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a. Application of New Certificate Upon Expiration of Redemption

Period – Sec. 75, PD 1529
b. Application for the Registration of Land – Sec. 14, PD 1529
c. Cancellation of Encumbrance
d. Cancellation of Encumbrance under Sec. 7 of RA No. 26
e. Multiple Causes of Action – LRC Case Excluding Registration of Land
with Other Causes of Action (Cadastral Only)
f. Multiple Causes of Action – Registration of the Land with Other
Causes of Action (Cadastral Only)
g. Petition for Amendment and Alteration of Certificates – Sec. 108, PD
h. Petition for Amendment of Alteration of Certificates – Sec. 108, PD
SUPPLEMENTAL i. Petition for Approval of Sale of Any Street, Passageway, Waterway,
or Open Space under Sec. 50, PD 1529
PLEADINGS AND Cadastral and Land Registration j. Petition for Cancellation of Adverse Claim – Sec. 70, PD 1529
ANSWERS Cases k. Petition for Issuance of Decree or Cancellation of the Old Decree,
Re-issuance of OCT Pursuant to that Re-Issued Decree – Sec. 39, PD
No. 1526
l. Petition for Issuance of Writ of Possession in Extrajudicial
Foreclosure of Mortgages
m. Petition for Registration represented by Solicitor General for Public
Interest – Sec. 36, PD 1529
n. Petition for Review of the Decree of Registration – Sec. 32, PD 1529
o. Petition for the Surrender of Duplicate Certificate – Sec. 79 & 107,
PD 1529
p. Reconstitution of Certificate of Title pursuant to RA 26 – Sec. 119
q. Replacement of Lost Duplicate Certificate or Issuance of a New
Duplicate Certificate – Sec. 109, PD 1529
r. Succeeding LRC Case (Excluding Registration of Lot) without STF Due
to Motion to Consolidate

a. Admiralty Cases
b. Civil Actions where the Value of the Subject Matter Involved, or
Amount of the Demand, inclusive of Interests, Penalties, Surcharges,
Damages of Whatever Kind, Attorney’s Fees, Litigation Expenses and
c. Claims for Damages with or without Provisional Remedies
d. Collection of Sum of Money
e. Collection of Sum of Money and Replevin with Provisional Remedies
FILE CASE, (i.e. TRO, WPI or Attachment)
f. Collection of Sum of Money or Replevin
SUPPLEMENTAL g. Collection of Sum of Money
PLEADINGS AND h. Collection of Sum of Money or Recovery of Possession/Replevin
Civil Cases i. Collection of Sum of Money or Replevin
ANSWERS j. Collection of Sum of Money with Replevin and Other Professional
k. Collection of Sum of Money with Replevin
l. Consignation Case
m. Incapable of Pecuniary Estimation (No Money Claim)
n. Incapable of Pecuniary Estimation With or Without Damages/
Provisional Remedies
o. Multiple Causes of Action – Money Claims with Damages and
Incapable of Pecuniary Estimation Actions, with or without
Provisional Remedy
p. Multiple Causes of Action – Real Action with Damages and Incapable
of Pecuniary Estimation Actions, with or without Provisional
q. Multiple Causes of Action - Specific performance with Damages
With or Without Consignation and Provisional Remedies
r. Other Actions Not Involving Property
s. Permissive Counterclaim/Cross-Claim/Complaint in
Intervention/Third Party Complaint/Fourth Party Complaint, etc.
t. Real Actions/ Accion Reinvindicatoria /Accion Publiciana /Recovery
of Possession
u. Real Actions/ Accion Reinvindicatoria/ Accion Publiciana/ Recovery
of Possession with or without Provisional Remedies, i.e. TRO, WPI or
Civil Cases Attachment
v. Replevin with or Without Damages
w. Replevin with or without Damages, with or without Provisional
Remedies (i.e. TRO, WPI, or Attachment)
x. Revival of Judgment - New Cause of Action is Capable of Pecuniary
FILE CASE, y. Revival of Judgment - New Cause of Action is Incapable of Pecuniary
PLEADINGS AND a. Claims Against the Asset of Closed Banks - Sec. 2. Rules 5 of Rules on
ANSWERS Liquidation of Closed Banks
b. Intellectual Proper Rights Cases
c. Other Commercial or Corporate Cases Not Involving Property and
d. Other Commercial or Corporate Cases with Damages and Other
e. Petitions for Assistance in the Liquidation of Closed Banks - Sec. 3
Commercial or Corporate Cases Rules 4 of Rules on Liquidation of Closed Banks
f. Petitions for Corporate Rehabilitation
g. Petition for Court Assistance to Execute or Implement or Annul the
Standstill Agreement or Out of Court Restructuring Agreement
h. Petitions for Liquidation of Insolvent Juridical and Individual Debtors
or Suspension of Payments of Insolvent Individual Debtors
i. Petitions for Liquidation of Solvent Juridical Debtors
a. Criminal Actions with Mediation Fee only
b. Criminal Action with Civil Action with or without Attachment
Criminal Cases c. Estafa Cases under Art. 315 (1), 316, and RA 10175 (Cybercrime)
d. Estafa Cases under Art. 315 (2) and 315 (3)

a. Complaint for Enforcement or Violations of Environment and Other

Related Laws
Environmental Cases b. Environment Cases Not Involving Claims or Damages (as Other
FILE CASE, Action)
a. Acknowledgement or Recognition
PLEADINGS AND b. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
c. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
Separation No Property Involved
d. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
Separation with Custody of Minors and Separation of Property
e. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
Separation with Custody of Minors (NO PROPERTY OR MONEY
Family Court Cases INVOLVED)
f. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
Separation with Custody of Minors, Support and Separation of
g. Annulment of Marriage, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage or Legal
Separation with Support and Separation of Property
h. Application for Protection Order With Immediate Necessity in
relation to RA 9262 WITHOUT Money Involved
i. Application for Protection Order Without Immediate Necessity in
relation to RA 9262 with Claims for Damages
j. Custody of Minors
k. Custody of Minors and Support
l. Custody of Minors with Restoration of Parental Authority or
Declaration of Paternity and Filiation of Minor
m. Other Proceedings under the Family Code not Involving Property
n. Petition for Declaration of Status of Children as Abandoned,
Dependent or Neglected Children
Family Court Cases o. Petitions for Dissolution of Conjugal Partnership of Gains
p. Petitions for Guardianship Involving Property
q. Petitions for the Suspension, Termination or Restoration of Parental
r. Petitions for Voluntary or involuntary Commitment of Children
s. Support
FILE CASE, t. Voluntary Recognition of Minor and Correction of Birth Certificate
Others a. Lien on the Judgment – Sec. 7a or Sec. 8a
PLEADINGS AND b. Payment of Deficiency for Filing a Case
a. Contempt Proceedings
b. Expropriation Case Filed by the Government Agency or
c. Expropriation Case filed by Private Individual/ Corporation, GOCC, &
d. Interpleader
Special Civil Actions e. Judicial Foreclosures
f. Other Declaratory Relief and Similar Remedies
g. Other Special Civil Actions no Involving
Property/Damage/Provisional Remedies
h. Partition of Real Estate and/or Personal Property
j. Quieting of Title
k. Consignation Case
l. Quo Warranto

a. ADR - Any other ADR Proceedings, including Application for Interim

Relief, as Authorized under the Special Rules of Court on Alternative
Dispute Resolution
b. ADR Deposit Fee for Mediated Settlement Agreements under the
Special Rules of Court on Alternative Dispute Resolution
c. ADR - Petition Seeking to Enforce Foreign Arbitral Awards under the
New York Convention in the Philippines and All Other Related
Actions not Involving Property
FILE CASE, d. ADR - Petitions or Counter-Petitions to Confirm or Enforce, Vacate
or Set Aside Arbitral Award or for the Enforcement of a Mediated
SUPPLEMENTAL Settlement Agreement Pursuant to Special Rules of Court on
PLEADINGS AND Alternative Dispute Resolution
Special Proceedings e. Allowance/Probate of Wills, Granting Letters of Administration,
ANSWERS Appointment of Guardians, Trustees, Settlement of Estates, and
Other Special Proceedings Involving Property
f. Appointment of Guardians/Trustees Without Property Involved
g. Compulsory Confinement of a Drug Dependent under Section 61 of
the Comprehensive Dangerous Acts of 2002
h. Election Protest or Counter-Protest Involving Municipal Officials
i. Multiple Causes of Action - Special Proceedings not involving
property, amount involved or provisional remedy
j. Naturalizations and Other Modes of Acquiring Citizenship
k. Other Special Proceedings Not Concerning Property
l. Petition for Bail Before the Filing of the Information
m. Petition for Bail Before the Filing of the Information without
Summons Fee and STF but with Posting of Bail
n. Petition for Bail Before the Filing of the Information without
Summons Fee and STF but with Posting of Bail
o. Petition for Bail Before the Filing of the Information without
Summons Fee, STF and Cash Bail Bond
p. Petition for Constitution of Family Home
q. Petition for Correction of Entry in the Birth Certificate/Change of
r. Petition for issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus
s. Petition for Quo Warranto Against an Elective Municipal Officials
FILE CASE, t. Petition for Recognition of Foreign Judgment Involving Property
u. Petition for Recognition of Foreign Judgment Not Involving Property
SUPPLEMENTAL v. Petition for Bail Before the Filing of the Information without
PLEADINGS AND Special Proceedings Summons Fee and ST but with Posting of Bail
ANSWERS w. Petition for Recognition of Foreign Judgment Involving Property
x. Petition for Recognition of Foreign Judgment Not Involving Property
y. Petition for Relief from Judgments, Orders, and Other Proceedings
with Preliminary Injunction
z. Real Property Taxes
aa.Voluntary Confinement of a Drug Dependent under under Article
VIII Sec 54 of RA 9165 filed by DDB or its Author
bb. Writ of Amparo
cc. Writ of Continuing Mandamus
dd. Writ of Kalikasan

1. Accreditation of Newspapers and Periodicals - Sec. 21 (f)

2. Appeal Fee for Accused Appellant - Sec. 7 (L)
FILING OF 3. Appeal Fee for Municipal Election Contests - Sec. 9, AM No. 10-4-1
4. Appeal Fee- Sec. 7 (L)
MOTIONS, OR 5. Certificate of Sale (Sec. 21 (d)) and Commission on Highest Bid
REQUESTS Amount (Sec. 10 (L)))
6. Certificate of Fee (Sec. 7 (n)) with Certifying of Document Fee (Sec.
7. Certification under Rule 1380-A, LAW STUDENT PRACTICE
8. Clearance and Certification Fee - Sec. 7 (n)
9. Commission as Notary Public - Sec. 7 (i)
10.Extrajudicial Foreclosure of Chattel Mortage - Sec. 7 ( c)
11.Extrajudicial Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage - Sec. 7 ( c)
12.Filing of Cash Bonds for Indemnity or Security in Provisional Remedy
- Sec. 10 (f)
13.Filing of Surety or Property for Indemnity or Security in Provisional
Remedy - Sec. 10 (f)
14.Final Deed of Sale - Sec. 21 (d)
15.Motion for (1st) Postponement Fee for Multiple Cases - Sec. 21 (b)
16.Motion for (2nd) Postponement Fee for Multiple Cases - Sec. 21 (b)
MOTIONS, OR 17.Motion for (3rd) Postponement Fee for Multiple Cases - Sec. 21 (b)
REQUESTS 18.Motion for (4th) Postponement Fee for Multiple Cases - Sec. 21 (b)
19.Motion for (5th) Postponement Fee for Multiple Cases - Sec. 21 (b)
20.Motion for Postponement Fee for Cases - Sec. 2 (b) (1)
21.Payment of Bond Fee Cash Bail Bond for Supersedeas Bond (in
Check) Directly Deposited to FF Bank Account - Sec. 21 ( c)
22.Posting of Cash Bond for Supersedeas Bond by an Exempt Person or
Additional Bond/Full Posting of Bond, excluding Bond Fee
23.Posting of Cash Bond or Supersedeas Bond - Sec. 21 ( c)
24.Posting of Surety or Property Bond - Sec. 21 ( c)
25.Provisional Remedy Fee - Sec. 7 (m)
26.Reception of Evidence by the Clerk of Court - Sec. 21 (e)
27.Renewal of Commission as Notary Public - Sec. 7 (i)
28.Solemnization of Marriage - AO No. 125-2007
1. Certifying Copies of Document Fee - Sec. 7 (j)
2. Certifying Copies of Document Fee (Sec.7j with Search Fee if
Archived Record (Sec.7p)
3. Confiscated Surety Bond Due to General Fund
4. New Other Testing
5. Court Commission on All Money (excluding cash bond) Coming into
the Clerk's Hands (No Money to be Deposited) - Sec. 7 (k)
6. Court Commission on All Money (excluding cash bond) Coming into
the Clerk’s Hands – Sec. 7(k)
7. Court Commission on Money Collected by Sheriff Actual/
Constructive (No Money to be Deposited) Sec. 10(L)
8. Court Commission on Money Collected by Sheriff
Actual/Constructive – Sec. 10 (L)
OTHER SERVICES 9. Deposit or Consignation of an Exempt Person Related to Existing
Case of the Same Court
10.Deposit or Consignation Relating to Docketed Case - Sec. 7k/8b
11.Execution (Par. 4. Sec.10)
12.Execution of Writ of Possession (Sec. 10g) With Deposit Needed for
13.Execution of Writ of Replevin Free (Sec. 10e), With Deposit Needed
for Execution (Par.4. Sec.10)
14.Fines imposed as Penalty for a Crime Committed (EXCEPT DRUGS
CASES) and Proceeds of the Crime and the Instruments or Tool -
OCA Cir. No. 26-2018
15.Fines Imposed in Admin. Matters, Violation of Rules and Contempt
Proceedings - OCA Cir. No. 26-2018
16.Fines Imposed on Drugs Cases - OCA Cir. No. 26-2018
17.For Taking and Certifying Depositions, including Oaths - Sec. 12 (h)
18.Inventory of Goods Levied Fee - Sec. 10 (i)
19.Late Collection of Court Commission on All Money (excluding cash
bond) Coming into the Clerk's Hands - Sec. 7 (k)
20.Levying on Execution on Personal or Real Property Fee - Sec. 10)
21.Mediation Fee Payment
22.Notary Book Costs
23.Notary Fee as Ex-Oficio - Sec. 7(o)
24.Notice of Garnishment Fee - Sec. 10 (k)
25.Other Service Fee - Sec. 7 (p)
26.Posting and Publication Fee - Sec. 10 (h)
27.Proceeds from Sale of Court Records or Equipment for Disposal
28.Serving and Implementing both TRO and Injunction - Sec. 10 (d)
29.Serving and Implementing TRO Fee - Sec. 10 (d)
OTHER SERVICES 30.Serving and Implementing Writ of Injunction Fee - Sec. 10 (d)
31.STF Deposit for Execution of Writ - Sec. 10 par. 4
32.STF Deposit for Request of Service - OCA Cir. No. 149-2021
33.STF Deposit Sec. 10 par.2
34.STF Deposit to be Returned to the Requesting Court - OCA Cir. No.
35.Subpoena Fee - Sec. 10 (b)
36.Summons Fee - Sec. 10(a)
37.TSN Fee After the Appeal - Sec. 11
38.TSN Fee Before the Appeal - Sec. 11

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