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.~!!,~£.f:. \ .APPOINTMENT LE1TER

Dear Sir/Madam,

w at VQURA Child Development Services Private Limited are pleased to appoint your goodself ' as ',a
coensultant!Therapist for th~ patients ofVQura Child Development Services Private Limited. '

As the Consultant/Therapist, you would be required to provide your therapy related services to the various µ,htieryts
of our company. ·. , ,

You are required to comply with' the Code' of Conduct for ou~ Consultants/Therapists, containing. the professi~nal,
ethical and other standards that are to be maintained by such Therapist/Consultants who are treating the patients of
VQura Child Development Services Private Limited.

Furth; you have already executed an agreement y,,ith our company dated _ _ _ _ _. The contents of the said
agreement may also be read as part and parcel of the present appointment letter and are once again reaffinned and
reiterated and are not repeated here far the sake of brevity.

For your consultancy/therapist services, the company VQURA Child Development Services Private. Limited will
pay you a consultant fee, as stipulated in the agreement, of Rs. ___/. per month.

This pay_is subject to increase or decrease, as per yqur work quality and other factors.

You are requested not to do any act, deed' or thing which is either in violation of the law prevailing for the time
being in force or in contravention of the Code of Conduct and also the provisions of your executed agreement.

Also, on a corollary, you are requested to not omit to do any act, deed or thing, where such omission is either in
violation of the law prevailing for the time.being in force or in contravention of the Code of Conduct and also the
provisions of your executed agreement. •
You are requested to nppend your signatures to the present letter below as proof of your acceptance of the terms of
the present letter and also your acceptance of the terms of the executed agreement nnd the Code of Conduct
applicable to Consultants/Therapists working with our company.

We look forward to working closely with you and serving the patients of the company. in this joumey, we hope that
you will help us fulfil our commitment towards our patients.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

For YQURA Child Development.Services Private Limited

Authorised Representative


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