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Adsorption Dehydration

Adsorption Dehydration
„ Introduction
„ The Basic System
„ The Regeneration Cycle
„ The Nature of Adsorption
„ The Process Variables
„ Adsorber Sizing Equations
„ Adsorber Sizing Calculation
„ Regeneration and Cooling Calculations
„ Adalah proses dimana molekul2 dari gas
tertahan pada padatan dengan gaya
„ Ada dua klasifkasi
„ Yang memiliki aktifitas pada permukaan
adsorbsi dan kondensasi kapiler
„ Yang bereaksi secara kimia
„ Adsorpsi fisik memerlukan material adsorbent
dengan kharakteristik:
„ Permukaan yang luas utk kapasitas yang besar
„ Memiliki aktivitas utk komponen yang akan
„ Laju perpindahan massanya tinggi
„ Mudah dan ekonomis regenerasinya
„ Retensi aktivitasnya baik terhadap waktu
„ Adsorpsi fisik memerlukan material adsorbent
dengan kharakteristik:
„ Mempunyai tahanan yang kecil thd aliran gas
„ Memiliki kekuatan mekanikal yang tinggi utk
menahan tumbukan dan pembentukan debu
„ Murah, tdk korosif, tidak beracun, inert dan
memiliki bulk densitas yang tinggi
„ Tdk berubah volumenya secara drastis selama
adsorpsi dan desorpsi, dan harus tetap kuat jika
dalam keadaan basah
„ Komersial adsorben memiliki total luas
area 500 – 800 m2 per gram.
„ Dicapai dengan permukaan dalam yang
besar (interior) dari kisi kristalin atau
„ Permukaan exteriornya hampir
„ Material
„ Bauxite
„ Alumina
„ Gels (SiO2 atau Alumina gel)
„ Molecular sieves (zeolite)
„ Carbon
„ Semua kecuali karbon utk dehidrasi.
„ Karbon → utk hidrokarbon.
„ Yang empat makin ke bawah makin
mahal harganya
The Basic System
The Basic System
„ Ada 3 sumber dasar gas utk regenerasi
dalam dehidrasi gas:
„ Gas inlet
„ Siklus tertutup yg terpisah dari aliran yang
akan didehidrasi
„ Gas effluent kering (tail) dari unit
NATCO Process
NATCO Process
„ Natural gas dehydration – Prevents corrosion
and freezing in pipelines and associated
„ Provides super-dehydration for cryogenic
„ Dehydration process Regardless of the
application, the solid adsorbent process is
basically the same. (Refer to Figure 1.)
NATCO Process
„ The typical system uses two or more
adsorption towers.
„ The towers are packed with a solid
„ As the wet or sour stream is processed in
one tower, another tower is regenerated.
„ The incoming gas or liquid stream enters an
inlet horizontal separator for removal of free
water or other contaminants.
„ Then the stream is directed to the adsorption
„ Water, H2S or CO2 is adsorbed onto the
„ When the adsorbent bed approaches maximum
loading, the inlet stream is automatically switched to
the regeneration tower.
• Conditioned gas or liquid leaves the tower for further
processing or use.
„ Typically, the loaded adsorbent bed is regenerated by
heating a portion of the mainstream in a salt bath or
direct fired heater and passing it through the bed.
„ The undersaturated regeneration stream
removes the water, H2S or CO2, or liquid
„ The regeneration stream exits the tower and is
„ Condensed water and hydrocarbons are
separated and the gas is recycled to the inlet
„ After the adsorbent bed cools, the tower is
ready for gas or liquid conditioning.
Adsorbent Materials
„ Selected to meet particular needs
NATCO, normally uses one of these
„ Silica gel,
„ molecular sieve,
„ activated alumina and
„ activated carbon.
Silica Gel is a widely used
desiccant. It is:
„ Best suited for normal dehydration of natural
„ Excellent for hydrocarbon liquid recovery
(HRU Systems), such as recovery of pentanes
and heavier hydrocarbons from a sweet lean
gas stream
„ Easily regenerated
Silica Gel is a widely used
desiccant. It is:
„ Has higher capacity than activated
alumina, but lower than molecular sieve
„ Costs more than alumina, but less than
molecular sieve
„ Capable of dew points to –100°F.
Molecular Sieve
„ Molecular Sieve is the most versatile
adsorbent because it can be
manufactured for a specific pore size,
depending on the application.
Molecular Sieve
„ It is:

„ Capable of dehydration to less than 1 ppm water content

„ The overwhelming choice for dehydration prior to cryogenic
„ Excellent for H2S removal, CO2, dehydration, high
temperature dehydration, heavy hydrocarbon liquids, and
highly selective removal
„ More expensive than silica gel and alumina, but offers
greater dehydration
„ Requires higher temperatures for regeneration
Activated Alumina
„ Activated Alumina dehydrates natural gas
or liquids to dew points of –100°F or lower.
„ It is:
„ Ideal for sweet, lean hydrocarbon gas drying or
LPG drying
„ Less expensive than silica gel or molecular sieve,
but has a higher bulk density and lower capacity
for water
„ Usually the most economical desiccant within its
range of application
Activated Carbon
„ Activated Carbon is used on “sacrificial
beds” where the adsorbent is normally
discarded rather than regenerated.
„ Such uses are found in extracting lube oils
from process streams or heavier
hydrocarbons from desiccants, like amine or
The Nature of Adsorption
„ During normal operation in the
adsorbing cycle, 3 separate zones exist
in the bed:
„ Equilibrium zone
„ Mass transfer zone (MTZ)
„ Active zone
„ During normal operation
in the adsorbing cycle, 3
separate zones exist in
the bed:
„ Equilibrium zone
„ Mass transfer zone (MTZ)
„ Active zone
„ In Equilibrium zone
„ The desiccant is saturated
with water
„ Its has reached its
equilibrium water capacity
based on inlet gas conditions
„ Its has no further capacity to
adsorb water
„ All mass transfer takes place in MTZ (Fig.
„ Curve 1-3 show the formation of the MTZ
„ Curve 4 reflects the concentration gradient for
MTZ position
„ Curve 6 shows the concentration gradient at
„ All mass transfer takes place in MTZ (Fig.
„ The adsorbate bed saturation is 0% at the leading
edge of the MTZ and 100% at the trailing edge.
„ When the leading edge of the MTZ reachs the end
of the bed, breakthrough occurs.
„ All mass transfer takes place in MTZ (Fig.
„ If the adsorption process is allowed to continue,
the water content of the outlet gas will increase
following the traditional “S” curve.
„ In active zone
„ The desiccant has its full
capacity for water, and
„ Contains only that amount of
residual water left from the
regeneration cycle.
Desiccant Capacity
„ Is expressed normally in mass of water
adsorbed per mass of desiccant:
„ Static Equilibrium Capacity
„ Dynamic Equilibrium Capacity
„ Useful Capacity
Desiccant Capacity
„ Static Equilibrium Capacity:
„ The water capacity of new, unused
desiccant as determined in an equilibrium
cell with no fluid flow (Fig. 19.5)
„ Has no direct use in design
Desiccant Capacity
„ Dynamic Equilibrium Capacity
„ The water capacity of new, unused
desiccant where the fluid is flowing
through the desiccant at a commercial rate
„ Is used directly in calculations
„ Typically 50 – 70% of static equilibrium
Desiccant Capacity
„ Useful Capacity:
„ The design capacity that recognizes loss of
desiccant capacity with time as determined
by experience and economic consideration
„ the fact that the desiccant bed never can
be fully utilize
„ Is used directly in calculations
Desicant capacity
„ Equation (19.1)
„ x = kapasitas desikan minimum, kg air/kg desikan,
wt% (Alumina 5-12%; Silica Gel 5-8%; Molecular
Sieve 7-14%)
„ xS = kapasitas dinamik pd keadaan jenuh, wt% (Gb.
„ hz = panjang MTZ
„ hB= panjang bed

(x )(hB ) = (xS )(hB ) − (0.45)(hZ )(xS )

Desiccant Capacity
„ Useful Capacity, x, beberapa desiccant:
„ Activated Alumina = 5-12%
„ Silica Gel = 5-8%
„ Molecular Sieve (4A) = 7-14%
Panjang MTZ
„ Panjang MTZ bergantung pada
„ Analisis gas
„ Laju alir gas
„ Kelembaban air dalam gas
„ Kapasitas loading desicant
Panjang MTZ
⎡ ( flowrate )0.2389 (w)0.7895 (RH )0.5249 ⎤ ⎡ P ⎤ −0.5506
hz = A⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎦ ⎣ Tz ⎦
⎣ d

„ hz = panjang MTZ, mm (in)

„ A = konstanta, 0.155 (0.165)
„ Flowrate = gas flowrate 106 std m3/d (MMscfd)
„ W = saturated water content kg/106 std m3/d (lb/MMscfd)
„ RH = relative humidity of gas, %
„ P = pressure, kPa (psia)
„ T = temperature, K (R)
„ z = compressibility factor
„ Alumina = 0.8 hz Gel; Molecular Sieve = 0.6 hz Gel
Adsorber Design
1. Tentukan jumlah adsorber dan waktu
„ Utk unit yang kecil (< 1.5 x 106 std m3/d
[50 MMscfd]) 2 tower cukup.
„ Untuk yang lebih besar: 3 – 4
Adsorber Design
„ Makin banyak adsorber yang
„ bed geometry makin baik (ketebalan dan
„ Fleksibilitas operasi makin baik
„ Kelemahhannya: makin mahal dan waktu
regenerasinya makin pendek
„ tr = ta/(n-1)
Adsorber Design
„ Menentukan ukuran adsorber
„ Diameternya ditentukan oleh kecepatan
gas dan penurunan tekanan yang diizinkan
(pers 19.4)
„ Hitung kecepatan superficial gas, vg (19.6)
„ Hitung actual gas flowrate, qa (19.8)
„ Hitung diameter bed, d (19.7)
Adsorber Design
„ Menentukan ukuran adsorber
„ Hitung water loading/cycle
„ Hitung tinggi bed utk useful loading, x,
„ Cek hB/d
„ Cek penurunan tekanan (19.4)
„ Hitung useful capacity desiccan (19.1 dan
19.2) bandingkan dengan x (10%)
Adsorber Design
„ Contoh:
„ Buatlah perhitungan awal untuk
menentukan ukuran molecular sieves
dehydration system yang memproses gas
dengan kondisi seperti di bawah. Desiccant
yang digunakan adalah 3 mm beads.
„ Flow = 106 stdm3/d, T= 30oC, P = 6000 kPa,
„ Z=0.86, γ=0.65, µ=0.014 cp, w=720 kg/106
Adsorber Design
„ Langkah 1. Hitung kecepatan superficial gas,
vg (Eq. 19.6).
„ ρg=52.1 kg/m3, vg=9.3 m/min

vg =

ρg =
( P )(MW )
Adsorber Design
„ Langkah 2. Hitung diameter bed, d (Eq. 19.7)
„ qa=10.6 m3/min, d=1.2 m.

(19.7 )

qs ⎛ Ps ⎞⎛ T ⎞
qa = ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ z (19.8)
1440 ⎝ P ⎠⎝ Ts ⎠
Adsorber Design
„ Langkah 3. Hitung panjang bed, hB untuk
loading yang digunakan, x = 10% (Eq. 19.9)
„ mw=360 kg/cycle, hB=4.5 m.

hB =
πxρ B d 2
mw =
No. of cycle
Adsorber Design
„ Cek hB/d = 2.5 – 6
„ Total ∆P = 55-70 kPa
Adsorber Design
„ Langkah 4. Perkirakan kapasitas desikan
menggunakan Eq. 19.1 dan 19.2.
„ hz=970 mm utk mol sieve, x=12.6 wt%.

( xs )(hB ) − (0.45)(hz )( xs )

⎡ ( flowrate )0.2389 (w)0.7895 (RH )0.5249 ⎤ ⎡ P ⎤ −0.5506

hz = A⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ (19.2)
⎦ ⎣ Tz ⎦
⎣ d
xs = (0.98)(14 ) = 13.72

(13.72 )(4.5) − (0.45)(0.97 )(13.72 )
= 12.39%
Water loading

⎡ (Flowrate)(W )⎤
q = 0.054⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦

„ Flow rate = gas rate, (106 stdm3/d)

„ d = diameter bed, (m)
„ W = kandungan air dalam gas, (kg/ 106
Breakthrough time
θB =
(0.01)( X )(ρ B )hB

„ θB = breakthrough time, jam

„ Berat air yg diadsopr, (kg)
„ ρB densitas bulk desicant, (kg/m3)
„ hB panjang Bed, (m)
0.27x106 std m3 gas alam dengan relative
density 0.6 akan dikeringkan. Gas masuk
dalam keadaan jenuh pada 6.9 MPa dan
38oC. Vendor mengusulkan suatu unit
dehidrator yg tersusun oleh 76 cm O-
diameter towernya yang berisi bed silika gel
sepanjang 4.57 m. Diameter dalam bednya
64.8 cm .
Apakah usulan vendor memenuhi syarat
dg kec superfisial gas tdk melebihi
9.15 m/min?
Kandungan air dalam gas 1021 kg/106 std
m3, Z = 0.88 dan densitas bulk gel =
721 kg/m3.
„ Flow rate = 0.27x106 std m3
„ γ = 0.6
„ P = 6.9 MPa
„ T = 38oC = 311 K
„ IDtower = 64.8 cm
„ hT = 4.57 m
„ Vg = 9.15 m/min
„ W = 1021 kg/106 std m3
„ Z = 0.88
„ ρB = 721 kg/m3
P( MW ) 6900(0.6 )(28.97 )
ρg = = = 52.71kg / m 3
zRT (0.88)(8.314)(311)
A 67
vg = = = 9.23 m / min
ρg 52.71
⎡ (0.27 ) (1021) (100) ⎤ ⎡ 6900 ⎤
0.2389 0.7895 0.5249 0.5506

hz = 0.155⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ = 2196 mm
⎣ (0.648)0.4778 ⎦⎣ (311)(0.88 ) ⎦
xs = (0.9)(16) = 14.4

(14.4 )(4.57 ) − (0.45)(2.196 )(14.4 )
= 11.29%
mw = (0.27 )(1021) / 3 = 91.9kg / cycle

hB =
(400 )(91.9 )
= 3.43m
π (721)(11.29)(0.648)2

θB =
(0.01)( X )(ρB )hT
mw = (0.27 )(1021) / 3 = 91.9kg / cycle

hB =
= 3.43m < 4.57 m
π (721)(11.29)(0.648)2

⎡ (Flowrate)(W )⎤ ⎡ (0.27)(1021)⎤
q = 0.053⎢ ⎥ = 0.054⎢ 2 ⎥
= 35.45kg / h.m2

⎣ ⎦ ⎣ (0.648) ⎦

θB =
(0.01)( X )(ρB )hB (0.01)(11.29)(721)(4.57)
= = 10.5h > 8h
q 35.45
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