Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Afs Hindan1

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29 thNational Children

Science Congress 2021

Topic - Ecosystem
Subtopic – Harm to Ecosystem
1) Abstract
2) Introduction
3) Aims and Objectives
4) Hypothesis
5) Methodology
6) Observations and Data Collection
7) Result
8) Conclusion
9) Solution
10) Acknowledgement
• Ecosystems (i.e. suites of living species interacting with one
another and with their non-living environment) can be
considered as natural assets from which flow services that
sustain and fulfil human life. These “ecosystem services ”
include: provision of clean air and water, maintenance soil
fertility, regulation of climate, pollination of crops and
native plants, control of the vast majority of potential pests,
maintenance of genetic resources, provision of food, fuel and
fiber, and fulfillment of our lives through cultural, spiritual
and intellectual stimulation.
• Ecosystem ecology is the study of these and other questions about
the living and nonliving components within the environment, how
these factors interact with each other, and how both natural and
human-induced changes affect how they function.
• Understanding how ecosystems work begins with an
understanding of how sunlight is converted into usable energy, the
importance of nutrient cycling, and the impact mankind has on
the environment. Plants convert sunlight into usable forms of
energy that are carbon based. Primary and secondary production
in populations can be used to determine energy flow in
ecosystems. Studying the effects of atmospheric? CO2 will have
future implications for agricultural production and food quality.
Aims and Objectives
• 0ur aim for this research is
to find out how local
people, industries ect, are
taking the advantages of Local People Industries
• What things are made or
created by people or
ecosystem itself . Societies or Private or
• If usage of natural things Residence Public Sectors
are more than needed .
1) Afforestation –Changes in the growth of trees and stands
result from regular changes in dominance and the efficiency
of resource use by dominant and non-dominant trees
2) Deforestation- The trees are important because we need
them for the oxygen. N0t just trees are dying, lots of
wildlife do not have enough oxygen to live and just die.
That's how many organisms deforestation has a big impact
on. How can we stop this? One way to stop this is just using
less paper. Paper is made from cut down trees. That’s why
if we recycle paper and keep reusing paper there would not
be more paper needed.
3 ) Recycling - Waste items such as aluminum cans, paper
and cardboard, plastic bags and bottles, glass and foil are all
recoverable, which is why you put them into your curbside
recycling bin once a week and put them out for collection.

4) Using resources carefully - Are we using natural resources

properly? It is very important we use renewable and non-
renewable resources wisely. If a resource is used and thrown
away, eventually the resource becomes scarce. When the supply
dwindles, its price will increase. Products that are made from
that resource would increase in price too.
It is a way of doing something
based on particular methods
and data.
The Following charts / Data shows the
Deforestation, Afforestation, Recycling over a
period of time.

In the above data ,we In the above graph we

can recognize that the In the above graph we
can recognize that rate can see that the amount
rate of afforestation is
of deforestation increasing but comparison of recycling in increasing
increasing rapidly every to felling it is still very over a period of time.
year because of need or low and the time period But for saving our earth
requirement by the for growing tress are we have to do more
people. 10 – 15 years . efficient .
In this graph we can see that
the rate of tree cover loss by
years is increasing rapidly
because the population of
world is increasing. So, we
need more and more trees /
national resources to fulfill our
need but while using we waste
a lot of wood and other

Eg- If we organize a party a

lot food got waste but instead
of distributing it we through
it most of the time.
According to the graph aside
we can see that we recycle
almost all cars, lead, many
more. But we almost have to
maintain a ratio for things
that are no or less recycled like
plastic, glass ect. We have to
maintain a ratio between
everything we use or naturally
get .
• According to the graph aside
we can know that wastage
of paper , glass is higher
than other materials. But
without them

• In the above graph of

recycling we show that
recycling of glass and paper
is least because it cause
more money to recycle in
comparison of the money
they get after recycling

So , will a company go in loss ?

Be Carefull !!
Observations and Data Collection
In the following slides is the
information we collected
from local people, farmers,
doctors, people working in
private and public sector.
Name – Nagendra Singh
Occupation- Farmer
1) What is the ratio of manure and fertilizer you use?
2:1 (Manure : Fertilizer)
2) How much fertilizer / manure you use per 100 square feet?
2-3 pound of fertilizer
3) When you burn wheat , is it good for the soil?
4) Do you know burning of crops cause a lot of polluted air?
Name – Kishor Kumar
Occupation- Works In Newspaper Company
1) At an average how much copies does Amar Ujala use per day for
22.2 Million copies per day
2) How much paper get recycled by day at an average?
68.2 % per day at an average (Approx 70%)
3) At an average how many daily readers Amar Ujala have?
4.70 crore people (Approx 50 crore)
Name- Dr Vinod Kumar
Occupation – Doctor (Clinic)
1) At an average how many prescription / paper you use per day?
40 – 50 at a clinic.
2) Does all people prefer handwritten prescription or some prefer
soft copy ?
Mostly people prefer handwritten copy
3) What type of paper do you use for prescription , do u use any
of recycled paper ?
No, he use only good quality paper
Name – Rohit Yadav
Occupation – Owns a grocery store
1) How much paper do you use per day at the shop ?
He uses very less paper , he only use for printing bills if a
customer asks for it. Otherwise he do not use it .
2) How many customers you get at an average daily?
30 – 40 ( It varies day to day )
3) Do you use paper bags , a bag of cloth or polythene ?
He prefers bag of cloth (costs RS 3-5) generally but at
times he prefers polythene .
Name – Raju
Occupation - Trash Collector
1) Does people separate dry and wet garbage?
2) Do all people use plastic bag or some use recycled paper bag
for garbage?
No, 99% of people use polythene for throwing garbage .
3) Does the govt provide you essential resources for collecting
garbage ect ??
No , they provide good quality products .
• As a result , we can say that the use of natural
resources (paper , wood) can vary work to work
and people to people but in every work it does not
matter if it is small or big . The thing is that how
much we can save or survive with ecosystem.
Can we survive without Ecosystem??

• Such as some children would use recycled pages for

doing rough work or practicing . On the other hand
many children prefer using classmate, lotus ect for
rough work also .


• The conclusion about this problem is that the
population of the world is rising very fast, so to
match the need of population, we have to recycle
more and more things because cutting trees,
mining ores is not a way to handle it for long.

• Recycling is a solution but the main point is to use

less resources. Such as if you can walk or cycle 3
Km for buying groceries WHY NOT? , It is good for
your physical health as well as the ecosystem in
which live or if you can take the metro to reach
your office / destination WHY CAR?


1) Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you
throw away. Follow the three "R’s” .
2) Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your
community. You can get involved in protecting your
watershed, too.
3) Educate. When you further your own education,
you can help others understand the importance and
value of our natural resources.
4) Conserve water. The less water you use, the less
runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the
5) Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable
shopping bag.
6) Use long-lasting light bulbs. Energy efficient light
bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the
light switch off when you leave the room!
7) Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They
help save energy, clean the air, and help combat
climate change.
8) Don't send chemicals into our waterways. Choose
non-toxic chemicals in the home and office.
9) Bike more. Drive less.
I would like to express my special thanks
of gratitude to my teacher Mrs Ranjana
Kumari as well as our principal Mrs
Shobha Sharma who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project
on the topic Harm to Ecosystem, which
also helped me in doing a lot of Research
and I came to know about so many new
things I am really thankful to them.
Group Leader – Aditya Rana
Group Member – Abhinav Berwal
Subject Teacher- Mrs Ranjana Kumari
Principal – Mrs Shobha Sharma

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