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Fourth Edition Arr POLLUTION ConTROL A Design Approach C. David Cooper Urey of Cael Pe F.C. Alley Poles * ‘WAVEIAND Teepe iow ‘This book is dedicated to our students, ast, present, and future | or information abou thie bok, tat: Waveland Pres, ne (ah eneobe. Infsdwaveland om sewer nmveland som Cone pho courtesy of Mr Osea Das Copyright © 201,202, 994, 886 C. Davi anger and F.C Alley 13-digt ISBN 9781.57705.678-3 All night sero, Nopart ofthis book my sPepraducd tar in Feud stam, or tranomied in any frm ory ony meen wihont Dermisionin writing from the publi rite nthe United States of Amerie Contents Pefaretthe Fourth alin a An overview 112 Deflitons and Types fPautan’s 2 1 Lagiaative and Regatary Trends 1.8 Other Applications fhe del GasLaw 94 1A Gaus Soares and As 48 ‘Reale Guay eden 62 18 Naionl Air Quality ends 62 vi Cantante 2 What Process Design? s 21 Introduction 22 Gererl DuepCasertions 7 ita 2 23 Simple Anclysista Gua Fired Power Pant 85 24 gineering eons 98 ‘Opies Pd Caplan Operating Cs Depron Ieremenal Rate of Ratna tweet 98 ‘Song a Set Aeron #8 agee Pr 3 25 AEC Epon Cat tinaton 98 126 Preliminary Fined Capt] Cot Bat {ur Paliton Conta Bret 102 2 Annual Operating Cot Btimatas 108 ‘A Problems 108, References 110 2 Partlutate Matter m 1 fotadsetion 111 2 Characuristin of Patises 112 120 Grrtatana! Sting 104 ‘aetna Parry Impain ‘nareton aod Dusen 12 34 Overview of Percale Cental Hopment 128 1A Problome 151 References 134 A cyctones 135 CD ietoduction 196 ‘los Demers 108 42 Theory M0 Caletin Heteeney 40 448 Design Cnsderatinns 141 ‘eta Eeney PremareDeey Te OberCsandeatane 8 4Acote 362 ‘A Problems 185. Reterences 150 a Contents vi Electrostatic Precipitators 1681 5 Inteduetnn 161 B2.Thory 162 58 Deg Considerations 168 Pvt Sig 109 Paniuinte Resiality 170 tera Cire 1 Removal Pate Dust 179 Powere-etagto 81 Fines Coming it sa Wet SPs 185 55 Cons 185 ‘Problems 188 References 191 Fabric Fters 193 6 Inrodstion 183 52 Thwory 196 163 Design Considerations 20 ‘ver ad Saar Dghuses 202 Palpeee Boghnoes 2D 4 Cote 200 ‘Problems 224, Reference 8 Partcuate Scrubbers 2 1A tneaieton 21 Sie = plod Wel Ste Appin ‘vento od Dinos of We Sere 287 12 Theory an Design Considerations 299 Spey Gaur 2 Yeas Serato 13 ‘See Stber Deg? 1.9 Otber Considerations 262 ‘linea gaz Borst 252 Hii feted Goes wit Contents {8 Auxiiary Equipment: Hoods, Ducts, Fans and Coolers 263 ‘81 Iotoductin 263, 2 Hoate 289 83 Deas 267 84 Fane 277 fanlaee 28 Feng, 8 6 Coling Hot Aicstreams 204 ‘Ariane ‘iver Hest emnge 8 86 Cra 300 owt 290 Bowron Core 08 Problems 310, References 912 9 APartcuate Control Problem 38 91 Iotrauetion 313, 92 Problem Staterent 914 83 Options for Finl Contd 315, 2a mee fesse torah ae i sey at ee 10. Properties of Gases and Vapors aa 1a Tnteductn 827 102 Vapor Prose 328 103 Ditties 301 104 Casi nd Gand Rain 02 ‘rin 13 contents is 105 Chemist Resins 8 Terrance 397 ‘A vrobieme 39 References Voc incinerators 303 114 Intreductan 848, Prout VOC Kae 361 Netra tres OC Osan 936 Grae Ouse 11.8 Desgn Considerations 357 "fetal nics 15? 14 Cute Purch Equipment Cots 78 ow: tachanges ‘a Probleme 979" Roforoncos 292 Ccasndsorption 35 121 Intrducinn 385 122 Adsorption Teor 967 ‘al at Cheol Aboron 357 125 Design ofFiaed-Bed Carte Adorn Systm 401 “ ostnts 126 essai of Fide Adsoryson Sytem ‘Gap Coes ‘Br Opestay Cots 08 127 Fladiuceted Adsbore $12 ‘A Probleme 12) laferences 416 cas Absorption 194 larodocion 407 ‘On Aimer Erpmest 28, 182 Absorptian Tower Design 118 eu Pant Try 8 Nase rant nPuced Towers 422 ‘Arn sa Chemie Reaeen ‘hse a Ban eae Desi Singin Ten Gs Appiatoen 40 139 Batimating the Cost of Abortion Towers 442 ‘Abang Toes Operating Cos 47 124 Striping Operations 449 ‘Problems 442” References 458 Blologica Controt of Vocsand Odors 141 Tneeduction 455 142 Theory and Deseiptive laformation 4883 143 Key Consdertions ate Design and Operation ates 488 OpertingCoasieratins $72 Corsets er oat matin 80 ‘Arobleme 42 Raferences 488 Controtof Suifur Oxides 16:1 Tnsodoction 455 15.2 Overview of Control Steseges 486 ou Derucaton 26? 30, ema Techies 59 ‘arowsy Proce s00 Regecratie Pree 198 189 Limestone Seating 600 Pris City a peratnal Fuctars S02 [S0y Rae rater 80 Pit ace 50 Meera wn ory Balanes 606 a7 455 ye 7 conten 16.4 Motewry Contr 618 155 Cou 817 ‘A Probleme S19. References 520 control of Nitrogen oxides 161 Inrodvtion 523 182 Chorin of NO, Formation 528, “Trraal KO, 58, Foott0, oie 163 NO, Contr Stationary Sousa 535. "Cont Medes ST Fir Garren Tehore tt 164 Cots 861 ‘A Probleme S54. References 585 | Vapor Control Probiem Wi loswdveion 661 12 Problem Statement 561 173 Seeing Design Flow Reto 588 114 Carbon Adsorption Sytem 670 116 Thera enerton Siem 670 178 Catalytic Incineration System. 671 1 site syste S11 178 Summary” Mobile Sources: An Overview 181 Tetoducton 673 182 Magi tthe Pen 78 163 Chartres o Expats in Mobile Sores B82 184 Vehile Bein st ison Contras 580 185 Otber Messe fr Court of ‘NePohveon fom Veblen 604 “Aobione 60D References 612 ‘si Polition and Meteorology 194 Inteodston 615, 18 Ganeal tmoapheri Gelatin Patterns 614 523 573 os si Contents ss tcmdetego comers, Sa ee seen iin eens oon Sete wo ea sort ctao 8 TSN hn courant Se peoeiete 5 Pre eet ut soe seg aa ie oe Ser iinet snaitarse econ 20 Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling 201 Intedeetion 651 212 A Physi plaction of Digesion 653 1203 The Gaoasian Model 656 “Assan Sabily Ce 88 ‘Te Dependent Cnr Sins te Hers Dowawiat “oun Conta "S, ite he Denn oman ‘4 Tal Stace nd Phe ise 671 Design Pear 12 Plame Rec #78 Geel Wind pact 79 ‘ther Sac Design Coser 080 Stk Cats te £205 Computer Progen for Dispersion Medning Point Sources) 684 206 Mobile Suzies and Line Souror Models 655 ‘AProblems 690. References 695 coments iar Acti ne o msec oe TSR on een ea ea Eminacmactaca m =a Tinding Hk Bde aa Alero) 702 nia ged en suse Set sysfs aa 3 nectee ESSEC. a sia ie ator ‘contra of Carbon Dioxide m 1 Inteeductin 732 {22 Magatode the 20, Probe. 728 228.00, Peveation 732 ‘Sheen 1 ‘Bice penne, 226 Stpeendes PC for Panta 757 [iwated Gannon Contin Cte GG Pants 78 Gere caaburion i 224 00, Capture 712 ‘Wet sebing aC, 12 Bigot Cape 73 Oita x Captng OO, 81 225 Teaneporation ang Sequaeatisn o'CO>_ 751 “Sp near 18 Appendixes 765 Appendix A Conversion Patrs 38 ‘Append: Properties ofr ad Other Meterias 169, ‘Aarenis Se rps ot Appodis D: Compal Programe 190 ‘ApeendicF: Pace Problems rth mtons) ie Ae Quality fr the Pi, Exarinton In Bemrenmenta ngacenng 77 lig: Anowers ts O48 Numbered Problems 619 Intex 619 Preface to the Fourth Edition Bagionars werking it ie polton conta have mary reps ‘ton, Ona the most eteading yor sattsiing, of thon Ite din ‘ir plution cnt yet This textbook desnbes the ion Bly and proedaror forte sg of such systemoy aod wil fap Soong engineers propare fo th colleges ad rears ovate ‘mas ceigen, a aon, this et presents aumerour chapters osreb ctl equips that contain the neceatry equation Soa tats design and spe now pte andr to sono etn tome, Three, it tlm sos toa gol mune of solormatog tour air glluton conte fr mre exparioend seiner. ‘Our exe ha wo tala chev Theft present form tion abt the general top air patie ands corto. The a fond, perhape mare pert objetivo aid i the fvmal design {nna wd nntracton of enoerns teats. Design af equipment sod stems has ao bean uedapreented in al pln bok ower ita bey foetion of egieers, and shuld be emphaaiad In eaginering curva TUngneerngtexiboks geoeally mist be wate ona regular asia teesae uf ongoing disarere,nnavations, ond devlopmcts tall he engineering dels. In ho Four Baton, al the haps hve been extension roves and plated awever the main i ton to this tnt sow chaptr devoted to carbon dude contr (Core abt tat sor). Aa th previa edition, ferent the ‘World Wie We ae 8 data sours f demonstrated eqn and tmove emais ha been pce on PC-aned sprendaestnpiotons fersnbang probs thesighot Use tose Weave aloded 2 pea fin containing several precize PE. Exam problems and lepy ep Sutionn, Ir oped tat stadeis wil find these extra prcblems Tlf infesting Yo ator Se probton saving tociquee needed forthis exam, svi refueothe hurth Eton Backin 200, Philip Abelian ete a Scene ended the eo ttemoving lg: quanto of CO, rfl fr coutuntion sess ‘nd then eqssteriag it underrocnd in sanooed tl eld ar ce ‘Bins Cnc, 20, Asus 25, 2000) In the Preach ed a tiny ne tated that one day munya ody’ dents wl be engaged 1p finding solutions to this lal proble. Well hat xy as eae, lal cna change pases sme enornansshllnges fr mon ind nda for all ving eeatare), sad we engaees sant prove felons, In ane, Gna chaptr thant we one the beso of ‘the technological approaches that likely wil be weed to eapeure nad ‘chastrearbon dnd, The athors would like to express our ochnowedgnents to Me. Kr Western, Mi. Joanna Cifor, ir Mare ites, a Me esi rests senso UCP who ped (een shape: We also want to bkssredg he belpl and petesnnal re Of Laure Posse and Debt Underwood, crest tae am {raph mrt respecte) at Waveland Prove. ©. Cooper Realy >_< An Overview em waling your Mates oat Will re ‘npn Send eh Goat ad cl DTA ad mal eo SE CONES en inpere ‘nc hit Bi excompaniad witha faignons andy eapaur. kn Bo, 082 D 11 Introduction The peceing quote ws heen to beta the star of his chapter nod this book eeane clay deontrates that pln i ts ‘ew phenomenon, bet wats prob in soweloeal eos cetare ag Inet, according toe Brake (1S), the aoe fon the bursng af "Meaale nln Kein Landon was a ero potas ately 2 1800, King Btward hand ie turing of ona ca in belo Brake 190) Byte lst gare ft roe contery. he pests. ‘mii nto ronppesr hy on mle f the sstent cet. ‘Aceordiog te Brake (1S, th periods of peak air pluton cblemo in prelndtral London corespanded roughly to pera of Population expansion and fol ones that iy sn col ne arden ile end move ylting fi was ued when ood le peered fi) ore into pede of hart nppiy andlor igh pcr Beta ‘roolands ere bjt to iany popuon rte. presaree Ticlaing the nied fr arse lag, the need for bung materia thd he teed orf. The sodden sitchin the Rewnth entry frm he ea te palling ona coat ceanhursing wood may bave een the rel ofthe ude dao dale ia Leed's population ceed tthe Blok Death pagus Today mach of ou ir polation i incl rented tothe comb don of nds prodetion, or transpetation, ane ro Austin of lest fr domestic ss Aon inated i olson problems were ef lal sigeanes centuries ago sz Pluto id ot bore gba concern nt the advent of the oda evolution Fel emtn uy dy wed th ure oe ple and tee standard of ving (hatte energy canaunpen), Sioce the ary 1800s, word population has increased boat ene oder of Imngetole, aad pereapta enemy consutnpion har neested aboot foro orden af rignitude OF fuss, atch gresier thn average inceates have ore In the inducted orkan cota of the srr. Thera, wo rpg hat lpaloton fas beam rakes orguments sad cnsasons are acre, then sc fhe reasoner the allan problem fone ‘ty ave solar to hace hn existed ee thn 700 pens ag Lat ‘ope that our preset eneirenmental probleme are reseed your techs! abies and nat by a rats bal cam. > 1.2 Definitions and Types of Pollutants Avcarding to one dtioney, pollen ea smenym for ontami- ‘ation Therefore, ai olla re tings tha! contaminate the ir in same manne ‘The federal goverment ae well seach sa, bas Incorporated into law 2 more presse datnton of alr pallu. Toe liga defiaition i the state Fonda (al uch detitons resis) lows Air pation he pence in he a mapas. fw the ore alts or pala een Wh wh ‘sb armors oman hah oie anal or ‘an ior rept ar unr ore theme {tion rps inne er eet. ‘Rr Adminiratie Cle 182) By the prceing definition any sli, iio gas that epoca in ‘the air ina conentatan that eases sons dtartane fied con fod en air plltant. However thru ar severe substances at By ‘Eso the msi rtes of enon ad har ets, ‘dered the most sigicanepllutata allona Anbieot AIF Quality Standards (NAAQS) have been llutants Ave primary (noon ‘rtd del) and one seeondary pollatan socal bens it ts formed i the lower stnosphere by chemal reason stg Pi Iaarypltasts). "De trey erterin pollutant comes from the act that Helsbased rtara were ad to setablah the NAAQS fe ese pllatane "he five pray criteria plltans ae portcate matter ke ‘han 10 ym in ameter ad portale mater lee than 25 nm Sesion LE Defaont nd Type ofPulluants 8 diameter (PMO and PYE28), oul dod (S04) nitragen deide (03 carbon mancnide (CO and priate lad the secondary ted pllutart oune (2) Of th he eet four re rtd ihe site Sats (and ether large indstalized countries) in guantites, ‘measured in llns a mete on pr ens and are smetines cll ‘major priary plants. When speaking o easing af the eters ‘olstants the data oes ae pratt in clases: PMID aor FA ‘ltr odo (60,), and mtrgen axles (NO) Aasther ae of mpoonde sols rgont: comands (VOCs) tout not ee ‘a pllutaoy, ecogied aw major primary pollutant bese fits Tingyewiestas ond es enprtacrin the reas tha Tom rd Inve one ‘Soma clarification i ade in rpard to VOCS. As usin this text, VOCe feta al rfanie ospourd with apprecable vapor preseuren Some VOCs (or exarpl, propane) ae recive tn the [Rtsorhere meas aera (or xompl, methane) ae ine. Sane ‘WOGe are hydrocarbons (contain ol Byacagen an enrboa), but ele ‘Sore, ites Inevitable that air pluton woud neene However Dathopsbeauve ofthe development of legiativ and teckel on- {elehe emissions a all te mor potas pened isthe eaty 197s and then Unga to dene. Tn rset years, this edie in emis ‘Sone har slowed Faure 1] lasts the weeds ia US. emissions for particle, alr oxide, stogen odes, and VOCS. Catan ‘Bovutde and had data ate preserd separately 2 Figure 12 ‘enue diferent scl ar equ, TEs important to ate that a polation is at just a prolem of the Unie! Stats, but rather fam nteretionalprolen. While ‘Boch of the dala is tis tut comes om the Armerzan experince, ‘edeatiaed aed tse oon pogo the ord ve ‘ipeiennd and are ceotiuing To exparene severe alr palloo [roles Acordag eo one ator adakavkaren 2000), ex ‘seloped countries CLDCs) have te ost ois ai allan poh ‘ems the world toda. The largest ot cow es are pst Jeny ipa, OF tbe urban eas toate conttaty ranked lmsong the word “owt pollute several re ia Cuno and din {he welds ost populous counties. Firthenore, asthe popalations of the LDCs grow and thes ean cones expn (bts st rap eat) this contributions to lal sie ‘alata wil acon erestr pt ofthe hae Inthe ety 17D ie feos hough tat the United Sites conbuted about 30-05 af ‘tel alr politioneasions, depending upon the specie poltant. “However owing to rigorour and ecive ae pllstion ctrl eres 4 Ohaper One An Overview Figure 3.4 {tater tenn. a enn tf 804 VOCS, NO ad "re ta mc 2 Paste nt ae PS Boe eran 20 US EA Na Gree ei Ent) owe anus emanate ESSE Sermons, Sesion 1.2 Dalfiiions and Types ef Pulutants 5 eure, mio have nen rly. By 1507, was estingod that hn United Sates ested rom 2 (le paticlate ater 40% Cr hydrearbon) otal word en ‘segs (as al 199 By the eal 200s, due to growth In Chia, Todi, el thee LDCs, arto improved polation conte in he United States US smicronsaoonted for les than 10% ofthe ‘wed partilate wrsvonn, anno me than about one thied o ‘welded esasons af ney ala plftane Over the Lat orexty ours loaders inthe Worl Bank and wher onanaations ed tht [vidal goveraeats of thse tees have recopled these ee {Sal aiequlity probleme It sr eneosracng tome that they have sow ‘Saved to ndaran thar alr pln prblans Uirogh tec aod ‘ulatay ppeneches, "The only seordarypalltant or which there is em ARQS and ‘whe se of enor concer urban enters throughow the watt [f oaae (or mare genarall, phochomiea oxidant) Oxdane are ‘secondary pallataots beeate they av tot etd diet nthe, {hey are fore ig the nweratophere hy desea Yactions ie {agotaligt, VOCe, and nage tides. Tes inportant odes Ietweea ste nea te grou i pllutan end oa cho per torpor hich lp prott fe less radon "Tee pallens maton ahr mostly pot peopl aad the nstooment onset er uan sa, However pliant wih sr fs repulse pst fe ag a (ne corel, ac depos tio esd preursor, ach a8 sl oxides and igen oes, Fae ‘rth expen snd water inthe attaepere orm as that an then {atone eau ith an ona or as dy pares, The wo ‘best inportantconsituens owls depoition are HNOy and H50y, ‘rich comtibute abut 99% of thee aity found in atid rin Cie Ges 1070) Io the 197s aver ods of heady ih ran was Slr eed ant met ar vtopen aoe. Tile TV ofthe Cas ‘ir Act Arent of 180 calle fr sigan reductions of bth 150, si 0, emissions, These reductions have ray ome fou he Targest sures (powerplants fr SO, and totr vebikis for NOW. ‘Site 100, {18 tlfr ones wmisons ave Suna hy 9% a8 ‘trogen ones have dropped by 63% The overall amounts of alas depoaved a tne US, have docreased proprinatly, ut now the ne Sy i rif drives sont egal ro alr apd itogea a oun Alore isormation alow the drain program and ores abe and the neces report Natal Ad Pre ‘triton Assecrmest Program (NAPAP) Report fo Coupes: Aa Ie [sted Azstanet” atonal Sasa and Tacolsy Coun 205) ‘Monitoring ia the estore United State and in Seandinavia showed a marked decreas i the pH of raf fm the i-19805 ‘rough the 1970s Ran pe were eusured tho rang es 6 Chapter One An Overview us than 29 5.8. BPA 07) fo many aks wih ite mater rng capaci, lake water pil depp eaily A pt as than shout 4 ft de bean athe ay ial and becuse ote Iegehing tone metals trom ay sete wate tts ost fh egg cannot hatch (5. EPA 208) Othe fc fhe datup tion otareatileneyetoins frst and al egradeion, carts el stuctre, deterioration of paint sod ste fg tn and limestone, and det affects on human health (US. EPA 200% 2108) An agerestive program to Fede emsrion of $0, fom power Bantsnce 1090 bas bpd stp this read ib ncearng hv. Car font gH monitoring date—insading lopethe of i ings cn ‘tpean be fond at tpnadp avait D> 1.3 Pollutants of Global Concern orth st ime ince humane bogan roaming the arth, me Gn the ‘vent fet entry have dhe amb aad the power to Change our ‘avin’ ona lea el Twn sr platen poten oat onion ods listo the etary of polatans af global omer. ‘ozone Depletion 1m the 1930, chemists invented a Tire” chemical. It wat tstreelystcble,nontare, aonlatamabe, nd ald be ed in ay omer aptietons. This chemical and ts derivatives that fi lowed reall chlereuercarbone (CPC CFCe (lu owe ose ‘ons cate tobe usd throughout the word (ax rigornt, serosal opens, bam-tiowng agent, cleaning slvent, st conning 506 ed here lon tie, no oe src any vers consequence to the use of GPs However, in 1074, the theory was ut rward thet {GrCs—which aro sable athe lower imosgere—tresk dawn a the etasers, releaing chlorine atoms (olan and Rrwland 1070. Chorne ston and ober radicals remove staapheric one very ftctiely through et of estate rections that regenerate he rine stom o radia thus, ton of chowsaads of ove molecules 0 be destroyed by ane chlorine moe before it Feared fom toe ‘Srtesphere Stratos orone i ky fac fa peoring al ie meat, because asi alot alo the tenet (0 adie ta cing inte the ears atepher, preventing the UV radon fom retcing ground lee. gai, kop in ind that while ozone ea the ground les pollatat wth serious health ests, con fs the ‘extanphere pod and mrt be potted ts 1085 he dramatic dcovery of» hago ozone “oe over Aut arien proved the thar) of one depletion, The hale (ety ae he United Stats) showed ae much as GO seduce in Se poecne Sesin 19 Plotantsof Gabel Concern 7 “tone layer hat ron daring he winter months Sines that ie, Sane dalton al har wn hsv ort the norter leads, {esuiing pare of Canaia the Unird States, Burope, si Rossa. ‘Sach sone depletion he ily alc acntd fr lions of ences ‘tin cance and strats among humans, simi fs arong Tiesto and wid seis perp lions of lars of dager ‘reduced cop Yel, ad degradation of pases de tothe increased ‘W radiation rsehing the earth hee, ‘Tae drwy of tc one tle was dent backed the weld ‘nen action, fn 1987, 48 conte manulctring CPCs developed 3 eos the Mtn! Prt t eee CPC production nnd at 8 ‘chad bas nd by 1988, 68 cunts had ratified Ta. 1982, the US. Congres vated to accelerate fw phastoat of CFCs Howeve no Provisions have bet made fr roaming ad dotrying hel ‘Sttons of CFs that ail exit in Hems rh oad egeraors ad ‘i care Bocnin CFCs relnned a the pat tel yorkingtheie wa up tthe seratrphee, one depen ill bea enter a ‘rors come. For mar iformatin, geod Wb tie tne ‘ pagvldoesovneindes Me ‘Glebalctimate Change ‘Ae ever a problem soni dpstion i sdertaen stp to sate fe There owever,azoter at plan ‘robiom tat far overseen depletion, tnd tht global a ‘nate ehunge (GCC), This problem ay be the sor sigaennt an {Ge mart dealt prblem ever fred by huaarkind. bel elizate ‘hang als called bal warming othe greenhouse ofl) is co plies, anomaly be arene ey nth et. Neverthe, ‘llpertans uct ot be unrest. Engonery ets oa pte londors throught the weld must constantly Be seare af {ie problem iw ae to mgs is potentially devastating fs. ‘To tra grenhous effets popaas but it misleading, The uel hw rterton ona ration (heat By oan {ssn the aoophere bre tat hat st to space. The Ret eae fen thst the popular nar Ta eeing tut steeper heat ‘tention easental tof on Bvt Our crortably vara cnate ‘only pase because of thea tapping ably fre) ce on diede end water vapor With this natural prenbouse eet” in our aumophere, Bars woul be approximately 86 degres C (50 Akegrece F) colder tha i rid aS when people ako te freee elec, they really ru to the recent rap, uawentod ‘Reruns in he atenebere's ase toni bly ‘Aa interesting ekample of the aaural grecahowse eft is chained by comparing he ole radiation temperatares (eee Inte average tmperstree that would be ais if hare ere 0 8 Chapter One An Overview sheorpion of Ronen bythe plasetary steps of Mars, Barth, find Venus, Mars bas sseatallyno atmosphere, whe Vena hat 2 ‘ery dence inospere Gat tx 97 earbon sie, The aul ‘hve esleulatonspredoce tbe lowing sonlaions (US. Bavivs ‘mental Potion Ageney 1085) Mare exit ner C pres owe fs, Garth hows a 8¥edagree eet, but Ven alain ge ‘perature dost of 88 deer © ‘Anoer reason that the torr eoenboate effect is mending that it conveys a isin of x mild or gone wneng, However, hangs the overage tempera ofthe earth of ven fe derect ‘scent rmlt nt sovere charge in lagen rponal weather lays: Three et jut the warming tat af concer, ‘Shing antl pattens vod sean erent combined wih more nergy reteaton in in atiosphor ly wl ela Bg icrnaee Inthe tequncy tad intensity of the exromer of eather—such a2 orrieanes, tras heat waves, droughts, and ods fj inal mit well rate im naive rp farsi ne ea ach Tike what thought to have happeoed ia Ue rte enon ofthe ‘Mid ost 8000 years age. Aste kay mae impact =r in sverage se level. Ri aad snscates compo retin fen oe is bythe year 2100 fem 16 diferent sources ad perermed asi ‘cal Smayis. Tho average predic ater dvenrtng two oti) ‘us 094 meters ven ari ef hal thie och wld ane er (Sint of atl ntl we sverly mae Tong ents ke Berges, Hyp, and the Netherlands. For al these reasons we ‘ele that lata imate chang e# ore decriplive phan than reeouse fet “A tndcatar of globl arming isthe cars average global temperature AGI) The AUT fr ho earth ia the sense entry stro abut 15°C, but inerensed sitet daring heat 90 yea Furthermore, fom the depths ofthe las or age 1,000 yee ac (when AGT eas beat 9) tothe present tes aerage goal bse Bertace hav merene by depress C (Barone a 196. Thr Arse change or AGT, the rents for which ze set sompeely Unerstced. Theee, ay euminatin of rest tempertare ands special over aber pais of Une and expel sing to determine caus and ella, mst be made ith antes cetion “The AGT i othe best enna imate change Foren ing, le em singe number teing eed measure a unive td sep ‘ated sfte, Also, heragngtmperscres ner the Plo with ther enersres ner the castor dos pt alow acing ef ny gin {Tends Amare prec wy to tack the anges eve ue ke Se th temperatare aston or temperature enomaly at such ote tion. The txtperatre moaalies canbe tac and averaged ith ‘ore tention since eth wacks the temperate changeover ine ‘Stjust one ple, Tompertare nema isa noly” ara tering Section 12 PllanigofGsbal Concern 9 atthe devine om our to year ce be age compared othe ste ‘of hange of the loogtarta average neverthnlons, s being report ol ued today by ny groups “hos we pnb ur ped in gre Tenet yas ah {Brouph 1980 ie the base pried fom which te temperature dai {ios eels tonic Pe 1. seta res ‘ou snbring toe, Frm heat ADB tothe nid 8, she AGT ‘eronnd by aboot 03 dogressC. From then anti soot the ld 1, the AGA Nactantd up and down bt shewed no rend. Since the mid 070s, however, the AGTA a neensed by an needle 08 egret C, The total change ve te pas 190 are ha een about 1 Seger. Ths age tpn hanger avery shor [End tine ped see a mont ieneapale conten hat sth ' Change mur te due in lng prt anthopagenc eons. ‘Rocar beeen figure Ow blk Use warming kas ocorad in to psidsfrum 1010 trough 140 and fom 080 te resent Dart of the arpomert against ltl mata change im Une pot hat teen that cise moda have been unl e propery cepogce the tenpecstre devistons (hth AGA nnd thine at vacbusleatione ‘roushoot the work This ie especialy tue a he eur period af temperate ri wir ad Woes 2000, Ths, tos ged that ‘atoral orgs auch ar change inthe ns intensity and tle Figure 18 Roca ahavorctswrage dob enperaue snot (and snd ocean combines) {Srv ae fonmist gas genie) 10 Chapter One An Overview upton) ae the pradasinaat cas of bl warming. However, {comprehensive cndeling stay using sntecth-et cate med ts, Sto ond essctates produced eacllent agroment of thl del ‘roicoon with both land tad ten temperate change ever the ‘ht prod om 180 though the sod of the twentth entry (Stoel 2000) They ietedd both waaral and anthropogenic re. ‘ng, and some hat tht be catered They Carter tana {heir model tho your 2100 mits standard tof aaron fr ntinved emissions he esting preicton wat Wal sverage tm rts ey 24-C ne the et 4 ya compres Sterageriseof09°C overthe pat 100 yea) Sources of Global cimate change “The main cntitort loa climate changeover the pas oo tary hasbeen cron dnd However, thre aera: aren alge fifent~—metane, stu ot, CFCs Firs wo woes the (ce fearon donde, ea we wl retirn tothe iiporance these the acer "The ides ot eeerhoos fet—ta: stat tho burag of ast fuel puis sore carton ote Ino the yw ia tr ware Ct tardies at ae ies fe w46 Bt publ in «sen osmnal ya Swedirh chm Svante Aberin, back ia 1898, Areas had ‘ued tht people of day wore turning more and more wood god feel nod he put tv alo together. Aen to Weiner (980), [Neniue summed it al up a lows ‘ie re goraing line in he i, (hich mat Set co) change ferent According to Pon (008) however, while Arthenisa night have towed this tobe tue, there i po evideace that he ever actually ‘ote thin ote eatenee “Sue tin soe of excas carton die emiesns int the atn- sphere isthevaring final ale and ve World ral tBotigzst snare snergy fr eles an the ert cna turcarionsossans. Liq yuslum ethe snd larg ur ‘roan ects. Worle energy easumed ty burning guid psx ‘ee fel aly for trapeportation) Ie weuoly eater Un tho re exmuted by col, bt acon lity learn eons [Nstusal gas embutne i the third larga sur of crben dae. Glabel Cy emistnn are seamared in gigstons (GU). One Ce soe Ullon mee tonsa very large number. The emisons cag be ‘epered sine Grof00p oot Gt fearon (hy he te ae lated Sythe rai oftheir molecalar weights Table 11 prevents dat on ie 60, emissions from the burning ofl fuels by geographic the word. Noe the huge prota n Asi sbesy duet Chiba Sed nc. Sieston 18 Plltantsf Gloel Conca 11 “uble 14 Wd CO, Emcor tom ne Buin of Fort Fels, fs ‘Groaape ea ‘soo ao ae om 0 oa te tH th i Ep ie 3m to Sb in tah sh SR bette ramet seerage cor inthe United States pts 0 miles per ga 12000 niles por yor, and wah S600 ‘pounds Further assume that gaan weight 89 pods pe gall {td cnthns 88% carn by weg Ts tore any ut to tho ster thot each nr emits eo ight in asbon ae each yar? "Nex, given that there are abt 80D millon vehtes wordwae, timate the sonal abl carton emission om mst vehicles. int Sout snsverin Teagrams 1g! talon prams = lon aie Shion “Th carbon contained in th astine brood analy 000m, Lg, 5.0 gs 2010 be yer “aDai™ gl “O° yar "The carbon donde eid in S010 be Cir x 4415 C02 C 1,040 hs COsiyr ‘othe average U.S. car ents muck moe than ts wn wight inca bon dixie each oar ‘To etmate worldwide emis fom vehicles, we mutt ke & umber of prose assumption as to he svorage vel inthe Work Uinelcing cr, rks, uses, mopeds ad soe Lt un nue that ‘he nvarage ice inthe mold eee 24,00 lm pr yet 9k rier, and bara ul ith deni of 75k ad wih carton ‘sete of 87%. Wis thee aspen, annua carbon emi fom eeides ac 12 ChopterOne An Overview 240001, 11028 1 2th 2798 sear ani whe ETE» 222. tot LA ita 14 1 intresting to ote thatthe snawer fro hs ple approach onmpre avorly with published eons -soyethor i estimated that aut 29 GE of carton desde aboat #9 Gt fC) pe gear ae eel word rom tbe carbs tiom of foes Rs (A 2908, Pe ning as aceite nor ‘otetutr othe eres in tmspere arbor die, bat ot fhe only eontibtardlorentation has bon aig eotebatr ver the pas thre somcr, Inthe snare secant past, composing id ‘warn in lands ha become asigeteant coatbutor, cape with ‘eg to methane emissions ‘Deforestation hots to ways st, when large tests oest lands are sleaed and burned lost all Ue aed i breed within fmonthe of decenghsand, by ne may hy are being Cleared at Ineredibie rato worded at of tector arbon get pt back Into the atnesphere. Second, dlrstatin decease fhe prt ofthe ‘arte tous that remwes COs fom thea Trees are epecialy {eed at staring carson ail keeping out ofthe ae or ears "The carts bienne plante apd iale) ud ta be asetaly Sataseed with regard to uptake ad flee of carton dixie. How: ver because of ge increas in human, Papanton snd Boge ‘creas reads over the past 900 year he fees lass tt mich since. Reasonable oxtmates of pet amass aeditons ot irk areas tthe a ange teemeen 0 and 18 blbon mas {ls por yor Chega 1900) “Sine pees: remave carbon diode fom the ai esdes the £00, ou plants in Ue water rsove 00, through phteeytheri ke plats on Find. alo, COs daslves dey hee the air ter the onan le teleese GOs bac inl he ‘ots ad the lsephore sre ply mach in balance. with = ‘nore CO ung tte the sean tan coming oot APE 2007. "The tte osins th aout 18 Gf etten (28 Gt sf 604) com {noe wo be aed our ar every pear hy the burning fs fea "The onions ae absoring more CO, then they ar vleasing ad ther ‘ect change snd uae Getting reforestation in may eae) are [ling to aber some faa seen emis Da there sontinnee to bean aceumalation of Or inthe tr Over the ls hundred Jens Sesion L8 Plants ofGleal Concern 18 ors, about haf the new eons ave remained ator (Mae ters 1091), seal decreasing the COy cantant af the alms ‘esed on measurements a ar babble raped local ice ong, ‘Swidly scoped ha, priot tothe Industral revslton, the eaten nde content ofthe stmanphee wa ily ste at 280 pare per tlion (ps). arte per milan a seamen ae of measure for Es ‘hocntatons and wil Se defied later in Ht (183) Dy 1800, the Tevet nad rebel shout 300 pm, eectng the ne nen in isk ‘ison af nrbon dine Tn Toth fist ansiate aad pile measurements of ara sire COp conecotriians were bgun by Chzies D. Keeling atthe isons Lot slaeestry in Hawa aco Figure 14. His now dase ‘nek shoned that he 1859 cancion OfCOy ene S18 pn Sse. {ow Resign Whort 1082 Ganpared wih the GO, eel of 300 Soars sa, the 10S eve of 98 pm wa 12.88 none pag Sn'aorage annual rate of orease ber Ore eatin of 00298 po Seu. By 1860, te COy level mer 340 pou, and by 2008 i hc sched 167 ppm 26 irs emt 1068 al ‘gy rte ovo 5 yrs 68% pe oar, Seven a front. “The oer zee gues in the atoesphere that are responsible or ‘reont inerenses nthe Heat reteton capability ofthe ace i | Flgure 14 ‘owt in concantaion of smospharc CO, as messed at Maura Las, Ni Amat aoe COs we et mth aon yan Ips rian ya (Soe a oa ens ten ie Sen cz ate ‘ona ut em antes asa Saad ash 8 ae ‘menasinas penpta) 14 Chapter One An Overview phere are mathane, nso sie, nd CFC, Al have inersed rp ily Methane grew fom 148 pps in 1978 to 1.69 fp in 198, 14 inreane in 10 yeas, Nirovs od (NO) grew fom 206 pats pe ilo (pl in 1079 to 307 ppb In 1089.0 4 Increwe, CRC fencentraton in he atmosphere grew fom aboot 157 parte per le Tin ppm 1978 ta 232 pp a 467 (Stat 1901), 48 creme a nine ears “Fate hae toon a sumer of rtimater made about how much sootribatin sa ofthese gst make othe overall warming fe ‘Bach yu aor nto itera, wih amr CPCs beng wich 101600 ines nt power ss carbs ide (moet or sacle) {a terme of hea eeaton. Pevooreimates (Flavin TOG) pt the eutive cntrbutons ab allows cuban dei, 7%, CFCS, 2555 ‘ethane, 125 and tres exe, 0, bandon thei cencntrtons the ale: However need on me cet ta opaing the srt ies seasons oa hase gaser (ELA 2008) eabon sie i ‘Sneha row ch ster, sa tie mw thot to have sete ‘Srl sore than 75% af the oa. "There ino dou that greenhouse gases are increasing rapidly in ‘us aospler. AGT sppeaes tobe erasing wl but what ‘lhe tere tat laa cmate change se suerring? Other ewsence ‘Fela warming ie ove acd, pally bonus fh seth ie Sujet tang Duetaations fom season to season and rom Yar to Soar, and partly because hs earths huge ha aks © Inte Torreat hang es up Real changes ae define ree thane {hata args enou to ey “without «dou that thy re an part the es” (ormal random Duttatons abst the mea} and hat they az cused by lol waraing ower, hee are serra eat fer tance thet exer prtielcycomeling The WS Weather Sev ips tempera mors oy tn the 20 ate in the prvias contary scared i the ta yace fen 1990 ‘hough 180 The ear 2000 ae th warmest nthe ewentth co tury Teze wore widespread cena of dou and Bren Uough- fut the United States during the 1990s. The Tout Indians io arthwester Canada have std in research interviews that there fave fiver sels ed polar ears hut de to thinning see, ead ‘rarer weather hae brought mare osgltees at lay longer (Grande Sentinal 2000) Biles have ted tot the range where fevtain batterie live hap erept northoard by ere than 100 mile ‘lrg the pst 50 are, was ato inthe sear 5000 (rth rt tne since sch saervatone have yen reprdod) tha harem m9 ‘old ce~oaly op waterat the arth pale Beare there aren many apparenty rand infos on est ‘wether, andro mchnatral sriation ro plac to pac ad Ho {ear a year, ust peop cannot grap the concept of cimate changes ‘rer 2100-1 200 jeer ped. They wast herd cent eviSeas af Secon LS Plltans of lebl Concern 18 cae and ffs in wonton dirt over, fine pod. $0 far, the change in maze Ge a GOO have eon small enough tobe larly matkod bythe "nose the sje. Despite tho many poe asadotl evidence, there are ils skepten, common ea ‘2 eeisn fe thet hcl surfs teperatre measurements may be ‘Stamina by neal urn het sand ett, Teapersre rere ttrural sls, and retards of sa Ses temperate, do ht te Ses rly nena eda ar ne hae ‘Sta For more data sad dachasoneo sene of be ecu Snvoled wth OCC, thers are muse sites othe Web hat eve fed inforaaton, There are aio nny tbat have ld oe erroneous information, or tht advance one aun oF ander Hat two aes appear fat and reliable * hp gs. go + hpshewsepagoicnateciangvndec ital! Iveryoue agrees that stps to altgato GCC are very expensive, snd'mayfegir substantia eares ty any people Te Bae been ‘sind that to undertake sch supe prematurely would te fol, Fever eat auch longer maybe even ore ol. Many pene ae now calling fe ion, nad any governments around the world (Gd even indus within th Ute Sates) have begun ak ing actos to reduce emsions vO, Out elbal climate medal, ‘le god, are fr frm perf. Yet, Da madels do predic tht ‘ajr ee il one within th et several cade The sed ae {2a the neta ofthe surdhatmeepere stem So so gent Ut, ‘hc bn, then changes anne sil nr que be Fveaed, ‘what Can We Do? Ancoloal evidence eugsats that GOC has already begun, Wold poles! leeds contd the Led Nations Framework Convo ‘Go Chiate Change (UNFCCD) and open it for signature nH Se ‘Iasi, rast June 1002, By Jane 195, there were 8 country ‘Sgnataren tho "Rio Actor” and now many more have ened. Thx ‘mur very general tet, bu stable thre ery enportat agree: ‘ents iat itacnowledge hat there wars prio, tha there Ito aly wae of human making, and that pantie hoalé bes {ahieg sep to res the probe, Seon, strangl) axpparted te Socept of sisaiable devlopet fr future prot Td ald {he moundors fr future are spot agreement "The Kycto Proto was ane subwoqunt product ofthe UNFGCO. ‘This agrement was adopedin Ryo Japan tn Decerober 1887, ed 0 of September 200 had 8€ signatories. Th Kyot Prot] com ‘ite the indascal oontries to rucing greenhouse gas isan to 1 below thir 1990 loves by 2008-2012. Assumag normal > rns grow this projected tobe aout 20-408 blow the level of 16 Chapter One An Overview fesons that ethenwie would be eeucring a thet time. Many tions ta achieve the reductions adudag enisies tang, ae tiled. The Usted States anda number af ther councics har pot aio this trent, the U.S haw stated that meaingl omc ent edcng greenhour as emlssioa eat be made by devel. ping ebuntie a el “our sw, Ue United States nade be a lender in adopting 28 sory peta sre dicing oo on. ‘atime 9 ener consersation aod tthe api Seven fea ‘mereal slr pour chau be the eenrstaner of our maton aly. nado, might pote necenery to eptare erin dint foe he atck aes sl c-cd powerplants, nd then eet it Unuerground (bslano “A, While rxpesive ths wl be eet sud efietve way to roduce elena tothe stnosphere stone {Recoil commitment ie ls need ta coat anon ofr fuses. Wear a maton shuld strive tal ues aod eno Sge morestation Sn countries around th worl Daal. we a= ‘ition should work tsar world population ones Tntbe interim what can bo dopey nna? Obi, ual we can roles our on eategyconoumptin we eam ee wast, ‘re eam plant tec aly and by our purchasing pracirs, we cat corepe recycling and pel sete nal ons that vole te greeatoue gece Ar exronmonte! euitee, we abou sath Iaimtin «hoe swareen th eon and prepared dacs t Puli We should try to get Inve polly ond Yo edvate our Pull and dst lenders And of ore in the aplication of esr Polson, emus tin to ok ways unprove acolgy to ‘ote emnons andr find alternative see fr eneg) ad eran roduc, Wo moat ll do ll we enn t ry milgne gba inate ‘Sage Let usfllow the popslradcohink globally act ely. ‘itenatsyy the dation ia tie setion has ben a al tooth review a the empl euce of glableinate chang. How rsa sad earth eur of th book non the engineering Ahnign and ansysis of ae yaulion control ryatams, Tse yes ‘Spiel are tat to cnt acl rina! se plitonyroblems, od thus, or atetin vl fsa, on te major patents defi tars However, because the US. EPA declared Oya poltant Soe snow approplt, within dhe Rammer of esto to. ‘ier the engincerag coiely of carton Swe, that sd, the fthore have ad Chapter 22, wih ie devoted to eaten oie [eeventon, capture, and depos ole we seus tho cum, nurse and fet of he malo pot ‘uta we wil bly eve i lelative and rogultary itr ef sirpllotion ato I we re aie with the overt f te past e ‘hay be betters to don ebetly ih the acre Section 14 Tend inthe Usted Statos 7 D> 14 Legislative and Regulatory Trends Inthe United states Chicago st Cincinnati pase azote conta ordnance. 188 sd ct athe large hein sie flowed fy 1093 (Coun. Environmental Quality 107) Sooke olution ia large indi e- ler rencod ts oak in he 1050380, ond was ought under cn. ‘tal ot oly by tr cite es Ds Wythe ats om co to lane uring and gus However, hee art loa forts ded ‘ot addres the i the tne wasup) more comp prblons of {irpallon euch as photochemical a0) "ie it concerto erst snmathing sro hee reco ples roles cue i Callens in tho Ite 1040s and ary 10808 EReearth hy Proer Ad. Hage Sat fo the lta 1040 nda {hat phtochertal ection was pone forthe hal el ft iL Angie snag. rater tan rst emo fhe pat ‘le pallstanes his ndings ware attacked Sy several group (ie ‘sod Urn 197), but were later pened tobe rue. Los Angele County ‘Stable a AirPalton Conta Dose (APCD) i 1046, and le Sol lal goverment began a ert more ade control ove pluton amisone. An erent oie ofthe effort in Callers aed the oral level fom 190 1975 presented by Hier a Ursin [GUrIstn thie cn, we wl bil metn some af he ern aft, ‘During this seme periad of weakening intrest in Calforaia (aid39405 wo ety T0sbe two a pation epee ote ele {en len. in 19489 Donor, onneslvmnia an industria tn Hal valley a four-day sages ness abot 1000 people ‘Ecuaing the denths of 20 people. In 1962, shan weedy weg ‘unkated London, Eogland, the rei were even mare itmtous. ‘Thor were on etintd 4000 dois atrbted ott mt tin yang thaw pope Wo ot 1 tehaeslasstance and ot contra), ad eas to be in ‘confor ve years At ha ie the Ai alton Cote] Act wa ‘ropa, tere was grat dnl fencer cer federal Sotereston™ {ny what wae thought toe state and eal ober In fae, one of the eel supporter of federal ir allan llatin, Setar Ther ‘Bas Kathe of California, “had neared tb Senate tht is popes] ‘ald not ring the doa gverament lo conta tiie” ier hd Unin 1979, 18 Chapter One An Overview ‘As we low tia, the Intnt of Congres hav ehange signi ‘antl om 1955, and right ily Al platen fu problem of tr ‘tional sigaicance Ale movement doe at rege pala ‘oundariey Although lel apd state efor ee exteetsely inpotant {othe scat dovlopinest od splmenttin of a pallotn entre progam, overall managemest responsibility for ou alt ‘esmaree shoul reside ste feral ove "The Cleam Air Act of 1963, bic was specially reqoeted by the president, replaced the 1958 wet. Tent only provided tomey er {eral sare, bt als provided fr grants outside research age ‘lor. Thin ac ae wxtabte, forthe Set Ue, federal ator to ‘tires fteratata sir pllation problems (Couns on Kevienmetl una 1870, "The nent pace of eilation was the Motor Vehlle Air Pola. tom Control Act of 168. It taished, forthe at tins «feral rogram for ths regulon of enssens from ow mot vee Flgwever, this was actualy benefit tothe automotive Indasy cae itelped th ndty sve ving ta nals eee or iy GRy ifr sete of emion reulaons lr the aeons "ats Alhooph the emiasions limite were frat set fr 1083 tpdel treiasod on technology eitng in 1965, the nw roegized the need {etighen controls ont ecology bneame sabe “The Air Quality Act of 1067 was the pet of te federal laws ea ‘ing wih plain control This ic ofan on ony extended the role ofthe federl averaent in roseareh aod development Eat Slromriuated the nw soa that earch os nol ulster Ulston and that the feral gverninet din fat have the ght bly te cnloroe the use of oatrel equipment, This at required the ee fetiry ofthe Department Hel Bdgeton, a Welle (EW to ‘Segre ae quale contol ans to folate rior lanaing eed ‘lel ers Tals reqied the seretary af HE to ‘omalt i uly rria which band on fifi tad, Eni hal fits ofan ar petit hath ee ‘nrond mtu fond btu sre thay dae mith i, ot ad tes of so {Ceanciton Bmromett Gully 170 ‘Dring the Senate earings or ths lelasion nove appeoah was {ntrodaced--somely thal repeatry standards cul pred soting {echnaogy. Th, industry could before to develop Now taco tomes hs standards by @ carta deadline. Ths known eect le fosing nition, Alhough nt ten into he 1057 a ‘onapt was used nthe major 1970 aenvimentsto the Clean Air Act "the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1970 sridely mee grand ws powerful eb laportant plo of evironmestal eps Secon 14. ‘Tends inthe United Sates 19 Eavironmental Polley Act hich thority to erste use Environmental Protection ‘gency (EPA), it pot sme tots le pluton cotelenfrwe ‘bent One ofthe motor bjestior the CAAA of 1570 was oath ‘Sean ir ty 1975 To mote this nective new standards and net lets for achieving them wer etl "There were several pars of the CAAA of 1970 that were of majo sigucnee, We il mention some ofthe oar impart ean Tat {28 ried the EPA fo etaich Natonel Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAGS)~toth primary stanfards Co protet pele Fath and sree econdary stantarde (1 protect pubic welfare. "The CAAA o 170 alse required the varie stator to mbit State Implementation Plans (SIPs) fr Msiang nd abtang ie ‘onl primary stndarde within re fa Tnlight af th major conribvaton le 2ouren amisiane othe veal spallation pias, atamaileemisine mere atriy Stata $08 reduction fom the 1010 lr CO aad hydrocarbon) ot 1071 ar NO, model year emiasins, tobe achive By UTS OTC So 1NO,) This was prin example of tchosogy- cig lettin as there was proven way to achive these goats wen ths Tew was fate fa etrepet, tse gals vedo be unatalebl, and Us ‘arte the law has beso snended overlies, “Tough standards were tote len by the EPA fr ertin new Indust! planta These New Source Performance Standards (GiSPse) wore nate slndacde nnd mee to be implemented nad ‘aforcd by each sti, Ths wuld prevent the pai of weakened ‘Rate air platen standard sing fm the competion between ‘ate in tying to slrat str adurtey.Indatse mere requ to Siustr dcr orn canons sn to uks te data vat to te BPA and state pllton conte ageaies Large fnes and ering! penaies were shared (2500 andr I year ia pas) br Silvas ft et tba Clean Air Act Amendsaots of 1977 was 2 maja pine of legate (85 pages sage speed imarparaling many modestont fib adtias to te Clean Ar Aet However, the 1077 amendments ‘tuna th hn pllospy af eral management with state pe: ‘mentation We wl sow ducts the hgh ee 1977 amendment "The EPA was required to review and update, ar ooe=ay, quality ester androgaltions af Junuy 1080, andon five year Incervals thereat. Tho EPA was required to continue the proves (bap under he CAAA of 1970 afiessing performance eandard or ‘ew and eting industrial sources, 'A epatte subpart wie Inlded fr “prevention of sgneast diseroaicn(PSD}af i quality neon eam hen the NAAQS. Defoe the 2977 ocendmeta, masterly pose fo pola Clean ai upto the int ofthe ambient standards by sly ating

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