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NLP ~ the Art & Science of Excellence

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. . . outcomes . . . sensory acuity . . . flexibility . . . Results or Reasons? What do you get more of in your life the Results you desire and the things you are passionate about or simply Reasons for not achieving your goals? NLP focuses on outcomes and results. I am in charge of my mind, and therefore my results Putting you in control The aim of NLP is to give you a clear focus and put you in the driving seat in your life. At its heart is the idea of personal congruence i.e. being true to yourself and making decisions based on whats really important to you. It works so powerfully because when you are clear on what you really want (not what others think you should have) you are highly motivated to succeed. Things appear to simply fall into place easily and effortlessly as you unlock your potential. We have all had this experience at least once in our life. Using NLP techniques we can make this happen more often. Unlocking your potential and being your best One of the useful beliefs from NLP is that people have all the ability they need to succeed ~ there are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states . In your most resourceful state, you can achieve anything. NLP has many ways to help you create effective mood states so you can achieve the results you desire. With an open mind and a passion for developing yourself you can learn and grow from every experience. There is no failure, only feedback

NLP Its Name & History NLP was developed in the 1970s by John Grinder, then an assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of California and Richard Bandler, a student of Psychology, with a background in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. They first published their ideas in 1975 with the book The Structure of Magic. Neuro - the nervous system (the mind), through which our experience is processed via our senses Linguistic - language and other non-verbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning Programming - the ability to discover and utilise the programmes that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes Communication Strategies Everyone is unique. NLP is about understanding and respecting this uniqueness. NLP provides the tools for building rapport with others and communicating effectively to influence and persuade for best results. The meaning of communication is the response you get

Modelling ~ the Art & Science of Excellence NLP has been described as the art and science of excellence . It has proven powerful techniques that enable people to become better versions of themselves by modelling the excellence of others. If someone can do something well - so can you. Excellent people have excellent strategies that can be understood, practised and mastered.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour. Vincent T Lombardi

Benefits to you . . . improved awareness of your own and others communication preferences, thinking styles, and motivational drivers more powerful targeted communication increased behavioural flexibility increased confidence enhanced ability to influence people and events more rewarding relationships reduced stress levels the ability to be your best more often!

Benefits to your organisation . . . persuasive communication that informs, motivates and inspires focused and productive meetings a more flexible, dynamic and congruent workforce more efficient and effective individuals and teams, using their time to maximum impact great relationships and influence with clients and customers individuals who are dedicated to personal achievement and organisational results First Position Performance Development use NLP techniques within coaching and development programmes because they deliver results. We also run NLP Introduction, Diploma and Practitioner courses. To find out more give Kevin or Rita a call.

First Position Performance Development Ltd Kevin Downsworth Tel: +44 (0) 7796 954369 Email Rita Neligan Medcalf Tel: +44 (0) 7946 443930 Email

First Position Performance Development 2011

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