FOS RSoft Final Report

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Under the guidance of

Miss Dishi Purohit
Product Engineer
Fiber Optic Services






ROLL NO. - 22PHC1R04


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed
to the successful completion of my internship in fiber optic services.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Miss Dishi Purohit, my

guide/mentor, for providing me with invaluable guidance, support, and
encouragement throughout this internship. Their expertise and mentorship
have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of fiber optic
technologies and their applications.

I am also thankful to the entire team at Fiber Optic Services for welcoming me
into their midst and allowing me to immerse myself in the practical aspects of
fiber optic services. Their patience and willingness to share their knowledge
have enriched my learning experience immensely.

Thank you all for your invaluable contributions and for making my internship a
truly enriching experience.
Fiber Optic Services (FOS)
428, Prestige Industrial Estate, Bawadi Lane,
Marve Road, Orlem, Malad (W), Mumbai-400064
+91 22 2880 2653 /28803653

Date: -11/06/2024

This is to certify that Abhishek Singh, is a 2nd year student pursuing M.Sc. (Tech) from NIT
WARANGAL has successfully completed his internship training on “RSoft Photonics Device
Tools from 26th of march 2024 to 15th of April 2024 and photonics System Tools from 3 rd of
June 2024 to 11th of June 2024” with Fiber Optic Services, Mumbai under the guidance of
Miss Dishi Purohit

During the Internship, he worked on different design workshops provided by the company. We
found him hardworking, punctual, and his behaviour and conduct was good.
He/She has acquired a score of …….. out of...........during the internship coursework.
We wish him every success in life.

Pravin Joshi
Director Dishi Purohit
FOS, Mumbai FOS, Mumbai
RSoft Photonic Device Tool
S. No. Simulation Tool Name Page No.

Passive Device Tool

1. BeamPROP Simulation Tool 07-33

2. FullWAVE Simulation Tool 34-51
3. BandSOLVE Simulation Too 52-73
4. DiffractMOD Simulation Tool 74-88
5. ModePROP Simulation Tool 89-97
6. FemSIM Simulation Tool 98-115
7. GratingMOD Simulation Tool 116-139
Active Device Tool
8. LaserMOD Simulation Tool 139-159
9. MOST 160-168
10. LED Utility 169-181
11. Solar Cell Utility 182-190
12. AWG Utility 191-197
13. Multiphysics Utility 198-210
14. Tapered Laser Utility 211-222
15. BSDF Utility 223-226
16. MetaOptic 227-232
17. OptSim 233-320
About FOS

• Fiber Optic Services (FOS) is serving Photonics & Telecommunication market

since 1999.
• FOS is leading provider of techno-commercial services in the field of
Photonics & Telecommunication simulation tools and Fiber Optic Components
& equipment's. It serves South Asia as well as Middle East Market.
• Fiber Optic Services (FOS) is Exclusive Distributor of RSoft Design Software,
Synopsys PIC Suit, Illumination Design Software (Light Tools), Imaging System
Design Software (CODE V) from Synopsys for South Asia Region & Thin Film
Design software (Opti Layer), Fiber Optic Components as well as Plastic Optical
Fiber & Components
• FOS also provides consultancy for photonics network design, photonic
research project & setting up R&D laboratories for educational / research
• FOS is your one stop solution for Photonics needs.
RSoft Photonic Device Tools

• The RSoft Photonic Device Tools is a collection of tools from Synopsys, a

powerful suite of photonic device modelling, simulation, and analysis products
that support every aspect of a design project, from concept to completion.

• Rsoft Photonic Component Design Suite allows user to design and simulate
both passive and active photonic devices for optical communications,
optoelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing.

• RSoft currently addresses both passive and active devices through 2 design
suites: Passive Device Suite and Active Device Suite. Each suite includes a CAD
environment, simulation engines and an optimization utility.
A. BeamPROP Simulation Tool

The BeamPROP BPM simulation engine is a part of the RSoft Photonic Device Tools, and is
based on advanced finite-difference beam propagation (BPM) techniques. It is fully
integrated into the RSoft CAD environment which allows the user to define the material
properties and structural geometry of a device. It is ideal for the design and modeling of
photonic devices and photonic integrated circuits. The benefit of good design and modeling
tools is well known in the electronics industry, where both device and circuit simulation
programs, such as PICSES and SPICE have been instrumental in advancing the availability and
use of integrated electronic circuits. BeamPROP brings this important capability to the
photonics area, and can be an extremely useful tool for research and development groups in
both university and industrial environments.

 WDM devices such as AWG routers
 Silicon photonics
 Switches, such as directional coupler-based or digital-y type
 Modulators, such as Mach-Zehnder type `Multimode interference devices
Project Examples:

Project1: Basic 2D ,3D Simulation to simulate propagation of a mode and

analyse the transmitted power.


 To create a circuit and simulate the propagation of a mode at 1.55 µm along a
single 2D slab waveguide with a cladding index of 1, a core index of 1.1, and a
width of 7 µm.
 Also calculate the transmitted power along 1000 µm of this waveguide.

Creating a New Circuit:

Fig.: The RSoft CAD program window, showing the menubar at the top, the top and left
toolbars, and the status line at the bottom.
Fig.: The layout window where waveguide components are added to the circuit

Fig.: The Symbol Table Editor

Adding the Waveguide:

Fig.: 2D view of waveguide

Fig.: Editing Global settings

Fig.: The Segment Properties dialog box for the waveguide segment in this design.

Fig.: The Launch Parameters dialog

Adding a Pathway:

Fig.: Segment being selected as a pathway

Adding a Pathway Monitor:

Fig.: The properties dialog for a pathway monitor

Performing Simulation:

Fig. Simulation settings dialog


Fig.: 2D simulation

Fig.: Graph

AIM: To layout and simulate the propagation of a mode at 1.55 µm along a fiber with a
cladding index of 1.49, a core index of 1.5, and a diameter of 9 µm.

Fig.: 3D view of waveguide

Fig.: Editing Global settings

Performing Simulation:

Fig. Simulation settings dialog


Fig.: Contour Map of Transverse Index Profile at Z=0

Fig.: Contour Map of Transverse Index

Here, I created a basic 2D and 3D simulation using BeamPROP tool. From this I
learnt about :
 Creating new circuit in BeamPROP
 Editing Global settings like wavelength, index differences, width , etc.
 Creating variables through symbol
tables Eg. - Length
 Adding waveguide using segment mode and editing its length and
other parameters
 Checking index profile
 Adding a pathway
 Performing Simulations
Project 2: Implementation of a 1x3 MMI coupler in BeamPROP and
determine optimal imaging length.

AIM: To create and simulate a 1x3 MMI coupler in BeamPROP and determine its optimal
imaging length.

Fig.: MMI Structure

Here gray segments are inactive

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: First pathway

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Simulation results

Fig.: Graph

Principal - Multi-mode interference (MMI) couplers utilize a specific integral relationship

among the propagation constants of different modes to achieve the self-imaging of the
input field along the length of MMI couplers. MMI couplers have been implemented for a
variety of optical signal processing functions, such as splitting, switching and routing.

Application – Used to find optical imaging length using below formula:

Determining the Optimal Imaging Length:

Plotted the graph taking Lmmi = 1500

The best imaging point in terms of low loss and imbalance is around
Z=1144 μm
The optimal value of Lmmi is therefore 944 since Lin is 200.
So, we change the value of Lmmi to 944 and rerun the simulation.
Project 3: Mode Solving Tutorial

a. Compute Mode in 3D material using Iterative method

and Correlation methods

Iterative method:
The iterative method is based on imaginary distance BPM and is very useful for computing
modes of well-confined devices. This method is only valid for non-lossy structures.

AIM: Use the iterative method to compute modes in both 2D and 3D.

Fig.: 3D view of compute mode

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile settings

Fig.: Index Profile

Fig.: Launch settings

Fig.: Structure after launch settings

Computing Modes:
Fig.: Mode calculation parameters


Fig.: Fundamental mode of a simple 3D buried channel waveguide

Fig.: MOST parameters

Fig.: Scanning

Fig.: Convergence results

Fig.: Semi-vector mode computation results

Fig.: Full-vector mode computation results
Correlation methods:
The correlation method, which is based on the BPM algorithm, is very useful for computing
modes of highly multimode as well as leaky and/or lossy devices.

Fig.: Simple 3D fiber structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile settings

Fig.: The computed index profile of the simple 3D fiber structure

Fig.: Launch settings

Fig.: Structure after launch settings

Fig.: Mode calculation parameters

Fig.: Modes of 3D fiber structure

b. Setup and compute Dispersion in a single-mode silica fiber
AIM: To compute the dispersion curve of the silica fiber structure by computing the optical
modes at several wavelengths. Also compute derivatives of the propagation constant β vs.
wave vector k, group index, ng, and dispersion parameter D.

Fig.: Dispersion of single mode silica fiber

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: MOST Scanning Setup

Fig.: Computed dispersion parameters found via the disperse.exe utility.

Fig.: Results of MOST scan with the real effective index versus the wavelength

Principal - This project covers the inclusion of dispersive properties of a

typical single-mode silica fiber with a 0.035% core into a simulation.

Application- Defining Dispersion: Material dispersion occurs because the

material’s refractive index changes as a function of the optical wavelength. This
refractive index change can be well approximated by the Sellmeier equation:

Where, λ = resonance wavelength and Ai is the oscillator strength.

Project 4: Design and study the effects of a Non-linear Coupler

AIM: To design and study the effects of a Non-linear Coupler.

Fig.: Nonlinear coupler

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Properties of waveguide 1

Fig.: Properties of waveguide 2

Fig.: Launch Field settings

Fig.: Pathway
Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Simulation results

Fig.: Graph
Principal - This project consists of a waveguide coupler where the coupling is a
function of the input power due to a non-linearity. Without the non-linearity,
the evanescent field will freely couple the power from one waveguide to
another. However, with the non-linearity, as the input power increases, the
index of the input waveguide also increases, making the evanescent field
smaller and lowering the coupling.
Application - BeamPROP can simulate the effect of the n2 or 3 non-linear
parameters within a structure. The effects included are for monochromatic
cases where self-focusing or self-phase modulation is concerned.
B. FullWAVE Simulation Tool

The FullWAVE FDTD simulation engine is a part of the RSoft Photonics Device Tools, and is
based on the well-known finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. It calculates the
electromagnetic field as a function of time and space in a given index structure in response
to a given electromagnetic excitation. FullWAVE is ideal for studying the propagation of light
in a wide variety of photonic structures.

FullWAVE is fully integrated into the RSoft CAD which allows the user to define the material
properties and structural geometry of a photonic device. FullWAVE can accurately model
both dielectric and magnetic materials, as well as anisotropic, dispersive, and non-linear
materials. It also can utilize a computing cluster in order to achieve both larger and faster


 WDM devices such as ring resonators

 Photonic bandgap circuits and applications
 Silicon photonics
 Grating structures, surface normal gratings, and other diffractive structures


 Advanced and robust FDTD implementation allowing for full-vector field solutions
in arbitrary structures and materials
 2D, radial, and 3D simulation capabilities
 Non-uniform mesh, including robust grid control based on local material properties
 Full control of dispersion, non-linear (χ² and χ³), and anisotropic effects
including arbitrary crystal axis orientation

Project Examles:
Project1: Design and simulate the propagation of a mode at 1.55
μm along a single 2D slab waveguide with a cladding index of 1,
a core index of 1.5, and a width of 1 μm. Calculate the
transmitted power along 10 μm of this waveguide.

AIM: To design and simulate a single 2D slab waveguide. Also calculate the transmitted
power of this waveguide.

Fig.: Straight waveguide segment

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Segment properties

Fig.: Launch field dialogue box

Performing simulation:
Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: Waveguide with Monitor

Fig.: Rerunning Simulation

Fig.: Graph

Calculating the transmitted power:

 We will calculate the power in the waveguide slab mode at a

specific position as a function of time.
 To do this, we will set the Single Value Output to Overlap. This
will calculate the overlap of the propagating field with the launch
 We will measure the transmitted power at a position of 10 μm before
the end of the waveguide. To do this, we will set the Z Reference Type
to Offset, the Z Offset Value to -1, and the Relative To the ending vertex
of Component 1, as shown in Fig. showing segment properties.
Project 2: Create and simulate a ring resonator. Analyze the
frequency response and steady-state operation of the device.

AIM: To create and analyse the frequency response of a ring resonator.

Ring resonator is a device that acts as a high Q filter for wavelength filtering applications.

Fig.: Lens Properties

Fig.: Lens

Fig.: Lens 2 Properties

Fig.: The completed ring resonator structure with monitors

Fig.: Index Profile


Fig.: Computed Index Profile Fig.: First Pathway

Fig.: Monitor Properties

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation

Fig.: Index Profile

Fig.: Graph

Fig.: The CW time evolution of the ring resonator

Analysing the frequency response and steady-state operation of the device :

 Click the Edit Global Settings button in the left toolbar and change the Free
Space Wavelength to 1.977.
 Click the Perform Simulation button and set Excitation to CW , Stop Time
to 2^14*fdtd_time_step, and enter a new Output Prefix such as ring_cw.
 Click OK to run the CW simulation. Figure shows the CW simulation results which
clearly show that we are at a resonance of the system as predicted by the pulsed
calculation. The energy in the waveguide builds up and, by the end of the
simulation, almost the entire field is propagating in the output waveguide.
 By utilizing both the pulsed and CW calculations, we have calculated the
spectral response of this device and illustrated the CW operation of the device
at a resonance.
Project 3: Compute the PBG Y-Branch Power Splitter

AIM: To compute the PBG Y-Branch Power Splitter

Fig.: PBG splitter structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Array Layout generator

Fig.: Launch Parameters

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Parameters

Fig.: Simulation result and plot

Computation of PBG Y-Branch Power Splitter :

 Both monitors are to rotated 90 degrees so that they face the positive
X axis.

 The launch has been rotated 90 degrees so it launches towards

the positive X axis.

 It is well known that PBG structures can have band gaps for certain
frequency ranges. This 2D hexagonal array of air holes has a band gap
for a wavelength range of 1.45 μm to 1.9 μm. The operating
wavelength of 1.533 μm was chosen to maximize the output in each

 After the simulation has completed, the results show about 35% of
the power is in each output arm.

Project4: Design a SOI Vertical Grating Coupler and compute the coupling

AIM: To design a SOI Vertical Grating Coupler and compute the coupling efficiency.
Fig.: Grating Coupler

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Launch Parameters

Performing Simulation:
Fig.: Simulation Parameters

Fig.: Simulation result and plot

Coupling Efficiency:

The simulation results show a 35% coupling efficiency.

Project 5: Manually Compute Cavity Modes, Q Factors of a PBG Cavity

AIM: To Compute Cavity Modes and Q Factors of a PBG Cavity

Fig.: PBG Structure with defect

Fig.: Global Setting

Fig.: PBG Structure with Monitor

Fig.: Index Profile

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: The frequency spectrum found from the impulse simulation of the
defect structure.
Computing Cavity Modes:

 To calculate the cavity mode profile at wavelength=1.575 micro m, we

will change the Free Space Wavelength in the Global Settings dialog
to 1.575.
 We will also enable the output of a FullWAVE state file by using
the FDTD Continue option in the FDTD Advanced Parameters
 To compute the cavity mode, we will rerun the calculation with the
same Output Prefix as before i.e. mode.

Fig.: The Hy component of the computed cavity mode for this defect structure
at the chosen resonance.

Fig.: Hy component of the cavity mode found on the reduced domain.

Computing the Q Factor:

The calculation of Q is done by performing again one final simulation which

monitors the energy density inside the cavity as the mode decays in time.

Fig.: The total energy density monitor.

Using WinPLOT’s curve fitting features:

WinPLOT can automatically fit an exponential curve to the data using built-in
curve fitting features. The easiest way to use these features is via the
command prompt. Open a command prompt in the current directory by
selecting Utility/Terminal from the CAD menu, and issue the following
winplot /powy2 /u2 /fexp /fout”” decay.tmn

Fig.: WinPlot setting for Q factor

Calculating the Q Value:

Q value is given by

Q = 2πν/α.

Fig.: Q factor Plot

C. BandSOLVE Simulation Tool

BandSOLVE is simulation engine for generating and analyzing photonic band structures and
is fully integrated into the RSoft Photonic Device tools. The simulation engine is based on an
advanced optimized implementation of the plane-wave expansion technique for periodic
structures. BandSOLVE is ideal for producing band structures for classic photonic bandgap
structures such as 2D and 3D photonic crystal waveguides, defect sites. In addition, it can be
applied to fiber structures such as photonic crystal fibers and photonic bandgap fibers,
which are particularly challenging for other simulation techniques.

 2D and 3D PC slab and waveguides
 2D and 3D cavity problems
 Photonic crystal fibers, both band-gap guiding and conventional guiding
 Defect modes of non-strictly periodic structures
 Metallic and anisotropic structures

 Employs a very efficient and robust Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) algorithm that can
solve for the band gaps of most 1D, 2D, and 3D PBG devices
 Includes several advanced simulation features for more efficient, fast band
computations, such as inversion symmetry, mode seeding, and parity for 3D
 Includes a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) engine (for FullWAVE users only)
for situations in which the PWE algorithm is not applicable, such as metallic and non-
linear systems
Project 1: Generate the band structure of a 2D Rectangular Lattice

AIM: To generate the band structure of a 2D Rectangular Lattice.

Generating the band structure:

Fig.: Band structure

Fig.: Global settings

Performing Simulation:
Fig.: Simulation Parameters


Fig.: TE band structure for square array of dielectric rods

Fig.: Hybrid (TE/TM) band structure for square array of dielectric rods
Fig.: Changing the default tolerance for detecting band gaps

Fig.: Changing the appearance of the band structure

Project 2: Study of Photonic Crystal Fibers
Explore PCF mode calculations and parameter scanning using the k
vector to produce dispersion relations

AIM: To study Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) and explore PCF mode calculations and parameter
scanning using the k vector to produce dispersion relations.

Fig.: Photonic Crystal Fibers

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index profile of the photonic crystal fiber

Fig.: The 6x6 supercell domain used by BandSOLVE.

Setting the K-vector path:
 To do this, we will set the KPath source to Single Value.
 The value of k used during the calculation is now given by the field
KPath offset.
 We will define a variable in the symbol table kz=10, and set the KPath
offset to (0,0,kz).

PCF mode Calculation:

Fig.: DataBROWSER window for BandSOLVE results

Fig.: Example of a bound mode

Fig.: Example of an unbound mode.

Parameter scanning using the k vector to produce dispersion relations:

Fig.: Independent variable setup for the scan.

Fig.: Measurements for the scan

Fig.: Dispersion relations graph for PCF.

Fig.: Dispersion relations graph for PCF.

Project 3: Demonstrate the acceleration of a single band structure and
a scan calculation for a honeycomb or graphite structure and
understanding mode seeding feature

AIM: To demonstrate the acceleration of a single band structure and a scan

calculation for a honeycomb or graphite structure and understanding mode seeding

Fig.: honeycomb or graphite structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig. Unit cell

Fig.: Brillouin zone

Mode-Seeding for a honeycomb or graphite structure:

Fig.: Simulation Parameters

Fig.: Mode settings

Fig.: Band diagram for honeycomb structure

Scan calculation for a honeycomb or graphite structure:

Fig.: MOST dialog with scan over Ratio defined

Fig.: The computed band gap map for the honeycomb structure
Project 4: Calculate projected band structures of PBG
structures and defect modes.

AIM: To calculate projected band structures of PBG structures and defect modes.

Projected band structures of PBG structures:

Fig.: Rectangular Layout

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Index distribution

Fig.: Band Solve Dialogue Box

Fig.: Unit cell

Fig.: Brillouin zone

Fig.: Band structure

Defects Modes:

Fig.: Creating a column of defects

Fig.: BandSOLVE dialog

Fig.: Index domain

Fig.: Brillouin zone

Fig.: Band Structure

Fig.: Mode output settings

Fig.: Band structure marked with points

Fig.: Multiple modes in WinPLOT windows
D. DiffractMOD Simulation Tool


DiffractMOD RCWA is a design tool for diffractive optical structures such as surface normal
gratings, photonic bandgap crystals, and subwavelength periodic structures. It employs one
of the most efficient methods to simulate electromagnetic wave diffraction from periodic
structures. DiffractMOD is well-suited to a variety of photonic applications including
diffractive optical elements, narrow wavelength filters, dense wavelength division
multiplexers, polarization sensitive devices, optical interconnections, optical data storage,
microlens arrays, and beam splitters and shapers. It can also be used in semiconductor
manufacturing process for optical profilometry and nano-metrology.


 Waveguide resonance gratings

 Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs)`
 Surface relief and volume index gratings
 Wavelength filters
 LED/OLED extraction analysis


 Advanced algorithm options are used to improve convergence `

 Modal Transmission Line (MTL) framework to ensure that the simulation is
unconditionally stable `
 Full vector simulations for both 2D and 3D. Additionally, conical incidence is allowed
` An inverse rule is used to improve the convergence of TM fields.
 For 3D simulation, DiffractMOD can choose appropriate algorithms depending on
Project Examples:

Project 1: Model an antireflection surface in DiffractMOD, that use its zero-

order diffraction to reduce the reflection at optical boundaries. Material
fused silica with a period of 0.12 μm, grating depth is 0.055 μm with a filling
factor of 0.3.

AIM: To create and model an antireflection surface.

Fig.: Anti reflection surface

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Properties of segment 1

Fig.: Properties of segment 2

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Refractive index profile

Fig.: Completed structure

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Parameters

Fig.: Output mode


Fig.: Field and figure of merit result for 0th order reflection

Fig.: Output Options dialog where a simple scan over the launch angle is set
Fig.: Results for scan over incident angle

Fig.: Output Options dialog where a simple scan over the wavelength is set

Fig.: Results for scan over wavelength.

Project 2: Design the resonant grating filter with launch angle set to 45deg and
calculate 0th order diffraction efficiency with respect to wavelength.

AIM: To design the resonant grating filter with and calculate 0th order diffraction efficiency.

Designing the resonant grating filter:

Fig.: Resonant Grating Filter

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Completed structure

Setting the Launch Angle:
Fig.: Setting launch angle to 45 deg.

Fig.: Material profile setting

Fig.: Index profile

Calculating 0th order diffraction efficiency with respect to wavelength:

Fig.: Simulation setting

Fig.: simulation result

Project 3: Study the given 3D checkerboard grating for transmission power in

the (1,1) diffraction order as a function of the harmonics.
AIM: To Study the given 3D checkerboard grating for transmission power.

Fig.: Checkerboard structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Periodicity setting

Fig.: Output setting for transmission power in the (1,1) diffraction order

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: The Indep. vars tab of the MOST dialog where the variables to be scanned
over are set
Fig.: Measurements tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: Scanning completed successfully

Fig.: The scan results showing the transmission power in the (1,1) diffraction
order as a function of the harmonics used.
Project 4: Study the effect of surface plasmon resonances on periodically
modulated thin metal films.

AIM: To Study the effect of surface plasmon resonances on periodically modulated thin
metal films.

Fig.: Surface plasmon

Fig.: Global settings

 Structure - Here, the blue segment represents the periodically

modulated thin film of silver, and the red segment represents the
quartz substrate.
 Materials –
Fig.: Materials setting

 Launch Condition –

Fig.: Launch field setting

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setting

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: Output settings to change the Plot Type to vs. Wavelength

Fig.: Simulation results with two plasmon resonances

E. ModePROP Simulation Tool

ModePROP EME is a design tool for studying the propagation of light in structures.
ModePROP implements several advanced algorithms including a fast-converging
formulation of Maxwell equations and a numerical stabilization scheme. It is designed to
handle both 2D and 3D structures. The structure can have arbitrary geometry and the index
distribution can consist of both standard dielectric materials and dispersive or lossy
materials such as metals. The input or incident plane wave can have arbitrary spatial
definition, direction, and polarization.


 Waveguide/fiber-based systems
 Surface-normal grating couplers
 Plasmonic devices
 Sensors
 Filters
 Mode converters
 Photonic bandgap
 Computing coupling efficiency


 Full-vectorial analysis for both Cartesian and cylindrical (azimuthally symmetric)

structures in 2D and 3D `
 Modal Transmission Line (MTL) framework to ensure that the simulation is
unconditionally stable `
 Increased performance through multi-threading and GPU acceleration on computers
with multiple cores/CPUs and highend graphics cards `
 Accounts for reflections

Project1: Understanding ModePROP simulation engine

AIM: Demonstrate a sample workflow to perform a simulation and obtain simulation results.

a. Basic 2D Simulation

Fig.: Straight waveguide segment

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Segment Properties dialog box for the waveguide segment

Fig.: Launch Parameters dialog

Fig.: Output Options dialog

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: ModePROP Simulation Parameters window


Fig.: Simulation result

b. Basic 3D Taper Simulation

Fig.: 3D waveguide structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Segment Properties dialog box for the first waveguide segment

Fig.: Segment Properties dialog box for the second waveguide segment
Fig.: Segment Properties dialog box for the third waveguide segment

Fig.: Launch Parameters

Fig.: Output Options dialog

Performing Simulation:
Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Simulation result

Project 2: Study the given surface plasmon sensor and determine how the
power output of the structure is correlated to the index of the test material.

AIM: To study the given plasmon sensor.

Fig.: 3D structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Pathway
Fig.: Launch Parameters

Fig.: Output Dialog

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Simulation result for real part

Fig.: Simulation result for amplitude part

Scanning over the Test Refractive Index to determine the correlation between
the test refractive index and the output power of the device : -

Fig.: MOST Parameters


Fig.: Plot

Surface phenomena such as surface plasmon resonances play an important role in sensor
technology since the behaviour of electromagnetic fields at material interfaces can be
directly correlated to many physical and chemical properties of the materials.
F. FemSIM Simulation Tool

FemSIM is a generalized mode solver based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) that can
calculate any number of transverse or cavity modes of an arbitrary structure on a non-
uniform mesh. FemSIM employs a full-vector implementation and has been enhanced with
many features to compute complex modes. The tool is flexible and extendable to a wide
range of problems such as high index contract, plasmonic, and photonic bandgap based


 Structures with arbitrary profiles, including those with curved or uncommon

shapes Structures with high index contrast and/or small feature sizes
 Air or solid core photonic fibers
 Lossy structures
 Silicon-based devices such as SOIs
 Polarization rotators
 Plasmonic waveguides
 Laser and PBG defect cavities


 Structures with arbitrary profiles, including those with curved or uncommon

shapes Structures with high index contrast and/or small feature sizes
 Air or solid core photonic fibers
 Lossy structures


 Full-vector analysis for both Cartesian (1D, 2D) and cylindrical (azimuthally
symmetric) structures
 Increased performance through multi-threading on computers with multiple
 Accommodates complex index for lossy materials and high index contrast profiles
 Robust meshing scheme that conforms to the index profile using hybrid triangular
and rectangular mesh elements

Project Examples:

Project 1: Understanding FemSIM simulation engine

Project AIM: Layout a simple buried channel waveguide with a cladding index of 1, a core
index of 1.5, a width of 2 μm, a height of 1 μm, and then compute its mode at a
wavelength of 1.0 μm

Fig.: Straight waveguide segment

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Segment Properties dialog box for the waveguide segment

Performing Simulation:
Fig.: Simulation Parameters


Fig.: The computed mesh for this simulation

Fig.: Simulation result

Project 2: FemSIM to design Leaky Modes in a Multilayer/Rib Waveguide

Project AIM: Solve for the leaky modes supported by a multilayer GaAs and
AlGaAs waveguide and distinguish between highly lossy substrate
radiation modes and the leaky guided modes.

Fig.: Waveguide structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index display settings

Fig.: The index profile of the GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer waveguide

Fig.: Advanced settings for calculating the Fundamental TE & TM Modes

Fig.: Mode options dialog

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: Mode settings for higher order

Fig.: Simulation result for higher order

Project 3: Compute VCSEL Cavity Mode using FemSIM- setting up, designing,
and simulating the resonances of a VCSEL device

AIM: To Compute VCSEL Cavity Mode and designing and simulate the resonances of a VCSEL

Fig.: VCSEL setup

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile setting

Fig.: Displayed index profile

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Mode settings

Fig.: Advanced mode settings


Fig.: Mesh
Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: Independent Variables portion of the MOST dialog

Fig.: Measurement settings in the MOST dialog

Fig.: Metric settings in the MOST dialog

Fig.: Resonance (in µm) versus the aperture radius

Fig.: Threshold material gain (in cm-1) versus the aperture radius
Project 4: Calculating bending modes using FemSIM

AIM: To calculate bending modes

Fig.: Waveguide structure

Fig.: Global settings

Calculating the Bending Mode:

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Mode options setting

Fig.: Advanced Mode settings

Fig.: Mode profile of the TE mode of the bending waveguide

Fig.: Mode profiles of the TM mode of the bending waveguide

Fig.: MOST scan settings over Radius and simulated_bend_method

Fig.: Most measurements for the scan over bending radius

Fig.: Scan result of the real effective index

Fig.: Scan result of the imaginary effective index

G. GratingMOD Simulation Tool

GratingMOD is a general design tool for analyzing and synthesizing complicated grating
profiles in optical fibers and integrated waveguide circuits for a wide variety of photonic
applications. The software is based on the Coupled Mode Theory (CMT) algorithm for fast
simulation as well as sophisticated multiple mode algorithms for advanced applications.
GratingMOD also provides a general platform for simulation of various coupling

 Dispersion compensation fiber Bragg grating
 Multiplexing/demultiplexing
 Add/drop filtering
 Gain equalization in optical amplifiers
 Grating-assisted couplers
 Long-period grating sensors


 Bragg condition searching to find both the period from the specified modes and the
modes from a specified period
 Sophisticated orthogonality relations for both lossless and lossy waveguide are included
 Optimal modes are used to reduce error
 Analytical mode calculations can be used when applicable
Project Examples:

Project 1:
(a) Understanding Grating Analysis:

AIM: To setup a grating in the software and analyze it.

Fig.: Grating structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Segment properties

Fig.: User Taper Editor

Fig.: User Function Editor for Grating Taper

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index Profile

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: GratingMOD Analysis Window

Fig.: Mode Selection Parameters settings

Fig.: Output settings


Fig.: Simulation result

(b) Understanding Grating Synthesis:

AIM: To do a simple grating synthesis calculation

Fig.: Basic structure for grating

Fig.: Global settings

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Defining the Input Spectrum

Fig.: Defining the Target Spectrum

Fig.: Defining the Synthesis Parameters

Fig.: Output settings


Fig.: Simulation result

Project 2: Analyse a slab waveguide grating with

AIM: To analyse a slab waveguide with width and index modulation

a. Width modulation:

Fig.: Basic structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Grating Layout Utility

Fig.: Segment Properties for Grating

Fig.: Taper setup for grating

Fig.: Grating Analysis setup for grating

Fig.: Spectral Response for grating

b. Index modulation:

Fig.: The index-modulated grating structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Grating Layout Utility

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index profile of index modulated grating

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Spectral response of index modulated grating

Project 3: Design and analyze a Fiber Bragg Grating and calculated reflection
spectrum and delay.

AIM: To change the index modulation depth of a FBG and note changes in the reflection

Fig.: Grating structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Grating Layout Utility

Fig.: FBG structure

Fig.: Segment Properties

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index Display settings

Fig.: The computed index profile for a uniform FBG

Fig.: The GratingMOD Simulation parameters for the grating analysis

Fig.: Reflection spectrum

Fig.: Delay and dispersion

Fig.: Second simulation settings

Fig.: Reflection spectrum

Fig.: Delay and dispersion

Project 4:

(a) Project AIM: Analyze a grating with Apodization

Fig.: 2D slab grating structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: User taper setup for grating with apodization

Fig.: Output Selections for 2D apodized grating

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Spectral response for 2D grating

(b) Project AIM: Analyze a grating with Chirp

Fig.: 2D slab grating structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Taper Settings for Chirped Grating

Fig.: Output settings

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Spectral Response for Chirped grating

Fig.: Apodization and chirp for chirped grating

Project 5: Design a filter with the spectrum as below

Setting up the Synthesis Simulation:

New Circuit -> Simulation Type -> GratingMOD -> OK
As no structure has to be input, we can go directly to the simulation.

Fig.: Defining the Input Spectrum in the GratingMOD Synthesis Module

Fig.: Defining the Target Spectrum in the GratingMOD Synthesis Module

Fig.: Results obtained for the rectangular filter grating synthesis

Fig.: Synthesized results displayed with on a log scale

Fig.: Grating profile for the rectangular filter

H. LaserMOD Simulation Tool

LaserMOD is an integrated software package for the design and simulation of semiconductor
lasers and active photonic structures. The current version can accommodate Fabry-Perot (F-
P) edge emitters, vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL), distributed feedback lasers
(DFB), detector (solar cell), and modulator applications. LaserMOD is a fully integrated
platform with user friendly parametric CAD interface, non-uniform Delauney mesh
generator, material libraries, gain and mode calculation utilities, simulation engine, standard
and custom plot generation utilities, and versatile graphical viewing utilities.
The interface is organized in a sequential manner so as to allow for validation of each step of
the design process. Layouts can be verified both graphically and via text reports,
waveguiding can be studied, and quantum well gain can be optimized, all before the first
laser performance simulation is run. Both steady-state and transient performance can be
simulated. The standard characteristics such as L-I, I-V, frequency response, etc… are
generated and saved during each run, for easy comparison. Finally, all real and energy space
data are stored at every bias point and can be retrieved via a custom plot generation utility,
so there is no need for plot selection prior to a simulation run.


 Edge emitting lasers, such as Fabry-Perot (FP), Distributed Feedback (DFB), and
Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR)
 Cylindrical Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL)
 Silicon modulators (electro-absorptive, electro-refractive, and thermo-
optic modulators in silicon and other semi-conductor materials)
 Hybrid and multilevel applications when combined with other tools in the RSoft suite


 1D, 2D and cylindrical (quasi-3D)

 Advanced physics-based models
 Self-consistent solution of optics, quantum mechanical gain, and electro-thermal transport
 Steady-state and time-dependent simulation
Project Examples:

Project 1: LaserMOD Understanding- layout and simulation of an InGaAs FP

broad area (1D) edge emitter

Fig.: Initial start-up dialog

Fig.: Layout after regions are randomly drawn

Fig.: Defining some useful symbols

Setting Region Parameters and Materials:
Fig.: Untiled layout

Fig.: Tiled layout

Fig.: Nonuniform mesh for a 1D structure

Fig.: Profile settings

Fig.: Plot

Fig.: Doping Profile settings

Fig.: Doping Profile

Fig.: Index Profile setting

Fig.: Index Profile

Fig.: Mode Profile settings

Fig.: Mode Profile

Fig.: Material gain settings

Fig.: Material gain spectra

Fig.: Bias editor

Fig.: Advanced Bias editor

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: Simulation result

Project 2: Device layout and the simulation of a 1D AlGaAs MQW VCSEL
with GaAs/AlGaAs DBRs and analyze self-heating and the roll-off of the L-
I curve

Fig.: DBR elements structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: DBR Region Properties Dialog

Fig.: Set Material and Alloy X Profile Dialogs

Fig.: Index Profile near the quantum wells, showing the grading at the
DBR interfaces and SCH region

Fig.: Mode Calculation Dialog

Fig.: Result of mode calculation with Index Only DBRs (zoomed fig. on right side)

Fig.: Gain calculation dialog

Fig.: Overlaying the plots using the WinPLOT script editor. The last line was cut
and paste from the script editor window of the Material Gain plot to the
Transmission plot
Fig.: Resulting plot

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Dialog


Fig.: L-I curves for both with (blue) and without (green) self-heating model
Fig.: Maximum lattice temperature in the device as a function of bias (current)

Project 3: DFB With Two Uniform Gratings and a Phase Shift

Fig.: Layout of DFB

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Bias Editor

Fig.: Nonuniform simulation mesh

Fig.: Index profile showing the central phase shift and several periods to either side
Fig.: Mode calculation settings for fundamental mode

Fig.: Mode profile

Fig.: Cross-cut along quantum well of fundamental mode

• Then we perform a gain calculation to determine where to place the modes. The transmission
peaks on either side of the stop-band are most likely to lase. Which one depends on where
gain is placed and on the facet phase.
•Open the Transmission Spectrum plot (generated during mode calculation) from the yellow
icon on the LaserMOD toolbar
•Click the “View Editor” button on the WinPLOT toolbar
•Add the line “tmp_Gain_4.rsf/sy5e-4” to the end of the script
•Click “View Plot” button to see the transmission (blue) and gain spectra (green) overlaid

Fig.: Transmission spectrum and material gain

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: L-I-V curve for 4 mode simulation

Fig.: Optical spectrum below lasing threshold

Fig.: Optical spectrum above lasing threshold

Project 4: SOI Mach-Zehnder Modulator

Fig.: Structure of Waveguide x-y plane cross-section

Fig.: Structure of device topology in x-z plane

Method 1:

Fig.: Bias Editor

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: L-I-V plot

Fig.: Plot settings

Fig.: Neff vs Voltage settings

Fig.: Effective index vs voltage

Fig.: Mach-Zehnder transfer characteristic via post-process plotting,

where y=Neff(V) and Neff_OFF=Neff(Vo).

Fig.: Normalized transmission vs voltage of Mach-Zehnder modulator

Method 2:

Fig.: Global Parameters

Fig.: Bias editor

Fig.: ON-state propagation at ~0V

Fig.: OFF-state propagation at 1V


MOST – the Multi-Variable Optimizer and Scanner Tool is an exciting solution to the critical
problem of design optimization for photonic devices. While the first stage of photonics
modeling typically involves exploratory simulations to reveal the basic physics of the
problem, at some point in a research program or the design cycle of device manufacturing, it
becomes vital to understand the full parameter space of the system. This can involve both a
systematic search of the parameter space for favorable regions as well as automated
optimization in one or more dimensions. Acting as an automated driver for physics-based
simulators, MOST takes the drudgery out of these important operations by streamlining the
definition, calculation and analysis of scans and optimizations.

 Perform parameter scans over any design parameter in any number of dimensions
 Perform single and multiple variable local and global automated optimization
 Perform global optimization by genetic algorithm
 Automated distributed computation of scans and some optimizations with all of the
passive component simulation tools

 Any quantity produced by any RSoft tool can be the target of a scan or optimization `
 Scans and optimizations can be performed over an arbitrary number of parameters
 Automatic generation of line, contour, and 3D volume plots
 “Data sliced” plots showing behavior in particular planes of the parameter space
Project Examples:

Project 1: Understanding MOST

(a) 1D Scan

AIM: To perform basic scans and optimizations.

Fig.: Simple 2D waveguide structure

Fig.: MOST dialog

Fig.: Measurements tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: MOST window after the simulation has completed

Fig.: Scan result for the last modal effective index

Fig.: Algorithm settings

Fig.: The IV tab for the MOST optimization

Fig.: Measurement settings

Fig.: The metric used for this optimization

Fig.: MOST window after the optimization has completed

Fig.: Convergence plot for this optimization

Fig.: Cluster settings

Fig.: The IV tab for the clustered scan

Fig.: Scan results

Fig.: Computed clustered scan in the MOST window

(b) Optimizing offsets for an S-bend structure

AIM: To do modelling of S-bend structures

Fig.: 2D s-bend structure

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings


Fig.: BeamPROP result without offsets

Fig.: BeamPROP result with offsets

Fig.: Algorithm tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: IV tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: Measurements tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: Metrics tab of the MOST dialog

Fig.: Convergence plots for the MOST optimization

Fig.: Simulation results at the optimal point

Fig.: Comparison between the results obtained only with BeamPROP and the new optimal
I. LED Utility


The LED Utility* accurately simulates novel LED structures and all materials involved. The
utility simplifies common tasks associated with LED design and aids in the rigorous
computation of extraction ratios and radiation patterns. It utilizes the RSoft CAD to describe
the geometry and material properties and uses the RSoft flagship simulation tool FullWAVE
for modeling the LED. The RSoft CAD interface is a fully parametric, highly flexible user-
friendly design environment with 3D editing capabilities to simplify the description of
complex LED geometries. The underlying FullWAVE simulation is based on the Finite-
Difference Time- Domain (FDTD) algorithm which is an ab-initio approach for solving
Maxwell’s equations with no inherent approximations that is well suited to accurately model
the intricacies of an LED structure.


 LED design
 LED extraction efficiency optimization
 Studying effect of patterns on LED operation


 Arbitrary LED geometry can easily be created in the RSoft CAD

 Important material properties such as frequency-dependent complex refractive
indices can be used
 Rigorous optical simulation is performed by the RSoft FullWAVE FDTD simulation tool
 Works with FullWAVE clustering to provide faster results

Project Examples:
Project 1: 2D Surface Patterned LED

Fig.: 2D Surface Patterned LED layout

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Lattice Properties

Fig.: Material Editor

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index Profile

Fig.: FullWAVE Launch Parameters dialog

Fig.: Boundary Conditions

Fig.: Output settings

Fig.: LED Utility dialog

Fig.: Advanced settings

We will run two simulations, one with a flat structure (Flat = 1) and one with
the PhC (Flat = 0).

Fig.: Computed far-field for PhC case

Fig.: Computed far-field for Flat case

Fig.: Convergence results for extraction ratio as a function of the X domain size

Running the Pulsed LED Simulation & Accessing Results:

Fig.: Combined far-field plots from a pulsed simulation for PhC case
Fig.: Combined far-field plots from a pulsed simulation for flat case

Fig.: Extraction Ratio Spectrum for a Pulsed simulation for Flat and PhC cases as a function
of frequency

Fig.: Extraction Ratio Spectrum for a Pulsed simulation for Flat and PhC cases as a function
of wavelength
Viewing Far-Field Patterns for Individual Frequencies:
Project 2: 3D Surface Patterned LED

Fig.: Surface Patterned LED layout

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index Profile

FullWAVE Simulation:

Fig.: FullWAVE cluster settings for internal clustering

Fig.: FullWAVE cluster settings for external clustering

LED Utility Simulations:

Fig.: Settings in the LED Utility dialog

Fig.: Computed far-field for a) PhC case, and b) Flat case

Then, we open the files

led_cw_flat_er_conv.pcs and
led_cw_phc_er_conv.pcs from each
scan. And, merge them in editor as shown
Fig.: Convergence results for extraction ratio as a function of the X/Y domain size
J. Solar Cell Utility


The Solar Cell Utility is designed to evaluate a structure’s efficiency as a photovoltaic device.
The Solar Cell Utility* provides an optical and electronic simulation solution for solar cell
devices. The utility simplifies common tasks associated with solar cell design and aids in the
rigorous computation of J-V curves, quantum efficiency spectra, and overall cell efficiency.
The basic version of the Solar Cell Utility uses a simple electronic model and operates with
one or more RSoft optical simulation tools**. If a rigorous electronic modeling solution is
desired, LaserMOD can be used.


 Solar cell design

 Solar cells with diffractive optical elements (DOEs)
 Solar cells with randomly textured material interfaces
 Ideal for investigating the electronic nature of solar cells


 Arbitrary solar cell geometry can easily be created in the RSoft CAD `
 Important material properties such as frequency-dependent complex refractive
indexes can be used to correctly model absorptive materials `
 Simple electronic modeling via modified Ideal Diode equation; rigorous modeling
via LaserMOD tool `
 Uses the AM1.5 Solar Spectrum as incident spectrum by default; a user-specified
spectrum can also be used
Project Examples:

Project 1: Solar Cell with Diffraction Grating using DiffractMOD & Ideal Diode

Fig.: Grating enhanced solar cell structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Output settings

Computing the Solar Cell Efficiency:

Fig.: Solar cell utility dialog

Fig.: Computed J-V curve

Fig.: Computed quantum efficiency

Fig.: Incident, sampled, and total absorption spectra

Fig.: MOST dialog

Fig.: Measurement settings

Fig.: The scan results that show the cell efficiency as a function of the grating period and Si
Project 2: Randomly Textured Solar Cells with FullWAVE using the Ideal Diode

Fig.: Solar cell with randomly textured material interfaces

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Simulation result

Computing the Cell Efficiency:

Fig.: Solar Cell Utility dialog

Fig.: Quantum efficiency

Fig.: Various spectra

Project 3: Surface Plasmon Enhanced Solar Cell with FullWAVE using the Ideal
Diode Method

Fig.: Solar cell structure with embedded nano-clusters

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Simulation settings

Fig.: Simulation result

Computing the Cell Efficiency:

Fig.: Solar cell Utility dialog

Fig.: Computed J-V curve for Solar Cell Structure with nano-dots
N. AWG Utility

The AWG Utility provides BeamPROP BPM users a simple method to create, design, and
simulate arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) devices, also known as PHASAR’s.
AWG devices function typically as multiplexers, demultiplexers, and routers for wavelength
division multiplexing (WDM) systems.

Project Examples:

Project 1: Silica-Based AWG

Fig.: Default WDM Router Layout for silica

Fig.: Input star coupler for silica (1-pane view, auto-scaling selected)
Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Simulation dialog showing default settings for silica.

Fig.: Simulation results for default silica design

Project 2: Modifying Waveguide Width

Fig.: Default WDM Router Layout for silica

Fig.: Input star coupler for silica

Fig.: Global settings

We will now change the Component Width from 6 to 7 in Global settings (this also changes
the height!)

Fig.: Input star coupler for silica (after changing Component Width)

Fig.: Simulation Utility dialog

Fig.: Simulation results for silica router

Project 3: Array Dispersion - Nguide File

Fig.: AWG Layout Utility

Here, we select Silicon as the Starting Material System

Fig.: Structure generated

Fig.: Mode calculation parameter

Fig.: MOST scan dialog for generating the Nguide File

Fig.: Measurement settings

Fig.: MOST scan result

Fig.: Simulation dialog showing the selected Nguide file

Fig.: Simulation results with an Nguide file

Fig.: Simulation results without an Nguide file

K. Multiphysics Utility


The Multi-Physics Utility enables the study of problems that require physical effects beyond
the optical effects typically modelled by the RSoft Photonic Device Tools. The Multi-Physics
Utility* is designed to be used in conjunction with any of RSoft’s passive device simulation
tools. It provides a convenient interface from which perturbations of the refractive index
profile of a structure may be included in the simulation. These perturbations can be due to
advanced physical processes in the material, such as electro-optic effects, thermo-optic
effects, stress-optic effects (i.e., strain), and carrier-induced effects. All material parameters
needed to describe these effects can be defined in the RSoft Material Library.


 Electro-absoptive/electro-refractive modulators
 Thermo-optic switches
 Electrically biased modulators
 Birefringence in waveguides and fibers


 Fully integrated with all RSoft passive device simulation tools `

 Leverages the RSoft material library for all model parameters `
 Computes index perturbation by solving Poisson’s equation (electro-optic effect),
thermal equation (thermo-optic effect), stress-strain equation (stress effect), and
by using LaserMOD to model carrier-based effects `
 Automated parametric studies and design optimization using MOST
Project Examples:

Project 1: Simple Electro-Optical Example

AIM: To study a simple SOI rib waveguide with electrodes.

Fig.: Simple SOI rib waveguide

Here, light blue regions are electrodes.

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Material Profile

Using the Electrodes:

Fig.: Multi-Physics Utility dialog

Fig.: The computed electric potential for the electrodes

Fig.: The computed Ex fields produced by the electrodes

Fig.: The computed Ey fields produced by the electrodes.

Fig.: Computed index change for electro-optic effect

Project 2: Thermo-Optic Example

AIM: To study a simple rib waveguide with a heater and use the Multi-Physics Utility to
study the index perturbation caused by the heater.

Fig.: Simple SOI rib waveguide

Here, light blue region is a heater.

Fig.: Global settings

Using the Heater:

Fig.: Multi-Physics Utility dialog

Fig.: The computed temperature rise

Fig.: The computed index change for the thermo-optic effect

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Launch Most dialog


Fig.: The variable scan results which show the effective index vs. applied temperature
Project 3: Simple Stress-Optic Example

AIM: To study a simple fiber where the core and cladding have different stress parameters.
Also study the index perturbation caused by the stress.

Fig.: Simple fiber

Fig.: Global settings

Viewing Effect of Stress on the Refractive Index:

Fig.: Multi-Physics Utility dialog

Fig.: The computed X component of the computed strain

Fig.: The computed Y component of the computed strain

Fig.: The computed X component of the computed stress

Fig.: Computed index change for stress-optic effect.

Project 4: Carrier Effects in an SOI Waveguide

AIM: To simulate the carrier-induced index effects in a SOI ridge waveguide.

Fig.: SOI structure

Here, light blue regions are electrodes.

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Multi-Physics Utility dialog

Fig.: The computed index perturbation: imaginary index change

Fig.: The computed index perturbation: real index change

Performing a Simulation:

Fig.: Mode calculation parameter


Fig.: Computed mode for applied bias of 1V

Fig.: Computed mode for applied bias of 0V

L. Tapered Laser Utility


The Tapered Laser Utility is designed to analyze the optical and electronic properties of a
tapered laser diode. It essentially combines, in a self-consistent manner, two powerful
simulation tools BeamPROP and LaserMOD, to provide a full 3D simulation of tapered laser
diodes. The quasi 3D electrical and thermal calculations are performed via LaserMOD,
whereas the optical field is propagated via BeamPROP. Thus before trying to fully
comprehend the operation of the Tapered Laser Utility it is advised that the user understand
some basics of BeamPROP and LaserMOD and should scan through their corresponding


 Tapered laser diode design


 Fully integrated with the RSoft Beam-PROP and LaserMOD simulation packages to
automatically compute tapered laser characteristics
 Self-consistent optical, electronic and thermal simulation `
 Extensible material libraries `
 Output information includes L-I curves, I-V curves, spatial field plots, farfields, etc.
 Capable of simulating physical effects like spatial hole burning, filamentation, over
pumping, etc.
Project 1: Validation of the TL Utility against LaserMOD.

Fig.: Laser structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: Layer Table Editor

Fig.: Material Profile

Fig.: Index profile for the laser cross-section

Fig.: Semiconductor Tab in the Material Editor Dialog

Fig.: Additional Material properties for the quantum well material “MqwInGaAs”

Fig.: Additional Material properties for the n-type cladding material “McladN”

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation parameter settings that would be used for the BeamPROP propagation and
Mode calculation
Fig.: Tapered Laser Utility dialog

Performing the Simulation and Results from TL utility:

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: LIV curve

Performing the Simulation and Results from LaserMOD:

Fig.: Settings in the Advanced TL Utility dialog to generate the LaserMOD file and quit

Fig.: The test.las file spawned in LaserMOD. Structure modeled is exactly the same as that
with TL utility

Fig.: Modified Bias table for the LaserMOD file

Fig.: The LIV curve results obtained from running LaserMOD on an equivalent 2D problem
Project 2: Index Guided Tapered Laser Diode

Fig.: Index Guided Tapered Laser Diode layout

Fig.: Global settings

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Settings in the TL Utility dialog

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: LIV curve

Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V

Z=0µm (input facet)
Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V
Z=1500µm (taper middle)

Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V

Z=2000µm (output facet)

Fig.: Horizontal cut of the field profiles at the output facet at Vbias=1.55V
Project 3: Gain guided Tapered Laser Diode.

Fig.: Gain Guided Tapered Laser Diode layout

Fig.: Global settings

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Settings in the TL Utility dialog

Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V
Z=0µm (input facet)

Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V

Z=1500µm (taper middle)

Fig.: Field profile at Vbias=1.45V

Z=2000µm (output facet)
Fig.: Horizontal cut of the field profiles at the output facet at Vbias=1.55V

Fig.: Far-field profiles at Vbias=1.45V

Fig.: Far-field profiles at Vbias=1.55V

M. BSDF Utility

A Bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) characterizes the scattering properties

of an arbitrary surface. Specifically, it describes the radiance of angularly dependent
scattered light as a function of incident angle and wavelength. A BSDF can be either
measured experimentally or calculated through the use of rigorous EM techniques. Ray-
tracing software can define a surface via a BSDF where the underlying structure cannot be
simulated via the geometric-optics approximation. Traditional BSDF’s are scalar and do not
account for polarization. However, a more general form of the BSDF is the polarimetric BSDF
which, in addition to the radiance, also characterizes the polarization of the scattering.
These characteristics are essential to include especially when modeling polarization sensitive
structures such as Polarized LEDs.

Project Examples:

1) Generating a BSDF File for a Checkerboard Grating

Fig.: 2D checkerboard structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: BSDF Generation Utility dialog

Fig.: The completed BSDF calculation

Fig.: The BSDF Viewer showing the contents of the BSDF file calculated
Project 2: Passing a Finite Field through a BSDF File

Fig.: 2D checkerboard structure

Fig.: Global settings

Fig.: BSDF Generation Utility dialog

Fig.: Pre-Calculated Gaussian field

Fig.: Computed far-field profile of the simple Gaussian

Fig.: Computed far-fields for the transmitted

Fig.: Computed far-fields for the reflected fields

MetaOptic Designer

MetaOptic Designer assists in designing an optical system composed of “metalenses”, with

the goal being to perform a specific optical imaging function. Each metalens is composed of
a regular array of sub-wavelength structures called “atoms”. The detailed structure or “unit
cell” of an atom is defined by one or more design parameters (e.g. for a unit cell containing a
single cylindrical or rectangular pillar, the parameter would be the width of the pillar, say
“PillarWidth”). An individual metalens is uniquely defined by the values of these design
parameters at each atom site on the lens. The primary function of the tool is to find the
optimal choice of this set of parameters for each lens in the system in order to achieve the
desired optical imaging function. This set of parameters is sometimes referred to below as
the “solution”. Depending on context, the phrase “simulation” may refer to the entire
optimization flow, or just the forward simulation through the optical system for a given set
of parameters.

Project Examples:

Project 1: Designing a MetaLens for Focusing using a Nano-Atom Database

with a Hexagonal Lattice

Fig.: MetaOptic Designer

 Setting the values in MetaOptic Designer CAD

 Choosing the database Si3N4_hex_nanolib_normal_bsdf_data
Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation result

Fig.: Actual solution for the lens design Fig.: Zoomed view

 In the above atom plot we can recognize the hexagonal pattern of the atom sites.
Project 2: Designing a Polarization Beam-Splitter

Fig.: Fig.: MetaOptic Designer

 Setting the values in MetaOptic Designer CAD

 Choosing the database Si3N4_2par_nanolib_bsdf_data
 Adding following test cases:

Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=0] Ides=[--type=airy --xo=-10]

Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=90] Ides=[--type=airy --xo=10]

 Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation result

Examination for ‘Einc’ plot:

Fig.: “Vec” plot (a) for test = 0, and (b) for test = 1

Examination for ‘Eout’ plot:

Fig.: “Vec” plot (a) for test = 0, and (b) for test = 1

“At” or “atom” plots:

Fig.: “atom” plots (a) for parameter = 0, and (b) for parameter =1
Again, adding the following test cases:

Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=45] Ides=[--type=airy --xo=-10]

Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=45] Ides=[--type=airy --xo=10]

Fig.: Test case dialog

Fig.: Options dialog

Fig.: “Eo” “Vec” plot

Project 3: Designing a Chiral Hologram

Fig.: MetaOptic Designer CAD

 Setting the values in MetaOptic Designer CAD

 Choosing the database TiO2_nanofin_hwp_normal_bsdf_data
 Adding following test cases:
Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=left] Ides=synopsys-logo.dat
Einc=[--type=planewave --pol=right] Ides=metaoptic.dat

 Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Test case dialog

Fig.: Simulation result Fig.: Zoomed view

Fig.: “Ei” “Vec” plots (a) for test = 0, and (b) for test = 1

Fig.: “Eo” “Vec” plots



OptSim is an advanced optical communication system simulation package designed for

professional engineering and cutting-edge research of WDM, DWDM, TDM, CATV, optical
LAN, parallel optical bus, and other emerging optical systems in telecom, datacom, and
other applications. It can be used to design optical communication systems and simulate
them to determine their performance given various component parameters.


 Advanced Modulation Formats, such as D(Q)PSK, Duobinary, PAM, QAM, DMT

 Coherent Optical Communication Systems, such as PM-QPSK, PM-BPSK, PM-QAM,
 Gaussian noise (GN) link emulator for efficient modeling of uncompensated, long-
haul coherent systems
 Data center and automotive optical Interconnects
 DWDM/CWDM systems with optical amplification, such as EDFA, Raman, SOA, OPA


 Support for multiple parameter-scans-based optimization `

 Only design tool with multiple engines implementing both the Time Domain Split
Step and the Frequency Domain Split Step for the most accurate and efficient
simulation of any optical link architecture `
Project Examples:

1) Sample Mode

Project 1: Design and simulation of a single-channel OC192 system (10 Gbit/s), over typical
terrestrial distances.

The system we want to simulate has the following characteristics:

Transmitter Section
• bit rate: 9.953 Gbit/s (OC-192)
• modulation format: standard Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ)
• optical modulator: external Mach-Zehnder, 12 GHz bandwidth, 5 dB insertion loss
• central frequency: 193.1 THz (ITU-GRID, 1552.52 nm)
• optical transmitter: CW laser (30 MHz spectral width), 5 dBm peak power

Link Section
• link type: 150 km, Dispersion Shifted (DS) single mode fiber
• amplification: EDFA placed every 50 Km, Noise Figure 5 dB
• amplifier gain: set to have a constant power (6 dBm) at the input of each fiber span

Receiver Section
• receiver sensitivity: -27 dBm at BER=10-9
• receiver filter: 8 GHz, 5-pole Bessel filter

(a) Question

1 AIM: To


• the optical spectrum after each optical amplifier

• the electrical spectrum at the electrical receiver
• the eye diagram and the Q factor after the receiver filter
Fig.: Project network

Project network consists of:

 Transmitter Section
 The Optical Link
 Receiver Section
 Measurement Components


Fig.: Simulation Window

(i) Spectral Propagation (SPT) Simulation Method

Fig.: Simulation run dialog

Fig.: Simulation status window

Fig.: Power spectrum chart


Fig.: Measurement

Peak Frequency = 193.099 THz
Peak Power = 5.996624 dBm
OSNR = 46.677100 dB

(i) VBS Simulation

Fig.: Simulation run dialog

Fig.: Simulation status window

Fig.: The measurement list window

Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: Measurement


Q value = 27.971616 dB
Optical Spectrum:

Fig.: Optical Spectrum

Superimposing a Diagram:

Fig.: Two superimposed optical spectra

Electrical spectrum:

Fig.: Electrical spectrum

(b) Question 2

AIM: To create multi-component blocks for the transmitter, receiver and the optical link
section of the design.

Fig.: Project network

Fig.: Component blocks for the transmitter section

Fig.: Component blocks for the receiver section

Fig.: Component blocks for the optical link section

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing result:

Fig.: Data Display

Expanding this node we can see the four optical spectrum analyzers defined inside the

(c) Question 3

AIM: To introduced measurement components and show how they may be used to create
correlation diagrams.

Fig.: Project network

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog

Viewing the Results:

Fig.: Data display

Measurement versus Run Number

Fig.: Correlation diagram setting

wizard – Step 1 Fig.: Correlation diagram
setting wizard – Step 2

Fig.: The measurement versus run number correlate diagram

Measurement versus Variable

Fig.: Correlation diagram setting wizard – Step 1 & 2

Fig.: The measurement versus variable number correlate diagram

Measurement versus Measurement (common parameter Variable)

Fig.: Correlation diagram setting wizard – Step 1, 2 & 3

Fig.: The measurement versus measurement correlate diagram

Measurement versus Measurement (family parameter Variable)

Fig.: Scan setup dialog

Running simulation:

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog

Fig.: Data display

Fig.: The Correlation Diagram Setting wizard – Step 1,2 & 4

Fig.: The measurement versus measurement correlate diagram

Project 2: 4-Channel WDM design

AIM: To evaluate spectra, eye-diagrams and Q-values

Fig.: Project network

Performing simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Run dialog


Fig.: Optical spectrum

Fig.: Electrical spectrum

Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: Q-factor

Q-factor = 19.552703 dB
Project 3: Fiber Dispersion and Compensation Study


 Measurements and compensation techniques for fiber dispersion

 Optimizing dispersion compensation


Fig.: Topology for FBG as dispersion compensator

Fig.: Eye diagram after compensation


Fig.: Topology for FBG as dispersion compensator

Fig.: Received eye with no compensation

Fig.: Corresponding histogram of electrical samples

Fig.: Eye diagram with FBG as dispersion compensator

Fig.: Histogram with FBG as dispersion compensator


Fig.: Schematic setup for dispersion compensation by phase conjugation

Fig.: Eye diagrams after transmitter, first link, phase conjugator, and second link

Fig.: Optical spectrum before and after OPC


Fig.: Schematic setup for dispersion compensation by phase conjugation

Fig.: Eye diagram


Fig.: Project network

Fig.: VBS Linear simulation setup

Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: VBS Full simulation setup

Fig.: Eye diagram

Project 4: Fiber Non-linearities

a. Self-phase modulation (SPM)

AIM: Examine the behaviour of Self Phase Modulation (SPM) versus optical power and fiber


Fig.: Topology for studying self-phase modulation (SPM) effects

Fig.: Back-to-back eye for transmitted power = 10dBm

Fig.: Received eye for transmitted power = 10dBm

Fig.: Back-to-back eye for transmitted power = 17.5dBm

Fig.: Received eye for transmitted power = 17.5dBm


Fig.: Topology for studying self-phase modulation (SPM) effects

Fig.: Back-to-back eye for transmitted power = 10dBm

Fig.: Received eye for transmitted power = 10dBm

Fig.: Optical spectrum

b. Cross-phase modulation (XPM)

AIM: To show the effect of XPM on a WDM system versus fiber dispersion

Fig.: Topology for studying cross-phase modulation (XPM) effects

Fig.: Eye diagrams of the probe signal – fiber dispersion 4 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Eye diagrams of the probe signal – fiber dispersion 0 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Optical spectra of the probe channel for fiber dispersion of 4 ps/nm/km (red) and
0 ps/nm/km (green)
c. Four-wave mixing (FWM)


AIM: To illustrate the production of FWM products in a WDM system versus the fiber

Fig.: Setup for FWM vs dispersion schematic

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber input

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber output for D = 0 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber output for D =1 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber output for D = 2 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber output for D = 3 ps/nm/km

Fig.: Optical spectrum at the fiber output for D = 4 ps/nm/km

Result and Conclusion:

FWM products in WDM system are stronger at lower fiber dispersion. At zero dispersion
due to the phase-matching condition the FWM effect is maximized. By increasing the fiber
dispersion, we increase the phase mismatch and FWM effect decreases.
Project 5: Performance analysis of optical amplifier

a. EDFA Physical model

AIM: Compute the optical spectrum

Fig.: EDFA Project network

Performing simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Fig.: Optical spectrum

The optical spectrum computed over a wide bandwidth shows the typical behavior of this
EDFA amplifier model.

b. SOA 4-channel WDM 17dB

AIM: To demonstrates SOA amplification in multi-channel situation.

Fig.: SOA Project network

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Fig.: Optical spectrum

Project 6: Soliton Transmission

a. Generation

AIM: To generate soliton pulses

Soliton generation

Method 1: By applying RZ electrical pulses to an amplitude modulator, which transmits a

CW optical signal.

Fig.: Soliton generation

Method 2: Using an optical pulse generator to directly generate the optical soliton pulses.

Fig.: Soliton generation

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing result:

Fig.: Optical Spectrum – soliton pulses

Fig.: Eye diagram – soliton pulses

b. Performance Evaluation

AIM: To evaluate soliton transmission performance

Fig.: Soliton transmission

A 5 Gb/s soliton signal is launched onto 20 spans of fiber, each 50 km long. The fiber loss is
recovered by a 980- nm pumped EDFA after each span.

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing result:

Fig.: Received Eye diagram

Fig.: Transmitted Eye diagram

The comparison between the received and transmitted signals through their eye diagrams
shows that the fiber propagation does not distorce the transmitted pulses.
Project 7: Coherent Communication - PM-8QAM Receiver Sensitivity Analysis

AIM: To Simulate the sensitivity of the PM-8QAM receiver

Fig.: OptSim layout of the PM-8QAM system for sensitivity analysis

Fig.: OptSim layout of the PM-8QAM transmitter Compound Component tx_pm8qam

Parameter scan:

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog


Fig.: PM-8QAM receiver sensitivity (BER vs OSNR)

2) Block Mode

Project 1: Getting Started

a. 10Gbps Link

AIM: To demonstrate a simulation of a 10 Gbps direct modulated single channel optical link

Fig.: 10Gbps link network

Performing Simulation:
Viewing Result:

Fig.: Electrical Signal

Fig.: RF signal spectra

Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: LI Curve

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog

Fig.: Plot – BER vs averecpower

b. Scan Demo

Parameter Scan:

Fig.: Project network

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog

Fig.: scan demo


Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: Plot

Fig.: Signal Plot

Project 2: Demonstrate spectral bandwidth and
modulation response typical for Light Emitting Diodes

AIM: To demonstrate spectral bandwidth and modulation response typical for Light-
Emitting Diodes (LED).

Fig.: Setup for LED

Parameter scan:

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog


Fig.: Q-factor vs. modulation bit rate

Fig.: BER vs. modulation bit rate

Fig.: Eye diagram

Fig.: Eye diagram
Project 3: Free-Space Optics (FSO)
AIM: To demonstrate a design of Free-Space Optical Communication Link with a free-space
channel model based on weak-turbulence approximation.

Fig.: Schematic setup for FSO link

Parameter scan:

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog


Fig.: BER vs. additional attenuation of FSO channel

Fig.: Q-factor vs. additional attenuation of FSO channel

Fig.: Input power to the receiver vs. additional attenuation of FSO channel
Project 4: FBG-Based Temperature Sensor

AIM: To demonstrates a temperature sensor based on a fiber Bragg grating (FBG)

Fig.: Schematic for simulating the FBG-based temperature sensor

Parameter scan:

Fig.: Parameters scan dialog


Fig.: Noise Power as a function of temperature

3) ModeSYS

ModeSYS supports the design and simulation of multimode fiber optic systems. With a
primary focus on data communication applications, ModeSYS allows users to evaluate both
temporal and spatial attributes of optical signal propagation. ModeSYS can be used as a
standalone tool or combined with OptSim to form a comprehensive single-mode and
multimode optical communication system design suite.

 Automotive and data center interconnects
 Large-Core Step-Index (LC-SI) MMF links
 Gigabit Ethernet, e.g., 1GbE, 10GbE, 100GbE, 400GbE
 10GBASE- systems, e.g. SX, LX-4 and LRM
 Serial/WDM

 Multimode fiber model includes Helmholtz equation solver supporting arbitrary
index profile and index profile perturbations
 Mode coupling due to fiber imperfections such as microbends and geometric
irregularities is modelled
 Mode-propagation model supports modal dispersion and Differential Mode
Attenuation (DMA)
 Effects of material dispersion on group velocity are modeled
Project Examples:

Project1: Multimode Inputs to Multimode Fiber

a. multimode_compact

Fig.: Compact topology illustrating a multimode input to the fiber model

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Run dialog

Viewing Result:

Fig.: Laser output

Fig.: fiber output

b. multimode_wdm

Fig.: 20-mode simulation

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation Parameter dialog


Fig.: Five spatial modes for the VCSEL at 820 nm

Fig.: Five spatial modes for the VCSEL at 840 nm
Fig.: Five spatial modes for the VCSEL at 860 nm
Fig.: Five spatial modes for the VCSEL at 880 nm
(a) (b)

(b) (d)

Fig.: Total output of the 820 nm, 840 nm, 860 nm, and 880 nm VCSELs respectively
Fig.: Multimode fiber input

Fig.: Multimode fiber output

Fig.: Spatial fields at demultiplexer output
Project 2: Large core fiber- step index Fiber Design

a. Large core fiber- step index 1mm fiber

Fig.: Topology for simulating a 1-mm large-core step-index fiber

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation settings

(a) (b)
Fig.: Normalized (a) input, and (b) output pulses for 75-m fiber propagation, showing the
effects of intermodal dispersion

Fig.: Evolution of intensity versus interior angle for 75-m fiber propagation

Fig.: Evolution of EAF versus interior angle for 75-m fiber propagation
b. Large-Core Fiber-Connector-Fiber Simulation

AIM: To simulate 1-Gbps data transmission over two large-core step-index fibers

Fig.: Topology for simulating two 1-mm large-core step-index fibers joined by a connector

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setup

 Initially, lateral and longitudinal misalignments are set equal to 0.


Fig.: Received eye diagrams for connector lateral/longitudinal misalignments of 0 μm/0 μm

 In this case, the eye is open.

 Next, configure 500 μm of lateral misalignment and 1000 μm of

longitudinal misalignment by setting shift_lat_um = 500 and
shift_long_um = 1000

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setup


Fig.: Received eye diagrams for connector lateral/longitudinal misalignments of 500

μm/1000 μm

 In this case, the eye diagram after the receiver shows additional eye closure
and lower overall levels due to the power loss incurred by the connector.

 Finally, setting shift_lat_um = 750

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setup


Fig.: Received eye diagrams for connector lateral/longitudinal misalignments of 750

μm/1000 μm

 In this case, the receiver eye depicts significant eye closure.

Project 3: Mode coupling


Fig.: OptSim topology for comparing mode redistribution at a multimode fiber’s output
both with and without mode coupling
Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setup

Fig.: Radial output intensity profiles for a multimode fiber without mode coupling

Fig.: Radial output intensity profiles for a multimode fiber with mode coupling

Fig.: OptSim topology for comparing a multimode fiber’s pulse response under
different mode-coupling conditions

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation setup


Fig.: Comparison of the multimode fiber pulse responses under different mode-coupling

Project 4 (a): Study Differential Mode Delay Analysis

Fig.: DMD simulation topology

Performing Simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing Result:

Fig.: Source characteristics: time

Fig.: Source characteristics: space

DMD Simulation:

Fig.: Symbol table for DMD simulation

Fig.: Parameter scan dialog box


Fig.: DMD simulation results

Project 4 (b): Study Encircled Flux Analysis

Fig.: Topology for encircled flux simulation

Performing simulation:

Fig.: Symbol-table definition of radius variable


Fig.: Fiber output

Fig.: Encircled flux

Fig.: Average radial intensity

Fig.: Spatial Coupler Parameters

Fig.: Fiber output

Fig.: Encircled flux

Fig.: Average radial intensity

Fig.: VCSEL Spatial Parameters

Fig.: The four output modes of the VCSEL

Now, xoffset
and yoffset =

Fig.: Total VCSEL output

Fig.: Encircled flux

Fig.: Average radial intensity

4) Bidirectional Module

If a system design requires optical and/or electrical signals propagating in both directions,
OptSim alone is not enough, and Bidirectional Module for OptSim is required. Examples
include modeling reflections and resonances in a fiber-optic system, or a sensor system.

Project 1: Penalties due to Multipath Interference in FTTx Passive Optical


Fig.: Layout of the topology to study multipath interference effects

Fig.: Bidirectional connectors properties setting

Perfoming simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing Result:

Fig.: Received eye diagram for a weakly reflected signal

i.e. the case when return loss at bidirectional connectors is 50 dB
Fig.: Impact of MPI: Received eye diagrams for connector loss values of 10 dB

Fig.: Impact of MPI: Received eye diagrams for connector loss values of 3 dB

 As the connector loss is reduced, reflections become stronger and impact the
quality of the transmission.
 As evident from the eye diagrams, stronger are the reflections, worse is the
link performance
Project 2: Sagnac Effect and the Design of Interferometric Fiber-Optic
Gyroscope (iFoG)

Fig.: I-FOG layout using bidirectional Sagnac effect block

Perfoming simulation:

Fig.: Simulation dialog

Viewing Result:

Fig.: Sweep of I-FOG rotation rate

Fig.: Output of detection section showing sinusoidal


Fig.: Magnified portion of sinusoidal response showing signal modulation

Conclusion / Feedback

It was very good experience to work on various RSoft software tools due to
which my understanding of photonics components and their applications in
various systems has increased. I have gained hands-on experience in utilizing
advanced simulation tools for modeling, analyzing, and optimizing optical
devices and systems. Moreover, the exposure to cutting-edge technologies and
industry best practices has equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to
tackle complex challenges in the field of photonics.
I am pleased to submit my internship feedback report detailing my experience
at Fiber Optic Services.
My key take aways are:
 Technical Skills development
 Project Involvement
 Professional Growth

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my guide Miss Dishi Purohit and
the entire Fiber Optic Services team for their guidance and support throughout
my internship. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained will
serve me well in my future endeavours.

 Fiber optic services. (n.d.).

 Synopsys Photonic Solutions. (n.d.). solutions.html

 file:///E:/2023.03/RSoft/help/html/index.html#page/rsoftcad/index_rsoftcad.html

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