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(F) Salma Itzel Perez Rubio 222-Abraham-AlgebraVectorial

Assignment gradiente due 05/21/2023 at 11:59pm CDT

1. (1 point) Find the indicated partial derivatives of 6. (1 point) Suppose f (x, y) = xy , P = (0, −3) and v = 3i+1j.
f (x, y) = 9x3 y2 using the limit definition. The limits need to A. Find the gradient of f.
be reduced as much as possible before they are evaluated. ∇f = i+ j
Note: Your answers should be expressions of x and y; e.g. “3x -
f (x + h, y) − f (x, y) 4y”
fx (x, y) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 B. Find the gradient of f at the point P.
(∇ f ) (P) = i+ j
= . Note: Your answers should be numbers
C. Find the directional derivative of f at P in the direction of
f (x, y + h) − f (x, y) v.
fy (x, y) = lim = lim
h→0 h h→0 Du f =
! Note: Your answer should be a number
= . D. Find the maximum rate of change of f at P.

Note: Your answer should be a number

2. (1 point) E. Find the (unit) direction vector in which the maximum rate
Find all the first and second order partial derivatives of of change occurs at P.
f (x, y) = −3 sin(2x + y) − 10 cos(x − y). u= i+ j
A. ∂∂xf = fx = Note: Your answers should be numbers
B. ∂∂yf = fy =
∂2 f 7. (1 point) The temperature at a point (x, y, z) is given by
C. ∂x2
= fxx =
∂2 f
D. ∂y2 = fyy = 2 −2y2 −z2
T (x, y, z) = 1300e−x
∂2 f
E. ∂x∂y = fyx =
∂2 f
F. ∂y∂x = fxy = where T is measured in ◦ C and x, y, and z in meters.

3. (1 point) 1. Find the rate of change of the temperature at the point

The plane y = 1 intersects the surface z = x3 + 6xy − y3 in a P(2, −2, 2) in the direction toward the point Q(3, −4, 3).
Answer: D− → f (2, −2, 2) =
certain curve. Find the slope of the tangent line of this curve at PQ
the point P = (1, 1, 6). 2. In what direction does the temperature increase fastest at
m= P?
3. Find the maximum rate of increase at P.
4. (1 point) Answer:

Find the maximum rate of change of f (x, y) = ln(x2 + y2 ) at

the point (-4, 1) and the direction in which it occurs.
8. (1 point) Suppose that f (x, y, z) = x2 yz − xyz3 is a function
of three variables.
Maximum rate of change:
1. Find the gradient of f (x, y, z).
Direction (unit vector) in which it occurs: h ,
Answer: ∇ f (x, y, z) =
2. Evaluate the gradient at the point P(−1, 1, 1).
Answer: ∇ f (−1, 1, 1) =
5. (1 point)
3. Find the rate of change of f (x, y, z) at P in the direction of
Find the directional derivative of f (x, y, z) = z3 − x2 y at the the vector u = 0, 45 , − 35 .
point (4, -5, -2) in the direction of the vector v = h−3, 4, 4i. Answer: Du f (−1, 1, 1) =

• B. cannot be determined
9. (1 point) • C. is a local minimum
Use the contour diagram of f to decide if the specified • D. is a local maximum
directional derivative is positive, negative, or approxi- • E. None of the above
mately zero. 13. (1 point)
Find the critical point of the function f (x, y) = 8x − 4y2 −
? 1. At the point (1, 0) in the direction of − j,~ ln(|x + y|).

? 2. At the point (−1, 1) in the direction of (−~i − ~j)/ 2, c=
√ Use the Second Derivative Test to determine whether it is
? 3. ~ ~
At the point (0, −2) in the direction of (i − 2 j)/ 5,
• A. a saddle point
? 4. At the point (−2, 2) in the direction of ~i,
• B. a local maximum
? 5. At the point (0, 2) in the direction of ~j, • C. test fails

? 6. At the point (−1, 1) in the direction of (−~i + ~j)/ 2, • D. a local minimum

14. (1 point) Suppose z = x2 sin y, x = −2s2 + 4t 2 , y = 10st.

A. Use the chain rule to find ∂z ∂z
∂s and ∂t as functions of x, y, s
and t.

∂s =

∂z ∂z
B. Find the numerical values of ∂s and ∂t when (s,t) =
(−4, 4).
(Click graph to enlarge) ∂z
∂s (−4, 4) =
10. (1 point) ∂z
(−4, 4) =
Find the equation of the tangent plane to ∂t

z = ey + x + x 5 + 2 15. (1 point)
at the point (4, 0, 1031). Let f (x, y, z) = xy + z3 and x = s2t 3 , y = s2t 3 , and z = s3t 3 .
z= (a) Calculate the primary derivatives
11. (1 point) ∂x =
Consider the ellipsoid x2 + y2 + 5z2 = 50. Find all the points ∂y =
where the tangent plane to this ellipsoid is parallel to the plane ∂f
− (2x + y + 15z) = 0. (b) Calculate
∂s =
(If there are several points, separate them by commas.) ∂y
∂s =
12. (1 point) ∂z
∂s =
The function f has continuous second derivatives, and a critical (c) Use the Chain Rule to compute
point at (7, 6). ∂f
∂s =
Suppose fxx (7, 6) = 20, fxy (7, 6) = 10, fyy (7, 6) = 5. In (c) express your answer in terms of the independent variables
Then the point (7, 6): t, s
• A. is a saddle point

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