.74
6.17 13.79 9.57 0.44 0.88 27.58 0.73
24.71 17.92 10.61 0.06 0.99 42.98 0.91
32.66 15.93 13.55 0.10 1.02 25.74 0.89
1.33 9.65 3.20 0.52 0.92 41.49 0.50
28.80 19.05 12.87 0.03 0.99 45.50 0.94
10.02 14.74 10.92 0.32 0.93 19.61 0.73
22.56 15.81 11.61 0.08 0.99 37.26 0.90
39.59 17.31 13.41 0.10 0.99 34.57 0.93
34.02 15.57 12.82 0.28 1.01 19.05 0.80
3.49 12.05 8.33 0.53 0.95 14.55 0.63
28.93 20.03 11.41 0.12 0.97 21.00 0.89
4.32 10.56 5.68 0.48 0.92 19.38 0.63
9.63 10.13 7.09 0.43 0.96 27.34 0.62
19.04 15.11 12.19 0.09 1.00 31.79 0.86
26.13 15.03 12.25 0.22 0.99 14.07 0.85
9.48 13.75 8.56 0.44 0.94 21.91 0.71
12.14 11.87 6.66 0.49 0.85 14.94 0.63
37.27 18.95 11.58 0.07 0.99 23.13 0.95
18.25 14.62 10.64 0.46 0.88 5.59 0.77
10.94 12.09 7.91 0.56 0.80 28.88 0.69
34.23 19.16 13.77 0.04 0.98 47.62 0.96
38.05 16.05 13.34 0.08 0.99 23.33 0.92
16.49 16.23 10.74 0.06 0.97 32.25 0.90
19.13 10.65 10.45 0.47 0.89 12.31 0.72
25.54 15.22 13.37 0.08 0.97 9.91 0.93
34.08 15.77 12.35 0.16 1.00 27.36 0.81
6.09 10.70 6.65 0.51 0.94 23.43 0.58
24.26 13.20 11.37 0.37 0.97 20.45 0.69
4.56 11.47 5.09 0.46 0.93 20.80 0.59
11.12 15.32 7.33 0.31 1.01 6.25 0.83
22.14 11.29 8.72 0.43 0.88 6.25 0.71
0.69 14.14 10.83 0.38 0.95 5.33 0.78
5.61 12.04 6.01 0.56 0.99 26.45 0.51
41.41 16.29 13.50 0.11 1.03 28.37 0.88
42.33 14.40 13.02 0.04 0.99 33.33 0.93
31.95 16.20 13.25 0.15 1.03 30.00 0.86
2.93 10.13 5.12 0.56 0.96 18.54 0.50
10.96 12.64 7.32 0.35 0.93 4.60 0.75
17.13 14.86 9.22 0.31 0.99 50.00 0.76
1.56 7.42 2.31 0.61 0.89 28.57 0.43
22.62 16.84 12.21 0.17 0.98 27.85 0.92
12.36 10.91 6.38 0.50 0.94 13.70 0.59
31.64 14.98 9.42 0.31 1.03 17.11 0.74
3.32 10.22 3.20 0.54 0.92 42.40 0.45
2.92 9.38 4.92 0.63 0.89 20.26 0.56
11.93 15.17 10.43 0.35 0.97 20.00 0.80
1.32 12.68 4.49 0.55 0.97 22.92 0.51
14.56 13.34 10.65 0.23 0.98 13.57 0.80
9.28 11.93 7.19 0.45 1.00 44.23 0.62
3.48 10.13 7.18 0.68 0.86 3.61 0.54
36.63 18.69 12.58 0.03 0.97 40.67 0.94
31.17 18.19 13.00 0.02 0.98 44.97 0.96
32.28 20.28 12.94 0.09 0.98 50.42 0.94
19.11 14.57 11.65 0.30 0.90 2.33 0.82
8.63 8.66 4.54 0.53 0.81 20.47 0.54
16.21 13.06 10.54 0.39 1.02 22.54 0.81
18.08 13.13 8.97 0.42 0.99 27.33 0.70
28.65 16.03 13.16 0.11 1.01 28.26 0.88
25.36 16.87 9.58 0.07 0.99 36.96 0.87
14.19 12.99 8.86 0.45 0.99 17.50 0.72
30.39 12.64 10.00 0.22 1.02 4.44 0.86
15.28 14.23 11.28 0.28 0.99 19.09 0.82
41.22 15.77 12.77 0.20 1.02 16.22 0.82
4.46 11.23 4.43 0.39 0.95 61.25 0.53
31.05 16.14 11.31 0.25 0.92 19.87 0.88
3.64 8.96 2.94 0.53 0.87 44.24 0.51
36.84 16.52 11.92 0.04 0.99 29.13 0.94
8.43 12.67 7.15 0.38 0.96 27.38 0.68
17.08 14.40 11.37 0.13 0.98 36.55 0.80
4.95 13.04 9.78 0.43 1.00 29.41 0.73
25.84 14.51 12.91 0.18 1.00 21.33 0.85
26.09 17.65 12.80 0.07 1.00 40.00 0.92
33.69 19.42 12.61 0.02 0.99 46.42 0.95
14.49 13.74 5.60 0.54 0.99 13.51 0.60
3.80 12.95 5.02 0.58 0.85 18.68 0.54
17.35 15.88 8.70 0.33 1.01 15.75 0.80
10.50 12.62 5.44 0.38 0.92 40.00 0.61
5.46 16.05 11.39 0.63 0.97 3.70 0.75
0.48 14.54 11.61 0.34 0.99 26.19 0.81
13.88 15.43 7.43 0.26 0.93 26.27 0.73
20.94 18.34 8.63 0.27 0.94 17.35 0.84
1.57 9.22 6.37 0.56 0.94 36.86 0.55
4.44 10.15 5.73 0.53 0.93 33.81 0.53
11.84 16.83 8.98 0.24 1.02 25.25 0.81
37.66 16.28 13.68 0.18 1.00 28.70 0.92
16.85 12.48 11.90 0.23 0.94 33.33 0.73
11.52 12.95 8.37 0.30 1.00 30.26 0.70
11.00 12.42 11.40 0.42 0.96 12.96 0.71
11.43 13.64 11.37 0.41 0.94 46.50 0.71
2.71 10.93 7.19 0.54 0.97 15.06 0.57
0.96 12.11 8.71 0.53 0.96 30.57 0.59
CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.1.1 - Categorical Variable (Income Group)

Income Group Delete the incorrect answer below.

YES, there is an even distribution of countries across all income groups.
NO, there is not an even distribution of countries across all income groups.

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.1.1 - Categorical Variable (Income Group)


CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.1.2 - Numerical Variable (Human Development Index (HDI))

Human Development Index (HDI)

In 60 words (or less) provide THREE significant observations from your analysis. Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).



OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.1.2 - Numerical Variable (Human Development Index (HDI))
CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.1.2 - Numerical Variable (Human Development Index (HDI))


CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.1 - Bivariate Analysis (Income Group : HDI Group)

Key Observations
In 60 words (or less) provide THREE observations from your analysis. Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.1 - Bivariate Analysis (Income Group : HDI Group)


CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.2 - Bivariate Analysis (Region : HDI)

HDI based on Region

Complete the following table.
Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).

Region Average HDI Spread of HDI Minimum HDI Maximum HDI Spread of Middle 50%
of HDI
Central and Southern Asia
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
Europe and Northern America
Latin America and the Caribbean
Northern Africa and Western Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.2 - Bivariate Analysis (Region : HDI)
CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.2 - Bivariate Analysis (Region : HDI)


CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.3 - Bivariate Analysis (numerical variables)

Human Development Index (HDI) and Proportion of Seats Held by Women in National Parliament
Include the appropriate details and (in one sentence) explain the correlation between HDI and ParliamentFemale. Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).
The correlation coefficient is: x.x
This means …

Gender Development Index (GDI) and Government Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of GDP (GovExpend)
Include the appropriate details to complete the the analysis of the relationship between GDI and GovExpend. Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).
The correlation coefficient is: x.x
This means …

Gender Development Index (GDI) and the Human Development Index (HDI)
Include the appropriate details to complete the the analysis of the relationship between GDI and HDI. Support your conclusion by drawing on your analysis (which appears in the Output section).
The correlation coefficient is: x.x
This means …

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.3 - Bivariate Analysis (numerical variables)
CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.2.3 - Bivariate Analysis (numerical variables)



HDI for each Income Group

Income Group Probability Details

x.x% has the highest probability of HDI more than 0.8

GDI for each Income Group

Income Group Probability Details

x.x% has the lowest probability of GDI more than 0.8




CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.4 - Confidence Intervals

HDI for each Income Group

The data shows that it is CLEAR/NOT CLEAR about which Income Group has the lowest HDI. If clear, then complete the below sentences.
The data shows that it is CLEAR/NOT CLEAR about which Income Group has the highest HDI. If clear, then complete the below sentences.

Income Group
Name of Income Group has average HDI of x this is the lowest of all Income Groups
Name of Income Group has average HDI of x this is the highest of all Income Groups

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.4 - Confidence Intervals


CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.5 - Hypothesis Test (HDI and Income Group)

For the two following Income Groups, write your conclusion for the hypothesis that the average HDI is now more than .7
Low income:

High income:

OUTPUT *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.5 - Hypothesis Test (HDI and Income Group)
CONCLUSION *** THIS SECTION WILL BE MARKED *** Q.5 - Hypothesis Test (HDI and Income Group)
WORKINGS *** This section will NOT be marked ***

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