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Remem -----------can be defined as one's ability to influence and leadership Boss
1 Manager CEO A
bering motivate others to bring the best out in them.
Leadership focuses on encouraging individuals to add more to
2 anding Profitability Reputation Effectiveness Brand image C
the overall -----------of an organization.
A good leader is the one who always looks out after others Reactive Proactive
3 bering Aggressive Patient B
before himself and is-----------.
Leadership is all about developing people, in turn helping
4 bering Minimum Potential Maximum potential Growth Home B
them to reach their -------------
A person who can bring out the ----------is the one who
5 bering Change Colour Character Rewards A
possesses the ability to be a leader
Management is defined as the art of getting things done
6 anding Managers Resources People Capital C

A-------------- is an individual who is held in charge of a

Remem certain group of tasks or a particular subset within an
7 Manager Leader Politician CEO A
bering organization wherein the targets are to be achieved within a
stipulated timeframe.
Underst ----------- is all about developing people, in turn helping them
8 anding to reach their maximum potential. Leadership Influencing Controlling B

Remem Leadership is often defined as a -----------wherein an

Process Art
9 bering individual, influences and encourages others to achieve the Science Control A
organizational objectives
Remem Proactive refers to a leader’s tendency of being three steps
Behind Ahead
10 bering ----------of others, thinking of all the possibilities of a scenario. Beside Along B

Remem Leadership is an ---------- of motivating the people to help

11 bering achieve a common goal. Character Mannerism Art Style C

12 anding Management and Leadership are not------------- Synonymous Different Ambiguous Arts A

Management is all about --------- whereas Leadership is all

Remem I
13 about ‘You’. We Others He B
Underst A manager emphasizes on planning and coordinating, whereas
Rewarding and Awarding Talking and Discussing
14 anding Leader focuses on--------- Inspiring and Motivating Controlling and Coerce B

Remem Leadership ----------are all about the application of the

15 bering different methods to help you achieve your objective. Techniques Styles Ranks B

Leaders have people follow them whereas ----------have Peers
16 bering Shop floor Managers Subordinates C
people work for them.
Remem A successful organization is the one which requires the
17 bering adequate and appropriate --------- of both Management and Styles Combination Essence Mixture B
Leadership styles refer to a leader’s ----------toward group Vision
18 anding Behavior Mission Personality A
Remem The behaviour pattern is that the leader reflects his ----------as Attitude Tenacity
19 Role Character A
bering a leader is described as style.
anding Leadership is an important element of the ----------------
20 Directing Controlling Staffing Planning A
function of management.

21 bering The power of leadership is the power of ------------------. Dividing Integrating. Controlling Dictating B

22 bering Leadership is a -------------quality. Team Group Personal Authority C

Remem ---------------derive authority from the people who are under

23 bering their influence Informal leaders Formal leaders Autocratic Leadership Paternalistic Leadership A

A--------------- is one who is formally appointed or elected to
24 anding Paternalistic Leader Formal leader Informal leader Autocratic leaders B
direct and control the activities of the subordinates.

Remem --------------------plays a pivotal role at all levels of

25 Authority Power Position Leadership D
bering management.
Underst -------------increases the understanding between the
26 anding subordinates and the management and promotes co-operation Ineffective leadership Effective leadership Team leadership Political leadership B
among them.
Remem Leader should attempt to develop -----------------from his
27 bering subordinates in realizing common objectives. Advises Participation Voluntary co-operation Opposition C

One of the important roles of a leader is---------------. Soothsayer Pacifier
28 bering Mentoring Preacher A

Remem -------------theory focuses on emergent processes within

bering Compound leadership Complexity leadership Team leadership Political leadership
29 complex systems and suggests that leadership needs to B
Underst -----------------who uses a coach approach seeks to unlock people's
30 anding potential. Team leadership style Political leadership style Coaching leadership style Compound leadership style C

Remem The -----------------approach is one where the leader gets up Team leadership Political leadership Complexity leadership
31 Affiliative leadership
bering close and personal with people.
A leadership style is a leader's --------------of providing Method
32 Approach Mentality Level A
direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.

------------- prioritize the needs of other people above their Team leader Servant leader
33 bering Team leader Political leader B
Remem ----------------have magnetic personalities, as well as a lot of
Team leader Political leader Charismatic leader Servant leader
34 bering conviction to achieve their objectives. C

Remem -------------- are all about making improvements and finding

Transformational leaders Charismatic leader Servant leader Complexity leadership
35 bering better ways to get things done. A

In Laisse-Faire Leadership, Laisse-Faire in French means----- As it is
36 anding Leave it so leave it be Forget it B

Remem Charismatic leader Servant leader Delegative leadership
37 Laisse-Faire leadership also known as------------ leaders C
anding ------------- of leadership stress the significant influence of the Situational theories Charismatic theories
38 Complexities theories Servant leader theories A
environment and the situation on leadership.

Remem Behavioural Leadership Delegative

Charismatic leader theory Servant leader theory leadership theory
39 bering Ohio State Leadership Studies also known as ------------- Theory. C

Remem Leader Behaviour Leader Behaviour Description Leader Behaviour Leader Building
40 bering LDBQ stands for ------ Development Quotient Description Questionnaire Description Questionnaire C
41 bering SBDQ stands for-------- Supervisor Behavior Servant Behaviour Superior Behaviour B
Situational Behaviour
Description Questionnaire Description Questionnaire Description Questionnaire
Description Questionnaire
Two types of leadership behaviours were identified by Profit oriented Productivity oriented Production oriented Quality oriented
42 anding C
University of Michigan study: Employee oriented and ---------
Remem Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed theory Leadership Grid Leadership Guild
43 Leadership Shield Leadership Group A
bering called the---------------.
Managerial Grid presents ---------- alternative behavioural Two Six Five
44 anding Three C
styles of leadership.
A person who tried to balance concern for production and Middle-of-the-road
45 bering Task" manager Country-club manager Impoverished management D
concern for people was termed a --------------- manager.
bering The optimal leadership style in this model is based Theory Y Theory X Theory Z Theory A
46 A
47 Remem X Y A Z B
Theory -------- people are self-motivated and enjoy the
bering challenge of work
anding Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human work ----------- Compensation Award
48 Reward Motivation C
and management.

Remem F.W. Taylor Elton Mayo Douglas McGregor Peter F Drucker

49 ------------- proposed theory X and Y. C
-----------------focused on increasing employee loyalty to the
anding Theory Z Theory Y Theory X Theory A
50 company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the A
well-being of the employee, both on and off the job.
bering ----------------relies on coercion, and its style is paternalism,
51 Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. A
arbitrariness, command, and compliance.

bering -------------- solicits employees’ participation and respects their
52 Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. B

bering Participative leadership Autocratic Leadership
53 Democratic leadership also known as--------------- Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. A

anding Free-Reign leadership also known as--------------- Laissez-Faire Leadership Paternalistic Leadership
54 Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership A

Remem Under------------------, the leader assumes that his function is Participative leadership Autocratic Leadership
55 Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. C
bering paternal or fatherly.

Remem ---------------- style has been successful, particularly in Japan

56 bering because of its cultural background. It is said that employees Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. D
under such leadership will work harder out of gratitude.
bering Leadership is responsive under-------- Autocratic Leadership Transformational leadership
57 Paternalistic Leadership. Transactional leadership C

58 bering Leadership is proactive under---------- Autocratic Leadership Transactional leadership Transformational leadership Paternalistic Leadership. C

Remem The -------------- (or managers) ensure that routine work is

Transformational leaders Paternalistic Leaders
59 bering done reliably. Democratic leaders Transactional leadership D

anding Transformational leaders Democratic leaders
60 Transactional leadership Paternalistic Leaders A
The --------------------look after initiatives that add value.
61 Intellectual stimulation is high in-------------- Transformational leaders Paternalistic Leaders Transactional leadership B
bering Democratic leaders
Democratic leaders Transformational leaders
62 anding Intellectual stimulation or motivation is zero under---------- Transactional leadership Paternalistic Leaders B

----------------relies on coercion, and its style is paternalism,
63 bering Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. A
arbitrariness, command, and compliance.
-------------- solicits employees’ participation and respects their
64 bering Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. B
65 bering Democratic leadership also known as--------------- Participative leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. Autocratic Leadership A

Free-Reign leadership also known as--------------- Laissez-Faire Leadership Paternalistic Leadership
66 anding Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership A

Under------------------, the leader assumes that his function is
67 anding Participative leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. Autocratic Leadership C
paternal or fatherly.
---------------- style has been successful, particularly in Japan
68 because of its cultural background. It is said that employees Autocratic Leadership Democratic leadership Free-Rein Leadership Paternalistic Leadership. D
under such leadership will work harder out of gratitude.
Leadership is responsive under--------
69 anding Paternalistic Leadership. Autocratic Leadership Transactional leadership Transformational leadership C

Solving Leadership is proactive under---------- Transactional leadership

70 C
Autocratic Leadership Transformational leadership Paternalistic Leadership.
Remem The -------------- (or managers) ensure that routine work is
Transformational leaders Paternalistic Leaders
71 bering done reliably. Democratic leaders Transactional leadership D

bering Transformational leaders Democratic leaders
72 Transactional leadership Paternalistic Leaders A
The --------------------look after initiatives that add value.

Democratic leaders Transformational leaders
73 anding Intellectual stimulation or motivation is zero under---------- Transactional leadership Paternalistic Leaders B

__________ are the approaches to the study of leadership Contingency theories Inspirational theories
Remem Group theories Trait theories
74 which emphasise the personality of the leader: C

Underst The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed _____________

anding and initiating structure as two major dimensions of leadership
75 Control Communication Collaboration Consideration D

Remem Used the terms “employee-centred” and “production-centred”

76 D
to describe leader behaviour: Blake and McCanse Fiedler McGregor Likert

Remem Identify the four main styles of leadership displayed by the

bering manager which identified in Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Commands, sells, consults and Tells, sells, consults and Commands, help, joins and
77 C
continuum of possible leadership behaviour-------. Tells, help, joins and leads resists joins leads

Remem Expectations that increased

bering effort to achieve an improved The necessary direction,
Whether path-goal Their effective performance
78 An individual’s motivation is dependent on-------------- level of performance will be guidance, training and B
relationships are clarified support is provided

anding History with the
79 A charismatic leader’s ___ is the key to follower acceptance. Energy Credentials Vision D

Which kind of leaders know who they are, believe in and

Remem value and act on those values and beliefs openly and honestly. Authentic Transactional Charismatic
80 Transformational A

anding Which of the following is a senior employee who supports and Facilitator Mentor Coach
81 Leader C
sponsors a less- practiced employee. .

Underst Team Members are poorly Team Members achieve little Team Members dislike Team Members are
Which is an assumption of Theory Y?
82 anding motivated. satisfaction from work. work. committed to D
organizational activities.
Remem Team Members regard
bering Team Members seek out Team Members achieve little work as a normal activity. Team Members are self-
83 Which is an assumption of Theory X? responsibility. satisfaction from work. D

bering Which of the following are the characteristics of democratic Dictatorial. Genuine. Centralization of power
84 Delegation of power C
leadership? .

Contingency theories put forth the idea that the success of a
85 anding Specific situation All situations Leadership style Inputs A
leader linked to the -----------at hand
Democratic Theory Laissez Theory of
Remem Free-Reign Theory of Contingency Theory of
86 Fiedler’s Contingency Theory is an example of------------- of Leadership Leadership C
bering Leadership Leadership
Underst Democratic Theory of
Contingency Theory of Laissez Theory of Leadership Free-Reign Theory of
87 anding Situational Leadership Theory is an example of----------- Leadership A
Leadership Leadership
Remberi ------------ theory puts forth the idea that effective leadership Democratic Theory Laissez Theory of
Free-Reign Theory of Contingency Theory of
88 hinges not only on the style used by the leader, but also on the of Leadership Leadership C
Leadership Leadership
control held over the situation.
Remem Laissez Theory of Democratic Theory of Laissez Theory of
Leaders need to possess the ability to hand out punishments Contingency Theory of
89 bering Leadership Leadership Leadership C
and rewards under------------- Leadership
Remem ----------- theory emphasizes the leader’s inherent qualities of Laissez Theory of
Free-Reign Theory of Contingency Theory of Democratic Theory of
90 bering mind and character that defines the ability to lead. Leadership B
Leadership Leadership Leadership

Remem Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory also Transformational Democratic leadership

Situational Leadership Transactional Leadership A
bering popularly known as----- Leadership

Underst --------- advocates leaders have the responsibility of making

92 anding sure their subordinates have the support and information Path-Goal Theory Transactional Theory Transformational Theory Laissez-faire Theory A
required to achieve the goals set forth
bering The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-Making Model of Decision Making Theory Path-Goal Theory Transactional Theory
93 Laissez-faire Theory B
Leadership is popularly known as-------
Remem ---------is contingent on the situation, task and people
94 bering involved. Charismatic Leadership Effective leadership Laissez-Faire Leadership Dynamic Leadership B

Remem The Path-Goal model is a theory based on specifying a

bering leader's style or behavior that best fits the employee and ------------- Management Safety
95 Work environment Welfare C
in order to achieve a goal

Remem Main objective of -----------is to increase your employees'

bering motivation, empowerment, and satisfaction so they become Decision Making Theory Path-Goal Theory Transactional Theory
96 Laissez-faire Theory C
productive members of the organization.

Employees interpret their leader's behavior based on their -----------
97 bering Character Needs Behaviour Vision B

bering Leader needs to understand their employees so they know how to Coerce Motivate
Control Punish D

Remem ----------- is an effective way of leadership because it adapts to

99 bering the team's needs and sets a beneficial balance for the whole Situational Leadership Transactional Leadership Democratic leadership A
100 bering Situational leaders focus on -------------needs. Long-term Short-term Emotional Psychological B

Remem -------------refers to the actions in which a company alters a

bering major component of its organization, technologies or Organizational Culture
101 Organizational Change Organizational Design Organizational Climate
infrastructure it uses to operate, or its internal processes.

Remem Organizational change management is the method of

bering leveraging change to bring about a---------------. Successful resolution Purposeful Change Needful Change Complete revolution A

103 bering -------------- is necessary for companies to succeed and grow. Capital Organizational change Technology Culture B

Company transitions can be difficult and ---------- in terms of
104 bering Gigantic Cheap Expensive Herculean C
both time and resources.
105 Remem Lack of effective change management can lead the Stabilize D
bering Stagnate Succeed Fail
organization to -----------.
Remem To be successful as a leader, you must be insightful and know
106 bering who to put in charge of carrying out -----------------. Change initiative Change processes. Change line Change Act B

The primary responsibility of a ------------- to know how to design, Peer Colleague
107 bering Manager Worker A
direct, and shape change processes.
Remem To prepare for organizational change, it’s essential to first
Hide Define
108 bering ----------------- the organizational change, understand why it’s Complicate Complex B
critical, and garner support from your colleagues.
bering Change is ----------- Continuous Stable Stagnant Dynamic A

------------is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip Process management Financial management
110 bering Change management Strategic management B
and support individuals to successfully adopt change
It is the natural psychological and physiological reaction of
111 bering Compromise Accept Resist Content C
humans to ----------- change.
Change originates in either the external or internal -------------- Environments Sources Dynamics Operations
112 bering A
of the organisation.
The political, social, technological, economic, competition, International External Internal Transnational
113 bering B
social values are -------------- sources of change.
Strategic change is a change in the strategy or ---------- of the Vision Mission Passage Planning
114 bering B
Diversification of business, acquisitions of new business or Cultural changes Long term changes Strategic changes Short term changes
115 bering C
merging with another company are ------------.
Structural change is a change in the organisational structure Downsizing Recruitment Training Designing
116 bering A
such as team building or ---------------.
Changes related to technology, automation, robotics, and People oriented change Process-oriented change Technology oriented change Revolutionary change
117 bering B
computerisation are-------.
Remem People-oriented change include changes directed at the
Process-oriented change Technology oriented change Revolutionary change People oriented change
118 bering attitudes, behaviours, skills or performance of the employees D
of the organisation
People-oriented changes can be achieved through --------------- Training Retraining Coaching Mentoring
119 bering B
replacing current employees.
--------of change include managerial policies or styles, systems External sources Internal sources Alien sources Neutral sources
120 bering B
and procedures, processes, methods and employee altitudes.
People-oriented changes increasing the performance Old employees Unskilled employees New employees Semi skilled employees
121 bering C
expectations of -----------------.
-----------------change focuses on the incremental steps taken to Evolutionary Revolutionary Radical Gradual
122 bering A
bring about progress and change.
----------------change focuses on bold, major breakthrough; Radical Gradual Revolutionary Evolutionary
123 bering C
discontinuous advances.
The revolutionary changes bring about dramatic Vision Mission Hierarchy Structure
124 bering D
transformations in organisational strategies and -----------------.
Change Happiness Culture Disappointment
125 bering ---------- is experienced by every individual and organisation. A

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