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A look at MsExcel Environment

Akande Noah O. (Ph. D.)
IDEAS Emerging Technology Skills
Scholarship Program
Business Intelligence and Dashboard Creation
Topic: A look at Microsoft Excel Environment

Presented by: Akande Noah Oluwatobi (Ph. D.)

Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the lecture, participants should be able to:
A look at MsExcel Environment

▪ MsExcel is a spreadsheet software application developed

by Microsoft
▪ It is commonly used for storing, organizing, and
manipulating data in tabular form.
▪ It consist of rows and columns, where each intersection of
a row and a column is referred to as a cell.
▪ These cells can contain various types of data, including
text, numbers, formulas, and functions.

A look at MsExcel Environment

▪ The most common business uses for spreadsheet

applications include the following:
▪ Tracking Business Sales ▪ Data Entry and Storage
▪ Financial Forecasting ▪ Comparing Large Datasets

▪ Statistical Analysis ▪ Modelling and Planning

▪ Charting, Identifying Trends
▪ Profit and Loss Accounting
▪ Flowcharts for Business
▪ Budgeting Processes
▪ Payroll and Tax Reporting ▪ Forensic Auditing
Understanding your Data

MsExcel Ribbon

Types of Excel Data

▪ Values in Excel include text, numbers, logical and error

– Text: contains some combination of letters, numbers, spaces,
and symbols e.g. dates
– Number: these are data that is acted upon in formulas.
• They can be formatted to be different kinds of numbers, like
currency, percentages, etc.
– Logical: Data in this type is either TRUE or FALSE, usually as
the result of a test or comparison from a formula.
– Error: A value that returns if a formula cannot complete
calculations properly.

Data Input / Editing
▪ Entering Data
▪ Editing Data
▪ Auto Fill
▪ Deleting Data
▪ Adjusting Columns/Rows
▪ Hiding and Unhiding Columns/Rows
▪ Inserting Columns/Rows
▪ Moving Data
▪ Deleting Columns/Rows

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Importing Data from Multiple Sources

Akande Noah O. (Ph. D.)
Data Analysis

▪ Data analysis is the practice of cleaning, transforming, and

analyzing raw data to acquire usable information so businesses
can make informed decisions.
▪ Data comes from many sources, including databases, surveys,
quantitative research, human entry from software etc.
▪ For years, data has been acquired and fed into databases, with
more automated means directly capturing and pushing data into
huge datasets.
▪ Pulling that raw data so that it can be used is part of what Excel
can do.

Importing Data from Access Database

▪ We won’t need to have MS Access before we can

access its content
▪ We are simply going to pull data from the database
and populate our excel sheet

Importing Data from Access Database

Import AgeRangeReportGrouping.mdb

Importing Data from Access Database

Importing Data from Access Database

Imported Data from Access Database

Importing Data from CSV file

▪ CSV file is a text file, with no formatting except

commas between “fields” of data

Imported Data from CSV File

Imported Data from CSV File

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Table Creation and Management

Akande Noah O. (Ph. D.)
Table Creation

Table Creation
▪ A table in excel can have 16384 columns and 1,048,576
▪ Some advantages of having our data in Tables include:
– Structured Organization
– Data Integrity
– Filtering and Sorting
– Easy Reference
– Data Analysis Features

Table Creation
▪ To covert your data to a table format, simply click
anywhere in your sheet and press CTRL+T
▪ A window that ask for the range of your data will
pop up, simply press ok

Table Creation

▪ The ribbon has several groups:

• Properties: Allows for naming and table resizing.
• Tools: Contains some table analysis tools.
• External Table Data: For use with linked live data sources, like a database that may have changes
happen to it.
• Table Style Options: Basic table parts designation items.
• Table Styles: Color and layout styles for tables based on the Excel theme, color palette, and font
palette you choose.

Activity 1
▪ Open your “boston” dataset
▪ Use CTRL+T to convert the data to a tabular format
▪ In the table design ribbon, do the following and see the effects:
– uncheck “Banded Rows”
– uncheck “Header Rows”
– Check “Total Rows”
– uncheck “Filter Button”
▪ Change the Table styles to : “Light Blue, Table Size Medium 27”

Activity 2
▪ Show rows with tax value greater than 220
▪ Click tax dropdown arrow
▪ Select number filter then Greater Than
▪ Show rows with rooms (RM) between 3 and 5

Activity 2

Activity 3
▪ Further filter out rows with NOX (nitric oxides
concentration) value lof 0.7

▪ To undo the filtering, go to each column header, click

the drop down arrow and clear the filtering
▪ So, when data is in table format, they can be easily
Freezing Panes
▪ Data sets can bridge thousands of records with dozens
of fields and extend beyond a workbook window.
▪ It can be difficult to compare fields and records in
widely separated columns and rows.
▪ One way of dealing with this problem is by dividing the
workbook window into viewing panes by using the
Split view option, then freezing certain rows or columns
to keep them in place no matter where we scroll.
Activity 4
▪ Click in Cell E7.
▪ Go to the View tab ribbon, and find the Window group.
▪ Click the Freeze Frames dropbox arrow, then check out the effects of the following:
▪ Select Freeze Pane, then scroll downward
– Select Freeze Pane, then unfreeze Pane
▪ Select Freeze Top Row, then scroll downward
– Select Freeze Pane, then unfreeze Pane
▪ Select Freeze first column, then scroll downward
▪ Any difference between Freeze Top Row and Freeze first column ?
▪ Select Cell G50 and click Split command in the Windows Group
▪ Scroll downward; what do you observe ?
▪ Select Cell G5, then Scroll downward; what do you observe ?

Managing Your Worksheets
▪ Our Excel document is called a workbook that could
have many worksheets
▪ In the worksheet’s name tab section, click the +
button to add another worksheet tab, which should
default name itself Sheet1.
▪ Sheet1 should appear just to the right of the default
▪ You can continue clicking the + button to add as many
worksheets as possible to your workbook
Managing Worksheets
▪ To delete the unwanted sheets, select the cells group,
click the down arrow on the Delete button and choose
the Delete Sheet option from the drop-down list.
▪ Alternatively, you can right click on the worksheet’s
name tab section and select delete
▪ To rename a sheet, double-click the sheet name on
the worksheet name tab at the bottom of the workbook,
then enter the new name of the sheet
Duplicating Worksheets
▪ Right-click on the 2022 worksheet tab name.
▪ Select Move or Copy from the dropdown menu.
▪ In the Move or Copy panel, first put a checkmark in
the Create a copy checkbox so that the worksheet
will be copied and not moved.
▪ Then, in the Before sheet, click (move to end) and
click the OK button.
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Data Cleaning in Excel

Data Cleaning in Excel
▪ Excel Data Cleaning is a significant skill that all
Business and Data Analysts must possess.
▪ In this current era of data analytics, everyone expects
the accuracy and quality of data to be of the highest
▪ A major part of Excel Data Cleaning involves the
elimination of blank spaces, incorrect, and outdated
information as well as removal of duplicates
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Data Cleaning in Excel using Power

Data Cleaning Task as a Data Analyst
▪ Data cleaning is a critical process in data analysis
that involves identifying and correcting errors,
inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in a dataset to
improve its quality and reliability.
▪ As a data analyst, data cleaning is one of the initial
and essential steps before conducting any
meaningful analysis.

Data Cleaning Task as a Data Analyst
▪ Data Cleaning Task for a Data Analyst majorly
▪ Spell Checking
▪ Correcting Misspelt values
▪ Removal of Empty Rows
▪ Removal of Duplicated Rows of Data

Data Formatting Task as a Data Analyst
▪ Data formatting refers to the process of structuring
and organizing data in a particular way to make it
readable, usable, and compatible with analysis
tools and systems.
▪ As a data analyst, data formatting is crucial
because it ensures that the data you work with is
consistent, accurate, and suitable for analysis.

Data Cleaning in Excel using Power Query
▪ Power Query is a business intelligence tool offered
by Microsoft Excel that allows you to import data
from any number of sources, clean the data,
transform the data, then reshape it according to
your needs.
▪ It can be found in Excel 2010 upward else you can
download it as an add-ons

Data Cleaning in Excel using Power Query

Activating Power Query Editor
▪ Method 1:

▪ If you have already opened your data, in the Data

Menu, locate Get & Transform group, click From
Table command, press ok if a window pops up, then
the power query editor pops up
Activating Power Query Editor
▪ Method 2:

▪ If you have already opened your data, in the “tell

me what you want to do” menu, click enter “power”

Activating Power Query Editor
▪ Method 3:

▪ While loading your data from any source, the power

query editor automatically pops up

Activating Power Query Editor

The Four Phases of Power Query
▪ 1. Connect

▪ 2. Transform

▪ 3. Combine

▪ 4. Load

The Four Phases of Power Query
▪ Connect: In this phase, users connect to the data source(s) from which they want to extract
data. Power Query supports many data sources, including databases, files, web pages, and
▪ Transform: Once the data is loaded into Power Query, users can use various data
transformation tools to clean, reshape, and transform the data to meet their specific needs.
Common data transformation tasks include removing duplicates, filtering data, merging data,
splitting columns, and pivoting data.
▪ Combine: Power Query also allows users to combine data from multiple sources using various
techniques. Users can merge tables, append, or join data using a common key. This phase is
beneficial for integrating data from different sources into a single, unified view.
▪ Load: Finally, in the Load phase, users specify where to load the transformed data. They can
load the data into an Excel worksheet or a Power BI report or create a connection to the data
source so that the data is automatically refreshed whenever the source data changes.

Basic Transformations Can You Perform Using Power Query

▪ Text Formatting Functions

– Uppercase to Lowercase
– Lowercase to Uppercase
– Capitalize Each Word
– Trim
▪ Splitting a Column Using Delimiters
▪ Transpose a Data Table
▪ Removing Duplicates
▪ Combine Queries
Text Formatting Functions

Splitting a Column Using Delimiters

Splitting a Column Using Delimiters

Transpose a Data Table

Removing Duplicates

Removing Duplicates

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Data Cleaning using Excel Functions

Spell Checking

Correcting Misspelt values
▪ Mispelt values can be
replaced with Find and
Replace command
▪ From Home Menu
>Editing> Find & Select

Data Cleaning by Removing Empty Rows

▪ Ensure your data is in Table format

▪ Click the table column header drop down arrow
▪ Uncheck Select All checkbox to deactivate all
▪ Check Blanks checkbox to activate all empty rows

Data Cleaning by Removing Empty Rows

▪ The blank cells appear

• Highlight all data using CTRL+A

• Go to Home Menu, Cell group, Delete Table
• Click the table column header drop down
• Check the select all again to display the
remaining data

Data Cleaning by Removing Duplicates

▪ To eliminate the duplicate data, you need to select

the data option in the toolbar, and in the Data Tools
ribbon, select the "Remove Duplicates" option.


Data Formatting in Excel

Data Formatting in Excel

▪ Data formatting activities include:

– Filtering
– Sorting
– Trimming
– Data Parsing from Text to Column
– Changing Case
– Text Wrapping
– Merging Cells
– Formatting Cell Contents
Data Formatting using Spell Check
▪ To check the spellings of the words used in the
spreadsheet, select the data cell, column, or sheet
where you want to perform the spell check.
▪ Now, go to the review menu and select Spelling

Data Formatting Using Sorting

▪ Sorting data in Excel refers to the

process of arranging the data in a
specific order based on certain
▪ When you sort data in Excel, you
rearrange the rows of data based
on the values in one or more
Data Formatting Using Sorting

▪ You should see a sort warning message:

▪ If you choose “Continue with the current selection”, only

the data in the selected column will be sorted thereby
distorting or corrupting the dataset
Data Formatting Using Trim Function

▪ The TRIM function is used to eliminate excess

spaces and tab spaces in the Excel worksheet cells.
▪ The excessive blank spaces and tab spaces make
the data hard to understand.
▪ Using the "TRIM" function can eliminate these
excessive blank spaces.

Data Parsing from Text to Column

Data Parsing from Text to Column

Data Formatting by Changing Case

▪ Select the table or columns that need the case to be

▪ Select the cell next to the column and apply the
following formula as the case may be:
– =UPPER (cell address) - for Upper case conversion
– =LOWER (cell address) - for Lower case conversion
– =PROPER (cell address) - for Sentence case conversion
▪ Replicate the formula in the remaining cells
Text Wrapping
▪ Often, a text column may not be wide enough for
the information in it, and the text information will
seem to be cut off.
▪ One way to fix this is to wrap text so that the cell will
increase in size to accommodate the data and also
push some of the data in what seems like a second
(or more) line in the same cell.

Merging Cells

▪ Data is entered solely into one cell at a time,

However, for stylistic purposes, data can also
be merged into more than one cell.

Formatting Cell Content

▪ The data you input into cells, unless formatted into

some numeric form, likely defaults to a Bottom
Alignment and to an Align Left
▪ Select cell A3, and click the Top Align button on the
Home ribbon’s Alignment group.
▪ With A3 still selected, then click
the Align Left button in the same Alignment group.

Merging Cells

Data – Formatting for Analysis

Data – Formatting for Analysis

Data – Formatting for Analysis

Changing Cell and Text Colors

Data Formatting for Analysis: Filtering

▪ The purpose of filtering data in Excel is to

temporarily hide rows in a dataset that don't meet
specific criteria, allowing you to focus only on the
data that is relevant to your analysis.
▪ Filtering enables users to quickly identify and
analyze subsets of data based on certain conditions
or criteria without permanently altering the
original dataset.

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