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2023-2024 Spring A Week 5


Exercise 1: The text below is a review of all verb tenses. Please fill in the blanks with the
correct forms of the verbs in the parentheses.
March 15

Dear Diary,

It’s hard to predict what the future holds, isn’t it? Just last week, I
1___________________ (be) a happy young person with a future to look forward to. Look
at me now! I 2 ___________________ (not / even / know) if I have enough money until
graduation in June.

Yesterday, I 3 ___________________ (find out) that my father’s business partner

4 ___________________ (cheat) him for years! I 5 ___________________ (be) so shocked
when I 6 ___________________ (heard) it from my father. He said, “I
7 ___________________ (trust) him for 25 years. I 8 ___________________ (never / have)
reason to doubt his honesty. Now I know that he 9 ___________________ (make) a
secret deal with another company and together they 10 ___________________ (try) to
destroy my company for the past two years!”

Poor daddy! He nearly cried.

March 22

Dad 1 ___________________ (consult) his lawyers for the past few days. They
2 ___________________ (look) into the matter seriously. So far, they
3 ___________________ (tell) him that maybe they can save the firm, but they
4 ___________________ sure (not / be) sure. I’m sure they 5 ___________________ (do)
all they can at the moment, but I have to do something, too. So, I 6
___________________ (make) a decision: I 7 ___________________ (start) working part-
time. I 8___________________ (not / really / know) how to tell Dad – Oh, I guess I
9 ___________________ (just / start) talking very fast and I 10 ___________________
(not/ give) him time to say ‘No’.

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2023-2024 Spring A Week 5

March 26
I 1 ___________________ (know) it! Dad 2 ___________________ (get) so upset that
I nearly 3 ___________________ (give) up the idea of working part-time. Thank God for
mother’s help! I 4 ___________________ (try) to persuade Dad to let me work when she
5 ___________________ (walk) into the living room to announce dinner. “What
6_____________________________ (the two of you / talk) about?” she asked. “Your son
7___________________ (want) to start working!” 8___________________ (say) my
father. Actually, I 9 ___________________ (think) my mother 10 ___________________
(already / hear) at least part of our conversation, because she 11 ___________________
(be) very calm when she 12 ___________________ (reply), “Oh? So what’s the big deal?”

Anyway, now I 13 ___________________ (look) forward to next Monday, my first day

on the job. I 14 ___________________ (have) it all planned! I 15 ___________________
(wear) my navy blue suit and a tie to look the part. I 16 ___________________ (also / take)
a pen and a notepad to take notes. Maybe I 17 ___________________ (get) a haircut, too,
but 18 is (be) that really necessary? We 19 ___________________ (see)!

March 29
That a day it 1 ___________________ (be)! I had to do so much work that now I
2 ___________________ (lie) on my bed, unable to move. When I 3
___________________ (walk) into the office, a few people 4 ___________________
(already /work) surrounded by the strong smell of coffee. They 5 ___________________
(brew) up their first coffee of the day and they 6 ___________________ (write) away
busily. You’d think they 7 ___________________ (work) there for days
without stopping!

I 8 ___________________ (wait) around for a good ten minutes when somebody

finally 9___________________ (notice) me and 10 ___________________ (holler), “Hey,
new boy! Over here!” From that moment on, I 11 ___________________ (be) a member of
the team. I 12 ___________________ (become) part of something important!

April 7
I 1 ___________________ (be) so tired recently! Still, I 2 ___________________ (feel)
great - I 3 ___________________ (even / continue) working next summer. Oh, sure, my
friends 4 ___________________ (enjoy) themselves while I 5 ___________________

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(work). They 6 ___________________ (swim) in the sea, 7 ___________________

(sunbathe), and generally 8 ___________________ (have) a good time. But by the end of
the summer, I 9 ___________________ (gain) so much experience! Imagine, I
10___________________(do) office work for more than five months! My friends
11___________________ (turn) brown, but I 12 ___________________ (make) an
investment in myself. At this rate, by the end of school, I 13 ___________________ (make)
very good business contacts, and after school, while my friends 14 ___________________
(worry) about where they should start, I 15 ___________________ (have) a job to go to!

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.
In 1932, a German named August Fischer (1. invent) ___________________ the
world’s first synthetic resin adhesive called UHU. Before then, they
(2. made) ___________________ glues mainly of natural materials and, unlike UHU, they
(3. not, be) ___________________ waterproof. Fischer (4. name) ___________________
his sticky substance UHU after the German name for the eagle owl, the magnificent bird
which still (5. inhabit) ___________________ the Black Forest located by Germany’s
border with France. He (6. design) ___________________ his glue to stick to any surface,
although today, UHU (7. come) ___________________ in a shocking 184 types. By the
WW2, the glue (8. gain) ___________________ such popularity that the firm (9. stop)
___________________ the production of other office supplies to devote more resources
to UHU.
UHU glue for public use was originally mixed and filled into tubes and jars by hand,
which must have been very messy, but the German plant is now fully automated. It
(10. produce) ___________________ five million kilos of glue a year, which
(11. be) ___________________ the same weight as 30 airplanes or 1,000 elephants. UHU is
the leader of the glue market not only in Britain but in 18 other countries as well. One in
five glues bought in Britain (12. have) ___________________ the UHU brand on it. The
shelf-life is between two and three years, providing that the tube (13. not, burst)
___________________. Collectively, Britain (14. spend) ___________________ £1 billion
on adhesives of all kinds over the last decade, and it (15. not, look) ___________________

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the rate will change in the near future.

Adapted from an exercise in ELS: English Grammar Inside and Out.

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Exercise 3: Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in


The idea of a universal language 0 has interested (interest) people since the time of
Babel. In the 1870s, a Polish teenager named Ludwik Zamenhof 1________________
(begin) to develop such a language. He 2____________________ (call) his new language
Esperanto, which 3________________ (mean) “hope.” At that time, he
4_______________ (live) in a Polish town where Poles, Russians, Germans, and Jews all
5__________________ (speak) their own languages. Zamenh0of 6_________________
(believe) that language differences 7________________ (be) the major cause of
difficulties among different ethnic groups. By 1890, he 8___________________ (publish)
his first book on Esperanto, and within a short time, thousands of people
9____________________ (learn) this new language.

Esperanto 10_________________ (be) simple to learn and use. The grammar

11________________ (be) based on 16 fundamental rules. There 12________________ (be)
no exceptions and no irregularities. In addition, the accent or stress always
13_________________ (fall) on the last syllable of a word, and every letter
14_________________ (have) one and only one sound.

At first, Esperanto 15______________________ (be) a great success. Within a few

years, hundreds of thousands of people 16_________________ (speak) Esperanto. (In
fact, over 10,000 books 17_______________ (write) in Esperanto since 1900.) However,
after a few decades, interest in the language 18__________________ (decline). Today, it
19__________________ (be) still popular among thousands of people, but few
20___________________ (think) that Esperanto 21___________________ (become) a
universal language.

This 22____________________, (not mean) however, that there

23___________________ (be / never) a universal tongue. In fact, English
24___________________ (be / likely) to become just such a language. Unlike Esperanto,
English 25________________ (have) thousands of exceptions and irregularities. But it
26_____________________ (have/also) the greatest number of speakers, and this
number 27____________________ (grow / rapidly). Today, there
28____________________ (be) close to a billion speakers of English. By the year 2020,
well over a billion and a half people 29___________________ (speak) English. Some
experts 30_________________ (predict) that by 2100, English 31_________________
(become) the first truly universal language.

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