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Subject: Embedded Programming

Subject Code: CA311

Branch: BCA

Question Bank
(MCQ / Short Questions)

Prepared By:
Dr. Shailesh Khant
EP (CA311) MCQs and short questions

1. What is sensor?
A sensor is a device that produces an output signal (Electrical signal) for the
purpose of sensing of a physical phenomenon. (It is an input device for

2. A systematic arrangement to perform specific / multiple tasks is known as


3. In embedded system the word embedded means.

1. Hidden
2. Visible
3. Compressed
4. None of these

4. Microcontroller means (CPU + ___________)

1. Input
2. Output
3. Memory
4. None of theses

5. Analog signal have ________ value with ____________ time.

(continuous, continuous)

6. Digital signal have ________ value with ____________ time.

(fixed, fixed)(discrete, discrete)

7. Which device allows something to work or operate??


8. Drone is an application of _____

1. medical science
2. Robotics
3. home device
4. none of these
9. What is the standard form of RISC and CISC?
(RISC: Reduced Instructions set Computer
CISC: Complex Instructions set Computer)

10. 7 segment LED is ______ device

1. input
2. output

11. printer is ______ device

1. input
2. output

12. sensor is ______ device

1. input
2. output

13. Quickness of an embedded system is measured by _______>

1. efficiency
2. response
3. reliability
4. effectiveness

14. ASIC means _____________.

(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)

15. Camera module cannot be attached in embedded system.

(state true/false)

16. Efficiency of the system is defined by ___________.

1. response
2. reliability
3. effectiveness
4. Throughput
17. The channel which receives or transmits the signal from one device to
another is known as ______.

18. Sending the bit one by one from one device to another is known as ____.
(Serial transmission)

19. Sending many bits from one device to another at the same time is known
as ____.
(Parallel transmission)

20. Which signals are required for serial transmission??

1. TxDTransmit data
2. RxDReceived Data

21. A signal from a device attached to a computer that requires the operating
system to stop and perform the immediate other task is known as ______.
1. Transmit signal
2. Received signal
3. Clock signal
4. Interrupt signal
(Interrupt signal)

22. The interrupt which cannot be delayed is known as _______.

1. Maskable interrupt
2. Non-maskable interrupt
3. Software interrupt
4. Exception interrupt
(Non maskable interrupt)

23. The interrupt which can be delayed is known as _______.

1. Maskable interrupt
2. Non-maskable interrupt
3. Software interrupt
4. Exception interrupt
(Maskable interrupt)
24. Any unplanned interrupt is known as ______.

25. _______ is a register which stores the current address of the program
during execution.
1. Stack pointer (SP)
2. Data Pointer (DPTR)
3. Program Counter (PC)
4. Accumulator
(Program Counter)

26. What is the difference between address and data??

(Data is an actual value to be processed while address is a location of data.)

27. What is an addressing Mode?

Addressing mode is the way to specify address of a data or It is a way the
data is assigned to the instruction.

28. (16 x 2) LCD display is having

A. 16 rows and 2 columns
B. 2 rows and 16 columns
C. 16 rows and 16 columns
D. 2 rows and 2 columns
(2 rows and 16 columns)

29. BCD stands for ________.

(Binary Coded Decimal)

30. What are the types of BCD numbers?

1. Packed BCD
2. Unpacked BCD

31. Embedded System uses following Operating system.

1. Windows 10
2. Windows 7
3. Linux
32. Which of the following is not an example of embedded system?
1. LED Bulb
2. Microwave oven
3. Traffic controller
4. washing machine
(LED Bulb)

33. Embedded system designer must have knowledge of _____________.

1. Microprocessor and Microcontroller
2. C and C++ Programming
3. Driver Circuits
4. Input and Output unit
(Microprocessor and Microcontroller)

34. A collection of lines that connects several devices is called __________.

1. Bus
2. Power line
3. Transmission line
4. Address line

35. Smart thermal gun is a system used in _______________ applications.

1. health care
2. manufacturing industry
3. environment
4. academics

36. Which embedded device converts electrical signal to sound signal?

1. Microphone
2. LED
3. Speaker
4. LCD

37. Which sensor is used to detect an object with distance using sound
1. ultrasonic sensor
2. thermistor
3. IR sensor
4. Potentiometer
(ultrasonic sensor)

38. Which embedded device converts temperature to electrical signal?

1. Photocell
2. Thermistor
3. Microphone
4. Speaker

39. How many analog inputs / output pins are there on Arduino UNO board?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7

40. How many digital inputs / output pins are there on Arduino UNO board?
1. 8
2. 9
3. 12
4. 14

41. How many Ground pins are there on Arduino UNO board?
1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 4

42. How many +5v pins are there on Arduino UNO board? (1)
1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 4
43. What is the use of pinMode() Function?
1. declaring pin as input or output
2. declaring pin as only input
3. declaring pin as only output
4. creating new pin
(declaring pin as input or output)

44. What is the meaning of delay(1000) Function?

1. provide delay of 1000 seconds
2. provide delay of 1000 mili seconds
3. provide delay of 1000 micro seconds
4. provide delay of 1000 minutes
(provide delay of 1000 mili seconds)

45. What is PWM ?

1. Pulse Width Modulation
2. Pulse Wide Modulation
3. Peak Width Modulation
4. Pulse Width Marker
(Pulse Width Modulation)

46. Which pins of Arduino UNO boards are used for Tx and Rx (Transmit and
1. digital pin 1 and 0
2. digital pin 1 and 2
3. digital pin 1 and 10
4. digital pin 1 and 11
(digital pin 1 and 0)

47. What is the correct syntax of analogread() function?

1. analogread(A0)
2. analogread(A0, A1)
3. analogread(A0,0)
4. analogread(A0, 1)
(analogread(A0) )

48. Can we connect Two arduino board in single project?

1. Yes
2. No
49. A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called _________
A. IDE source
B. Sketch
C. Cryptography
D. Source code

50. Arduino IDE is an open-source platform.

C. Can be true or false
D. Cannot say

51. In Arduino IDE, IDE stands for?

A. Integrated Digital Environment
B. Integrated Development Environment
C. Instruction Development Environment
D. Integrated Development Embedded
(Integrated Development Environment)

52. Which of the following is true about Arduino?

A. Arduino boards are able to read analog or digital input signals from
different sensors
B. Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making it easier to learn to
C. Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the functions of the
micro-controller into a more accessible package.
D. All of the above
(All of the above)

53. Arduino is a prototype based on an easy-to-use _____________?

A. hardware
B. software
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
(Both A and B)

Identify the component.

A. Gas sensor
B. IR sensor
C. Ultrasonic sensor
D. Wifi module
(Ultrasonic sensor)

55. _______ sensor is used to detect smoke in industrial or residential area.

A. Gas sensor
B. Ultrasonic sensor
C. Temperature sensor
D. Pressure sensor
(Gas sensor)

56. _______ sensor is used to detect the distance of an object.

A. Gas sensor
B. Ultrasonic sensor
C. Temperature sensor
D. Pressure sensor
(Ultrasonic sensor)

57. Which one is DC motor driver IC?

A. L293D
B. L293A
C. L292D
D. None of above

58. L293D is a _______ Pin Motor Driver IC.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16

59. ______ is used to control the circuits by employing a low power signal.
A. Relay
B. Switch
C. Flip flop
D. Resistor

60. In arduino IDE, there are two functions. What are they?
A. setup() and loop()
B. setup() and timer()
C. main() and setup()
D. main() and loop()
(setup() and loop())

61. Which programming language is supported by arduino IDE?

A. Assembly language
B. C
C. C++
D. All of the above
(All of the above)

62. GPIO stand for

A. General purpose inner outer
B. General purpose input output
C. General purpose interested objects
D. None of the above
(General purpose input output)

63. In the RGB LED, the R stands for _______

A. Red
64. The command which is used to display the characters in the serial
monitor is
A. Serial
B. Serial.type
C. Serial.println
D. Serial.printing

65. ____________ is a measure of how much percentage you rely upon the
proper functioning of the embedded system.
1. Response
2. Reliability
3. Efficiency
4. Effectiveness

66. Throughput deals with the ______________ of an embedded system.

1. Response
2. Reliability
3. Efficiency
4. Effectiveness

67. _______________ deals with support and maintenance to the end user
or a client in case of technical issues and product failures.
1. Flexibility
2. Maintainability
3. Efficiency
4. Effectiveness

68. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are three corner stones of

information ___________ in an embedded system.
1. Safety
2. Security
3. Transmission
4. Reception
69. __________ deals with the possible damage that can happen to the
operating person and environment due to the breakdown of an embedded
1. Safety
2. Security
3. Transmission
4. Reception

70. A resistor with color code red, red, orange has its value of______.
1. 22 K ohm
2. 220 k ohm
3. 22 ohm
4. 220 ohm

71. A 10 K ohm resistor is having following color code printed on it.

1. Brown, black, orange
2. Brown, black, red
3. black, orange, red
4. black, red, red
(Brown, black, orange)

72. MUX and De-MUX are _________ hardware components used in

embedded system.
1. Digital
2. Analog

73. write the syntax of map() function.

map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)
map(x, 1, 50, 50, 1)

74. ___________ constant is used to assign +5v value to given variable or pin.
2. LOW
75. LiquidCrystal lcd (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7) declaration is an example of
______ pin configurations.
1. 10
2. 6
3. 7
8. 11

Prepared by: Dr Shailesh Khant

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