English - I (105 - 162) - 1

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Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20

Note : Use a separate answer book to answer the questions in this part.
(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

* 1. ‘I call it my chicken drumstick’, joked Nick. What does it’ refer to ? How does it help him ?
* 2. ‘His parents decided not to send him to a special shool.’ Was Nick happy about his parents’
decision ? Why or why not ? What do you think about this decision ?
* 3. How did Nick’s parents help him to become independent ?
4. Pick out the symptoms of Nick’s depression. Do you think his depression was normal or some-
thing unique about him ? Give reasons for your opinion.
* 5. Which incident in this text is funny ? What makes it funny ?
6. What made Nick choose Bethany Hamilton as his teacher to learn surfing ?
7. What are the distinct features of this text ? List them.
8. Which aspect of Nick’s physical condition helps him to do a 360 degree spin ?
9. What do you learn from the life of Nick Vujicic ?
10. What did Socrates suggest as the secret to success ? Do you agree or disagree with him ? Give
reasons for your answer.
11. Read the following stanza.

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t !
If you like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost ;
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will ;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 105
Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

1) How does success begin with ?

2) What should a person have ? Possitive or negative attitude ?
3) Where is a fellow’s will located ?
4) Who is the author of the above words ?
5) How do we think to rise ?
12. Read the following lines.

‘When I was 13, I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve
great things and helped others,’ said Nick.
I realised why God had made us like this – to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to
me that I decided to use my life to encourage other people and give them the courage that the
article had given me.’
‘I decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t.’
Now answer the following questions. 3×1=3M

a) What happened when Nick was 13 ?

b) What did he decide ?
c) What did Nick realise ?
13. Read the following lines.

All success stories are stories of great failures. The only difference is that every time they
failed, they bounced back. This is called failing forward, rather than backward. You learn and
move forward. Learn from your failure and keep moving.
In 1914, Thomas Edison, at age 67, lost his factory, which was worth a few million dollars, on
fire. It had very little insurance.
Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

a) What do the successful persons do when they fail ?

b) What was the difficulty faced by Thomas Edison, at the age of 67 ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
Q.14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Nikhil ___________ (1) very regular ___________ (2) school. He _________ (3) comes late. He
always gets first or second rank. He is very ________ (4) in sports and games ________ (5).
1) A) is B) was C) be D) will be
2) A) for B) to C) about D) with
3) A) always B) never C) sometimes D) regularly
4) A) active B) inactive C) dull D) calm
5) A) also B) too C) even D) rather
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 106
Q.15. Match the par ts of sentences under ‘A’ with those in ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence part

in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) In spite of his disability ( ) A) you will not be admitted
2) Though he has no limbs ( ) B) you bring the book
3) It is not fair ( ) C) he has become great
4) If you are late ( ) D) he hasn’t lost courage
5) When you come ( ) E) to say like that
Q.16. Repor t the following into Indirect speech. 1M

"I was deeply depressed when I was eight years old," he said.
Q.17. Combine the following sentences with ‘who’. 1M

Napolean won the French honour. He died at St. Helena.

Q.18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form. 1M

Nick has chosen a virgin.

Q.19. Combine the following sentence with ‘when’. 1M

I was 13. I read a newspaper article about a disabled man.

Q.20. Fill in the blank with a right contraction. 1M

He ________ (does not) let the details stop him.

Q.21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

1) Nick was born _________ no arms or legs. (with, on in)

2) Nick has a small foot ________ his left hip. (in, at, on)
3) He would love _________ get married. (with, for, to)
4) The challenges __________ our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. (on, at, in)
Q.22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from the box that

have the same meaning. 4×½=2M

in spite of, confir med, difficulty, belief, attraction

1) His parents decided not to send him to a special school.

2) Nick managed to pull through to become an international symbol of triumph over
3) Due to his faith as an Evangelical Christian, Nick has chosen to remain a virgin until marriage.
4) Nick plays football and golf, swims and surfs despite having no limbs.
Q.23. Fill in the blanks with words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

1) Mr. Kumar is independent now. Before getting his job he was ___________.
2) Married men are emotionally stronger than __________ men.
3) Our sir always encourages. He never _____________ anybody.
4) We need a special dress to swim. An _________ dress won’t support us.
Q.24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

1) Mr. Dara Singh is very strong. Everybody has confidence upon his ___________.
2) Sachin achieved many things. Getting ‘World Cup’ was his great __________.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 107
3) He got success as a hero. All his movies are ____________.
4) Mr. Shankar was very lucky . ______________, he got one crore in Manipur lottery.
Q.25. Put the following words under correct heading : 8×¼=2M

(arms, looking, legs, writing, walking, eyes, hearing, ears)

Parts of the body doing actions

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
Q.26. Complete the following words by using (ea, ie, ia, ae, ai, ee). 2×½=1M

1) ach __ __ ve 2) phocomel __ __
Q.27. Complete the following words with the letters given in the brackets. 2×½=1M

1) Austral _______ (ea / ia) 2) Programm ______ (er / ar)

Q.28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided. 2×½=1M

1) football different country warld

2) travelling surfacing mastar history
Q.29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

1) stretch pebbles skateboard before

2) encourage given courage right
Q.30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

1) Friend Family Fan Foot

Q.31. Your friend appears to be a good runner. Advise him to join a sports school. 1M

Q.32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

1) You are staying in the town, arn't you ?

a) suggestion ( ) b) request ( )
c) permission ( ) d) confirmation ( )
2) May I carry the box for you ?
a) making a request ( ) b) making a permission ( )
c) making an offer ( ) d) making a suggestion ( )
Q.33. Change the following into a polite request. 1M

Boy to the bus conductor : “What is the bus fare for Hyderbad ?"
Q.34. Your friend is going on an excursion. What would you say to him ? ( ) 1M

a) It's a pity ! b) Good luck !

c) Thank you. d) Have a good time !
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 108

1. ‘I call it my chicken drumstick’, jocked Nick. What does ‘it’ refer to ? How does it help him ?

Ans. 'It' refers to the small foot which Nick has on his left hip. It helps him balance and enables him
to kick. He used it to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.
2. ‘His parents decided not to send him to a special shool.’ Was Nick happy about his parents’

decision ? Why or why not ? What do you think about this decision ?

Ans. No, his parents’ decision was very hard for him. I think that his parents decision was the best
one which gave him independence. Now, he does all the things like a normal person.
3. How did Nick’s parents help him to become independent ?

Ans. Nick's father put him in the water at 18 months and gave him the courage to learn how to swim.
He taught Nick how to type with his toe at just 6 years old. His mother invented a special plastic
device that meant he could hold a pen and pencil.
4. Pick out the symptoms of Nick’s depression. Do you think his depression was normal or

something unique about him ? Give reasons for your opinion.

Ans. Nick was deeply depressed when he was eight years old and went to his mum crying and told
her he wanted to kill himself. He was very sad as he couldn't do all the things. I think that his
depression was normal for any human being.
5. Which incident in this text is funny ? What makes it funny ?

Ans. The incident of a girl's looking at Nick interestingly is funny. Once Nick was in a car, a girl at
traffic lights was looking at him interestingly. She could only see his head. So Nick decided to
do a 360 degree spin in the car seat to freak her out. Her speeding away from the spot makes funny.
6. What made Nick choose Bethany Hamilton as his teacher to learn surfing ?

Ans. Nick went to Hawaii in 2008 and met surfing master Hamilton. She had her arm bitten off by a
shark when she was 12. Still she didn't lose hope. With faith and determination, she continued
her efforts to become a great surfing master. She taught him well how to surf.
7. What are the distinct features of this text ? List them.

Ans. The distinct features of this text are :

a) The text starts with proper introduction.
b) The subject is gradually developed in the middle paragraphs.
c) The text is formal in nature.
d) The subject is presented briefly.
8. Which aspect of Nick’s physical condition helps him to do a 360 degrees spin ?

Ans. Nick quickly learned how to do the 360 degree spin on his surfing board. He has a very low
centre of gravity. So he has got pretty good balance.
9. What do you learn from the life of Nick Vujicic ?

Ans. Despite his disability, Nick doesn't let the details stop him. From the life of Nick, we can under-
stand that one need not lose hope. His life is an example that one's disability doesn't prevent
one from reaching great positions in one's life. If there is a will, one can achieve success.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 109
10. What did Socrates suggest as the secret to success ? Do you agree or disagree with him ?

Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. Socrates suggested that one's burning desire is the secret to one's success ; he took the young
man to the river, ducked him into the water and kept him there until the boy started turning
blue. The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve purpose. Just like a
small fire can't give much heat, a weak desire can't produce great results.
11. 1) How does success begin with ?

Ans. Success begins with a fellow’s will.

2) What should a person have ? Possitive or negative attitude ?

Ans. Possitive attitude.

3) Where is a fellow’s will located ?

Ans. It is located in the state of mind.

4) Who is the author of the above words ?

Ans. Shiv Khera

5) How do we think to rise ?

Ans. We've got to think high to rise.

12. a) What happened when Nick was 13 ?

Ans. He read a news paper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things
and helped others.
b) What did he decide ?

Ans. He decided to use his life to encourage other people and give them the courage that the
article had given him.
c) What did Nick realise ?

Ans. God had made them like that to give hope to others.
13. a) What do the successful persons do when they fail ?

Ans. When they fail, the successful persons bounce back. They fail forward, rather than back-
b) What was the difficulty faced by Thomas Edison, at the age of 67 ?

Ans. Lost his factory, which was worth a few million dollars, on fire.

Q.14. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) B
Q.15. 1) C 2) D 3) E 4) A 5) B
Q.16. He said that he was deeply depressed when he was eight years old.

Q.17. Napolean who won the French honour died at St.Helena.

Q.18. A virgin has been chosen by Nick.

Q.19. When I was 13, I read a newspaper article about a disabled man.

Q.20. He doesn't let the details stop him.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 110

Q.21. 1) with 2) on 3) to 4) in
Q.22. 1) His parents confirmed not to send him to a special school.

2) Nick managed to pull through to become an international symbol of triumph over

3) Due to his belief as an Evangelical Christian, Nick has chosen to remain a virgin until marriage.
4) Nick plays football and golf, swims and surf in spite of having no limbs.
Q.23. 1) dependent 2) unmarried 3) discourages 4) ordinary
Q.24. 1) strength 2) achievement 3) successful 4) Luckily
Q.25. Parts of the body Doing actions
1) Arms 1) writing
2) Legs 2) walking
3) Eyes 3) looking
4) Ears 4) hearing
Q.26. 1) i e 2) i a
Q.27. 1) i a 2) e r
Q.28. 1) world 2) master
Q.29. 1) Stretch - Pebbles 2) Encourage – Courage
Q.30. 1) Family, Fan, Foot, Friends
2) Melbourne, months, morning, mother
Q.31. You should join a sports school. (or)

I advise you to join a sports school. (or) It’s better you join a sports school.
Q.32. 1) confirmation ( d ) 2) making an offer ( c )
Q.33. Excuse me, could you please tell me the bus fare for Hyderabad ?

Q.34. (d) Have a good time.

h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 111


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20


Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. What qualities of Mrs. Slater have you noticed ?

2. Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the bureau from her father’s room before the arrival of the
Jordans ? How does Henry react to the suggestion ?
3. Why do the Jordans take a long time to get to the house of the Slaters ? What does it show about
the two sisters’ attitude towards each other ?
4. Ben appreciates his father-in-law saying, 'It's good thing he did'. Later, he calls him 'drunken old
beggar'. Why does he change his opinion about his father-in-law ?
5. What made Mr. Henry feel shocked to hear Victoria say 'Are you planning to pinch it ?’ ?
6. Justify the view that the husbands of Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan are men with no individuality.
7. Discuss the irony in the title "The Dear Departed".
8. List the comic elements in the play "The Dear Departed".
9. What are the three things that the father plans to do on Monday next ? What effect does it have
on his daughters ?
10. In what way is the play "The Dear Departed" a commentary on the hollowness of human
relationships ?
11. Read the following Play.

Abel : Of course it’s me. Don't do that, Amelia. What the devil do you mean by this
tomfoolery ?
Mrs. Jordan : You took us by surprise, father. Are you keeping quite well ?
Abel : (trying to catch the words) Eh ? What ?
Mrs. Jordan : Are you quite well ?
Abel : Aye, I'm right enough but for a bit of a headache.
(looking at Amelia) Amelia, what the dickens did I do with my new slippers ?
Mrs. Slater : (confused) Aren't they by the hearth father ?
Abel : I don't see them. (Observing Henry trying to remove the slippers) Why, you've
got 'em on, Henry. (The Dear Departed – II)

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 112

Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

1) What is the meaning of "Tomfoolery" ?

2) Why was Mrs. Jordan surprised after looking at Abel ?
3) What happened to Abel ?
4) Who wore the slippers of Abel ?
5) Who are Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Slater ?
12. Read the following lines from play. (The Dear Depar ted – I)

Mrs. Slater : (sharply) Victoria, Victoria! D'ye hear ? Come in, will you ? (Victoria, a preco-
cious girl, dressed in colours comes in.)
Mrs. Slater : I'm amazed at you. Victoria. I really am. Be off now, and change your dress
before your Aunt Elizabeth and your Uncle Ben come. It would never do for
them to find you in colours with grandfather lying dead, upstairs.
Victoria : What are they coming for ? They haven't been here for ages.
Mrs. Slater : They're coming to talk over poor grandpa’s affairs. Your father sent them a
telegram as soon as we found he was dead. (A noise is heard.)
Answer the following. 3×1=3M

1) Who is Victoria ?
2) Why did Mrs. Slater ask Victoria to change her dress ?
3) Who was found dead ?
13. Read the following lines from the play. (The Dear Departed – II)

Ben and Henry : What !

Mrs. Jordan : Get married !
Mrs. Slater : He's out of his senses.
(General consternation)
Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

1) Who is going to marry John Shorrocks ?

2) What is relation between Ben and Henry ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Birbal was __________ (1) minister __________ (2) Emperor Akbar's court. One day Akbar wanted
to play ___________ (3) joke on Birbal __________ (4) he thought of a plan. He called _______ (5)
courtiers to the court.
1) A) a B) an C) of D) one
2) A) on B) at C) of D) in
3) A) a B) the C) an D) and
4) A) of B) but C) an D) and
5) A) of B) the C) in D) about
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 113
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) This bath is freezing ( ) A) in front of our school
2) Mrs. Aruna is a tough person ( ) B) you will get success
3) There is a temple ( ) C) to drink
4) The tea is too hot ( ) D) It's time to get rid of her
5) If you work hard ( ) E) the water is not warm enough
16. a) Raju is a principal of the college. 1M

b) Raghu is principled person of the college.

Q. Who is the head of the college ? Ans : ......................................


Re-write the following sentence using an idomatic expression 'for ages'

She has not seen her sister for a long period of time, as she lives abroad.
17. My father teaches Mathematics. He also teach English. 1M

(Combine the sentences using in addition to)

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
18. There is a bad weather. 1M

The train is delayed. (Combine the sentences using "On account of")
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
19. Identify the parts of speech of ‘enough’ in the following sentence. 1M

Is there enough room for me ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
20. Identify the error and re-write the sentence after correcting it. 1M

The honesty is best principle.

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right compound adjectives given in the box. 4×½=2M

new-blue, cold-blooded, five-star, well-read

1) Ravi booked a room in a __________ hotel for Ramana.

2) Rani wore _____________ frock for party.
3) Police officials confirmed the death of woman as a ______________ murder.
4) I like to correspond with this ____________ teacher.
22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from the box that

have the same meaning. 4×½=2M

stationer y, accept, ceiling, alter

a) The place changed its course.

b) The inner roof of this room has been designed so well.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 114
c) A new material shop has been opened recently.
d) The government allowed the new P.R.C. proposals of unions.
23. Fill in the blanks with words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) Radha is double–faced in her actions but Rani is __________ in her behaviour.

b) Children were tired and stopped their loud reading after some time they _____ reading again.
c) Some bacteria are harmless in our life. But some bacteria are ______________
d) Argon is inert element whereas sulphur is __________ element.
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

1) Learn to swim. ___________ is a good exercise.

2) He talks too much. He is a __________ person.
3) Please permit me to go early. We need your ____________.
4) Jyothi is my best friend . I value her ______________ .
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

in spite of, reddish-gray, old-fashioned, scarlet-red, according to, curly hair, ahead of, in

front of

Compound Adjectives Preposotional Phrases

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using (ea, ie, ai, ia, ae). 2×½=1M

a) bur __ __ u b) mantel p _ _ ce
27. Complete the following words with the letters given in the brackets. 2×½=1M

a) enou _______ (gh / ah) b) consterna ______ (tion / sion)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided. 2×½=1M

1) a) smartly b) tomfoolery c) gingarly d) promptly

2) a) vigorous b) startled c) fastan d) pinch
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) cool, foot, rule, full

b) music, classic, laziness, recital
30. Arrange the following words in an alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

revolve, random, result , response

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 115
31. Your friend is suffering from a toothache. Advise him to consult a dentist. 1M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

1) CAG Reports : Loss of 1.76 lakh crores for govt. exchequer in 2G scam
a) prediction ( ) b) advice ( )
c) confirmation ( ) d) suggestion ( )
2) Book reading provides lot of pleasure in everybody’s life.
a) offer ( ) b) suggestion ( )
c) order ( ) d) warning ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

Rani to Roja, “Send me e-mail about details of ‘Jan-Dhan Yojana' program.”

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your friend offers you a cigarette. You are not a smoker. What would you say ? ( ) 1M

a) Thank you. b) I'm very sorry. c) No, thanks. d) It's all-right.


1. What qualities of Mrs. Slater have you noticed ?

Ans. Mrs. Slater is vigorous, plump, red-faced, vulgar, greedy, selfish, unscrupulous and mean.
2. Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the bureau from her father’s room before the arrival of

the Jordans ? How does Henry react to the suggestion ?

Ans. Mrs. Slater decides to shift the bureau from her father's room as she always wants to have it
after her father’s death. She wants to shift it before the arrival of the Jordan’s as she doesn't like
to divide between them. Henry initially says no to her proposal. He advises his wife, to arrange
with Elizabeth when they are dividing things up.
3. Why do the Jordans take a long time to get to the house of the Slaters ? What does it show

about the two sisters’ attitude towards each other ?

Ans. The Jordans don't have mourning dresses for the occasion. Their arrival is delayed as they
have to get them. It shows us that they give more importance to showmanship. The sisters are
not grief stricken at their father's death. For them. grief is to be revealed through mourning
dress and not by the feelings in one's heart. They are showy and mean. They don't have any
love and affection for each other.
4. Ben appreciates his father -in-law saying 'It's good thing he did'. Later, he calls him 'dr unken

old beggar'. Why does he change has opinion about his father -in-law ?

Ans. Mr. Ben appreciates his father-in-law by saying that it is good thing the father-in-law has paid
the premium of the insurance policy. When he knows the fact that the father-in-law has not paid
the premium, he changes his opinion and says that the father-in-law is a drunken old beggar. It
reveals the fact that he has love for the property of the father-in-law but not upon him.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 116
5. What made Mr. Henr y feel shocked to hear Victoria say 'Are you planning to pinch it ?’ ?

Ans. Mr. Henry was shocked to know that even Victoria was able to see through the trickery of her
parents in shifting the bureau. He was afraid that she might speak the truth in front of the
Jordans. So, he tried to convince her that the bureau was given to her mother before the death
of the grandfather.
6. Justify the view that the husbands of Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan are men with no individuality.

Ans. It is clearly evident from the behaviour of the husbands of Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan that they
are men with no individuality. Like their greedy wives they also behave foolishly. They have no
bothering about their father-in-law. They also nod their heads to their wives' ideas of getting
property of the old man like dancing bulls. They behave like wooden puppets. They can be
easily manipulated and bent. They acquire very cheap characters. They are not able to correct
their greedy wives.
7. Discuss the irony in the title "The Dear Departed".

Ans. Irony of the title : The grandfather is not dear to anyone. They only wanted his property. They
also curse him for not paying his insurance premium and he is also not dead to be departed.
This is the irony of the play. In this play money is the dear to both the sisters but the truth
revealed in front of Abel, the money only departed from them.
8. List the comic elements in the play "The Dear Depar ted".

Ans. There are many comic elements in the play "The Dear Departed". All the elements in this play
are sarcastic.
Comic elements in the play :

a) Instructions of Mrs. Slater to her daughter, Victoria to change her dress.

b) The way the Slaters stole the things of the grandfather.
c) The attitude of the two sisters over looking after their father.
d) The behaviour of the two husbands without individuality and so on.
9. What are the three things that the father plans to do on Monday next ? What effect does it

have on his daughters ?

Ans. The three things that the father plans to do on Monday next are :
a) to see his lawyer to alter his will,
b) to pay his insurance premium and
c) to many a widow Shorrocks at St. Philip’s church.
10. In what way is the play "The Dear Departed" a commentar y on the hollowness of human

relationship ?

Ans. Both the families neglected their duties and responsibilities towards their father. As soon as
they think he is dead, they start fighting over his assets. Mrs. Slater takes her father's slippers
and quickly replaces his bureau with an old chest of drawers. The Jordans who visit them are
no better. The news about the death of their father leaves them unperturbed. They are more
interested in having tea and discussing the obituary note. Mrs. Jordan also insists on making a
list of her father’s assets so that they can divide it among themselves. The play, therefore,
vividly expresses the hollowness and vacuity of human relationships.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 117
11. 1) What is the meaning of "Tomfooler y" ?

Ans. Tomfoolery = foolish or silly behaviour.

2) Why was Mrs. Jordan surprised after looking at Abel ?

Ans. Mrs. Jordan was surprised after looking at Abel because he received telegram from Henry
Slater that her father was dead.
3) What happened to Abel ?

Ans. Abel was suffering from a headache.

4) Who wore the slippers of Abel ?

Ans. Henry wore the sloppers of Abel.

5) Who are Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Slater ?

Ans. Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Slater are sisters.

12. 1) Who is Victoria ?

Ans. Victoria is the daughter of Mrs. Slater / Amelia.

2) Why did Mrs. Slater ask Victoria to change dress ?

Ans. Mrs. Slater asked Victoria to change her dress due to the death of her grandfather.
3) Who was found dead ?

Ans. Abel was found dead.

13. 1) Who is going to marry John Shor rocks ?

Ans. Abel Merryweather is going to marry John Shorrocks.

2) What is the relation between Ben and Henrry ?

Ans. Ben and Henry are co-brothers.


They are the sons-in-law of Abel/ co-sons-in-law.


14. 1) A 2) D 3) A 4) D 5) B
15. 1) E 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) B
16. a) Raju
b) She has not seen her sister for ages as she lives abroad.
17. My father teaches Mathematics in addition to English.
18. On account of the bad weather, the train is delayed.
19. Adjective.
20. Honesty is the best principle.
21. 1) five-star 2) new-blue 3) cold-blooded 4) well-read
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 118
22. a) alter b) ceiling c) stationery d) accept
23. a) frank or straight forward b) resumed c) harmful d) active
24. a) Swimming b) talkative c) permission d) friendship
25. Compound Adjectives Prepositional Phrases

1) reddish - grey 1) in spite of

2) old - fashioned 2) according to
3) scarlet - red 3) ahead of
4) curly - hair 4) in front of
26. a) bur e a u b) mantel p i e ce.
27. a) enough b) consternation
28. 1) gingerly, 2) fasten
29. a) cool-rule, b) music - laziness
30. random, response, result, revolve
31. You should consult a dentist.
32. 1) confirmation 2) suggestion
33. Would you mind sending me an e-mail about the details of Jan-Dhan Yojana programme ?
34. (c) No, thanks.

h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 119


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20

Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. Why did the author get into debt ? Think of some possible reasons.
2. The author feared that the whole world would laugh at him if he carried the trunk. Was the fear
imaginary or real ? Give reasons for your answer.
3. Why was the author reluctant to carry his own luggage ? What would you do if you were in the
author's place ?
4. Why did the narrator come to his place that time ?
5. What are the feelings of the narrator in carrying the luggage ?
6. Why did the narrator want to extend his leave ? Did he do ?
7. What does the phrase 'opposite directions' in the last sentence suggest ?
8. "The usual words came and beat ......... " Where did the words come from ? Why ?
9. What does the title "Another Woman" suggest ?
10. Find out the instances of personification in the poem.
11. Read the following stanza.

This morning she bought green 'methi'

in the market, choosing the freshest bunch;
picked up a white radish,
imagined the crunch it would make
between her teeth, the sweet sharp taste,
then put it aside, thinking it
an extravagance, counted her coins
out carefully, tied them, a small bundle
into her sari at the waist ; (Another Woman)
Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

1) What did she count ? What did she do with them ?

2) What did she pick up ? Did she buy it ?
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 120
3) There is a word in the poem which means 'spending more than needed.’ Find out the word.
4) Was she enjoying marital life at her in-law's house ?
5) What did she buy this morning ?
12. Read the following lines.

However, I finally did decide to go. I did not have much to carry by way of luggage-just a
trunk. (The Journey)

Answer the following. 3×1=3M

1) What was the narrator's final decision ?

2) Where did he want to go ?
3) Did the narrator have a lot of luggage to carry ?
13. Read the following lines.

I looked at father's bare feet. Never having worn shoes, his feet had developed cracks and
somehow resembled those of an elephant.
Answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

1) What did the narrator look at ?

2) What would be the reason for having cracks on the father's feet ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

The desert camel is perfectly made ________ (1) a hard life. He has sharp teeth _______ (2)
enable him to bite _________ (3) chew roots and even thorns. He eats dry shrubs and grasses.
When the camel _________ (4) water, he drinks enough to __________ (5) about seven litres.
1) A) of B) for C) in D) to
2) A) who B) whose C) whom D) which
3) A) but B) and C) so D) if
4) A) finds B) find C) found D) finding
5) A) storing B) stored C) store D) stores
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) If you run after two birds ( ) A) that he can't walk for a while
2) In spite of his old age ( ) B) after he became old
3) He is so weak ( ) C) than to build
4) He stopped his business ( ) D) you will catch neither
5) It is easier to pull down ( ) E) father carried the trunk
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 121
16. Study the following pair of sentences and answer the question. 1M

a) Sita got into troubles.

b) Gita got over her troubles.
Q. Who could overcome troubles ? Ans : ......................................

17. Father said to his son, "Do you have a pair of old shoes ?"
(Change into indirect speech) 1 M

18. I gave him the can of wine. (Change into passive voice) 1M

19. The narrator was young and strong. But he was physically useless. (Combine the sentences
using 'in spite of') 1M

20. Fill in the blanks with correct verb for ms. 2×½=1M

a) If he ___________ (work) hard, he would not have failed.

b) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ________ away. (run)
21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) My father laughed ___________ my plight. (at, by, on)

b) The road is full _________ pebbles. (to, of, in)
c) They are truly proud ___________ me (in, of, on)
d) His face is lighting up __________ contentment. (into, with, upon)
22. Choose the right words from those given in the brackets and fill in the blanks. 4 × ½ = 2 M

a) Raju is too fat. He should ____________ his weight. (minimise, reduce, lower)
b) Generally children _________ their elders. (quarrel, praise, imitate)
c) When my father had a heart attack, we consulted a _____________.
(cardiologist, dentist, dermatologist)
d) Emperor Ashoka was a ____________ of Buddhism. (follower, friend, comrade)
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) The more I try to remember names, the more I _______________.

b) Success and _____________ are the two sides of a coin.
c) We walked along a broad road, and returned into a _____________ lane.
d) Man is mortal but nature is _____________.
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) She led a luxurious life. His ___________ landed him is debts.

b) Please permit me to go early. I need your _______________.
c) My doctor advised me to take rest. I followed his _____________.
d) My friend _______ agreed to go with me to the movie. (ready)
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 122
25. Put the words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

chit chat, zig zag, bang bang, tick tock, bye bye, hush hush, ding dong, chop


Duplicative type Alliterative type

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using au, ua, ai, ia. 2×½=1M

a) terr _ _ n b) punct _ _ tion

27. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets. 2×½=1M

a) admira _____ (sion, tion) b) happ ______ (yness, iness)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided. 2×½=1M

a) labour luggage governament dissuade

b) contentment simultanously consciousness jewellery
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) relative expensive superlative invasive

b) brochure church chronicle machine
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

compliment, complain company compass

31. Your uncle has been losing weight. Advise him to consult a doctor. 1M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

(i) If I were you, I would carry the trunk.

a) offer ( ) b) question ( )
c) suggestion ( ) d) request ( )
(ii)Can I use your mobile ?
a) making an offer ( ) b) seeking help ( )
c) making a suggestion ( ) d) seeking permission ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

Customer to the sales person : What is the cost of SAMSUNG Duos ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your brother is going to take a test. What would you say to him ? ( ) 1M

a) Thank you b) Congratulations c) Best of Luck ! d) Very good of you

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 123

1. Why did the author get into debt ? Think of some possible reasons.

Ans. The author said that he had got into debt after his marriage. The author might have got into
debt by the following reasons.
i) With the marriage expenses.
ii) Might have bought jewels for his newly-married wife.
iii) Might have bought furniture for the family.
2. The author feared that the whole world would laugh at him if he carried the trunk. Was the

fear imaginar y or real ? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. It was only imaginary. Carrying his own trunk is not an insult at all. No one should be laughed at
when anyone carrying his own luggage.
3. Why was the author reluctant to carry his own luggage ? What would you do if you were in

the author's place ?

Ans. The author was a government officer and the idea of seeing him carry his own luggage was not
at all amusing. So he was reluctant to carry his own luggage. If I were in the author's place,
I would carry my luggage myself.
4. Why did the narrator come to his place that time ?

Ans. The narrator was a government official. He was working away from his house. He came this
time for a special purpose, that is to get married.
5. What are the feelings of the narrator in carrying the luggage ?

Ans. The narrator was a government official. After his marriage, while returning to his duties, his
father carried his trunk. He thought it was improper for him to let father carry the luggage. He
wanted to tell his father that he would like to carry the trunk but his guilt and shame did not
allow him to do so.
6. Why did the narrator want to extend his leave ? Did he do ?

Ans. The narrator recently got married. He was enjoying his marital life happily. So he wanted to
extend his leave. But he did not extend his leave as he had already got into debts.
7. What does the phrase 'opposite directions' in the last sentence suggest ?

Ans. The phrase 'opposite directions' in the last paragraph suggests different situations.
i) Father is moving towards home but son is moving towards duty.
ii) Father is going on foot but son is going by a luxurious bus.
iii) Father is moving as the pebble-strewn road but son is moving on a smooth road.
iv) Father's love and affection towards son and son's authoritativeness to carry trunk.
8. "The usual words came and beat ......... " Where did the words come from ? Why ?

Ans. The usual words came from the heart of mother-in-law and the words beat daughter-in-law.
9. What does the title "Another Woman" suggest ?

Ans. The title 'Another Woman' suggests that she is only one of many women who suffer. It shows
that the problem previous on a much wider measure.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 124
10. Find out the instances of personification in the poem.

Ans. i) curses heaped upon her parents.

ii) a wing of brightness against its blackened cheek.
iii) beat against the cheap old pot.
11. 1) What did she count ? What did she do with them ?

Ans. She counted coins. She tied them a small bundle into her sari.
2) What did she pick up ? Did she buy it ?

Ans. She picked up a white radish. No, she did not buy it.
3) There is a word in the poem which means 'spending more than needed.’ Find out the word.

Ans. Extravagance.
4) Was she enjoying marital life at her in-law's house ?

Ans. No.
5) What did she buy this morning ?

Ans. She bought 'methi' this morning.

12. 1) What was the narrator's final decision ?

Ans. To go to town and join his job.

2) Where did he want to go ?

Ans. To the place of his work.

3) Did the narrator have a lot of luggage to carry ?

Ans. No.
13. 1) What did the narrator look at ?

Ans. At his father's bare feet.

2) What would be the reason for having cracks on the father's feet ?

Ans. He has never worn shoes or chappals.


14. 1) B 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) C
15. 1) D 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) C
16. Gita
17. Father asked his son if he had a pair of old shoes.
18. He was given the can of wine by me.
19. In spite of his youth and strength, the narrator was physically useless.
20. a) had worked b) ran
21. a) at b) of c) of d) with
22. a) reduce b) imitate c) cardiologist d) follower
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 125
23. a) forget b) failure c) narrow d) immortal
24. a) luxury b) permission c) advice d) readily
25. Duplicative Alliterative

1) bang bang 1) chit chat

2) bye bye 2) zig zag
3) hush hush 3) tick tock
4) chop chop 4) ding dong
26. a) a i b) u a
27. a) tion b) iness
28. a) government b) simultaneously
29. a) relative - superlative b) brochure - machine
30. company, compass, complain, compliment
31. You should consult a doctor.
32. (i )c (ii) d
33. 'Would you please tell me the cost of SAMSUNG DUOS' ?
34. c
h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 126


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20


Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. What did Ray's detractors accuse him of ?

2. Who said these words, "I didn't come here to convert. In fact, I am the one who got converted”.
What different shades of meanings do you find in the words of the speaker ?
3. Why did Roberge took nine years long time to meet Ray in person after joining St. Xavier's
College ?
4. How was Ray perceived by the outsiders ?
5. What is meant by the line, ‘Ray took off where Tagore signed out' ?
6. How did Roberge try to take Chitrabani forward ?
7. What is the theme of Rendezvous with Ray ?
8. How did Chitrabani help film-making in Bengali ?
9. Do you think review of the film 'Maya Bazaar' is positive or negative ? Substantiate your view.
10. Why is Maya Bazaar watched repeatedly ?
11. Read the following paragraph.

Fifty years ago, director K.V. Reddy or for that matter, producers Nagi reddy and Chakrapani,
would not have imagined what they were unleashing when they decided to make Maya Bazaar
- a bilingual in Telugu and Tamil.
The finished product hit the screen in 1957 to become a landmark movie in the Telugu film
Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

a) What is meant by 'bilingual' ?

b) What is referred to 'the finished product' ?
c) Which film is a landmark movie ?
d) Who produced the landmark movie ?
e) Who is Mr. K.V. Reddy ?
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 127
12. Read the following lines.

One Sunday morning, Roberge found Ray in a disturbed mood. A few well-known personali-
ties of the city had visited him earlier to go through some of his manuscripts. After they left Ray
found the Charulatha screenplay missing. Ray was almost sure who the culprit was.
Answer the following. 3×1=3M

1) Did Ray know who the culprit was ?

2) What did the culprit do ?
3) Whom did the well-known personalities of the city visit ?
13. Read the following lines.

An entire repertoire was added to the Telugu dictionary by the film. Take for example Talpam
used for denoting a cot or a bed.
Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

a) What word is used for denoting a bed ?

b) What was added to the Telugu dictionary ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Tejasri is a very active child who is always running about making a lot of noise. She is
____________ (1) youngest of four children in the family. She often gets _________ late (2).
________ (3) brother Saikiran is always shouting __________ (4) her. But Tejasri never listens
___________ (5) him.
1) A) a B) an C) the D) any
2) A) in B) into C) on D) up
3) A) She B) Her C) Hers D) Theirs
4) A) on B) about C) at D) against
5) A) for B) at C) on D) to
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) Raghu can sing for ( ) A) by tomorrow evening
2) You can take an umbrella ( ) B) for coffee ?
3) We should complete the practice ( ) C) when you come back ?
4) Shall I wait ( ) D) eight hours at a stretch
5) Will you join us ( ) E) if it rains outside
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 128
16. Study the following pair of sentences and answer the question. 1M

a) Komala signed in the register.

b) Kamala signed out the register.
Q. Who is probably leaving – Komala or Kamala ? Ans : ......................................


Repor t the following into indirect speech.

Amitabh Bacchan said, "Savitri is one of the first actresses with unbelievable spontaneity".
17. This is the man. He stole my purse. (Combine the sentence with ‘who’) 1 M

18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form. 1M

Gopi Naik has taken the responsibility.

19. Combine the following sentences with 'which'. 1M
He sent me a magazine. It was very interesting.
20. Fill in the blank with right contractions. 1M

The story is interesting, ____________ (is not it ?)

21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) Pinnelli gave __________ drinking. (in, at, up)

b) Vivek looks ___________ the baby carefully. (below, after, into)
c) Keats died _________ the early age (of, at, in)
d) My friend met me ____________ 7 P.M. yesterday. (on, in, at)
22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from the box that

have the same meaning. 4×½=2M

strange, agnostic, aesthetics, portal, arrogance, dictum, fall out

1) Moorthy is a nice person. He has the art of judging beauty.
2) This is the entrance to the international airport.
3) Vijay is a peculiar person. He is a person who does not know whether god exists.
4) I never came across such a situation. It is totally new to me.
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) Everybody admires success ; nobody likes _____________

b) We expected to increase production last year ; but it really __________
c) There is nothing special about him. He is an _____________ doctor.
d) All public and ___________ vehicle owners need to pay tax to the government.
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) The _________ of books at Sankar Vilas will continue until next Friday. (exhibit)
b) She likes being admired . So she does everything possible to win _______ from others.
c) My friend Saileela is a very ____________ girl. She has lot of intelligence.
d) We celebrated the Golden Jubilee function of our school. The ________ was marvellous.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 129
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

(disability, invention, analogist, biannual, biology, suicide, prologue, precalculate)

Prefixes Suffixes

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using ea, ie, ai, ia, ae. 2×½=1M

a) ach _ _ ve b) rel _ _ se
27. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets. 2×½=1M

a) classi _____ (kal, cal) b) success _____ (full, ful)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Re-write it correctly in the space provided. 2 × ½ = 1 M

a) repertore b) confronted c) folly d) reverberate

a) myriad b) masculine c) cellulid d) legacy
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) bread teeth heart piece

b) great deal near fate
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

a) settled seeding searching seminar

31. Your friend is not getting good marks in English. Advise him to take special coaching. 1 M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

(i) Could you lend me a pen ?

a) making a request ( ) b) asking a question ( )
c) making a suggestion ( ) d) seeking help ( )
(ii)Shall we see a film tonight ?
a) asking a question ( ) b) making a request ( )
c) making a suggestion ( ) d) making an offer ( )
33. Change the following into a polite request. 1M

You to your new teacher : What is your name ?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your friend is going abroad.

What would you say to him ? ( ) 1M

a) All the best b) Bon voyage c) Best of luck d) Congratulations

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 130

1. What did Ray's detractors accuse him of ?

Ans. Ray's detractors accused him of that he made his reputation selling India's poverty to the West.
Roberge did not agree as he felt that spiritual poverty of the West was much more deplorable
than material poverty.
2. Who said these words, "I didn't come here to convert. In fact, I am the one who got con-

ver ted”. What different shades of meanings do you find in the words of the speaker ?

Ans. Roberge said these words. Generally people of the West come to india to convert the people
into their religion. But Roberge was attracted to many things in India.
3. Why did Roberge took nine years long time to meet Ray in person after joining St. Xavier's

College ?

Ans. Roberge took nine years to meet Ray because he wanted to know more about the works of Ray
and prepare himself to make their meeting worthwhile.
4. How was Ray perceived by the outsiders ?

Ans. Ray was perceived as cold, aloof and intimidating by the outsiders. But he was simple and
unassuming man with a subtle sense of humour.
5. What is meant by the line, ‘Ray took off where Tagore signed out' ?

Ans. The last prose piece of Tagore was 'Shabhyatar Sankat' told that it would be a sin to lose faith in
man. Ray dipicted the same ideas in his films.
6. How did Roberge tr y to take Chitrabani forward ?

Ans. 'Chitrabani' is an institute of communication and film founded by Roberge. It produced not only
documentary films but also produced many talented actors and actresses.
7. What is the theme of Rendezvous with Ray ?

Ans. The theme of the lesson 'Rendezvous with Ray' is to picturise the illustrious life of Ray and to
explain the experiences of Roberge with Ray.
8. How did Chitrabani help film-making in Bengali ?

Ans. Chitrabani produced not only documentary feature films but it also became the breeding ground
for local talent in film making.
9. Do you think review of the film 'Maya Bazaar' is positive or negative ? Substantiate your


Ans. I think the review of the film, 'Maya Bazar' is positive. Because the 'Maya Bazar' was adjudged
as the best and greatest film by the poll conducted by a T.V. news channel on the occasion of
the celebration of 100 Years of Indian Cinema.
10. Why is Maya Bazaar watched repeatedly ?

Ans. Maya Bazaar was watched repeatedly because people identified themselves with every
character with someone they knew in their surroundings.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 131
11. a) What is meant by 'bilingual' ?

Ans. Two languages.

b) What is refer red to 'the finished product' ?

Ans. The movie 'Maya Bazaar'.

c) Which film is a landmark movie ?

Ans. Maya Bazaar.

d) Who produced the landmark movie ?

Ans. Nagireddy and Chakrapani.

e) Who is Mr. K.V. Reddy ?

Ans. The director of Maya Bazaar movie.

12. 1) Did Ray know who the culprit was ?

Ans. Yes.
2) What did the culprit do ?

Ans. He stole the screenplay of Charulatha.

3) Whom did the well-known personalities of the city visit ?

Ans. Satyajit Ray.

13. a) What word is used for denoting a bed ?

Ans. Talpam.
b) What was added to the Telugu dictionary ?

Ans. A repertoire (words)


14. 1) C 2) D 3) B 4) C 5) D
15. 1) D 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) C
16. Kamala
Amitabh Bacchan said that Savitri was one of the first actresses with unbelievable spontaneity.
17. This is the man who stole my purse.
18. The responsibility has been taken by Gopi Naik.
19. He sent me a magazine which was very interesting.
20. Isn't it ?
21. a) up b) after c) at d) at
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 132
22. a) aesthetics b) portal c) agnostic d) strange
23. a) failure b) decreased c) ordinary d) private
24. a) exhibition b) admiration c) intelligent d) celebration
25. Prefixes Suffixes

1) disability 1) invention
2) biannual 2) analogist
3) prologue 3) biology
4) precalculate 4) suicide
26. a) i e b) e a
27. a) cal b) ful
28. a) repertoire b) celluloid
29. a) teeth, piece b) great, fate
30. searching, seeding, seminar, settled
31. You ought to take special coaching to improve your marks in English.
32. (i )making a request (a) (ii) making a suggestion (c)
33. Would you please tell me your name ?
34. Bon voyage ? (Wish you a happy and enjoyable journey).
h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 133


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20

Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. Who was Bayaji ? Where did he work ? (The Storeyed House – I)

2. Why did Bayaji return home ? (The Storeyed House – I)
3. "Greetings to you, Sir, how are things with you ?" Bayaji greeted Bhujaba. Why did Bhujaba
become furious ? (The Storeyed House – I)
4. Which religion did Bayaji embrace ? (The Storeyed House – I)
5. Why was Bayaji tempted to knock down Bhujaba with his box ? (The Storeyed House – I)
6. Why do you think Bhujaba insisted on knowing the exact amount received by Bayaji on his
retirement ? (The Storeyed House – I)
7. What was Bayaji's dream ? (The Storeyed House – I)
8. How did Kondiba oppose Bayaji's idea of building a storeyed house ? In what way did he warn
Bayaji ? How did Bayaji change his plan ? (The Storeyed House – II)
9. 'The Storeyed House is a powerful symbol of Dalit empowerment in India.' Comment.
(The Storeyed House – II)
10. Comment on Bayaji's last wish : ‘Sons, I want you to build a storeyed house.' (The Storeyed
House – II)
11. Read the following stanza.

Abandoned to the garbage bin,

With mosquitoes and insects
eating its tiny fingers away,
Little baby crying for help
as foul smell comes into play,
irradiating from disposed bacteria.
Unheard shrieks of the baby's hysteria
die in eerie silence of the night,
"An outcast of destiny". (Abandoned)
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 134
Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

a) Who ate its tiny fingers ?

b) Who was abandoned ?
c) Where did the foul smell come from ?
d) "An outcast of destiny" - Who do you think was the 'outcast' ?
e) Why was the baby crying ?
12. Read the following lines.

Bayaji had packed his entire household goods in this box. There was no longer any reason
to hang around in Bombay. He had worked honestly for the past thirty-five years in the dock-
yard and had retired from service two months before. Not that he had held an important posi-
tion. He had merely got an extension for two years; during that period he had become a super-
visor. Otherwise his entire life had been spent lifting heavy loads. He had worked very hard
whenever he could, day and night. (The Storeyed House – I)

Now answer the following. 3×1=3M

a) Which positions did Bayaji hold ?

b) Where did Bayaji work ?
c) How did Bayaji work ?
13. Read the following line.

This untouchable worm has got a swollen head. He needs proper handling.
(The Storeyed House – II)

Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

a) Who is 'untouchable worm' ?

b) 'A swollen head' ........ means .......... ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Jawaharlal Nehru __________ (1) first Prime Minister of India, was born _________ (2) a Kashmiri
pandit family. He was born ________ (3) November 14, 1889 at Allahabad.__________ (4) father
Motilal Nehru was a famous lawyer of his time. Their huge home at Allahabad was ___________
(5) ‘Anand Bhawan’, now renamed as ‘Swaraj Bhavan’.
1) A) an B) a C) the D) one
2) A) in B) on C) at D) into
3) A) at B) on C) about D) of
4) A) Her B) His C) Their D) Him
5) A) call B) calls C) called D) calling
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 135
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

i) Go to bed early ( ) A) to the next month.
ii) You can do Maths well ( ) B) please call for a mechanic to repair it.
iii) The wedding is put off ( ) C) the bust left.
iv) The TV is making a terrible noise ( ) D) can’t you ?
v) It’s time ( ) E) so that you can wake up early.
16. Study the following pair of sentences and answer the question. 1M

a) Raheem put on the light in the room.

b) Reshma put out the light in the room.
Q. Who made the room darker ?

Ans : ..........................................................................................................................................................

Repor t the following into indirect speech.

Kiran said, ‘I want to visit China next year.’

Ans : ..............................................................................................................................................................

17. Medha Patkar is an activist. She started the Narmada Bachao Andolan.
(Combine the sentence with who) 1 M

Ans : ....................................................................................................................................................................
18. Re-write the following sentence in Passive form. 1M

They are repairing the engine.

Ans : ....................................................................................................................................................................

19. Combine the following sentences with 'Who' 1M

A tall woman is standing near the door. She is my English teacher.

Ans : ....................................................................................................................................................................

20. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. 1M

When we ........................ (reach) the cinema-hall, the film ......................... (start). So we could not
see the beginning.
21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) Kumar was afraid ............................. his enemies. (off, of, to)

b) Come and sit .................................... me. (at, on, by)
c) People started to shout ........................... the driver. (over, out, at)
d) They may feel jealous ............................... your success. (of, at, about)
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 136
22. Choose the right words from those given in the brackets and fill in the blanks. 4 × ½ = 2 M

a) A person who brings out new books is ..............................................................

(publisher, editor, distributor)
b) Words inscribed on a tomb .................................................. (epitaph, epilogue, epitome)
c) A person studies birds scientifically, he is an ............................................
(Ornithologist, Ecologist, Activist)
d) The film that gives facts about something is ........................................
(documentary, fiction, feature film)
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) As I am strange to the atmosphere, I am slowly becoming ..................... with it.

b) He is glad that he has won the case but at the same time he is ................................ that he has
to spend so much amount on it.
c) We drove along a broad road for many miles and turned into a .................... lane.
d) Man is mortal, but nature is .....................................
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) We derive a lot of ....................................... from her inspiring story.

b) The jewel seems a precious one. Let us see what the ....................... of this article is.
c) The doctor operated the patient and he talked to him after ..........................
d) We must restore our environment and always try to ensure its ............................
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

Cautious, Aggressive, Observant, Malicious,

Meticulous, Mean, Enthusiastic, Lazy.
Positive attitude person Negative attitude person

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using ie, ei, ea or ou. 2×½=1M

a) amb _ _ nce b) industri _ _ s

27. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets. 2×½=1M

a) specula ............. (tion/sion) b) insecti .................. (cide/side)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided. 2×½=1M

a) Deforestation Available Modernization Permanant

Ans : ..............................................................................................................................................................

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 137

b) Representative Responsability Convention Segregation
Ans : ..............................................................................................................................................................

29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) peasant lean bear head

Ans : ..............................................................................................................................................................

b) ache teach moustache musician

Ans : ..............................................................................................................................................................

30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

Synthesis, Sculpture, Several, Sacrifice

Ans : .......................... ............................... ........................ ........................
31. Your friend is cutting a tree. Advise him not to cut the tree. 1M

Ans : ......................................................................................................................................................................

32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

(i) Will you join us for tea ?

a) Seeking permission ( ) b) Asking for help ( )
c) Making a request ( ) d) Making an offer ( )
(ii)Where can I get a car for hire ?
a) Making a request ( ) b) Asking a question ( )
c) Making a suggestion ( ) d) Seeking information ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

Sneha to Librarian : Give me an English dictionary.

Ans : .....................................................................................................................................................................

34. You helped your friend. He expressed his thanks. What would you say in reply ? 1M

a) Thank you ! ( ) b) It’s nice ! ( )

c) You’re welcome ! ( ) d) Congratulations ! ( )

1. Who was Bayaji ? Where did he work ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. Bayaji was a Mahar by caste and belonged to Maharashtra. He worked in a dockyard in Bombay
for 35 years.
2. Why did Bayaji return home ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. After retired from his service, Bayaji decided to spend the rest of his days in his home village.
So he came back home.
3. "Greetings to you, Sir, how are things with you ?" Bayaji greeted Bhujaba. Why did Bhujaba

become furious ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. Bayaji was a Mahar by caste and according to age-old custom should have greeted Bhujaba
with 'My humble salutations to you, sir, who are my father and mother'. But Bayaji merely said
'Greetings'. This made Bhujaba furious.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 138
4. Which religion did Bayaji embrace ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. Bayaji embraced Buddhism.

5. Why was Bayaji tempted to knock down Bhujaba with his box ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. When Bayaji merely wished Bhujaba, he became furious and said 'Do you think you can be-
come a Brahmin merely by saying "Greetings” ?’ ‘Can you forget your position simply because
you've turned Buddhist ?' These words hurt Bayaji's self-respect and he was shocked. For a
moment, he was tempted to knock Bhujaba down with his box. But he controlled himself.
6. Why do you think Bhujaba insisted on knowing the exact amount received by Bayaji on his

retirement ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. Bhujaba asked Bayaji how much he had got by way of retirement fund. He wanted to swindle at
least a part of Bayaji's retirement fund. So he insisted on knowing the exact amount.
7. What was Bayaji's dream ? (The Storeyed House – I)

Ans. Bayaji had a large family. He wanted them to live in a spacious home in comfort. So his dream
was to construct a storeyed house as his retirement gift to his family.
8. How did Kondiba oppose Bayaji's idea of building a storeyed house ? In what way did he

warn Bayaji ? How did Bayaji change his plan ? (The Storeyed House – II)

Ans. Kondiba's was the only storeyed house in the village. He couldn't bear Bayaji building a
storeyed house. So he threatened that Bayaji couldn't live in the village if he continued with the
construction. Bayaji was frightened and changed his house plan. He planned for a normal house
and later planned for a low floored first storey above the middle portion.
9. 'The Storeyed House is a powerful symbol of Dalit empower ment in India.' Comment.

(The Storeyed House – II)

Ans. 'The Storeyed House' is a powerful symbol of Dalit empowerment in India. It presents Bayaji’s
pathetic plight and also the potential of Dalits. Though Bayaji’s house was burnt, his sons'
spirit grew stronger to construct the storeyed house the very same day. They were no more to
be frightened.
10. Comment on Bayaji's last wish : ‘Sons, I want you to build a storeyed house.'

(The Storeyed House – II)

Ans. Bayaji was burnt to death on the day of house-warming. His last wish was to build a storeyed
house. It suggests his concern for his family. It indicates his strong wish to oppose injustice.
11. a) Who ate its tiny fingers ?

Ans. Mosquitoes and insects.

b) Who was abandoned ?

Ans. A little baby was abandoned.

c) Where did the foul smell come from ?

Ans. From the garbage bin.

d) "An outcast of destiny" - Who do you think was the 'outcast' ?

Ans. The baby was the outcast.

e) Why was the baby cr ying ?

Ans. Because the mosquitoes and insects ate its tiny fingers.
12. a) Which positions did Bayaji hold ?

Ans. Worked as a coolie and as a supervisor.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 139
b) Where did Bayaji work ?

Ans. Bayaji worked in a dockyard in Bombay.

c) How did Bayaji work ?

Ans. He worked honestly and sincerely, worked hard whenever he could, day and night.
13. a) Who is 'untouchable worm' ?

Ans. Bayaji.
b) 'A swollen head' ........ means .......... ?

Ans. Head strong or proud


14. 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) C
15. 1) E 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C
16. Reshma (or)
Kiran said that he wanted to visit China the following year.
17. Medha Patkar, who started the Narmada Bachao Andolan, is an activist.
18. The engine is being repaired by them.
19. A tall woman who is standing near the door, is my English teacher.
20. reached, had started.
21. a) of b) by c) at d) of
22. a) publishers b) epitaph c) Ornithologist d) documentary
23. a) familiar b) sad c) narrow d) immortal
24. a) inspiration b) preciousness c) operation d) restoration
25. Positive Attitude person Negative Attitude person

1) Cautious 1) Aggressive
2) Observant 2) Malicious
3) Meticulous 3) Mean
4) Enthusiastic 4) Lazy
26. a) i e b) ou
27. a) tion b) cide
28. a) Permanent b) Responsibility
29. a) peasant, lean b) moustache, musician
30. Sacrifice, Sculpture, Several, Synthesis
31. Dear friend, you should not cut the tree.
32. i) d) Making an offer ii) d) Seeking information
33. Sir, would you please give me an English dictionary ?
34. c) You’re welcome.

h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 140


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20

Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. How are people's basic needs connected with the environment ?

2. Wangari Maathai has described the environment of her childhood in the interview. Is the envi-
ronment of her childhood different from the environment you live in ? If yes, in what ways ?
3. According to Maathai, how are women responsible for the protection of the environment ?
4. What is the specific message of Wangari Maathai ?
5. List the transformation that Wangari Maathai was able to bring about over the years. Which
one of them is the biggest in your opinion ?
6. Maathai said, "When we plant a tree, we plant hope". What does she mean by this ?
7. Why did the British government clear cut the indigenous forests ?
8. What did the women say in the first UNO Conference for Women ?
9. Wangari Maathai suggests three themes for development. What are they ?
10. What is the peom "Or will the Dreamer Wake" about ?
11. Read the following stanza.

There in the west the song thrush warbles

She weaves her nest to hold her clutch
A long wait now to find a partner
The eggs are laid, there are not much.
These chicks could be the last ones ever
The last to fly and sing and mate.
Our grandchild knows the song thrush never
Or will the dreamer wake ?
Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

a) Why does the thrush weave her nest ?

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 141
b) "These chicks could be the last ones ever." Why does the poet say so ?
c) Our grandchildren are likely to miss something. What is it ?
d) Who is the dreamer ?
e) Why should he wake (up) ?
12. Read the following lines.

The forested mountains were the source of water and the source of rain, so when you
deforest you cause a shortage of water and a change of rainfall patterns and therefore people
are not able to get food and water. Therefore, in order for them to have good environment that
can sustain their livelihoods, it is important to have a government that accounts to them, that
protects them, that protects their interests, that is concerned about their lives.
Answer the following. 3×1=3M

1) What are the sources of water and rain ?

2) The livelihoods of people depend upon __________
3) Two effects of deforestation are mentioned in the passage. What are they ?
13. Read the following lines.

Noise pollution in seas and oceans is also increasing due to ship traffic and oil drilling. This
is affecting the hearing sense of animals.
Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

1) Why is noise pollution increasing in seas and oceans ?

2) What is affected by this noise pollution ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Walt Disney is a well - known name all over _____ (1) world. He was born in Chicago ______ (2)
December 5 , 1901. Disney was the famous animator _____ (3) created characters such as Mickey

Mouse and Donald Duck. ________ (4) films have entertained millions of people over the years
and _____ (5) still popular today.
1) A) an B) a C) the D) this
2) A) on B) at C) in D) with
3) A) which B) where C) whose D) who
4) A) His B) He C) Him D) Her
5) A) were B) is C) are D) was
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 142
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) Having done his homework ( ) A) since 2005
2) If you were a cardialogist ( ) B) that it is not able to support people
3) Not only did the rain C) he went out to play
patterns change ( )
4) The environment is so degraded ( ) D) you would be interested in the heart
5) We have lived here ( ) E) but also the rivers started drying up.
16. Change the following into indirect speech. 1M

NHK Radio said to Wangari Maathai, "What transformations did you see ?"
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

17. Combine the sentences with 'Who". 1M

Wangari Maathai is an African Woman. She started the Green Belt movement.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form. 1M

We gave them plastic bags to put the seedlings.

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

19. Combine the following sentences with 'if'. 1M

Plant trees. Then you will have trees for firewood.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

20. Fill in the blank with right contractions. 1M

He _______ (will) come tomorrow, ______ (will not he)

21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) Many people are not aware _________ the environmental damage. (of, at, off)
b) We are all happy _________ the good news you have brought. (to, about, on)
c) Air pollution may lead _________________ lung diseases. (for, with, to)
d) The officials were engaged __________ conversation when the CM arrived. (in, at, from)
22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from the text that

have the same meaning. 4×½=2M

(indigenous, flora, transformation, negotiation, competent, pristine, responsible, exotic )

a) India and China have made an agreement to settle bilateral issues through discussion.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

b) Wow ! Your car still looks fresh and clean.

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 143

c) Our scientists are capable of launching missiles with native technology.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

d) Mobile phones have brought about a complete change in communication systems.

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) Geetha has great respect for her teachers. She never shows _________ for them.
b) There are no differences between local people and __________ people in our city.
c) Girls like to wear natural flowers, not _________ ones.
d) The number of trees is more in rural areas than in ___________ areas.
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) Dhoni is able to hit sixes effortlessly. His ________ has been proved many times.
b) The percentage of illiteracy in Kerala is zero because there are no _________ people there.
c) My brother prepared for the interview very confidently. We all wondered at his _______.
d) Raghu decided to quit his job. His ___________ shocked all his colleagues.
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

colony, seeds, forest, farm, fodder, stool, land, firewood

Places Things

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using "ea, ie, ai, ia, ae". 2×½=1M

a) mater _ _ l b) mount _ _ ns
27. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets. 2×½=1M

a) ordi _____ (nary, nery) b) mess _____ (age, ege)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided. 2×½=1M

a) conserned, corrupt, landscape, inspire

b) effort, discontent, developement, influence
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) resource, species, clean, decide

b) fight, leader, like, diploma
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

difficult, diploma, diversity, disappear

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 144
31. Your friend is eating a lot of junkfood these days. Advise him not to do so. 1M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

(i) Could you pass me the salt ?

a) permission ( ) b) question ( )
c) order ( ) d) request ( )
(ii)Shall we go to the library ?
a) offer ( ) b) caution ( )
c) suggestion ( ) d) apology ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

You to your English teacher :

"What is the meaning of this word ? "
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your brother is doing ver y well at school. What would you say to him ?( ) 1M

a) Best of Luck ! b) Keep it up! c) I am sorry d) what a pity !


1. How are people's basic needs connected with the environment ?

Ans. The basic needs of people are clean drinking water, food, fodder, etc. All these come from the
land, that is the environment. So people get them, only when the environment is good.
2. Wangari Maathai has described the environment of her childhood in the interview. Is the

environment of her childhood different from the environment you live in ? If yes, in what

ways ?

Ans. Her childhood environment was clean, beautiful and green. But in my environment rivers are
polluted, air is contaminated and trees are cut down.
3. According to Maathai, how are women responsible for the protection of the environment ?

Ans. Rural women work on the farms, they plant, cultivate and produce food. To do all these things
they need clean environment. This way they are responsible for its protection.
4. What is the specific message of Wangari Maathai ?

Ans. Her message is to protect the environment by restoring the vegetation, the land and the for-
5. List the transformation that Wangari Maathai was able to bring about over the years. Which

one of them is the biggest in your opinion ?

Ans. i) The ordinary, illiterate women were able to plant trees, use them for energy and sell them
for income.
ii) All the dirty places of the landscape were turned into beautiful places with trees, birds and
iii) People showed willingness to fight for their rights.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 145
6. Maathai said, "When we plant a tree, we plant hope". What does she mean by this ?

Ans. Apart from fruit and other things, trees give us oxyzen, which is essential for living. Trees also
make the environment less polluted. So when we plant a tree we plant a hope for happy living in
7. Why did the British government clear cut the indigenous forests ?

Ans. Because they wanted to establish commercial plantations of the pines and the eucalyptus.
8. What did the women say in the first UNO Conference for Women ?

Ans. They said that they needed food, drinking water and fodder ----- the basic needs of people.
9. Wangari Maathai suggests three themes for development. What are they ?

Ans. They are peace, good governance and sustainable management of resources.
10. What is the peom "Or will the Dreamer wake" about ?

Ans. It is about some endangered species. It also exposes man's indifference to wildlife.
11. a) Why does the thrush weave her nest ?

Ans. To provide safety for her eggs and young.

b) "These chicks could be the last ones ever." Why does the poet say so ?

Ans. Because the song thrush is in danger of extinction.

c) Our grandchildren are likely to miss something. What is it ?

Ans. The chance of knowing about a song thrush and seeing it.
d) Who is the dreamer ?

Ans. The man.

e) Why should he wake (up) ?

Ans. To protect the endangered animals and birds.

12. 1) What are the sources of water and rain ?

Ans. The forested mountains / green areas.

2) The livelihoods of people depend upon __________

Ans. The good environment.

3) Two effects of deforestation are mentioned in the passage. What are they ?

Ans. i) shortage of water

ii ) change of rainfall patterns.
13. 1) Why is noise pollution increasing in seas and oceans ?

Ans. Because of ship traffic and oil drilling.

2) What is affected by this noise pollution ?

Ans. The hearing sense of animals.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 146

14. 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) A 5) C
15. 1) C 2) D 3) E 4) B 5) A
16. NHK Radio asked Wangari Maathai what transformations she had seen.
17. Wangari Maathai, who started the Green Belt movement, is an African woman.
18. Plastic bags were given to them by us to put the seedlings. (or) They were given plastic bags by
us to put the seedlings.
19. If you plant trees, you will have trees for firewood.
20. He'll come tomorrow, won't he ?
21. a) of b) about c) to d) in
22. a) negotiation b) pristine c) indigenous d) transformation
23. a) disrespect b) non-local c) artificial d) urban
24. a) ability b) illiterate c) confidence d) decision
25. Places Things

1) colony 1) seeds
2) forest 2) fodder
3) farm 3) stool
4) land 4) firewood
26. a) i a b) a i
27. a) nary b) age
28. a) concerned b) development
29. a) resource, decide b) fight, like
30. difficult, diploma, disappear, diversity
31. You should not eat too much junkfood.
32. 1. d 2. c
33. Sir, could you please tell me what the meaning of this word is ?
34. b.
h h h h h

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 147


Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20


Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. What was the family condition of Kalam's family in his childhood ?

2. Why did Samsuddin take Kalam as his helping hand ?
3. "I filled the slot." What does the sentence mean ?
4. What are the qualities that we need to change the social system for its good and bright future?
5. Events from the Ramayana and from the life of the prophet were the bedtime stories my mother
and grandmother would tell the children in our family.
Choose the most appropriate meaning for the underlined word from the option given below.

a) Stories told by the bedside

b) Stories told on the bed
c) Stories told before getting sleep.
6. "Your children are not your children ......" What does it mean ? Do you agree with the statement ?
Or disagree with this ?
7. What kind of characteristics were inherited by Kalam ?
8. 'Kalam's family encourages religious spirit.' Substantiate (support) this statement.
9. How did Mr. Sivasubramania Iyer overcome the social barrier like religious discrimination ?
10. As children none of us ever felt any difference amongst ourselves because of our religious
differences and upbringing.
Choose the most appropriate meaning for the underlined word from the options given below.

a) education b) cared and trained c) food and shelter

11. Read the following stanza.

We, Indians, are proud to be a strong nation,

our roots, we declare, cannot be shaken.
Then why these fights,
which leave us in poor plight ?
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 148
Now answer the following questions. 5×1=5M

1) Why are the people in India to be proud of ?

2) Which cannot be shaken ?
3) Who can declare that the country cannot be shaken by anyone ?
4) Why do people fight ? What are the possible occasions ?
5) How does this fighting effect on people ?
12. Read the following lines.

One day when I was in the fifth standard at the Rameswaram Elementary School, a new
teacher came to our class. I used to wear a cap which marked me as a Muslim, and I always sat
in the front row next to Ramanadha Sastry, who wore the sacred thread.
Answer the following. 3×1=3M

1) Who was the Muslim boy referred to, in this passage ?

2) Who were sitting together ?
3) Which class were they in ?
13. Read the following lines.

I inherited honesty and self-discipline from my father, from my mother, I inherited faith in
goodness and deep kindness and so did my three brothers and sister.
Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

1) What did the narrator learn from his father ?

2) What did he learn from his mother ?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable linkers or discourse markers.

5 × ½ = 2½ M

Today many species of plants and animals are in danger of becoming extinct. This is not just
the result of natural processes. It is entirely due to the excess of humans in hunting and collect-
ing animals and plants _________(1)_________ destroyinng their habitats.
If we go on killing animals faster than they can breed, they are bound to die _________(2)_____.
For example the Dodo, a large flightless bird of Mauritius was hunted for its meat, and its eggs
were eaten by rats and dogs, which people had taken to the island. _________(3)_________ of
this by 1681 it was extinct.
_________(4)________ the Quagga, a kind of zebra, once roamed in the plains of southern
Africa in huge herds. _________(5)_________ white settlers began to slaughter these animals
for their meat and hides. Consequently by 1883 the Quagga too was extinct.
1) A) as a result B) further more C) eventually [ ]
2) A) suddenly B) however C) eventually [ ]
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 149
3) A) In addition to B) Further more C) As a result [ ]
4) A) In the same way B) Finally C) Above all [ ]
5) A) However B) Finally C) On the contrary [ ]
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

part in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

1) He left early ( ) A) he woke up very late
2) He fell asleep ( ) B) he would earn more money
3) Since it was a holiday ( ) C) so that he would not be late
4) If he worked hard ( ) D) that he slept fifteen hours a day
5) He was so lazy ( ) E) while he was watching TV
16. Choose the right option from the given words and fill in the blanks. 1M

A career in IT field is lucrative _________ it is stressful and it can even be harmful to one's
health (similarly / at the same time)
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

17. There were freezing temperatures. They trekked for hours. 1M

(Join these two sentences using - in spite of)

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form. 1M

The man is carrying two bags.

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

19. Join the following sentences using the linker given in the brackets. 1M

He has stopped playing hockey. He wants to have more time for study. (In order to)
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

20. Fill in the blank with appropriate choice from the brackets. 1M

Transportation has developed a lot in India ____________, the trade too has improved. (like-
wise/ whereas)
21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) The picture is hanging _______________ the wall. (on, in, to)

b) Florence was called Lady _____________ the Lamp. (with, to, for)
c) The book was stolen _____________ him. (on, to, by)
d) Rakesh was suffering ___________ fever. (with, from, for)
22. Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined word in each sentence below and put

the corresponding answer in the brackets. 4×½=2M

1) The new teacher could not stomach a Hindu priests son sitting with a Muslim boy. ( )
a) imagine b) permit c) tolerate
2) Siva Subramania Iyer was not perturbed nor did he get angry with his wife. ( )
a) disturbed b) disappointed c) pleased
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 150
3) He looked utterly downcast as I shifted to my seat in the last row. ( )
a) lonely b) sad c) disappointed
4) India's freedom was imminent. ( )
a) expected b) necessary c) certain
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) This vessel is empty but the pot is _________ of water.

b) Counting pages in the book is possible, but counting the stars in the sky is ______________.
c) He passed his external examinations but failed in ___________ examinations.
d) Gandhiji is dead but his soul is __________________.
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) Kalams parents were helpful. They always _____________ others.

b) Suguna is my best friend. Ours is a good ________________.
c) George Bernard shaw inspired people with his _________________ speeches.
d) An old man was our guide. We worked under his ____________________.
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

tolerant, orthodox, sociable, short-tempered, secular-generous, adamant-conducive

Good qualities Bad qualities

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________
26. Complete the following words by using "ea, ai, ia, ae". 2×½=1M

a) inst _ _ d b) m _ _ ntain
27. Complete the following words with the letters given in the brackets. 2×½=1M

a) hospit ______ (al / el) b) hot ______ (el / al)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Re-write it correctly in the space provided. 2 × ½ = 1 M

a) summon austere suggreggation orthodox

b) capability division received releave
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) Aunt fruit yet met ________

b) flower flow flaw shower ________
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

about, around, according, adapt

31. Your friend's father is a heavy smoker. Suggest him to stop smoking. 1M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 151
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

(i) The class has become a fish market. Why don't you stop talking, boys ?
a) asking a question ( ) b) making a request ( )
c) giving an order ( ) d) making an offer ( )
(ii)Do your best and you will never regret.
a) offer ( ) b) suggestion ( )
c) order ( ) d) request ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

Your friend is going to school on his cycle.

Request him to give you lift on his bicycle.
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your uncle comes to your house after a long time. You are happy. How do you share your

happiness ? ( ) 1M

a) What a nuisance ? b) What a pleasant surprise!

c) When will you return ? d) Why have you come here ?

1. What was the family condition of Kalam's family in his childhood ?

Ans. Kalam was born in a middle class Tamil family in the island town of Rameswaram. His parents
were poor and had no formal education, but he possessed great innate wisdom and true gener-
osity of spirit.
2. Why did Samsuddin take Kalam as his helping hand ?

Ans. During the Second World War the emergency was declared. The first casualty came in the form
of the suspension of the train halt at Rameshwaram station. To catch the bundles of the news-
papers which were thrown out from the moving train and to distribute them, Samsuddin was in
need of helping hand. So he took Kalam to fill the slot.
3. "I filled the slot." What does the sentence mean ?

Ans. Kalam's parents were poor. In order to fill the gap of poverty Kalam, being a child, gathered the
seeds of tamarind and bundled the newspapers to spread them in Rameswaram. He earned a
little money to fill the gap of poverty.
4. What are the qualities that we need to change the social system for its good and bright


Ans. Societies like Rameswaram have some rigid terms to accept the seggregations of different so-
cial groups. For example Sivasubramaniya Iyer's wife was a very conservative to accept a change.
She denied to serve the meal to a Muslim boy (Kalam) at the first visit. But her husband, Iyer
had a strong urge, broad views, tolerance and the feeling of equality. So he could change his
wife. At the second visit she served food lovingly to Kalam.
5. Events from the Ramayana and from the life of the prophet were the bedtime stories my

mother and grandmother would tell the children in our family. What are called bedtime stories ?

Ans. Stories told before going to sleep are bedtime stories.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 152
6. "Your children are not your children ......" What does it mean ? Do you agree with the state-

ment ? Or disagree with this ?

Ans. The expression "Your children are not your children" means as children while growing they
have their own ideas. In the text Kalam asks his father to move to Ramanadhapuram for higher
studies. His father said to his wife "You may give them love but not your thoughts". This indi-
cates that parents give only love but not their thoughts. Every parent must agree with this
expression. I also agree with this.
7. What kind of characteristics were inherited by Kalam ?

Ans. Every child is born with some inherited characteristics from their parents. Kalam inherited
some socio-economic and emotional environment from figures of authority. He learned hon-
esty and self-discipline from his father, and mother, faith in goodness and deep kindness along
with his brothers and sister.
8. 'Kalam's family encourages religious spirit.' Substantiate (support) this statement.

Ans. Kalam's parents fed many of people in their home irrespective of thier religions. Kalam had
three friends which belonged to orthodox, Hindu Brahmin families. During the annual Shri Sita
Rama Kalyana ceremony Kalam's father arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols
of the lord from the temple to the marriage site. Kalam's mother and grandmother told events
from the Ramayana and the life of prophet were the bedtime stores.
9. How did Mr. Sivasubramania Iyer overcome the social barrier like religious discrimination ?

Ans. Kalam's Science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer invited him for a meal. Iyer's wife was very -
converservative. She was horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy being invited to dine in her
ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serve meal to Kalam. Then Iyer served with his hands. He
educated his wife about the social barrier. Next week she herself served the meal to Kalam.
10. As children none of us ever felt any difference amongst ourselves because of our religious

dif ferences and upbringing. What is the meaning of upbringing ?

Ans. Upbringing = cared and trained

11. 1) Why are the people in India to be proud of ?

Ans. Because India is a strong nation.

2) Which cannot be shaken ?

Ans. Roots
3) Who can declare that the country cannot be shaken by anyone ?

Ans. Indians can declare

4) Why do people fight ? What are the possible occasions ?

Ans. Because of religious discrimination, and regional feelings.

5) How does this fighting effect on people ?

Ans. People will be in poor plight. (or) Their status will be miserable and sad.
12. 1) Who was the Muslim boy refer red to, in this passage ?

Ans. Kalam.
2) Who were sitting together ?

Ans. Kalam and Ramanadha Sastry.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 153
3) Which class were they in ?

Ans. They were in fifth standard.

13. 1) What did the narrator learn from his father ?

Ans. The narrator learnt honesty and self-discipline from his father.
2) What did he learn from his mother ?

Ans. He learnt faith in goodness and deep kindness from his mother.

14. 1) B 2) C 3) C 4) A 5) A
15. 1) C 2) E 3) A 4) B 5) D
16. at the same time
17. In spite of freezing temperatures, they trekked for hours.
18. Two bags are being carried by the man.
19. In order to have more time for his study, he stopped playing hockey.
20. likewise
21. a) on b) with c) by d) from
22. 1) tolerate (c) 2) disturbed (a) 3) disappointed (c) 4) certain (c)
23. a) full b) impossible c) internal d) alive
24. a) help b) friendship c) inspirational d) guidance
25. Good qualities Bad qualities

1) tolerant 1) orthodox
2) sociable 2) short-tempered
3) secular 3) adamant
4) generous 4) conducive
26. a) instead b) maintain
27. a) hospital b) hotel
28. a) segregation b) relieve
29. a) met, yet b) flower, shower
30. about, according, adapt, around
31. It's better to stop smoking.
If I were you I will stop smoking.
32. i) Giving an order (c) ii) suggestion (b)
33. Could you please drop me at the school ? (or)
Please drop me at school !
34. b) What a pleasant surprise !
h h h h h
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 154

Time : 2½ Hours PARTS A & B Maximum Marks : 50

Instructions :

1) Answer the questions under Part – A on a separate answer book.

2) Write the answers to the questions under Part – B on the question paper itself in the

space provided and attach it to the answer book of Part – A.

3) Start answering the questions as you read them.

Time : 1½ Hour PART – A Marks : 20

Note :

(1 – 10) : Answer Any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each. 5 × 2 = 10 M

1. ‘I puzzled within myself,’ says the narrator. What conclusion did he come to after this puzzling
thought? (Jamaican Fragment)
2. ‘For a whole day my faith in my people was shaken’ What do you think was the writer’s faith?
Why was it shaken? (Jamaican Fragment)
3. Why did the game next morning astonish the author ? What did he see ? (Jamaican Fragment)
4. The second day, the narrator smiled as he remembered something. What made him laugh?
(Jamaican Fragment)
5. Why did the white man feel surprised at the narrator’s outburst? Eventually, he also smiled.
Why? (Jamaican Fragment)
6. Did the white man believe in white supremacy? How do you know? (Jamaican Fragment)
7. How did the narrator come to the conclusion that grown-ups are silly? (Jamaican Fragment)
8. When did people shake hands with their hearts ? (Once Upon a Time)
9. What is the poet crying over ? What help does he want from his son ? (Once Upon a Time)
10. “Now they shake hands without hearts:
while their left hands search
my empty pockets.”
Why do the left hands search empty pockets now? What does this indicate? (Once Upon a
11. Read the following stanza.

Once upon a time, son,

they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
while their ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadow. (Once Upon a Time)

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 155

Now answer the followig questions. 5×1=5M

a) Who is the poet of the above lines?

b) ‘They’ in line 2 of the above stanza refers to whom?
c) ‘They’ in line 4 of the above stanza refers to whom?
d) What is the meaning of the expression ‘ice-cold-block eyes’?
e) Who is the poet ?
12. Read the following lines.

The man was surprised at my outburst. He looked at me smiling. ‘I know all about the game,’
he said. ‘The boys are brothers - my sons.’ He pointed to a handsome brown woman on the
verandah who had just come out to call in the children. ‘That’s my wife’, he said.
(Jamaican Fragment)

Answer the following. 3×1=3M

a) ‘I know all about the game,’ he said.

(‘I’ refers to whom here?) Who is ‘I’ here ?
b) Whose sons were these boys ?
c) Who was the woman mentioned above ? ....... the black woman or the white woman ?
13. Read the following lines.

Abel : I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next I’ve got to do three things. I’ve
got to go to the lawyer and alter my will ; and I’ve got to go to the insurance
office and pay my premium and I’ve got to go to St Philip’s Church and get
Ben and Henry : What!
Mrs. Jordan : Get married!
Mrs. Slater : He’s out of his senses. (General consternation)
Abel : I say I’m going to get married.
Mrs. Slater : Who to ?
Abel : To Mrs. John Shorrocks who keeps the ‘Ring-o-Bells’.
(The Dear Departed - II)

Now answer the following questions. 2×1=2M

a) According to Mrs. Slater, who is out of his senses?

b) To whom Abel is going to marry?
Time : 1 Hour PART – B Marks : 30

Note : (i) Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
(ii) Candidates must use CAPITAL LETTERS while answering the multiple choice questions.
14. Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is num-

bered and for each blank. four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct

answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

Once a monkey —--—( 1) near a river bank. In the middle of the river was ----—--(2) island —
-----(3) many fruit trees grew. Every day the monkey used to jump on a rock that was sticking out
--——(4) the bank and the island, to reach ————(5).
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 156
1. A) live B) lived C) lives D) is living
2. A) the B) an C) a D) no article
3. A) there B) that C) where D) when
4. A) among B) along C) besides D) between
5. A) it B) them C) these D) those
15. Match the parts of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence

Par t in ‘B’ against the sentences in ‘A’. 5 × ½ = 2½ M

(i) If I were the Prime Minister ( ) A) when I was sharpening the pencil.
(ii) It’s time ( ) B) I would provide free education at all levels.
(iii) I asked you ( ) C) you went to bed.
(iv) I cut my finger ( ) D) for 10 years.
(v) I have lived in Hyderabad ( ) E) what the time was.
16. Read the following sentences. Complete the conversations with the appropriate form of

verbs. 1M

A: Is your brother in?

B : No, he isn’t.
He has gone to Chennai.
A : When ——---— he -——-- (go) to Chennai?
B : Yesterday.
17. Repor t the following 1M

“Get me some water,” the white boy said to the dark boy.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

18. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice. 1M

I will explain it to him.

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

19. Combine the following sentences with ‘when’. 1M

My sister first saw the meteor. She thought it was an unnatural phenomenon.
Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

20. I have seen the Taj Mahal two years ago. (Correct the underlined part) 1M

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________

21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right words from those given in the brackets. 4×½=2M

a) Both the boys were dressed ............................... blue shirts and Khaki pants. (with, in, by)
b) I was wondering if the black race is superior ....................... the white. (than, by, to)
c) The man was surprised ........................ my outburst. (by, with, at)
d) I know all ............................... the game. (at, about, around)
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 157
22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from the box that

have the same meaning. 4×½=2M

proudly, detailed, order finally, advice, submissively

(a) The little boy strode imperiously up and down. (A) ————
(b) This man, I said to myself, will puzzle all day on whether the blacks will eventually rise and
rule the world. (A) ————
(c) Could it be the little dark boy was the son of a servant in the home and therefore had to do
the white boy’s bidding? (A) ————
(d) The game, if it could be called a game, was not elaborate. (A) ————
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined. 4×½=2M

a) The white boy was weak but the dark boy was —————
b) On the second day the dark boy was superior but the white boy was ——-—--
c) On the first day the white boy was a master but the black boy was a ———-—-
d) At last, the readers know the writers ignorance and the white man’s ————
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the underlined words. 4×½=2M

a) Learn to swim. ——-——— is a good exercise.

b) Ramya selected a dress. Her ———-—— was nice.
c) Be always punctual, ——---- is very important in everything.
d) He is an honest man. This year he got an award for his ————
25. Put the following words under the correct heading : 8×¼=2M

goodness disappear unhappy nonsense

beautiful punishment misunderstand hopeful
Prefixes Suffixes

1) ______________________________ 1) ______________________________
2) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________
4) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________

26. Complete the following words by using "ea, ie, ai, ia, ea". 2×½=1M

a) pl _ _ sant b) bel _ _ ve
27. Complete the following words with the letters given in the brackets. 2×½=1M

a) defini ______ (tly / tely) b) inferior ______ (ity / tly)

28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Re-write it correctly in the space provided. 2 × ½ = 1 M

a) elaborate imperiously babyes puzzled

b) bidding bedding bating budding
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 158
29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two

words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out. 2×½=1M

a) evil devil civil feeling

b) pool cool door poor
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 4×½=2M

morning modest motives muddy

31. Your friend Rajesh has become pale. Advise him to see a doctor. 1M

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
32. What do the following sentences mean ? Put a ( 3 ) mark against the right answer. 2 × ½ = 1 M

a) Shall I carry the luggage for you ?

a) asking a question ( ) b) making a request ( )
c) seeking permission ( ) d) offering help
b) Your friend is going to take an examination. What would you say to him / her ?
a) Congratulations ( ) b) All the best ( )
c) Thank you ( ) d) I am pleased ( )
33. Chage the following into a polite request. 1M

The white boy to a dark boy :

"Get me a banana."
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
34. Your friend is hospitalised due to road accident. What would you say to him ? 1M

a) Best of luck b) Wish you a speedy recovery

c) I am sorry d) Very happy.

1. ‘I puzzled within myself,’ says the narrator. What conclusion did he come to after this puzzling

thought? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. The narrator saw a little white boy ordering a little older black boy. He puzzled within himself
and concluded that the black boy was the son of the servant in the home or a neighbour’s child.
He was surprised at the domination of the white boy and the meek submission of the black boy.
2. ‘For a whole day my faith in my people was shaken.’ What do you think was the writer’s

faith? Why was it shaken? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. The writer’s faith was that the people in Jamaica loved one another irrespective of their colour.
His faith was shaken when he saw a little white boy ordering a little older blackboy. He was
surprised at the domination of the white boy and the meek submission of the black boy.
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 159
3. Why did the game next morning astonish the author ? What did he see ? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. The game next morning astonished the author because it went against all the conclusions he
had arrived at the previous day. The children had changed their roles. The dark boy was play-
ing the role of the master and the white boy as the servant.
4. The second day, the narrator smiled as he remembered something. What made him laugh?

(Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. The second day to the astonishment of the writer, the children changed their roles in their
game. He understood that it was only a game. Then he smiled and remembered a similar game
he had played in his childhood.
5. Why did the white man feel surprise at the narrator’s outburst? Eventually, he also smiled.

Why? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. The white man was surprised at the narrator’s outburst because he was the father of both the
children and there was no chance for the racial discrimination between them. He understood
the condition/confusion of the narrator and eventually, he also smiled.
6. Did the white man believe in white supremacy? How do you know? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. No, the white man did not believe in white supremacy. We know it from the fact that his wife
was a black lady.
7. How did the narrator come to the conclusion that grown-ups are silly? (Jamaican Fragment)

Ans. On the first day, he saw the little white boy commanding the dark one and worried all day.
On the second day he found himself to be mistaken. At that time he saw the whiteman and
misunderstanding him that he was also making the same mistake that he made the previous
day. So, he came to the conclusion that grown-ups are silly.
8. When did people shake hands with their hear ts ? (Once Upon a Time)

Ans. People shook hands with their hearts in the olden days.
9. What is the poet cr ying over ? What help does he want from his son ? (Once Upon a Time)

Ans. The poet says that he is fed up with the lifeless expressions and heartless ways of the world. He
wants his son to help him out in unlearning the ways of the world. He had learned and to learn
the old heartful and meaningful expressions.
10. “Now they shake hands without hearts:

while their left hands search

my empty pockets.”

Why do the left hands search empty pockets now? What does this indicate? (Once Upon a


Ans. Today man shakes hands without heart. He is not interested in the fellow person. His
concentration is more on his money. Hence his left hand searches the other’s empty pockets.
11. a) Who is the poet of the above lines?

Ans. Gabriel Okara.

X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 160
b) ‘They’ in line 2 of the above stanza refers to whom?

Ans. People in the past.

c) ‘They’ in line 4 of the above stanza refers to whom?

Ans. Present day people.

d) What is the meaning of the expression ‘ice-cold-block eyes’?

Ans. Expressionless eyes.

e) Who is the poet ?

Ans. Gabriel Okara.

12. a) ‘I know all about the game,’ he said.

‘I’ refers to whom here?

Ans. The white man.

b) Whose sons were these boys ?

Ans. The white man’s

c) Who was the woman mentioned above ? ............ the black woman or white woman?

Ans. The black woman

13. a) According to Mrs. Slater, who is out of his senses?

Ans. Abel
b) To whom Abel is going to marry?

Ans. Mrs. John Shorrocks


14. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) A
15. 1) B 2) C 3) E 4) A 5) D
16. did, go
17. The white boy ordered the dark boy to get him some water.
18. It will be explained to him by me. (or) It will be explained by me to him.
19. When my sister first saw the meteor, she thought it was an unnatural phenomenon.
20. I saw the Taj Mahal two years ago.
21. a) in b) to c) at d) about
22. a) proudly b) finally c) order d) detailed
23. a) strong b) inferior c) slave (or) servant d) knowledge
24. a) Swimming b) selection c) punctuality d) honesty
X Class – ENGLISH – PAPER I 161
25. Prefixes Suffixes

1) disappear 1) goodness
2) unhappy 2) beautiful
3) nonsense 3) punishment
4) misunderstanding 4) hopeful

26. a) pleasant b) believe

27. a) definitely b) inferiority
28. a) babies b) batting
29. a) evil - feeling b) pool - cool
30. modest, morning, motives, muddy
31. You would better see a doctor.
32. a) (d) b) (b)
33. Would you please get me a banana ?
34. (b)
h h h h h

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