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Universiti Teknologi MARA

Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying.

Department of Building Surveying
Report Title: Land Surveying
Prepared By: Nur Asyirah binti Sharidan , 2022495962
Prepared For: ………………….

Land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining

the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between
them, commonly practiced by licensed surveyors, and members of various building
professions. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to
establish land maps and boundaries for ownership, locations (building corners, surface
location of subsurface features) or other governmentally required or civil law purposes
(property sales).

In accordance with the growth of modern and technology era nowadays, in the
surveying application, the surveying equipments has been continuously invented, reinvented
and improved in order to meets the need and high demand from the clients. Modern
surveying instruments provides faster and more precise surveying than conventional
instruments. Their types and uses are discussed in this article. In conventional surveying,
chain and tape are used for making linear measurements while compass and ordinary
theodolites are used for making angular measurements. Levelling work is carried out using
a Dumpy level and a levelling staff. With such surveying instruments, survey work will be
slow and tedious. Hence modern surveying instruments are becoming more popular and
they are gradually replacing old surveying instruments such as compass and Dumpy level.
With modern surveying instruments, survey work will be precise, faster and less tedious.
Some of the modern surveying instruments are discussed in this topic.
1. Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) Instruments

1.1 Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) Instruments

Electronic distance measuring instrument is a surveying instrument for measuring

distance electronically between two points through electromagnetic waves. Electronic
distance measurement (EDM) is a method of determining the length between two points,
using phase changes, that occur as electromagnetic energy waves travels from one end
of the line to the other end.
Direct measurement of distances and their directions can be obtained by using
electronic instruments that rely on propagation, reflection and reception of either light
waves or radio waves. They may be broadly classified into three types:
a. Infrared wave instruments
b. Light wave instruments
c. Microwave instruments

Fig. Transit measurement arrangement with the help of a EDM and a reflector
2. Total Station

Total station is a surveying equipment combination of Electromagnetic Distance

Measuring Instrument and electronic theodolite. It is also integrated with microprocessor,
electronic data collector and storage system. The instrument can be used to measure
horizontal and vertical angles as well as sloping distance of object to the instrument. Total
Station can perform the following functions:

 Distance measurement

 Angular measurement

 Data processing

 Digital display of point details

 Storing data is an electronic field book

Fig. Total Station

Fig. Parts of Total Station

Fig. Differents between EDM and Total Station

3. Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-navigation

system consisting of a constellation of satellites broadcasting navigation signals and

a network of ground stations and satellite control stations used for monitoring and


Fig. Global Positioning System (GPS) works.

The user needs a GPS receiver to locate the position of any point on ground.

The receive processes the signals received from the satellite and compute the

position (latitude and longitude) and elevation of a point with reference to datum.

Fig. Reference Stations by GPS.

Fig. GPS Instruments.

4. Automatic Level

An automatic level is a special levelling instrument used in surveying which contains

an optical compensator which maintains line of sight or line of collimation even though

instrument is slightly tilted. Also, automatic level used to verify and establish points in

the same horizontal plane and measure differences in height and for setting heights

E.g.: Wild NAK2 Automatic

Fig. Automatic Level

Fig. Parts of Automatic Level

5. Digital Theodolite

Related to other modern survey equipment, Digital Theodolite is a survey instrument that
helps to achieve precision while measuring both horizontal and vertical angles. It also helps
surveyors determine the relative point positions on the ground.

There are two different kinds of theodolites: digital and non digital. Non digital theodolites
are rarely used anymore. Digital theodolites consist of a telescope that is mounted on a
base, as well as an electronic readout screen that is used to display horizontal and vertical
angles. Digital theodolites are convenient because the digital readouts take the place of
traditional graduated circles and this creates more accurate readings.

Fig. Digital Theodolite

Fig. Parts of Digital Theodolite

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