GPTZero AI Scan - Document - 5 - 26 - 2024

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Report generated by Version 2024-04-04

Document Title: Document — 5/26/2024

We are not confident this text is human generated

Classification Probability Breakdown Plagiarism Scan

human ?
human mixed ai
62% 34% 4%

4% probability AI generated Plagiarism scan not activated

not confident

AI Scanned Document
AI Content

Document — 5/26/2024
The subsequent document serves as the basis for the Slide presentation:

Introductory Slide

One of the most significant family nurse contacts that allows medical professionals to evaluate the family and
the house is a home visit. The family's health cannot be improved without this visit, which also serves to start
health-related activities.

Home Visit Definition, Slide 2

A home visit is providing nursing care right at the patient's door. This procedure calls for judgment, technical pro-
ficiency, and the capacity to build and preserve connections with the family.

Slide 3: Why Attend Home Visits

Visits to homes seek to:

Prevent illness

Assure the highest standard of treatment.

Raising family health standards

Evaluate health, immunization, nutrition, and environmental risks

Slide 4: Notes Made During House Calls

Discussing with the family, note:

Environmentally and physically, the house

The condition of expecting women

Child health under five

State of immunization

Indications of familial malnourishment

personal hygiene, living circumstances, and cleanliness

Slide 5: Health Education Providing nurse care should not stop health education programs. This guarantees the
family is aware of good health habits and the value of preserving a healthy surroundings.

Equipment Required for Home Visits, Slide 6

Home visitation bag, or nursing bag

Family file, individual cards, paper, pencil, pen, phone, laptop

health education resources in different packages (such as prenatal and vaccination)

The Community Bag Slide 7

Carry a community bag with the tools and materials you need for your house visits. Two sections one for items
and the other for solution bottles should make up the 14-by-12-inch bag.

The Community Bag's outer pocket contents are seen on Slide 8.

Diary, throwaway paper bag, hand towels, nail paint, soap, soap dish, spring balance, tape measure.

Main Pocket:

Eye drops, vitamin A solution, syringes, folic acid pills, Dettol, oral antibiotics, betadine lotion, spirit, paracetamol

Small Bag Separated:

Gauze, bandages, scissors, forceps, stethoscope, glucometer, blood pressure monitor, gallipot, cotton swabs

Page 9: Community Bag Goal

Avoid the virus from spreading.

Inform the family about the need of cleanliness.

Performing chosen treatments with appropriate methodology

Slide 10: Technique of the Bag

Of these, which is NOT a necessary item of gear for a house visit?

A family binder; a laptop; a TV

d) Care package

Answer: c) Television

In a house visit, what physical aspects should be noted?

Wall color (a)

The kind of furniture; the ecological setting of the house; the brand of equipment

The home's ecological setting is the answer.

Which object may you discover in the communal bag's inside pocket?

Diary; soap dish; betadine lotion; tape measure

Liquid betadine is the answer.

How should one begin the bag method correctly?

Hands-washed, open the bag and remove what you need, spread a plastic sheet on a spotless surface, and log your
work in the family folder

A clean surface should be covered with a plastic sheet.

Following a house visit, what should be done with used items?

Repackage them in the bag; use the right technique to disinfect them.

a) Toss them into the family's garbage b) Leave them on the spotless surface

The right way to disinfect them is b).

A communal bag is used for which of the following?

A nurse's personal belongings; meals for the family; infection prevention; and family heirloom storage

To stop the illness spreading, is the answer.

What has to be done after the house visit is over?

a) Open the bag; b) Wash your hands.

c) Pause; d) Throw away all leftovers

Wash your hands, is the answer.

On a house visit, which of the following indicates malnutrition?

The size of the house; the existence of household pets; indications of children's underweight or stunted develop-
ment; the family's means of transportation

Indicators of underweight or slowed development in children

In what ways is health education relevant to home visits?

To occupy the time throughout the appointment b) To assist the family in comprehending and adhering to health

To promote health items; to amuse the family

The family should be helped to understand and maintain health behaviors.

With their coverage of the goal, methods, and observations of house visits, these questions guarantee a thorough
grasp of the subject.
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is the leading AI detector for checking whether a document was written by a large language model such as
ChatGPT. GPTZero detects AI on sentence, paragraph, and document level. Our model was trained on a large, diverse
corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a focus on English prose. To date, GPTZero has served over 2.5 million
users around the world, and works with over 100 organizations in education, hiring, publishing, legal, and more.

When should I use GPTZero?

Our users have seen the use of AI-generated text proliferate into education, certification, hiring and recruitment, social
writing platforms, disinformation, and beyond. We've created GPTZero as a tool to highlight the possible use of AI in
writing text. In particular, we focus on classifying AI use in prose. Overall, our classifier is intended to be used to flag
situations in which a conversation can be started (for example, between educators and students) to drive further inquiry
and spread awareness of the risks of using AI in written work.

Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT outputs?

No, GPTZero works robustly across a range of AI language models, including but not limited to ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3,
GPT-2, LLaMA, and AI services based on those models.

What are the limitations of the classifier?

The nature of AI-generated content is changing constantly. As such, these results should not be used to punish students.
We recommend educators to use our behind-the-scene Writing Reports as part of a holistic assessment of student work.
There always exist edge cases with both instances where AI is classified as human, and human is classified as AI. Instead,
we recommend educators take approaches that give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding in
a controlled environment and craft assignments that cannot be solved with AI. Our classifier is not trained to identify
AI-generated text after it has been heavily modified after generation (although we estimate this is a minority of the uses for
AI-generation at the moment). Currently, our classifier can sometimes flag other machine-generated or highly procedural
text as AI-generated, and as such, should be used on more descriptive portions of text.

I'm an educator who has found AI-generated text by my students. What do I do?
Firstly, at GPTZero, we don't believe that any AI detector is perfect. There always exist edge cases with both instances
where AI is classified as human, and human is classified as AI. Nonetheless, we recommend that educators can do the
following when they get a positive detection:

Ask students to demonstrate their understanding in a controlled environment, whether that is through an in-person
assessment, or through an editor that can track their edit history (for instance, using our Writing Reports through Google
Docs). Check out our list of several recommendations on types of assignments that are difficult to solve with AI.
Ask the student if they can produce artifacts of their writing process, whether it is drafts, revision histories, or
brainstorming notes. For example, if the editor they used to write the text has an edit history (such as Google Docs), and
it was typed out with several edits over a reasonable period of time, it is likely the student work is authentic. You can use
GPTZero's Writing Reports to replay the student's writing process, and view signals that indicate the authenticity of the
See if there is a history of AI-generated text in the student's work. We recommend looking for a long-term pattern of
AI use, as opposed to a single instance, in order to determine whether the student is using AI.

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