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1. 基本句型 x 6 2. 三大子句: 形,名,副 3. 時態 x12 4.形容詞三級
5. 小文法: 1. 動詞 2. 情緒 3. 介系次 4. 慣用語 5. 易混淆 6. 倒裝
一. 基本句型:

1. S + V (+ O)

S + V + ________ + VR / *例外 x3: __________________________________(只需寫 3 例外,不需要寫例子)

S + 助動詞 + ____________ (舉三個助動詞的例子): ________________________________________

2. S + V + ________

例外: S + ________V + adj. (舉三個例子): __________________________________________________

*補充: 三大基本動詞: (1)

(2) 感官 V + _________(主動) / _________(被動) 舉三個例子

(3) 使役 V + _________(主動) / _________(被動) 舉三個例子

3. S + beV + _________

4. S + beV + _________ + by + N: (中文的意思) _____________

5. 虛主詞: It / There

(1) It is + ______ + for + 人 + _______ + _________(中文的意思) _______________________________

= ________ / _________ …… + 單數 V

(2) It is + ________ + of + 人 + _______ + _________

(3) It is + _________ + that + S + V / V: (中文的意思) __________________________________________

(4) There is / are + ___________ + _____________(主) / ______________(被): _____________

6. 其中…之一: 公式_______________________________________________________________________

詞性辨別: 寫出 V, N, adj. adv

(1) ous 結尾: ____________ (2) ness 結尾: ____________ (3) ence 結尾: ____________

(4) ent 結尾: ____________ (5) of 前面: ______________ (6) en 結尾: ______________

(7) 所有格後: ____________(8) adj. 前面: ____________(9) ful 結尾: ______________

(10) less 結尾: ____________(11) ish 結尾: ______________ (9) ive 結尾: ______________
of 前面: _____________

所有格後面: _____________

Adv. 的位置: ____________ / _____________/ ______________

Adj. 的位置: ______________ / _____________

基本句型 x6 翻譯練習


2.我記得我看過那個女生 remember to VR / Ving






It is brave/courageous of you to fight against the monster.

I try to fix/repair this machine.

I enjoy listening to the classical music very much.

I spent a lot of time and money playing online games several years ago.

8. 我嘗試要修理這台機器

9. 我非常享受聽古典音樂

10. 我過去幾年花了很多時間和金錢在玩線上遊戲

I was called by my teacher to his office this morning.

I remembered seeing that / the girl.

The baby always smiles happily.

There are a lot of rare animals in this national park.

One of my favorite characters is Iron Man.

It is dangerous for children to cross this street. / Crossing / To cross this street …

It is brave of you to fight against the monster.

I try to fix/repair this machine.

I enjoy listening to the classical music very much.

I spent a lot of time and money playing online games several years ago.

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