DSD - Technical Circular - 2 - 2014

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Ref : DSD T 1/50/32 29 January 2014 Drainage Services Department Technical Circular No. 2/2014 Handling and Managing ious and Emergency Incidents (This Circular should be brought to the attention of all staff. It should be seen by staff newly posted to the Department and be re-circulated every six months to all staff.) Introduction This Circular promulgates the departmental guidelines for handling and managing serious and emergency incidents related to the work of the Drainage Services Department (DSD). It replaces DSD Technical Circular (TC) No. 3/2010 —“Handling and Managing Serious and Emergency Incidents”. 2. This Circular should be read in conjunction with ETWB General Circular No. 2/2005 on Crisis Management and BTWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 20/2005 on upward reporting of major emergency incidents from Works Departments (WDs). é Ee This Circular shall take immediate effect. DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 1 of 10 Background 4. The occurrence of certain incidents of a serious and important nature may lead to death, serious injury, damage to properties, or arouse widespread media attention or public concem. It is therefore absolutely essential that, when a serious incident occurs in any location connected with the Department's activities or responsibilities, DSD Headquarters (DSD HQ) must be informed as, promptly as possible in order that the Department is able to: (a) take appropriate action(s) to deal with the incident; (6) monitor closely the development of the incident; (©) mobilise departmental resources and those of others, if necessary, to deal with the situation in order to avoid it being developed into a ctisis; (d) alert and liaise with DEVB and other concerned bureaux, departments or organisations so as to take appropriate follow up actions; (©) work with the Secretariat Press Office (SPO) of DEVB (and the SPO of ENB also if the incident is related to sewerage matters) to deal with media and public enquiries; and () brief senior government officials of the situation, Reporting Procedures for Serious Incidents eh A list of commonly encountered serious incidents in connection with DSD’s operations and responsibilities and the corresponding reporting procedures are given in Appendix I. The list in itself is not exhaustive but only serves to provide guidance for reporting serious incidents since unexpected DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 2 of 10 serious incidents could occur. 6. Detailed departmental procedures for handling and reporting certain types of serious incidents are already in existence and should be adhered to. These types of serious incidents and the reporting procedures are described in paragraphs I to V of Appendix I. Examples of other serious incidents are described in paragraph VI of the same appendix. 7. For all types of serious incidents including those described in Appendix I, the Engineer’s Representative of DSD works sites or the DSD staff who has first become aware of a serious incident shall, within 30 minutes, inform Chief Engineer! (CE) of the Division verbally and by e-mail. ‘The CE shall consider whether the incident warrants to be reported to DSD HQ. If so, he shall immediately inform his Assistant Director (AD), the Deputy Director (DD) and the Director of Drainage Services (D of DS) of the incident both verbally and by e-mail. Whenever there is doubt on the need of reporting an incident, the staff should always promptly refer the matter to CE of the Division who, if necessary, should consult his AD, DD or D of DS as appropriate. 8. ‘The CE shall also arrange for Technical Secretary 2° (T'$2) and the Chief Information Officer of SPO(DEV) (and SPO(EN) if sewerage matters are involved) to be informed and kept abreast of, by phone and e-mail, the development of the incident if it is likely to attract media attention, He shall liaise with his AD and TS2 on these matters. The AD should decide on the * Orthe next most senior officer involved with the work. 2 Or, in his absence, Enginecr/Public Relations (F/PR) or Community Relations Officers (CROs). DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 3 of 10 strategy for handling media enquiries including the person(s) to meet the media ‘TS2 shall assist the CE and AD to draw up any necessary publicity strategy and lines-to-take. In case the incident attracts great public or media attention, Questions and Answers (Q&As) should be prepared for answering enquiries. Reference should also be made to DSD Administration Circular No. 4/2009 for the guidance on media contacts. 9. After the initial verbal and e-mail report, the CE shall give a written report on the incident to DSD HQ oon as possible. ‘The written report should, as far as appropriate, include the following information: (a) time, location and a brief description of the incident; (6) the nature and magnitude of the incident; (©) _ the cause (if known) or the possible cause of the incident; (4) whether the media has arrived at the site of incident; (©) traffic impact: (8) public concern and political sensitivity; (g) _ effect on members of the publie or publie facilities; (h) remedial actions which have been/will be taken: (i) the expected time of completion of the remedial actions; and (any other relevant information. 10, Ifa serious incident involves or may relate to other departments, the CE. should promptly inform the concerned departments by phone and e-mail/fax. He should also include inputs from these departments when preparing the aforementioned written report. DSDTC No. 2/2014 - Page 4 of 10 11. For emergency incidents that affect traffic flow’, guidelines set out in Appendix II should be followed, In particular, the CE should take the first opportunity to alert Transport Department’s Emergency Transport Coordination Centre (BTCC), which is manned round the clock to receive reports on emergency traffic and transport incidents. 12. Inthe event that DSD assumes a supporting role in a serious incident, the CE should promptly provide the lead department’ with the necessary assistance and/or information so as to enable the lead department to deal with the situation. He should however maintain close communication with all interested parties and play a proactive role to alert his AD, DD and D of DS to any potential serious incident that will likely develop into a crisis. Classification of Major Emergency Incidents 13. Some serious incidents may have the potential to develop into major emergency incidents that lead to casualties or arouse great public or media interest. As these incidents may occur during or outside office hours, an upward reporting system has been devised to enhance the communication and handling of these incidents between DEVB (and ENB also if sewerage matters are involved) and DSD. In this reporting system, major emergency incidents are classified into the following two categories®: "WB TC(W) No, 20/2005 sets out thorough guidelines for handling emergency incidents with traffic * Appendix IIT contains guidelines for determining the lead department for a major emergency incident. 5 BTWB TC(W) No. 20/2005 classifies emergency incidents under two categories. DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 5 of 10 (a) Category 1 emergency incident - one which is itself a crisis when it occurs; and (b) Category 2 emergency incident - one which is not a crisis itself but will likely develop into a crisis. 14. A crisis usually has one or more of the following characteristics or consequential implications (a) widespread media interest, (6) _ overwhelming public concern and political sensitivity, (©) _ significant traffic impact, (@) serious effect on members of the public or public facilities (including the nced to evacuate a large number of building occupants), and/or (©) _ fatality’ 15. To determine whether an emergency incident is a crisis when it occurs or will likely develop into one, the CE” should adopt the following dual assessment approach: (a) Conduct a quick Technical Assessment on the emergency works to provide urgent relief in response to the emergency incident, He should take the initiative to li with relevant departments and evaluate the * Fatality caused by construction accidents shall be reported according to procedures laid: down in Construction Site Safety Manual. In case the accidents are likely to develop or have developed into crises, they should be reported as Category | or 2 emergency incidents as appropriate. ” The CE takes up the Co-ordinating Officer's role in ETWB TC(W) No. 20/2005 for conducting Technical and PR Impact Assessments and coordinating information among WDs. DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 6 of 10 scope of the emergency works, including the time for completion and resumption of traffic flow as appropriate. (b) In parallel, arrange and coordinate a Public Relations (PR) Impact Assessment. He should consult TS2 to analyse the level of media interest, public reactions as well as political sensitivity. Upward Reporting of Emergency Inciden 16. If, upon completion of the Technical and PR Impact Assessments, a serious incident is regarded as a Category 1 or Category 2 emergency incident, the CE should immediately alert DD to such situation, Whenever there is doubt on whether a serious incident is regarded as a Category 1 or Category 2 emergency incident, the CE should consult his AD, DD or D of DS for advice, DD shall examine the emergency incident in a holistic manner and alert the appropriate level of officials in DEVB (and ENB also if sewerage matters are involved)*. 17. After the initial verbal and e-mail report to alert DD, the CE. shall immediately prepare a draft Emergency Incident Report (using the proformas in Appendix IV for DD’s signature and upward reporting to DEVB (and ENB also if sewerage matters are involved)). He should also update DSD HQ of the latest development at 8:45 am and 3:45 pm each working day, or at 8:45 am only on Saturdays, in order to enable DD to update the DEVB (and ENB also if sewerage matters are involved) on progress accordingly. The update on * ETWB GC No, 2/2005 sets out the procedures for managing crises while ETWB TC(W) No. 20/2005 sets out the procedures for upward reporting of major emergency incidents from WDs. DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 7 of 10 progress shall continue until the incident has become stable and under control. More frequent reporting may be necessary depending on the sensitivity of the incidents. 18. Apart from serious or emergency incidents, there are occasions where some issues seem minor in nature at first but may later develop into crises and attract extensive media reports and public concern, ETWB General Circular No. 2/2005 sets out a formal crisis management structure” for handling and managing crises related to WDs. DD, as the Departmental Radar (DR) of DSD, is to identify such issues that may likely develop into crises. CEs and his staff? should develop the alertness to potential crises and alert DD to any of these occasions. 19. When such occasion ises, the CE shall in his judgment report to DD by phone and e-mail in the first instance the issue he considers likely to become a crisis as discussed in paragraph 14 of this Circular, DD will make an initial assessment of the issue, propose necessary actions and report any such issue to the relevant Incident Screening Committee’ (ISC) if necessary. Whenever there is doubt on whether an issue has the potential to develop into a crisis, the CE should consult his respective AD, DD or D of DS for advice. "WB General Circular No, 2/2005 sets out a three-level Crisis Management Structure comprising (1) Departmental Radars (DR), (2) Incident Sereening Committees (ISCs) and (3) Crisis Management Team (CMT). The CMT is supported by a Communications Team (CT) "© Incident Screening Committee is defined in ETWB General Circular No. 2/2008, DSDTC No. 2/2014 - Page 8 of 10 20. After initially informing DD of the issue, the CE should prepare a draft Crisis Report for DD’s signature using the report proformas in Appendix IV. The report will be submitted to the relevant ISC that provides an initial as sment of the issue including a brief summary, the reason for sensitivity, potential implications, proposed necessary and appropriate actions, and lin -to-take for responding to the media, ete, The ISC will screen these early warnings and report to the Crisis Management ‘Team (CMT) for further action if an issue is politically sensitive or requires a higher-level decision. ‘The CMT, convened on an ad hoc basi: will decide the appropriate strategy and trigger the necessary crisis management mechanism!’ as the situation warrants. Others 21. CEs should ensure that all relevant documents and circulars, as listed in Appendix V, regarding handling and managing of serious incidents and crises, and a list of relevant contact telephone numbers are kept in his office and the offices of each works site, sewage treatment facility, ete, ‘The information must be regularly updated and kept at a conspicuous place known to all staff. 22. For staff newly posted to the Division, the supervisor should draw the attention of the new staff to the procedures in dealing with emergencies and serious incidents. "For issues related to DSD, D of DS will be a member of the CMT. DD, as a member of the CT, will identify an on-site/front line expert spokesperson to handle publie¢media enquiries, ‘This spokesperson will work under his direction in responding to enquiries and will report to the CT any feedback and responses, DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 9 of 10 23. Enquiries on this Circular should be directed to TS2 (Tel. No. 2594 7065). (CHAN Chi-chiu ) Director of Drainage Services DSDTC No. 2/2014 Page 10 of 10 Appendix I ‘Types of Serious Incidents or Issues to be Reported to Headquarters and the Corresponding Reporting Procedures Detailed procedures for handling and reporting certain types of serious incidents are already in existence and should be adhered to, as noted in paragraphs I to V below: L 1a Serious accidents in DSD works sites where: (i) anaccident has led to death, serious injury or damage; (ii) it will arouse public interest/concern in view of the damage ot inconvenience that has been caused or its potential harm to workers and/or the public; (iii) it has created a drawn-out situation which may lead to fatality or multiple injuries; or (iv) the media has arrived on site or has telephoned to ask for information concerning the accident. contained in DSD ‘Technical jous Accident on Drainage The reporting procedures should follow thos Circular No. 5/2006 — “Reporting of S« Services Department Works Sites”. Accidents resulting in death and/or serious injury of DSD staff while on duty: The reporting procedures should follow those contained in DSD Circular Memorandum No. 9/97 — “Accidents resulting in Death and/or Injury of DSD Staff While On Duty”. For accidents occurring in works site and causing death and/or injury of DSD staff, the reporting procedures stated in paragraph I above is also applicable. DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix T Page | of 5 IIL. Incidents encountered in DSD sewage treatment facilities with a potential of generating a significant environmental nuisance, due to: (i) power failure, Gi) fires Gi) abnormal influents; (iv) sewage overflow/leakage/by-pass; (¥) chemical spillage; (vi) damage/blockage of submarine outfalls or sewage transfer tunnels; or (vii) non-compliance with the Environmental Protection Department's discharge standards, The reporting procedures should follow those contained in the “Contingency Plan for Incidents Possibly Encountered in Sewage Treatment Facilities having a Potential of Generating an Environmental Nuisance” compiled by E&M Branch of DSD. IV. Major flooding incidents which satisfy any one of the following conditions: (i) pose threat to life, e.g. flooding of depth exceeding 0.7 metres in urban areas or in villages, floodwater running down steep roads, flooding to basement of commercial premises or subway; (ii) have caused or have potential to cause significant damage or loss to properties, e.g. flooding to basements, Mass Transit Railway (MTR) stations or large number of shops, disruption of main commercial activities; DSDTC No, 22014 ‘Appendix | Page 2.05 (iii) have caused or have potential to cause serious traffic congestion on major roads (district distributors, primary distributors and trunk roads, including red and pink routes); (iv) have been widely reported by the media (television or radio); (v) have caused serious disruption to pedestrian movement or blockage of essential access, e.g. disruption of access to transport terminus or MTR stations; or (vi) have floodwater discharging/running onto slopes which may cause instability with consequential threat to life or property. The reporting procedures should follow the guidelines set out in the Handbook on Emergency & Storm Damage Organization and the Flood Monitoring and Reporting System Operation Manual as well as the prevailing arrangements of the “Rainstorm Incidents Management under Drainage Management Information System” “* ?, V. Major complaints (through media/referrals from others) relating to policy, standard of service and management matters on drainage works: When a complaint involving sensitive issues or carrying policy implications is received by a Division, the concemed CE. should immediately inform the respective AD and TS2. In all cases, the procedures for handling complaints from the public given in DSD ‘Administration Circular No. 4/2010 and those for working with the media given in DSD Administration Circular No. 4/2009 should be followed. Serious incidents (that do not fall within the types in paragraphs I to V above) as listed below: (i) serious environmental nuisance (e.g. sewage overflow/bypass. in places where it may affect a considerable number of people and O60 Prevailing arrangements on the report procedures of Rainstorm Inscidents Management under Drainage Management Information System are provided in the user manual of System and the Particular Specification of tho maintenance term contracts, DSDTC No. 22014 “Appendix T Page 3 of 5 di) (7) (wi) (vii). protest (viii) serious mis (ix) &) (xi) cannot be relieved immediately, or cause a significant deterioration of water quality that renders a gazetted beach unsuitable for swimming or damage to natural watercourses of ecological importance, etc.); matters that may attract media/public attention such as illegal labour on site, unauthorized use of a DSD works site, major contractual/labour dispute, disposal of construction and demolition waste to unauthorized locations, improper handling of contaminated mud, fire in tunnels, ete,; Discovery of dangerous materials or unidentified objects in DSD works sites, sewage treatment works or other facilities; potential damage to properties due to construction activities (e.g. settlement of structures, ete.); loss of important site records; burglary/theft causing loss of important property; riots, strikes or labour disputes; ‘onduct of DSD staff, serious misconduct of a contractor/consultants; serious incidents of unauthorized tree removal or damage of trees that have attracted media attention as mentioned in Para, 43 of ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 3/2006 — “Tree Preservation”; or tree failure cases when there is loss of human life or major injury (where the injured is admitted or is to be admitted to a hospital), the Tree Management Office (TMO) of DEVB should be informed immediately, The contact details of TMO are given in the DEVB(GLTM)'s memo of 19.4.2013. DSDTC No. 2/2014 “Appendix 1 Page 4 of 5 ‘The reporting procedures should follow those given in paragraphs 7 to 12 of this Circular. DSDTC No. 2/2014 “Appendix T Page 5 of 5 Appendix If Introduction In Hong Kong, there are limited road spaces and significant number of public transport riders. Any disturbance of traffic on road would result in inconvenience to the public. ‘The Government is committed to providing efficient and effective response to incidents affecting traffic to reduce inconvenience to the public as much as possible. Scope ii The guidelines are for handling flooding and other incidents affecting traffic, ‘Types of Emergency Inci Affecting Tra! iii ‘There are different types of emergencies arising from natural disasters, blockages on roads due to traffic accident, bursting of watermain, fallen objects, road subsidence, protest actions, etc. Typical cases related to DSD are flooding on roads, water overflowing onto steep roads, collapse of drainage pipes leading to road subsidence, accidents on construction sites affecting roads nearby, bursting of rising mains affecting traffic, etc. ‘Appendix Ir Page 1 of 6 Notification to Transport Department iv Whenever there is an emergency incident affecting traffic in which DSD js involved, relevant staff of DSD who note such an incident should notify Transport Department (TD) via their Transport Department First Contact, Point (TDFCP) (Tel. No. 2410 0066 / 2410 0193). Depending on the situation, concerned CTO/DLF, SE, CE, TS2 and DSD Co-ordinator should be informed of the incident. Actions to be taken “during office hours” and “outside office hours” are shown separately in the charts attached in Annex A. For the purpose of this Circular, office hours are defined as 09:00 — 17:00 on weekdays. Some guidelines on the assessment of traffic impacts are included in Annex B. It should be noted that if the incident is serious, the concerned CE has to report to the DSD HQ at once according to paragraphs 7 to 9 of this Circular. Notification from Transport Department v During an emergency incident, the Police at the scene is responsible for protecting life and property, on-site immediate traffic and crowd control, and arranging for diversion and removal of obstructions with a view to ensuring smooth traffic flow. TD assumes a co-ordinating and monitoring role during the incident, in particular in developing a longer-term traffic diversion plan and disseminating information, In order that all concerned departments can provide appropriate and efficient responses to emergency traffic incidents, the Police or TD will contact relevant departments for them to DSDTC No. 22014 ‘Appendix Il Page 2 of 6 mobilize their resources to handle the incident in cooperation with the Police and TD. DSD Co-ordinator, with his On-Call telephone number 8100 2279 and ESDO Duty Pager 7110 3382 a/c 2301, is the 24 hours contact point of DSD. Staff to Attend Emergency Incident vi Upon notification from the Police or T! , DSD Co-ordinator shall arrange the appropriate DSD staff to attend the emergency incident site at once. During office hours, DSD Co-ordinator shall inform the concerned district SE. The district SE shall arrange staff of the District Divisions with assistance from the Direct Labour Force (DLF) and concerned staff from other branches (e.g. an incident related to a construction site of a project office) to attend the incident, Outside office hours, ESDO staff, such as DO, and concerned staff from other branches should attend the incident. If the situation warrants, the district SE or DSD Co-ordinator should also attend the incident site. Pledged Arrival Time vii Upon notification, DSD staff should arrive at the emergency incident site as soon as possible. DSD has pledged to arrive at the site as follows: a. During Office Hours: - [hour for urban area and new towns - 2 hours for remaining NT and Lantau Island - 3 hours for outlying islands except Lantau Island DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix 1 Page 3 of 6 b. Outside Office Hours: ~ 2 hours for urban area and new towns - 3 hours for remaining NT and Lantau Island - 4 hours for outlying islands except Lantau Island The concemed staff should inform TDFCP of the expected arrival time to the incident site as far as practicable. If the concerned staff cannot reach the incident site within the above pledged time, he should report to his senior and to see if special escort from the Police can be arranged (Police HQCCC Tel. No. 3472 7100). ation of the Incident viii ‘The DSD staff on site should verify the type, nature and extent of the incident on site. TDFCP should be informed whether DSD is involved in the incident or not. Actions by DSD on Site ix DSD is responsible for clearing and repairing blocked or damaged public foul sewers and stormwater drains, including engineered sections of open channels, and major stream courses, and for ensuring the satisfactory operation of sewage treatment and flood prevention works. DSD should work concertedly with other departments to expedite the recovery actions to enable transport system to resume its normal operation to reduce inconvenience to the DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix TI Page 4 of 6 public with a target to re-open all or part of the closed traffic lanes before the peak traffic periods (i.e. 06:00 to 09:00 and 17:00 to 20:00 on weekdays). x On arrival at site, the DSD staff should make an immediate contact with the Police commander on site. DSD staff should use his best endeavour to make an estimate of the total time required to complete the remedial works, and inform the Police commander on site and TDECP. Some considerations of the estimated time required are included in Annex C. The DSD staff should closely monitor the progress of the remedial works and report to the DSD Co-ordinator. If the DSD staff is in doubt on the actions to be taken, he should contact his SE and DSD Co-ordinator for timely assistance. Whenever the estimated time for the remedial works has to be changed, DSD staff should immediately alert the Police commander on site and TDFCP. If the remedial works are forecasted not being able to be completed before the peak traffic periods, temporary measures such as temporary resurfacing and decking over the carriageways by steel plates should be considered to enable the re-opening of one or more traffie lanes before the peak traffic periods without compromising safety. Dissemination of Inform: xi In general, TD will be responsible for dissemination of traffic and transport information to the public. DSD staff should inform TDFCP the DSDTCNo. 2/2014 ‘Appendix Ir Page 5 of 6 cause of the incident, remedial measures and means, estimated recovery time, ete. If DSD is to be involved in any media enquiry or press briefing of the incident, the district SE, DSD Co-ordinator and TS2 should be informed immediately. Safety xii Safety of DSD staff, contractor staff of DSD and other road users is the most important factor in designing and executing the remedial works. During inclement weather, the remedial works may have to be slowed down or temporarily suspended if safety is at stake. DSDTCNo. 2/2014 ‘Appendix I Page 6 of 6 Annex A Action Chart for Emergency Incident Affecting Traffic - During Office Hours ‘An incident noted by site staff (including in-house and. resident site staff of O&M, P&D,SS, E&M Branches ) that may affect traffic. Site staff shall inform respective SE. An incident noted by Hotline staff/DLF that may affect, ‘traffic, Hotline staff shall inform respective CTO/DLF. (CTO/DLF/HK&I for cases in HK&ID) (CTO/DLFIMS for cases in MSD and MND) ECC is activated. ESDO staff taking ‘complaint calls shall perform the role of the Hotline staff similarly. ¥ ¥ Does concemed SE agree that TD has to be notified of the incident? Ifhe does, he shall inform TDFCP, TS2 and DSD Co-ordinator. Does CTO/DLF agree that TD has to be notified of the incident? If he does, he shall inform TDFCP, the concemed district SE, TS2 and DSD Co-ordinator. x ¥ Does concerned SE consider the incident is serious? If he does, he shall inform his respective CE. Does concemed district SE consider the incident is serious and need to inform the concerned CE? Ife does, he shall inform the concerned CE. ‘An incident affecting trafic is reported to DSD Co-ordinator (e.g. from other ‘government offices). Does DSD Co-ordinator consider that TDFCP has to be notified? If he does, he shall notify TDFCP, TS2 and concerned district SE. Notes: In case typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted, please refer to the action chart for outside office hours. ¥ Concerned CE shall follow up the incident according to paragraphs 7 to 9 of this Circular. a. TDFCP means "Transport Department First Contact Point" (Tel. No. 2410 0066 / 2410 0193). b, TS2 can be contacted at 2594 7065 or 9138 8265, and DSD Co-ordinator can be contacted at 8100 2279. c. In case the mentioned officer cannot be contacted, please contact his deputy or his senior. 4 e Some examples of incident that TDFCP should normally be notified are shown in Annex B. DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix II Page | of 2 Annex A Action Chart for Emergency Incident Affecting Traffic - Outside Office Hours ‘An incident noted by Hotline staff/DLF that may affect traffic. Hotline staff shall inform regional SDO* ‘An incident noted by site staff (including in-house and resident site staff of O&M, P&D,SS, E&M Branches } that may affect traffic, Site staff shall inform respective SE. ¥ ECC is activated. ESDO staff taking ‘complaint calls shall perform the role of the Hotline staff similarly. + ‘Does SDO# agree that TD has to be notified of the incident? If he does, he shall inform TDECP, TS? and Does concemed SE agree that TD has to be notified of the incident? If he does, he shall inform TDFCP, TS2 and DSD Co-ordinator. DSD Co-ordinator. ‘Does DSD Co-ordinator consider the incident is serious? fhe does, he shall inform his concerned CE. Lk ¥ x Does concerned SE consider the incident is serious? Ife does, he shall inform his respective CE. Concerned CE shall follow up the incident according to paragraphs 7 to 9 of this Circular. Notes: Some exampl spaege ‘TDFCP means "Transport Department First Contact Point" (Tel. No. 2410 0066 / 2410 0193). TS2 can be contacted at 2594 7065 or 9138 8265, and DSD Co-ordinator can be contacted at 8100 2279. In case an officer mentioned in the chart cannot be contacted, please contact his deputy or his senior. In case typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted, please refer to the action chart for outside office hours. of incident that TDFCP should normally be notified are shown in Annex B. In case ECC is activated, the regional SDO shall inform TDFCP and TS2. ‘The SDO shall make his decision without waiting for a detailed site inspection report from DO(NG) / DO / HS(W). ‘An incident affecting traffic is reported to DSD Co-ordinator (e.g. from other government offices). Does DSD Co-ordinator consider that TDECP has to be notified? If he does, he shall notify TDFCP and TS2. DSDTC No. 2/2014 “Appendix II Page 2 of 2 Annex B idelines on Assessment of Traffic Impacts In assessing the traffic impacts of an incident to see if TD has to be notified, the following should be considered: In making the ass doubt, whether the incident occurs on major routes, such as red or pink routes or sensitive routes (ie, roads without alternative access). whether railways are affected the number of traffic lanes affected the estimated time of road closure whether peak traffic periods are involved the observed queue length on site whether bus stops are affected ssment, staff should always seek assistance from his senior if in TD should normally be notified under the following circumstances: any incident affecting traffic flow at red or pink routes or sensitive routes. any incident affecting railway and bus services. any incident on the urban area affecting more than one traffic lanes during the peak traffic periods. traffic queue is greater than 500 m. DSDTC No. 2/2014 Appendix IT Page I of | Annex C In estimating the recovery time required for the remedial works, the following should be considered: L Flooding Incidents Time Required Consideration Causes of flooding and its remedial works required. Depends on different situations, Prevailing and forecasted weather conditions (rainfall and tide level) A longer time is required for persistent adverse weather. Time to mobilize the DLF / contractor. 1h Non-flooding Road Incidents | term-contractor with standard plants is L within 2 hours. The pledge for mobilizing the Consideration | Time to mobilize the DLF / contractor. _ ‘Time Required The pledge for mobilizing the term-contractor with standard plants is within 2 hours Time to obtain utility information, The pledge for obtaining utility records from members of the Joint Utility Policy Group is within 2 hours. Size, depth and type of drains involved. ‘A longer time is required for a larger size drain / at a deeper location. | Method of remedial works (e.g. sheet piling or lining needed 2) Information from contractor should be obtained for the time to mobilize the plants and material. Availability of suitable plants and repair material. | Pavement type or bituminous ’).. (concrete Depends on different situations. Information from contractor should be obtained. The minimum curing time of the pavement should be considered. If possible, temporary reinstatement should be considered. | plants and material. Information from contractor should be obtained for the time to mobilize the DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix I Page | of | Appendix IIT Broad Guidelines for Determination of the Lead Department for Major Emergency Incidents ‘Types of Examples Lead Department ‘emergency | problems ‘Water supply | Bursting and leakage of water mains and | WSD infrastructure | hydrants; erosion of catchwaters, aprons and dams in water gathering grounds, Slopes Rock falls; landslides; instability and erosion of | WDs as defined in retaining walls, buttress and masonry. WBTC 26/99 with advice from CEDD (GEO)™*? Drainage Flooding; blockage of stormwater drainage | DSD systems; overland flow, Roads Fallen trees; damage to pavement, bridges, | HyD footbridges, road furniture, crash and noise barriers, Government | Damaged tiles, glass panels, windows, curtain | ArchSD buildings (except | walls or external facade; collapse of gondolas, public housing) | balconies, walls and partitions, scaffolding and working platforms. (6 For major emergency incidents involving slopes under the purview of LandsD, CEDD will be responsible for reporting the incidents to Works Branch of DEVB upon notification from LandsD. DSDTC No. 22014 “Appendix IIT Page 1 of 1 Appendix IV Proforma for Reporting Emergency Incidents which ARE NOT related to Sewerage Matters CONFIDENTIAL, Development Bureau (Works Branch) Category 1/2* Emergency Incident / Crisis* Report Flooding/Other Issue* (title of incident From: 7 To: DS(W)I, (Name) (Designation) PAS(W)I, and SPO(DEY), DEVB. Tek: 7 / Fax No. 2536 9732, (Office)(Mobile)(Home) | or Lotus 2810 8502 & Notes 2537 9672, Address: | &DEVB/DS[W]1 &DEVB/PAS[W]I &DEVB/SPO[DEV] | Date: [Time: Priority: _| Very High/High/Medium* Ref | DSD CRC 1/90/801/5 Sensiti Very High/High/Medium* (A) Technical Assessment 1, The Incident (Crisis/ Potential crisis*) (Please include date, time, location with district, cause.) 2, Nature and Magnitude of Incident ( Crisis/ Potential crisis*) 3. Characteristics or Consequential Implications (Please include the following: () media interest, (ii) public concern & political sensitivity (iti) traffic impact, (iv) effect on members of the publie/public facilities and (v) fatality) 4, Actions Being Taken (Please include the following: (i) whether ETCC has been consulted before commencement of works; and (ii) those actions by ETCC, as appropriate.) DSDTC No. 22014 ‘Appendix IV Page I of 4 5. Expected Completion Time (Please include the time for resumption of traffic flow.) (B) PR Impact Assessment 6. Reasons of Sensitivity)" Yes/No/To be assessed* 7. Potential Implications and Proposed Actions 8. Suggested Line-to-take in Chinese (to be prepared in collaboration with TS2, if required) (©) Subject Officer of this Incident Nam Title: Contact No.: (Office) (Mobile) (Home) ¢ ) Deputy Director of Drainage Services ce. Fax No. psw 2523 5327 Ds(w)2 2536 9299 AA/SDEV 2147 3691 Press Secretary (DEV) 2147 3691 AS(WP)4 2524 9308 Internal: DofDs AD/ CE/ TS2 * Please delete as appropriate. (60 ‘These may include but not limited to the followings: (i) media interest, (ii) public concern & political sensitivity, (i) traffic impact, (iv) effect on members of the publie/public facilities, and (v) fatality. ‘DSDTC No. 22014 “Appendix IV Page 2 of 4 Appendix IV. Proforma for Reporting Emergency Incidents which ARE related to Sewerage Matters CONFIDENTIAL Environment Bureau Category 1/2* Emergency Incident / Crisis* Report (title of incident, From: 7 To: DDEP(), (Name) Designation) | SPO(EN), ENB Tel: 7 / 2832 9400, (Office)(Mobile)(Home) 2836 0600 &EPD/DDEP[1] &EPD/PIO | Date: Time: Priori Very High/Hligh/Medium* Ref [DSD CRC 1/90/801/5 Sensitivity: | Very High/High/Medium* (A) Technical Assessment 4. ‘The Incident (Crisis/ Potential crisis*) (Please include date, time, location with district, cause.) Nature and Magnitude of Incident ( Crisis/ Potential erisis* Characteristics or Consequential Implications (Please include the following. (media interest, (ii) public concern & political sensitivity, (iii) traffic impact, (iv) effect on members of the public/public facilities and () fatality) Actions Being Taken (Please include the following. () whether ETCC has been consulted before commencement of works; and (ii) those actions by ETCC, as appropriate.) Expected Completion Time (Please include the time for resumption of traffic flow.) ‘DSDTC Ne 22014 ‘Appendix IV Page dof 4 (B) PR Impact Assessment 6. Reasons of Sensitivity)" Yes/No/To be assessed* 7. Potential Implications and Proposed Actions 8. Suggested Line-to-take in Chinese (to be prepared in collaboration with TS2, if required) (C) Subject Officer of this Incident Name: Title: Contact No.: (Office) (Mobile) (Home) ( ) Deputy Director of Drainage Services ce, Fax No. PsW 2523 5327 Ds(w)! 2536 9732 pscw)2 2536 9299 PAS(W)1 2801 5034 AAISDEV 2147 3691 Press Secretary (DEV) 2147 3691 SPO(DEV) 2537 9672 AS(WP)4 2524 9308 Internal: DofDS AD/ CEI ‘Ts2 * Please delote as appropriate (sD These may iilude but not limited to the followings: (2) media interest, (ji) public concern & politiea sensitivity, i traffic impact, iv} effect on members ofthe publie/public facilites, and (¥) fatality. DSDTC No. 2/2014 ‘Appendix IV Page 4 of 4 10. Mu. 12, List of Relevant Handbooks & Circulars DSD Administration Circular No. 4/2010 — “Procedures for Handling Complaints from the Public”. DSD Circular Memorandum No. 9/97 ~ “Accidents Resulting in Death and/or Injury of DSD Staff While on Duty”. DSD Technical Circular No. 5/2006 ~ “Reporting of Serious Accident on Drainage Services Department Works Sites”. DSD Administration Circular No. 4/2009 ~ “Guidance on Media Contacts”. “Handbook on Emergency & Storm Damage Organization” prepared by Land Drainage Division, DSD. “Contingency Plan for Incidents Possibly Encountered in Sewage Treatment Facilities having a Potential of Generating an Environmental Nuisance” and “Typhoon and Rainstorm Emergency Operation Procedures” compiled by E&M Branch, DSD. each Pollution Response Plan” prepared by the Environmental Protection Department. DEYB’s memo ref, DEVB(GLIM) 203/2/l ~ “Direct Report of Tree Failure Incidents to the Tree Management Office of the Development Bureau” dated 19 April 2013, “Flood Monitoring and Reporting System Operation Manual” prepared by O&M. Branch, DSD. ETWB General Circular No. 2/2005 ~ “Crisis Management”. ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 20/2005 ~ “Upward Reporting of Major Emergency Incidents from Works Departments”, ETWB Technical sireular (Works) No. 3/2006 ~ “Tree Preservation”, DSDTC No. 2/2014 “Appendix V Page lof |

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