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Plummer, Mr., i., 209
Plague, the, iii., 203
Polani, Dr., i., 352
Poujolat et Boutés, MM., ii., 150; iii., 132
Pretyman, Dr., iii., 166
Prickly Heat, ii., 285
Prince of Wales, (George IV.) ii., 99, 382
Princess Elizabeth, ii., 102, ter.
Princes, the, iii., 268
Prudoe, Lord, iii., 38, 203, 215
Puckler Muskau, Prince, i., 139; iii., 4, 37, 89, 127, 142, 170, 255,

Queen Victoria, ii., 228, 232, 259, 277; iii., 239

Rashéyah, iii., 274, 316

Reading aloud, iii., 128
Reasons for statesmen’s actions, ii., 29
Reichstadt, Duke of, i., 206
Religion, iii., 312
Revolutions, i., 280; ii., 168; iii., 299
Revolution in Mount Lebanon, i., 347
Rewisky, Count, iii., 183
Reynaud, Mr., ii., 356
Rice, ii., 52
Richmond, Duke of, ii., 28, 64, 94, 95
Rich, Mr.
Rings, nose, ii., 200
Risk Allah
Roberts, Mr., iii., 82
Robinson, three years’ residence, iii., 204
Romney, Lord, ii., 24, 381
Rugged Paths, i., 210
Rûm, village
Russell, Lady Wm., i., 27
Russian spy, iii., 266
Rutland, Duchess of, ii., 52, 108

Saady, maid servant, ii., 327, 344; iii., 160

Salàmy Effendi
Salisbury, Lady, ii., 105
Saunders, Admiral, iii., 178
Scenes at Mar Elias, ii., 315
Scott, Capt., i., 235
Scott, Dr. John, dedication &c., i., 59
Scott, Walter, ii., 173; iii., 172
Selim Koblàn, character of, iii., 59
Serpent, iii., 292
Serpent at Tarsûs, ii., 360
Servants, English, ii., 70; iii., 161
Servants, men, i., 24; ii., 30
Servants, Syrian, i., 290; ii., 148, 309
Servants’ Wages, ii., 122
Servants, women, i., 26; ii., 136; iii., 161, 364
Sentimentality, i., 294
Sevenoaks Common, i., 384; ii., 23
Sevigné, Madame, iii., 116
Shadwell, Col., ii., 23
Shakspeare, i., 300
Shemmaûny, iii., 219
Sheridan, ii., 58
Sherỳf Pasha, iii., 67, 75
Sheykh Beshỳr, ii., 357
Sheykh Ibrahim, iii., 242
Sheykh Mohammed Nasýb, iii., 173
Shibly el Arriàn, iii., 318
Shifts, what made of, ii., 269
Ship plundered by Greeks, i., 40
Sidmouth, Viscount, i., 216
Silver spoon stolen, ii., 272
Singers in Syria, iii., 206
Slaves, i., 226, 288, 364
Sligo, Lord
Smith, Newman, i., 63
Smith, Sir Sydney, ii., 292
Spetchingly, Mem. of a Peeress, iii., 171
Spies, iii., 78, 297
Spit in the face, iii., 52
Stammering, ii., 108
Stanhope, Charles, ii., 85; iii., 165
Stanhope, Countess, ii., 14
Stanhope, Earl, i., 296; ii., 15; iii., 165
Stanhope, James Hamilton, i., 10; ii., 85; iii., 165
Stanhope, Lady H., takes to her bed, ii., 43, 48;
her complexion, ii., 16, 166;
her opinion of women, i., 376; iii., 262;
gives away money, ii., 240, 244;
has boys in her service, iii., 195;
her estimate of herself, iii., 121;
foretells revolutions, ii., 168; iii., 265;
her personal cleanliness, i., 148;
her hatred of women, i., 166;
takes no man’s arm, i., 81;
never shakes hands, iii., 143;
is able to command an army, ii., 32;
her pension, iii., 48, 99;
furious with her maids, ii., 276;
flogging, i., 294; ii., 136; iii., 46, 51, 242;
her veracity, ii., 324;
her freedom of speech, i., 135; ii., 37; iii., 262;
the sublimity of her language, i., 135;
her fearlessness, i., 106; ii., 366; iii., 270;
refuses Mrs. M’s. company, ii., 246;
men of her time, ii., 105; iii., 128;
is neglected, ii., 211; iii., 194;
Dr. M.’s trembling legs, iii., 144;
like a Delphic priestess, ii., 175;
like Gray’s Agrippina, iii., 217;
drinks brandy, ii., 270, 276;
her severity, i., 299;
seated in an alcove, iii., 4;
has a tooth drawn, ii., 44;
her jealousy of the queen, ii., 221;
her house in Montague Square, iii., 192;
what she gave to her brother James, ii., 88;
shape of her skull, iii., 294;
will live by rules of grandeur, ii., 275;
appearance of her tongue, ii., 237;
her dislike to Swiss governesses, i., 321;
frequent in eating, ii., 48;
ever just to others, iii., 121;
her advice excellent, ii., 167, 208; iii., 120;
open to flattery, iii., 217;
“qui faisoit la pluie et le beautemps,” ii., 371;
praised by an Imàm, iii., 30;
her property, ii., 88;
is taken for a man, ii., 145;
the divine right of kings, ii., 365;
her conversational powers, i., 135;
the Emir Beshỳr annoys her, i., 55,;
her feet free from smell
her deliberate affronts, ii., 217;
her establishment, i., 272;
resolved never to return to England;
her end in blood, ii., 340; iii., 321;
her munificence, ii., 238, 244;
wishes to be buried like a dog, ii., 339;
would destroy books, iii., 52;
wields the mace, iii., 56;
persons she wrote to, iii., 62;
her school for girls, iii., 64;
signs papers for Mr. Pitt, iii., 171;
smokes, iii., 188;
rejects eulogistic verses on herself, iii., 216;
physicks everybody, iii., 242;
refuses Duke Maximilian’s portrait, iii., 254;
insists on Dr. Meryon’s leaving her, iii., 255, 298;
advises him where to settle, iii., 256;
Duc de Bordeaux to kiss her stirrups, iii., 287;
walls up her gateway, iii., 298, 319;
disliked Mr. Canning, i., 315;
her influence over people, i., 92;
her debts, i., 339
Stanhope, Lady Lucy, ii., preface
Stars, peoples, ii., 251, 262, 364
Stewart, Lord, i., 187
Stowe, ii., 57
Strangers sent away, ii., 160
Strangways, Mr., ii., 369
Stratford de Redcliffe, Lord, ii., 290
Stuart, the Misses
Sugden, Sir Edw., ii., 281
Suicide, uncommon, ii., 129
Sulyman, son of Skender, iii., 35
Sunflower Family, i., 384, Mr. M. L.
Sussex, Duke of, i., 187; ii., 104; iii., 268
Syria, climate of, i., 187; iii., 253
Sturt, Bridget

Taat-el-Dyn, i., 163

Tamarisk Pavilion, ii., 43
Tattenbach, Count, iii., 102, 110
Taylor, Colonel Thomas, iii., 277
Taylor, Thomas, i., 18, 31
Temple, Earl, i., 277
Thanet, Lord, ii., 22
Thé, Madlle. du, ii., 262
Thief lurking, iii., 292
Things clean and unclean, i., 148
Thurlow, Lord
Tickell, Mr., ii., 10, 75
Tobacco, smoking, iii., 188
Tongue, unclean, i., 28
Tooke, Horne, i., 374; ii., 31
Townsend, Mr., ii. FN[8]
Traveller, unknown, iii., 82
Travellers, why sent away, ii., 160
Tread on a toe, ii., 212
Tristram, the hermit, iii., 130
Tumblers, iii., 245
Turk, a real, i., 60
Turk, striking a, iii., 217
Turner, Mr. Wm., ii., 37
Tutors marry ladies of quality, iii., 81
Tutungi, Michael, ii., 320, 325; iii., 79
Twiss, Lady Stanhope’s maid, iii., 160
Tyr el Hakem, iii., 111

Urquhart, David, i., 245

Valentia, Viscount
Vansittart, Mr.
Verity, Dr., ii., 32
Verses on Mrs. Moore, iii., 216
Vincent, Lord St., iii., 138
Vices of the aristocracy, iii., 181
Volney, Mons., ii., 153
Voyage from Leghorn, i., 39

Wales, Prince of, (George IV.), i., 313; ii., 99, 101, 104
Wales, Princess of, i., 308
Wallace, Mr.
Walling up the gateway, iii., 319
Walmer Castle, ii., 66, 75, 214
Ward, Mr., iii., 189
Warren, Dr., ii., 34
Way, Mr., i., 137, 147
Wellesly, Lord, ii., 297
Wellington, Duke of, ii., 82, 293, 364
Wellington, the negro, iii., 254, 257, 277
Wiberforce, Mr., ii., 22
Wilbraham, clerk of the kitchen, ii., 247
Williams, Lady H. S.’s maid, i., 20, 70, 154, 158, 212; ii., 255
Wilsenheim, Count, letter to, iii., 309, 314
Wilson, Mr., Lord Chatham’s tutor, ii., 247
Witchcraft, i., 141
Woman spy, iii., 78
Women, Lady H. S.’s opinion of, i., 166, 376
World, the, heartless, iii., 194
Wraxhall, Sir Nathaniel, iii., 290, 293
Wynnes, the

Yanta, village, iii., 293, 297

York, Duke of, i., 23; ii., 105
Yorke, Captain, 4th Earl Hardwicke, i., 362; ii., 135, 373; iii., 181
Young men of Lady H. S.’s time, iii., 128

Zahly, village, iii., 286

Zeyneb, her shape, i., 288; iii., 51
Zezefûn, iii., 242
Zoave, Capt., Robert, i., 247
London: F. Shoberl, Printer, 37, Dean Street, Soho.
Transcriber’s Note:
This book was written in a period when many words had not
become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple
spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These
have been left unchanged unless indicated below. Obsolete and
alternative spellings were left unchanged.
Footnotes were renumbered sequentially and were moved to the
end of the chapter. Obvious printing errors, such as backwards,
reversed, upside down, or partially printed letters and punctuation
were corrected. Final stops missing at the end of sentences and
abbreviations were added. Duplicate words and letters at line
endings or page breaks were removed. Quote marks, accents and
parentheses were adjusted to standard usage.
In the index, there are numerous entries without corresponding
volume or page numbers. There are additional entries with volume
and page numbers that do not match the book.
The following were changed:

Hamâdy to Hamâady
Damacus to Damascus
entaining to entertaining
unconcious to unconscious
Feeky to Freeky and page number from 288 to 259
added dropped comma: at 6d., a loaf
replaced hyphen with space: hind legs, corn market

Added missing volume and page numbers to index entries:

Abu Ghosh, i., 263

Advice, iii., 271
Cheshire Gentleman, iii., 166
Cœle-Syria iii., 57, FN[32]
Flies on horses’ tails, ii., 35
Footmen’s Nosegays, iii., 128
Letters to Mr. Speaker Abercrombie, ii., 223, 239, 272;
Liverpool, Lady, ii., 76, 95, 96
Loustaunau Capt., iii., 306
Malmesbury, Lord, i., FN[43], FN[65], FN[66], FN[67], FN[68],
162, 270; ii., 26, FN[3], FN[32]; iii., FN[20]
Meryon, his salary, ii., 2;
Prickly Heat, ii., 285
Richmond, Duke of, ii., 28, 64, 94, 95
Servants’ Wages, ii., 122
Sevigné, Madame, iii., 116
Sheykh Ibrahim, iii., 242
Temple, Earl, i., 277
Townsend, Mr., ii. FN[8]

The only mention of Signor Catafago is in the Index so references

are not found on the page numbers listed. Also, page number 324
for Signor Baldassare Matteir does not exist in any of the three

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