전인미답 영어연구소 The Best Or Nothing

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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing


영어 2025 12강
전인미답 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?1) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?3)
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
ties of shared culture. avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
전인미답 전인미답
becomes more important than the opinions of
(A) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to individual members.
directly ask for very high prices for video games
because at no point will the buyer see possession of (A) The leader of the group should appear to be
them as an absolute necessity. Access to this type of impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to
knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating to obey. Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
each other’s preferences and limitations of belonging
examine all the options, and to consult people outside

to a similar cultural and economic universe. the group, too.

(B) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each (B) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of
other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced

sellers can assess to a large extent the financial with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink, Janis
constraints that other actors have in their everyday proposed a system of organization that encourages
life. independent thinking.

(C) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class (C) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good
understands what the other sees as a necessity and a thing, and he suggested that members should be asked
luxury. In the case of electronic products like video
to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
전인미답 전인미답

games, they are not a necessity at the same level as point of view in order to provoke discussion. In
other household purchases such as food items. addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain
➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B) the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
➄ (C)-(B)-(A) 전인미답
and obedience. 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?2)

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
would help stamp in the preference for a stable
environment (so animals might learn to like their

(A) How would friendships, alliances, or other

partnerships survive? If you always preferred a
stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
전인미답 전인미답

constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you

automatically grew to like the people you saw
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
and groups would form and stabilize easily.

(B) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people 전인미답 전인미답

know each other, know how to work together, know

how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to
each other), it is not surprising that nature favored
animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
other on the basis of familiarity.

(C) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.

Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
전인미답 전인미답

in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt

or some other form of disliking. How would families
stay together?

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 1 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?4)

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법 상 틀린 것은?6) 전인미답

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an ➀ apparently
전인미답 전인미답

essentially an ideal private world in which each person flexible price-setting mechanism that sits atop more
controls the information that is revealed. enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and
seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s
전인미답 전인미답
(A) These circumstances do not lead the participants bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large
to remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in extent the financial constraints that other actors have
many cases it leads the participants to reveal much in their everyday life. Each actor ➁ belongs to a
more about themselves than they would usually do.
specific economic class understands what the other
When we can keep private that which seems to
sees as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of
threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
electronic products like video games, ➂ they are not a
matters. 전인미답
necessity at the same level as other household

purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s

(B) In this world, the full identity of the person is not
revealed, and the two people are physically remote bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very high
from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep prices for video games because at no point will the

private whatever areas the participants so wish. buyer ➃ see possession of them as an absolute전인미답

necessity. Access to this type of knowledge ➄

(C) The greater degree of openness generates a establishes a price consensus by relating to each
greater degree of emotional closeness as well. other’s preferences and limitations of belonging to a

Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both similar cultural and economic universe.
greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
this considerably reduces the common conflict between
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

openness and privacy.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?5) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법 상 틀린 것은?7)

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
the way much of education occurred. would help stamp in the preference for a stable
environment (so animals might learn to like their
(A) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the homes). It would ➀ certainly promote stable social
minds of students, who are taught that they are bonds. ➁ Imagine, for example, that nature
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
전인미답 전인미답

programmed animals in the opposite way, so that

As a result, students have little control over their own familiarity led to contempt or some other form of
thinking and their own education.
disliking. How would families stay together? How would
friendships, alliances, or other partnerships survive? If
(B) This downloading of information is known as the
you always preferred a stranger to someone ➂ whom
banking model, and what the banking model does is it
you knew, social life would be in constant turmoil and
reduces the student from being a critical and 전인미답 전인미답

independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts. turnover. In contrast, if you automatically grew to like
The process of the banking model raises the power the people you ➃ were seen regularly, you would soon
and control of the teacher while failing to recognize prefer them over strangers, and groups would form
that students are more than simply unthinking blank and stabilize easily. Given the advantages of stable
slates. groups (e.g., people know each other, know how to
work together, know how to make decisions together,
(C) Students began reading information, coupled with know how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising
the information a teacher would share. To ensure that
➄ that nature favored animals that grew to like (rather

the student had retained the information, a test or than dislike) each other on the basis of familiarity.
paper was often required to make an assessment of
that retention.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법 상 틀린 것은?8)
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법 상 틀린 것은?10) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis ➀ recognized the

12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press ➀
becomes more important than the opinions of changed the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답

individual members. It's also likely to form if the Students began reading information, coupled with the
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, information a teacher would share. To ensure that the
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent student had retained the information, a test or paper
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization ➁ was often required to make an assessment of that
which encourages independent thinking. The leader of retention. This downloading of information is known as
the group should appear to be impartial, so that the banking model, and what the banking model ➁
members do not feel any pressure to obey.
does is it reduces the student from being a critical

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to and independent thinker to ➂ be a receptacle for
examine all the options, and to consult people outside facts. The process of the banking model raises the
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually power and control of the teacher while ➃ failing to
a good thing, and he suggested that members ➂ be
recognize that students are more than simply 전인미답

asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an unthinking blank slates. The concept, then, is placed
alternative point of view in order to provoke squarely into the minds of students, who ➄ are taught
discussion. In addition to ➃ ensure that the group that they are subservient and beholden to the keeper
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing of information. As a result, students have little control
members to retain their individuality creates a over their own thinking and their own education.
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, and
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

➄ it results from conformity and obedience.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법 상 틀린 것은?9) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?11)

12-3. The alternative world ➀ provided by cyberspace 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
is essentially an ideal private world in which each price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
person controls the information that is revealed. In ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are
this world, the full identity of the person is not
전인미답 전인미답 aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars,
revealed, and the two people are physically remote buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the
from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep financial constraints that other actors have in their
private ➁ whatever areas the participants so wish. everyday life. ➀ Each actor belonging to a specific
These circumstances do not lead the participants to economic class understands what the other sees as a
remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in necessity and a luxury. ➁ In the case of electronic
many cases it leads the participants to reveal ➂ much products like video games, they are not a necessity at
전인미답 전인미답

more about themselves than they would usually do. the same level as other household purchases such as
When we can keep private that which seems to food items. ➂ So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is
threaten us, ➃ who can be more open concerning careful not to directly ask for very high prices for
other matters. The greater degree of openness video games because at no point will the buyer see
generates a greater degree of emotional closeness as possession of them as an absolute necessity. ➃ The
well. Accordingly, in online relationships we can find availability of electronic payment options is an
both greater privacy and greater closeness and absolute necessity for most businesses today. ➄ Access
openness - this ➄ considerably reduces the common
to this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus

conflict between openness and privacy. by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?12)

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?14) 전인미답

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
전인미답 전인미답

animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other essentially an ideal private world in which each person
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
would help stamp in the preference for a stable the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
전인미답 전인미답

environment (so animals might learn to like their two people are physically remote from each other.
homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds. Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
➀ Imagine, for example, that nature programmed areas the participants so wish. ➀ Cyberspace
animals in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to interactions frequently result in diminished social skills
contempt or some other form of disliking. How would among those who engage with cyberspace. ➁ These
families stay together? How would friendships, circumstances do not lead the participants to remain
alliances, or other partnerships survive? ➁ If you
completely mysterious — on the contrary, in many

always preferred a stranger to someone you knew, cases it leads the participants to reveal much more
social life would be in constant turmoil and turnover. about themselves than they would usually do. ➂ When
➂ In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the we can keep private that which seems to threaten us,
people you saw regularly, you would soon prefer them
we can be more open concerning other matters. ➃ The

over strangers, and groups would form and stabilize greater degree of openness generates a greater degree
easily. ➃ The constant desire for new experiences in of emotional closeness as well. ➄ Accordingly, in
youth can challenge the formation of stable social online relationships we can find both greater privacy
bonds. ➄ Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., and greater closeness and openness - this
people know each other, know how to work together, considerably reduces the common conflict between
know how to make decisions together, know how to
openness and privacy.
전인미답 전인미답

adjust to each other), it is not surprising that nature

favored animals that grew to like (rather than dislike)
each other on the basis of familiarity.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?13) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?15)

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the 12-4. People often have different definitions of
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred. Students began
individual members. It's also likely to form if the reading information, coupled with the information a
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, teacher would share. ➀ To ensure that the student
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent
전인미답 전인미답 had retained the information, a test or paper was
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization often required to make an assessment of that
that encourages independent thinking. ➀ The leader of retention. ➁ This downloading of information is known
the group should appear to be impartial, so that as the banking model, and what the banking model
members do not feel any pressure to obey. ➁ does is it reduces the student from being a critical
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to and independent thinker to being a receptacle for
examine all the options, and to consult people outside facts. ➂ The emphasis on memorization undermines
전인미답 전인미답

the group, too. ➂ Conformity to group norms can the ability of students to retain the information
facilitate more rational and fair decisions but at the critically. ➃ The process of the banking model raises
expense of individuality. ➃ Disagreement, Janis argued, the power and control of the teacher while failing to
is actually a good thing, and he suggested that recognize that students are more than simply
members should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — unthinking blank slates. ➄ The concept, then, is placed
introducing an alternative point of view in order to squarely into the minds of students, who are taught
provoke discussion. ➄ In addition to ensuring that the that they are subservient and beholden to the keeper
group comes to more rational and fair decisions,
of information. As a result, students have little control

allowing members to retain their individuality creates a over their own thinking and their own education.
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,
which results from conformity and obedience.
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 4 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오.16)

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.17) 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
전인미답 전인미답

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, would help stamp in the preference for a stable
전인미답 전인미답

buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the environment (so animals might learn to like their
financial constraints that other actors have in their homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
economic class understands what the other sees as a in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
necessity and a luxury. In the case of electronic or some other form of disliking. How would families
products like video games, they are not a necessity at stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or
the same level as other household purchases such as
other partnerships survive? If you always preferred a

food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
not to directly ask for very high prices for video constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
games because at no point will the buyer see automatically grew to like the people you saw
possession of them as an absolute necessity. Access to
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the
by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic other, know how to work together, know how to make
universe. decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
it is not surprising that nature favored animals that
➀ Cultural and economic similarities between parties
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the
전인미답 전인미답

facilitate a consensus on prices. basis of familiarity.

➁ Understanding the distinction between necessities
and luxuries affects pricing strategies. ➀ The development of social groups is not affected by
➂ The financial constraints of buyers and sellers are familiarity preferences.
a significant factor in price negotiation. ➁ Stable social bonds are undermined by a natural
➃ The flexible pricing in bazaar economies does not
전인미답 preference for familiar stimuli.

account for the buyer-seller relationship. ➂ Preferring strangers over familiar individuals would
전인미답 전인미답
➄ Luxury goods, such as video games, are often lead to constant social turmoil.
priced higher due to their perceived necessity. ➃ Nature discourages the formation of stable groups
by making you despise familiarity.
➄ A preference for the familiar helps in promoting a
stable environment and social bonds.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 5 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.18)

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.19) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be essentially an ideal private world in which each person
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
becomes more important than the opinions of the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
전인미답 전인미답

individual members. It's also likely to form if the two people are physically remote from each other.
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization not lead the participants to remain completely
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
the group should appear to be impartial, so that the participants to reveal much more about themselves
members do not feel any pressure to obey.
than they would usually do. When we can keep private

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to that which seems to threaten us, we can be more
examine all the options, and to consult people outside open concerning other matters. The greater degree of
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually openness generates a greater degree of emotional
a good thing, and he suggested that members should
closeness as well. Accordingly, in online relationships

be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an we can find both greater privacy and greater closeness
alternative point of view in order to provoke and openness - this considerably reduces the common
discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group conflict between openness and privacy.
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing
members to retain their individuality creates a ➀ The ability to control disclosed information in
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,
cyberspace leads to greater emotional closeness.
전인미답 전인미답

which results from conformity and obedience. ➁ Online relationships cannot achieve the same level
of emotional closeness as those formed in physical
➀ Disagreement within a group should be avoided to proximity.
maintain unity. ➂ Cyberspace allows individuals to maintain a level of
➁ Individuality in decision-making leads to privacy while being open about other aspects of their
disorganization within the group. 전인미답 lives. 전인미답

➂ A healthy team spirit is built on the foundation of ➃ Full disclosure of personal identity is a common
전인미답 전인미답
conformity and obedience. practice in online interactions, promoting
➃ Maintaining impartiality as a leader reduces the transparency.
pressure on members to conform. ➄ The unique environment of cyberspace reduces the
➄ Consulting people outside the group is a common conflict between being open and maintaining
recommended strategy to prevent groupthink. privacy.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 6 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.20)

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.21) 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of

Both the buyer and seller are aware of each other’s
전인미답 전인미답

education, as the nature of education is somewhat restrictions.

fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
the way much of education occurred. Students began 전인미답 전인미답

reading information, coupled with the information a 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
teacher would share. To ensure that the student had price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
retained the information, a test or paper was often ties of shared culture. ① In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers
required to make an assessment of that retention. This and sellers can assess to a large extent the financial
downloading of information is known as the banking constraints that other actors have in their everyday
model, and what the banking model does is it reduces life. ➁ Each actor belonging to a specific economic
the student from being a critical and independent
class understands what the other sees as a necessity

thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of and a luxury. ➂ In the case of electronic products like
the banking model raises the power and control of the video games, they are not a necessity at the same
teacher while failing to recognize that students are level as other household purchases such as food
more than simply unthinking blank slates. The
items. ➃ So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful

concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of not to directly ask for very high prices for video
students, who are taught that they are subservient and games because at no point will the buyer see
beholden to the keeper of information. As a result, possession of them as an absolute necessity. ➄ Access
students have little control over their own thinking to this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus
and their own education. by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic
전인미답 전인미답

➀ To verify comprehension, educators often require universe.

students to complete exams or essays.
➁ The banking model encourages students to
challenge and question information, fostering
independent thinking.
➂ Students have always been encouraged to take an
전인미답 전인미답

active role in their education, according to historical

전인미답 전인미답
➃ The printing press had a minimal impact on
educational practices, maintaining traditional oral
teaching methods. 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.22)
➄ Reading materials combined with lectures from
educators became a standard method of instruction How would families stay together? How would
following the printing press's invention. friendships, alliances, or other partnerships survive?

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

전인미답 전인미답 animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
would help stamp in the preference for a stable
environment (so animals might learn to like their
homes). ① It would certainly promote stable social
bonds. ➁ Imagine, for example, that nature
programmed animals in the opposite way, so that
전인미답 전인미답

familiarity led to contempt or some other form of

disliking. ➂ If you always preferred a stranger to
someone you knew, social life would be in constant
turmoil and turnover. ➃ In contrast, if you
automatically grew to like the people you saw
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
and groups would form and stabilize easily. ➄ Given
the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know

each other, know how to work together, know how to

make decisions together, know how to adjust to each
other), it is not surprising that nature favored animals
that grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on
전인미답 전인미답

the basis of familiarity.

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- 7 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.23) 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.25) 전인미답

To prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of

The concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds
전인미답 전인미답

organization that encourages independent thinking. of students, who are taught that they are subservient
and beholden to the keeper of information.
전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be 12-4. People often have different definitions of
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit education, as the nature of education is somewhat
becomes more important than the opinions of fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
individual members. ① It's also likely to form if the the way much of education occurred. ① Students
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, began reading information, coupled with the
and they are faced with a difficult decision. ➁ The
information a teacher would share. ➁ To ensure that

leader of the group should appear to be impartial, so the student had retained the information, a test or
that members do not feel any pressure to obey. ➂ paper was often required to make an assessment of
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to that retention. ➂ This downloading of information is
examine all the options, and to consult people outside
known as the banking model, and what the banking

the group, too. ➃ Disagreement, Janis argued, is model does is it reduces the student from being a
actually a good thing, and he suggested that members critical and independent thinker to being a receptacle
should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — for facts. ➃ The process of the banking model raises
introducing an alternative point of view in order to the power and control of the teacher while failing to
provoke discussion. ➄ In addition to ensuring that the recognize that students are more than simply
group comes to more rational and fair decisions,
unthinking blank slates. ➄ As a result, students have
전인미답 전인미답

allowing members to retain their individuality creates a little control over their own thinking and their own
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, education.
which results from conformity and obedience.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.24) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?26)

Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
areas the participants so wish. price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are
aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars,
12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the
essentially an ideal private world in which each person financial constraints that other actors have in their
controls the information that is revealed. ① In this everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific
world, the full identity of the person is not revealed,
전인미답 전인미답
economic class understands what the other sees as a
necessity and a luxury. (A) , in the case of
and the two people are physically remote from each
electronic products like video games, they are not a
other. ➁ These circumstances do not lead the
necessity at the same level as other household
participants to remain completely mysterious — on the
purchases such as food items. (B) , the seller in
contrary, in many cases it leads the participants to
Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very
reveal much more about themselves than they would
high prices for video games because at no point will
usually do. ➂ When we can keep private that which the buyer see possession of them as an absolute
전인미답 전인미답

seems to threaten us, we can be more open necessity. Access to this type of knowledge establishes
concerning other matters. ➃ The greater degree of a price consensus by relating to each other’s
openness generates a greater degree of emotional preferences and limitations of belonging to a similar
closeness as well. ➄ Accordingly, in online cultural and economic universe.
relationships we can find both greater privacy and
greater closeness and openness - this considerably (A) (B)
reduces the common conflict between openness and ① For example Consequently
privacy. 전인미답
② By contrast Conversely

③ For instance On the other hand

④ Similarly Instead
⑤ Furthermore Nevertheless

전인미답 전인미답

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- 8 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?27)

전인미답 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?29)

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

전인미답 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
전인미답 전인미답

animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other essentially an ideal private world in which each person
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
would help stamp in the preference for a stable the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
전인미답 전인미답
environment (so animals might learn to like their two people are physically remote from each other.
homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds. (A) , it is much easier to keep private whatever
Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt not lead the participants to remain completely
or some other form of disliking. How would families mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or the participants to reveal much more about themselves
other partnerships survive? (A)
, if you always than they would usually do. When we can keep private

preferred a stranger to someone you knew, social life that which seems to threaten us, we can be more
would be in constant turmoil and turnover. (B) , if open concerning other matters. The greater degree of
you automatically grew to like the people you saw openness generates a greater degree of emotional
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
closeness as well. (B) , in online relationships we

and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the can find both greater privacy and greater closeness
advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each and openness - this considerably reduces the common
other, know how to work together, know how to make conflict between openness and privacy.
decisions together, know how to adjust to each other), 전인미답

it is not surprising that nature favored animals that (A) (B)

grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the ① In contrast As a result
basis of familiarity.
② Nevertheless
Therefore 전인미답

③ Hence Yet
(A) (B) ④ Therefore Thus
① In other words For instance ⑤ For example However
② Likewise Instead
③ However In contrast
④ So to speak In contrast
전인미답 전인미답

⑤ Conversely For instance

전인미답 전인미답

다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?28) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?30)

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the 12-4. People often have different definitions of
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred. Students began
individual members. (A) , it's likely to form if the reading information, coupled with the information a
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, teacher would share. The student had to retain the
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent information. (A) , a test or paper was often
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization
전인미답 전인미답
required to make an assessment of that retention. This
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of downloading of information is known as the banking
the group should appear to be impartial, so that model, and what the banking model does is it reduces
members do not feel any pressure to obey. (B) , he the student from being a critical and independent
or she should get the group to examine all the thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of
options, and to consult people outside the group, too. the banking model raises the power and control of the
Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing, teacher while failing to recognize that students are
전인미답 전인미답

and he suggested that members should be asked to more than simply unthinking blank slates. The
play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of
point of view in order to provoke discussion. In students, who are taught that they are subservient and
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more beholden to the keeper of information. (B) ,
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain students have little control over their own thinking
their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than and their own education.
the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
and obedience. 전인미답
(A) (B)

① In short In addition
(A) (B) ② By contrast As a result
① For example Furthermore ③ Hence As a result
② For example As a result ④ Nevertheless For example
③ Also 전인미답 Additionally ⑤ Also
전인미답 For example
④ Also In contrast
⑤ What's more On the other hand

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- 9 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.31)

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.33) 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
전인미답 전인미답

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, becomes more important than the opinions of
전인미답 전인미답

buyers and sellers can in their individual members. It's also likely to form if the
everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,
economic class understands what the other sees as a and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent
necessity and a luxury. In the case of electronic groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization
products like video games, they are not a necessity at that encourages . The leader of the
the same level as other household purchases such as group should appear to be impartial, so that members
food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful
do not feel any pressure to obey. Furthermore, he or

not to directly ask for very high prices for video she should get the group to examine all the options,
games because at no point will the buyer see and to consult people outside the group, too.
possession of them as an absolute necessity. Access to Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing,
this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus
and he suggested that members should be asked to

by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic point of view in order to provoke discussion. In
universe. addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain
➀ ignore the cultural context of transactions their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than
➁ enforce standardized pricing for luxury goods
the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
전인미답 전인미답

➂ overlook the importance of competitive pricing and obedience.

➃ pay more attention to the sale of essential goods
➄ recognize the economic limitations of each ➀ collective thinking
participant ➁ unanimous agreement
➂ autonomous rationality
전인미답 ➃ reliance on hierarchical decisions

➄ suppression of independent thinking

전인미답 전인미답

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.32) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.34)

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other essentially an ideal private world in which each person
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
would help stamp in the preference for a stable the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
environment (so animals might learn to like their two people are physically remote from each other.
homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds. Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
전인미답 전인미답 areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt not lead the participants to remain completely
or some other form of disliking. How would families mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or the participants to reveal much more about themselves
other partnerships survive? If you , than they would usually do. When we can keep private
social life would be in constant turmoil and turnover. that which seems to threaten us, we can be
In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the . The greater degree of openness generates a
전인미답 전인미답

people you saw regularly, you would soon prefer them greater degree of emotional closeness as well.
over strangers, and groups would form and stabilize Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both
easily. Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
people know each other, know how to work together, this considerably reduces the common conflict between
know how to make decisions together, know how to openness and privacy.
adjust to each other), it is not surprising that nature
favored animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) ➀ more open concerning positive issues
each other on the basis of familiarity.
➁ transparent in different areas except it

➂ secretive about other aspects of our lives

➀ valued all social interactions equally ➃ reluctant to form meaningful connections
➁ avoided any form of social interaction ➄ indifferent to sharing personal experiences
➂ favored novel stimuli over common ones
전인미답 전인미답

➃ exclusively interacted with close relatives

➄ sought out only those with similar interests

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- 10 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.35) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?37)
전인미답 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat
전인미답 animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
전인미답 전인미답

fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
the way much of education occurred. Students began would help stamp in the preference for a stable
reading information, coupled with the information a environment (so animals might learn to like their
전인미답 전인미답

teacher would share. To ensure that the student had

retained the information, a test or paper was often
(A) How would friendships, alliances, or other
required to make an assessment of that retention. This partnerships survive? If you always preferred a
downloading of information is known as the banking stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
model, and what the banking model does is it constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
. The process of the banking model raises automatically grew to like the people you saw
the power and control of the teacher while failing to
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

recognize that students are more than simply and groups would form and stabilize easily.
unthinking blank slates. The concept, then, is placed
squarely into the minds of students, who are taught (B) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
that they are subservient and beholden to the keeper
Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals

of information. As a result, students have little control in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
over their own thinking and their own education. or some other form of disliking. How would families
stay together?
➀ enhances the creative abilities of students
(C) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
➁ fosters a sense of autonomy and self-direction in
know each other, know how to work together, know
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to

➂ converts a discerning individual into a container for
each other), it is not surprising that nature favored
information animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
➃ promotes the development of critical and other on the basis of familiarity.
independent thinking skills
➄ deprives the students of the opportunities to ➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
interact with each other 전인미답 ➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)

➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
전인미답 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?36) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?38)

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
ties of shared culture. avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
becomes more important than the opinions of
(A) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class individual members.
understands what the other sees as a necessity and a
luxury. In the case of electronic products like video (A) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good
games, they are not a necessity at the same level as thing, and he suggested that members should be asked

other household purchases such as food items.

to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
point of view in order to provoke discussion. In
(B) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain
sellers can assess to a large extent the financial their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than
the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
constraints that other actors have in their everyday
and obedience.
life. 전인미답 전인미답

(B) The leader of the group should appear to be

(C) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to
impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to
directly ask for very high prices for video games
obey. Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
because at no point will the buyer see possession of
examine all the options, and to consult people outside
them as an absolute necessity. Access to this type of
the group, too.
knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating to
each other’s preferences and limitations of belonging (C) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of
to a similar cultural and economic universe.
전인미답 전인미답

like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced

with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink, Janis
➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) proposed a system of organization that encourages
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B) independent thinking.
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
전인미답 전인미답

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능
- 11 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?39) 않은 것은?41)

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
essentially an ideal private world in which each person price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
controls the information that is revealed. ties of ➀ materialistic culture. Both the buyer and
전인미답 전인미답

seller are ➁ conscious of each other’s restrictions. In

(A) In this world, the full identity of the person is not Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a
revealed, and the two people are physically remote large extent the financial ➂ constraints that other
from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep
actors have in their everyday life. Each actor
private whatever areas the participants so wish.
belonging to a specific economic class understands
what the other sees as a necessity and a luxury. In
(B) The greater degree of openness generates a greater
the case of electronic products like video games, they

degree of emotional closeness as well. Accordingly, in

are not a necessity at the same level as other
online relationships we can find both greater privacy
and greater closeness and openness - this household purchases such as food items. So, the seller
considerably reduces the common conflict between in Delhi’s bazaars is ➃ prudent not to directly ask for
openness and privacy.
very high prices for video games because at no point

will the buyer see possession of them as an absolute

(C) These circumstances do not lead the participants necessity. Access to this type of knowledge establishes
to remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in a price consensus by relating to each other’s

many cases it leads the participants to reveal much preferences and limitations of belonging to a ➄ similar
more about themselves than they would usually do. cultural and economic universe.
When we can keep private that which seems to
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

threaten us, we can be more open concerning other


➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A) 전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?40) 않은 것은?42)

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to develop ➀ affection for the
the way much of education occurred. familiar would help stamp in the preference for a
stable environment (so animals might learn to like
(A) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the their homes). It would certainly ➁ foster stable social
minds of students, who are taught that they are bonds. Imagine, for example, that nature programmed
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
전인미답 전인미답

animals in the opposite way, so that familiarity ➂

As a result, students have little control over their own brought about contempt or some other form of
thinking and their own education. disliking. How would families stay together? How would
friendships, alliances, or other partnerships survive? If
(B) Students began reading information, coupled with
you always preferred a stranger to someone you knew,
the information a teacher would share. To ensure that
social life would be in constant turmoil and turnover.
the student had retained the information, a test or
In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the
전인미답 전인미답

paper was often required to make an assessment of

that retention. people you ➃ distanced regularly , you would soon
prefer them over strangers, and groups would form
(C) This downloading of information is known as the and stabilize easily. Given the advantages of stable
banking model, and what the banking model does is it groups (e.g., people know each other, know how to
reduces the student from being a critical and work together, know how to make decisions together,
independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts. know how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising
The process of the banking model raises the power
that nature favored animals that grew to like (rather

and control of the teacher while failing to recognize than dislike) each other on the basis of ➄ intimacy.
that students are more than simply unthinking blank

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 12 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 전인미답

않은 것은?43) 않은 것은?45)
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the 12-4. People often have different definitions of
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be ➀ education, as the nature of education is somewhat ➀
overcome. It is most likely to develop when team spirit changable. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press
전인미답 전인미답

becomes more important than the opinions of changed the way much of education ➁ took place.
individual members. It's also likely to ➁ happen if the Students began reading information, coupled with the
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, information a teacher would share. To ensure that the
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent student had retained the information, a test or paper
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization was often required to make an assessment of that
that encourages ➂ collective thinking. The leader of retention. This downloading of information is known as
the group should appear to be impartial, so that
the banking model, and what the banking model does

members do not feel any pressure to obey. is it reduces the student from being a critical and
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to ➃ independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts.
examine all the options, and to consult people outside The process of the banking model ➂ undermines the
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually
power and control of the teacher while failing to

a good thing, and he suggested that members should recognize that students are more than simply
be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an unthinking blank slates. The concept, then, is placed
alternative point of view in order to ➄ initiate squarely into the minds of students, who are ➃ told
discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group that they are subservient and beholden to the keeper
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing of information. As a result, students have ➄ little
members to retain their individuality creates a
control over their own thinking and their own
전인미답 전인미답

healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, education.

which results from conformity and obedience.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

않은 것은?44)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ➀ appropriate private world in which
each person controls the information that is revealed.
In this world, the full identity of the person is not
revealed, and the two people are physically remote
전인미답 전인미답

from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep ➁

concealed whatever areas the participants so wish.
These circumstances do not lead the participants to
remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
many cases it leads the participants to ➂ expose much
more about themselves than they would usually do. 전인미답 전인미답

When we can keep private that which seems to

threaten us, we can be more ➃ outspoken concerning
other matters. The greater degree of openness
generates a greater degree of emotional closeness as
well. Accordingly, in online relationships we can find
both greater privacy and greater closeness and
openness - this considerably ➄ complicates the
common conflict between openness and privacy.
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 13 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?46) 전인미답

다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?47) 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
전인미답 전인미답

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, would help stamp in the preference for a stable
전인미답 전인미답

buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the environment (so animals might learn to like their
financial constraints that other actors have in their homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
economic class understands what the other sees as a in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
necessity and a luxury. In the case of electronic or some other form of disliking. How would families
products like video games, they are not a necessity at stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or
the same level as other household purchases such as
other partnerships survive? If you always preferred a

food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
not to directly ask for very high prices for video constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
games because at no point will the buyer see automatically grew to like the people you saw
possession of them as an absolute necessity. Access to
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the
by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic other, know how to work together, know how to make
universe. decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
it is not surprising that nature favored animals that
➀ the culturally informed price-setting mechanisms
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the
전인미답 전인미답

based on shared culture basis of familiarity.

➁ the pervasive economic barriers to essential goods
in developing market dynamics ➀ lasting social stability compromised by many in
➂ the marked indifference towards seller's cultural favor of novel stimuli
origins in buyer's market behavior ➁ the superiority of transient relationships over
➃ the unilateral focus on profit maximization without
전인미답 continuous social bonds 전인미답

consideration of consumer affordability ➂ the effects of stable social structures on the

전인미답 전인미답
➄ the indiscriminate valuation of electronics alongside evolutionary success of species
basic necessities in bazaar transactions ➃ the preference for novel stimuli as a primary factor
in maintaining social harmony
➄ the advantage of preference for familiarity in
promoting social stability and group formation

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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- 14 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

Janis가 할 법한 말로 가장 적절한 것은?48)

다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?50) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred. Students began
전인미답 전인미답

individual members. It's also likely to form if the reading information, coupled with the information a
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, teacher would share. To ensure that the student had
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent retained the information, a test or paper was often
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization required to make an assessment of that retention. This
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of downloading of information is known as the banking
the group should appear to be impartial, so that model, and what the banking model does is it reduces
members do not feel any pressure to obey.
the student from being a critical and independent

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of
examine all the options, and to consult people outside the banking model raises the power and control of the
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually teacher while failing to recognize that students are
a good thing, and he suggested that members should
more than simply unthinking blank slates. The

be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of
alternative point of view in order to provoke students, who are taught that they are subservient and
discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group beholden to the keeper of information. As a result,
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing students have little control over their own thinking
members to retain their individuality creates a and their own education.
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

which results from conformity and obedience. ➀ The Proven Benefits of a Fact-Based Educational
➀ A strong team spirit necessitates uniformity in ➁ Why the Banking Model Remains the Ideal Approach
thought and action among its members. to Learning
➁ Encouraging diversity of thought within a group is ➂ The Historical Impact of the Printing Press on
essential for making well-rounded decisions.
전인미답 Educational Dynamics 전인미답

➂ Leaders should always promote their own views to ➃ How Teacher Dominance Benefits Learning More
전인미답 전인미답
guide the group towards the correct decision. Than Student-Oriented Learning
➃ Consulting with individuals outside the group could ➄ The Passionate Teachers: The Historical Background
dilute the team's focus and should be avoided. Behind the Emergence of the Printing Press
➄ The most effective groups are those in which
members share identical viewpoints and avoid conflict.

‘cyberspace’의 성격으로 가장 적절한 것은?49) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.51)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to
essentially an ideal private world in which each person directly ask for very high prices for video games
controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
전인미답 전인미답 because at no point will the buyer see possession of
the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the them as an absolute necessity.
two people are physically remote from each other.
Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
not lead the participants to remain completely price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads ties of shared culture. ① Both the buyer and seller
전인미답 전인미답

the participants to reveal much more about themselves are aware of each other’s restrictions. ➁ In Delhi’s
than they would usually do. When we can keep private bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large
that which seems to threaten us, we can be more extent the financial constraints that other actors have
open concerning other matters. The greater degree of in their everyday life. ➂ Each actor belonging to a
openness generates a greater degree of emotional specific economic class understands what the other
closeness as well. Accordingly, in online relationships sees as a necessity and a luxury. ➃ In the case of
we can find both greater privacy and greater closeness electronic products like video games, they are not a
and openness - this considerably reduces the common
necessity at the same level as other household

conflict between openness and privacy. purchases such as food items. ➄ Access to this type
of knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating
➀ Intrusive but Public to each other’s preferences and limitations of
➁ Isolating but Secretive belonging to a similar cultural and economic universe.
전인미답 전인미답

➂ Impersonal but Exclusive

➃ Superficial but Permanent
➄ Confidential but Transparent
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- 15 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.52) 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.54) 전인미답

Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals

In this world, the full identity of the person is not
전인미답 전인미답

in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt revealed, and the two people are physically remote
or some other form of disliking. from each other.
전인미답 전인미답

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other essentially an ideal private world in which each person
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar controls the information that is revealed. ① Hence, it
would help stamp in the preference for a stable is much easier to keep private whatever areas the
environment (so animals might learn to like their participants so wish. ➁ These circumstances do not
homes). ① It would certainly promote stable social
lead the participants to remain completely mysterious

bonds. ➁ How would families stay together? How — on the contrary, in many cases it leads the
would friendships, alliances, or other partnerships participants to reveal much more about themselves
survive? ➂ If you always preferred a stranger to than they would usually do. ➂ When we can keep
someone you knew, social life would be in constant
private that which seems to threaten us, we can be

turmoil and turnover. ➃ In contrast, if you more open concerning other matters. ➃ The greater
automatically grew to like the people you saw degree of openness generates a greater degree of
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers, emotional closeness as well. ➄ Accordingly, in online
and groups would form and stabilize easily. ➄ Given relationships we can find both greater privacy and
the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know greater closeness and openness - this considerably
each other, know how to work together, know how to
reduces the common conflict between openness and
전인미답 전인미답

make decisions together, know how to adjust to each privacy.

other), it is not surprising that nature favored animals
that grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on
the basis of familiarity.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.53) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.55)

Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing, The process of the banking model raises the power
and he suggested that members should be asked to and control of the teacher while failing to recognize
play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative that students are more than simply unthinking blank
point of view in order to provoke discussion. slates.

전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the 12-4. People often have different definitions of
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred. ① Students
individual members. ① It's also likely to form if the began reading information, coupled with the
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, information a teacher would share. ➁ To ensure that
전인미답 전인미답

and they are faced with a difficult decision. ➁ To the student had retained the information, a test or
prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of paper was often required to make an assessment of
organization that encourages independent thinking. ➂ that retention. ➂ This downloading of information is
The leader of the group should appear to be impartial, known as the banking model, and what the banking
so that members do not feel any pressure to obey. ➃ model does is it reduces the student from being a
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to critical and independent thinker to being a receptacle
examine all the options, and to consult people outside for facts. ➃ The concept, then, is placed squarely into
the group, too. ➄ In addition to ensuring that the
the minds of students, who are taught that they are

group comes to more rational and fair decisions, subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
allowing members to retain their individuality creates a ➄ As a result, students have little control over their
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, own thinking and their own education.
which results from conformity and obedience.
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 16 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

밑줄 친 부분을 어법 또는 맥락에 맞게 모두 고치시오. 적절한

밑줄 친 부분을 어법 또는 맥락에 맞게 모두 고치시오. 적절한 전인미답

건 그대로 쓸 것. 건 그대로 쓸 것.
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently ⓐ 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
flexibly price-setting mechanism that sits atop more ⓑ problems of groupthink, but felt that it could ⓐ avoid.
endure ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and It is most likely to develop when team spirit becomes
전인미답 전인미답

seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s more ⓑ importantly than the opinions of individual
bazaars, buyers and sellers can ⓒ be assessed to a members. It's also likely to form if the group is made
large extent the financial constraints that other actors up of like-minded people to begin with, and they are
have in their everyday life. Each actor ⓓ belongs to a faced with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink,
specific economic class understands what the other ⓔ Janis ⓒ proposing a system of organization ⓓ where
is seen as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of encourages independent thinking. The leader of the
electronic products like video games, they are not a
group should appear to be impartial, so that members

necessity at the same level as other household do not feel any pressure to obey. Furthermore, he or
purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s she should get the group to examine all the options,
bazaars is careful not to ⓕ direct ask for very high and to consult people outside the group, too.
prices for video games because at no point will the
Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing,

buyer see possession of them as an absolute necessity. and he suggested that members should ⓔ ask to play
ⓖ Assess to this type of knowledge establishes a price "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative point of
consensus by relating to each other’s preferences and view in order to provoke discussion. In addition to ⓕ
limitations of belonging to a ⓗ similar cultural and ensure that the group comes to more rational and fair
economic universe. decisions, allowing members ⓖ retains their
individuality creates a healthier team spirit than the
전인미답 전인미답

ⓐ56) ⓑ57) ⓒ58) ⓓ59) state of groupthink, ⓗ it results from conformity and
ⓔ60) ⓕ61) ⓖ62) ⓗ63) obedience.

ⓐ72) ⓑ73) ⓒ74) ⓓ75)

ⓔ76) ⓕ77) ⓖ78) ⓗ79)
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

밑줄 친 부분을 어법 또는 맥락에 맞게 모두 고치시오. 적절한 밑줄 친 부분을 어법 또는 맥락에 맞게 모두 고치시오. 적절한

건 그대로 쓸 것. 건 그대로 쓸 것.

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace ⓐ
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other to be ⓑ essential an ideal private world in which each
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar person controls the information that is revealed. In
would help stamp in the preference for a stable this world, the full identity of the person is not
environment (so animals might learn to like their revealed, and the two people are physically remote
homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds. from each other. Hence, it is much easier ⓒ keep
Imagine, for example, that nature ⓐ programming
전인미답 전인미답 private whatever areas the participants so wish. These
animals in the ⓑ opposite way, so that familiarity led circumstances do not lead the participants to ⓓ
to contempt or some other form of disliking. How remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
would families stay together? How would friendships, many cases it leads the participants to reveal much
alliances, or other partnerships survive? If you always more about ⓔ themselves than they would usually do.
preferred a stranger to someone you knew ⓒ him, When we can keep private ⓕ that which seems to
social life would be in constant turmoil and turnover. threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
전인미답 전인미답

In contrast, if you ⓓ automatically grew to like the matters. The greater degree of openness generates a
people you saw ⓔ them regularly, you would soon greater degree of emotional closeness as well.
prefer ⓕ them over strangers, and groups would form Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both
and stabilize easily. Given the advantages of stable greater privacy ⓖ or greater closeness and openness -
groups (e.g., people know each other, know how to this considerably reduces the common conflict between
work together, know how to make decisions together, openness ⓗ or privacy.
know how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising
ⓖ what nature favored animals ⓗ who grew to like
ⓐ80) ⓑ81) ⓒ82) ⓓ83)

(rather than dislike) each other on the basis of ⓔ84) ⓕ85) ⓖ86) ⓗ87)

ⓐ64) ⓑ65) ⓒ66) ⓓ67)

전인미답 전인미답

ⓔ68) ⓕ69) ⓖ70) ⓗ71)

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 17 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

밑줄 친 부분을 어법 또는 맥락에 맞게 모두 고치시오. 적절한

전인미답 전인미답

건 그대로 쓸 것. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?97)

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
전인미답 전인미답

the way much of education ⓐ occurring. Students would help stamp in the preference for a stable
began reading information, coupled with the environment (so animals might learn to like their
information a teacher would share ⓑ it. To ensure that homes).
the student had retained the information, a test or
(A) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
paper was often required to make an assessment of
know each other, know how to work together, know
that retention. This downloading of information is
how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to
known as the banking model, and what the banking
전인미답 전인미답

each other), it is not surprising that nature favored

model ⓒ is done is it reduces the student from being
animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
a critical and independent thinker to ⓓ being a other on the basis of familiarity.
receptacle for facts. The process of the banking model
raises the power and control of the teacher while ⓔ to
전인미답 전인미답

(B) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.

fail to recognize that students are more than simply Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
unthinking blank slates. The concept, then, ⓕ places in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
squarely into the minds of students, who ⓖ teach that or some other form of disliking. How would families
they are subservient and beholden to the keeper of stay together?
information. As a result, students have ⓗ few control
over their own thinking and their own education.
(C) How would friendships, alliances, or other
전인미답 전인미답

partnerships survive? If you always preferred a

ⓐ88) ⓑ89) ⓒ90) ⓓ91) stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
ⓔ92) ⓕ93) ⓖ94) ⓗ95) constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
automatically grew to like the people you saw
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
and groups would form and stabilize easily.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?96)

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
ties of shared culture.

(A) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class

understands what the other sees as a necessity and a
전인미답 전인미답

luxury. In the case of electronic products like video

games, they are not a necessity at the same level as
other household purchases such as food items.

(B) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to

directly ask for very high prices for video games
because at no point will the buyer see possession of 전인미답 전인미답

them as an absolute necessity. Access to this type of

knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating to
each other’s preferences and limitations of belonging
to a similar cultural and economic universe.

(C) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each

other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and
sellers can assess to a large extent the financial
전인미답 전인미답

constraints that other actors have in their everyday


➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
전인미답 전인미답

➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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- 18 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?98)

전인미답 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?100) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

전인미답 12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답
individual members.
(A) This downloading of information is known as the
(A) The leader of the group should appear to be banking model, and what the banking model does is it
impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to reduces the student from being a critical and
obey. Furthermore, he or she should get the group to independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts.
examine all the options, and to consult people outside The process of the banking model raises the power
the group, too. 전인미답
and control of the teacher while failing to recognize

that students are more than simply unthinking blank

(B) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good slates.
thing, and he suggested that members should be asked
to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
(B) Students began reading information, coupled with

point of view in order to provoke discussion. In the information a teacher would share. To ensure that
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more the student had retained the information, a test or
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain paper was often required to make an assessment of
their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than that retention. 전인미답

the state of groupthink, which results from conformity

and obedience. (C) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the
minds of students, who are taught that they are
전인미답 전인미답

(C) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced As a result, students have little control over their own
with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink, Janis thinking and their own education.
proposed a system of organization that encourages
independent thinking. ➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
전인미답 전인미답

➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?99)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
controls the information that is revealed.

(A) The greater degree of openness generates a

greater degree of emotional closeness as well.
전인미답 전인미답

Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both

greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
this considerably reduces the common conflict between
openness and privacy.

(B) In this world, the full identity of the person is not 전인미답 전인미답

revealed, and the two people are physically remote

from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep
private whatever areas the participants so wish.

(C) These circumstances do not lead the participants

to remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
many cases it leads the participants to reveal much
more about themselves than they would usually do.
전인미답 전인미답

When we can keep private that which seems to

threaten us, we can be more open concerning other

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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- 19 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오.101)

다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오.102) 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
전인미답 전인미답

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, would help stamp in the preference for a stable
전인미답 전인미답

buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the environment (so animals might learn to like their
financial constraints that other actors have in their homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
economic class understands what the other sees as a in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
necessity and a luxury. In the case of electronic or some other form of disliking. How would families
products like video games, they are not a necessity at stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or
the same level as other household purchases such as
other partnerships survive? If you always preferred a

food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
not to directly ask for very high prices for video constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
games because at no point will the buyer see automatically grew to like the people you saw
possession of them as an absolute necessity. Access to
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the
by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic other, know how to work together, know how to make
universe. decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
it is not surprising that nature favored animals that
➀ Shared cultural and economic backgrounds are
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the
전인미답 전인미답

pivotal in establishing pricing. basis of familiarity.

➁ Economic class distinctions are ignored in the
dynamics of Delhi’s bazaar economies. ➀ Constant preference for strangers over known
➂ Sellers in Delhi’s bazaars arbitrarily set high prices individuals would lead to social stability.
without considering buyers' needs. ➁ Families, friendships, and alliances are maintained
➃ There is a clear understanding between buyers and
전인미답 through a preference for the familiar.

sellers regarding financial constraints. ➂ The evolutionary advantage of disliking the familiar
전인미답 전인미답
➄ The pricing of video games is carefully considered, promotes social cohesion and stability.
given their status as non-essential items. ➃ Preferring familiar stimuli and individuals helps in
the formation of stable environments and social
➄ The advantages of stable groups are evident in
enhanced collaboration and decision-making among
familiar individuals.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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- 20 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.103)

다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 모두 고르시오.104) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be essentially an ideal private world in which each person
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
becomes more important than the opinions of the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
전인미답 전인미답

individual members. It's also likely to form if the two people are physically remote from each other.
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization not lead the participants to remain completely
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
the group should appear to be impartial, so that the participants to reveal much more about themselves
members do not feel any pressure to obey.
than they would usually do. When we can keep private

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to that which seems to threaten us, we can be more
examine all the options, and to consult people outside open concerning other matters. The greater degree of
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually openness generates a greater degree of emotional
a good thing, and he suggested that members should
closeness as well. Accordingly, in online relationships

be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an we can find both greater privacy and greater closeness
alternative point of view in order to provoke and openness - this considerably reduces the common
discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group conflict between openness and privacy.
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing
members to retain their individuality creates a ➀ Physical remoteness in cyberspace hinders any form
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,
of closeness or openness.
전인미답 전인미답

which results from conformity and obedience. ➁ Greater privacy in online interactions invariably
leads to less emotional closeness.
➀ Groupthink is an inevitable outcome of group ➂ The privacy afforded by cyberspace encourages
dynamics. people to share more about themselves.
➁ External consultation is viewed by Janis as a threat ➃ Cyberspace eliminates the possibility of achieving
to group cohesion. 전인미답 emotional closeness due to the lack of physical

➂ Groupthink can be avoided by promoting proximity.

전인미답 전인미답
independent thinking within the group. ➄ Being able to control what information is revealed
➃ To prevent groupthink, leaders should enforce their online reduces the usual conflict between openness
opinions on group members. and privacy.
➄ Encouraging members to play "devil's advocate"
helps introduce diverse perspectives.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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- 21 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오.105)

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.107) 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
전인미답 전인미답

education, as the nature of education is somewhat animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to would help
the way much of education occurred. Students began stamp in the preference for a stable environment (so
전인미답 전인미답

reading information, coupled with the information a animals might learn to like their homes). It would
teacher would share. To ensure that the student had certainly promote stable social bonds. Imagine, for
retained the information, a test or paper was often example, that nature programmed animals in the
required to make an assessment of that retention. This opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt or
downloading of information is known as the banking some other form of disliking. How would families stay
model, and what the banking model does is it reduces together? How would friendships, alliances, or other
the student from being a critical and independent
partnerships survive? If you always preferred a

thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
the banking model raises the power and control of the constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
teacher while failing to recognize that students are automatically grew to like the people you saw
more than simply unthinking blank slates. The
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the
students, who are taught that they are subservient and advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
beholden to the keeper of information. As a result, other, know how to work together, know how to make
students have little control over their own thinking decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
and their own education. it is not surprising that nature favored animals that
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the
전인미답 전인미답

➀ The banking model enhances the critical thinking basis of familiarity.

skills of students.
➁ Students are often seen as unthinking blank slates ➀ develop an affection for acquaintances
within the banking model. ➁ prefer constantly changing surroundings
➂ The banking model fosters a classroom dynamic ➂ put survival instincts before all the other things
where the teacher dominates. 전인미답 ➃ intentionally exclude the familiar to be impartial

➃ The concept of education has evolved, influenced ➄ put more weight on profitable adventures than
전인미답 전인미답
by innovations like the printing press. stable settings
➄ Students are considered active collaborators in their
learning process in the banking model.

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.106)

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently

price-setting mechanism that sits atop
more enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer
전인미답 전인미답

and seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In

Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a
large extent the financial constraints that other actors
have in their everyday life. Each actor belonging to a
specific economic class understands what the other
sees as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of 전인미답 전인미답

electronic products like video games, they are not a

necessity at the same level as other household
purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s
bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very high
prices for video games because at no point will the
buyer see possession of them as an absolute necessity.
Access to this type of knowledge establishes a price
consensus by relating to each other’s preferences and
전인미답 전인미답

limitations of belonging to a similar cultural and

economic universe.

➀ rigid ➁ fixed ➂ variable

전인미답 전인미답

➃ cutting-edge ➄ standardized

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- 22 -
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다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.108)

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.110) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred. Students began
전인미답 전인미답

individual members. It's also likely to form if the reading information, coupled with the information a
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, teacher would share. To ensure that the student had
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent retained the information, a test or paper was often
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization required to make an assessment of that retention. This
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of downloading of information is known as the banking
the group should appear to be impartial, so that model, and what the banking model does is it reduces
members 전인미답
. Furthermore, he or she the student from being a critical and independent

should get the group to examine all the options, and thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of
to consult people outside the group, too. Disagreement, the banking model raises the power and control of the
Janis argued, is actually a good thing, and he teacher while failing to recognize that students are
suggested that members should be asked to play
more than simply unthinking blank slates. The

"devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative point of concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of
view in order to provoke discussion. In addition to students, who are taught that they are subservient and
ensuring that the group comes to more rational and beholden to the keeper of information. As a result,
fair decisions, allowing members to retain their students .
individuality creates a healthier team spirit than the
state of groupthink, which results from conformity and
➀ possess limited autonomy regarding their cognitive
전인미답 전인미답

obedience. processes
➁ are encouraged to develop independent thought and
➀ are eager to conform to the group creativity
➁ can manipulate the group to their advantages ➂ receive personalized instruction tailored to their
➂ do not feel any pressure to object to the leader unique needs
➃ can advance their own opinions without restrictions
전인미답 ➃ can develop their own thinking and initiate their

➄ can keep the group from pursuing its goal own education
전인미답 전인미답
recklessly ➄ are provided with opportunities to challenge and
question information
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.109)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
two people are physically remote from each other.
Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
전인미답 전인미답

not lead the participants to remain completely

mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
the participants to reveal much more about themselves
than they would usually do. When we can keep private
that which seems to threaten us, we can be more
open concerning other matters. The greater degree of 전인미답 전인미답

openness generates a greater degree of emotional

closeness as well. Accordingly, in online relationships
we can find both greater privacy and greater closeness
and openness - this considerably .

➀ ensures privacy as well as openness

➁ makes it difficult to distinguish privacy from
openness 전인미답 전인미답

➂ encourages a preference for anonymity over

➃ results in the common conflict between openness
and privacy
전인미답 전인미답

➄ eliminates the common conflict brought about while

disclosing others' privacy

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- 23 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.111) 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.113) 전인미답

In the case of electronic products like video games,

Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
전인미답 전인미답

they are not a necessity at the same level as other examine all the options, and to consult people outside
household purchases such as food items. the group, too.
전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
ties of shared culture. ① Both the buyer and seller avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
are aware of each other’s restrictions. ➁ In Delhi’s becomes more important than the opinions of
bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large individual members. ① It's also likely to form if the
extent the financial constraints that other actors have
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,

in their everyday life. ➂ Each actor belonging to a and they are faced with a difficult decision. ➁ To
specific economic class understands what the other prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of
sees as a necessity and a luxury. ➃ So, the seller in organization that encourages independent thinking. ➂
Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very
The leader of the group should appear to be impartial,

high prices for video games because at no point will so that members do not feel any pressure to obey. ➃
the buyer see possession of them as an absolute Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing,
necessity. ➄ Access to this type of knowledge and he suggested that members should be asked to
establishes a price consensus by relating to each play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
other’s preferences and limitations of belonging to a point of view in order to provoke discussion. ➄ In
similar cultural and economic universe.
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
전인미답 전인미답

rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain

their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than
the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
and obedience.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.112) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.114)

It would certainly promote stable social bonds. These circumstances do not lead the participants to
remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
many cases it leads the participants to reveal much
12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple more about themselves than they would usually do.
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
would help stamp in the preference for a stable 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
environment (so animals might learn to like their
전인미답 전인미답 essentially an ideal private world in which each person
homes). ① Imagine, for example, that nature controls the information that is revealed. ① In this
programmed animals in the opposite way, so that world, the full identity of the person is not revealed,
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of and the two people are physically remote from each
disliking. ➁ How would families stay together? How other. ➁ Hence, it is much easier to keep private
would friendships, alliances, or other partnerships whatever areas the participants so wish. ➂ When we
survive? ➂ If you always preferred a stranger to can keep private that which seems to threaten us, we
전인미답 전인미답

someone you knew, social life would be in constant can be more open concerning other matters. ➃ The
turmoil and turnover. ➃ In contrast, if you greater degree of openness generates a greater degree
automatically grew to like the people you saw of emotional closeness as well. ➄ Accordingly, in
regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers, online relationships we can find both greater privacy
and groups would form and stabilize easily. ➄ Given and greater closeness and openness - this
the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know considerably reduces the common conflict between
each other, know how to work together, know how to openness and privacy.
make decisions together, know how to adjust to each
전인미답 전인미답

other), it is not surprising that nature favored animals

that grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on
the basis of familiarity.
전인미답 전인미답

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- 24 -
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주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.115) 전인미답 전인미답

This downloading of information is known as the

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
전인미답 전인미답

banking model, and what the banking model does is it animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
reduces the student from being a critical and animals. A tendency [grows / to grow]126) fond of the
independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts. familiar would help stamp in the preference for a
전인미답 전인미답

stable environment (so animals might learn to like

their homes). It would certainly promote [stable /
12-4. People often have different definitions of stably]127) social bonds. Imagine, for example, [that /
education, as the nature of education is somewhat which]128) nature programmed animals in the opposite
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed way, so that familiarity [leading / led]129) to contempt
the way much of education occurred. ① Students or some other form of disliking. How would families
began reading information,
coupled with the stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or

information a teacher would share. ➁ To ensure that other partnerships [survive / to survive]130)? If you
the student had retained the information, a test or always preferred a stranger to someone you knew,
paper was often required to make an assessment of social life [would have been / would be]131) in constant
that retention. ➂ The process of the banking model
turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you automatically

raises the power and control of the teacher while grew to like the people you saw regularly, you would
failing to recognize that students are more than simply soon prefer them over strangers, and groups would
unthinking blank slates. ➃ The concept, then, is form and stabilize [easily / easy]132). Given the
placed squarely into the minds of students, who are advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
taught that they are subservient and beholden to the other, know how to work together, know how to make
keeper of information. ➄ As a result, students have
decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
전인미답 전인미답

little control over their own thinking and their own it is not surprising that nature favored animals [that /
education. what]133) grew to like (rather than dislike) each other
on the basis of familiarity.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답


12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis [recognized /
price-setting mechanism that [seats / sits]116) atop recognizing]134) the problems of groupthink, but
more enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer [feeling / felt]135) that it could be avoided. It is most
and seller [are / is]117) aware of each other’s likely to develop when team spirit becomes [more /
restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can less]136) important than the opinions of individual
assess to a large extent the financial constraints members. It's also [like / likely]137) to form if the
[which / in which]118) other actors have in their
전인미답 전인미답 group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,
everyday life. Each actor [belongs / belonging]119) to a and [they / who]138) are faced with a difficult decision.
specific economic class understands [what / that]120) To prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of
the other sees as a necessity and a luxury. In the organization [which / where]139) encourages
case of electronic products like video games, they are independent thinking. The leader of the group should
not a necessity at the same level as [other / anothe appear to be [impartial / impartially]140), so that
r]121) household purchases such as food items. So, the members do not feel any pressure to obey.
전인미답 전인미답

seller in Delhi’s bazaars [is / are]122) careful not to Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
[direct / directly]123) ask for very high prices for video examine all the options, and to consult people outside
games because at no point will the buyer [see / to the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually
see]124) possession of them as an absolute necessity. a good thing, and he suggested that members should
Access to this type of knowledge [establishes / be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an
establishing]125) a price consensus by relating to each alternative point of view in order to [prevent /
other’s preferences and limitations of belonging to a provoke]141) discussion. In addition to ensuring that the
similar cultural and economic universe.
group comes to more rational and fair decisions,

allowing members to retain their individuality creates a

healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, [that
/ which]142) results from conformity and obedience.
전인미답 전인미답

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주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?162) 전인미답

12-3. The alternative world [provided / is provided]143)

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
전인미답 전인미답

by cyberspace is essentially an ideal private world in price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
which each person [controls / control]144) the ties of shared culture.
information that is revealed. In this world, the full 전인미답 전인미답

identity of the person is not revealed, and the two (A) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each
people are [physically / physical]145) remote from each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and
other. Hence, it is [very / much]146) easier to keep sellers can assess to a large extent the financial
private [wherever / whatever]147) areas the participants constraints that other actors have in their everyday
so wish. These circumstances do not lead the
participants to remain [completely / complete]148)
(B) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to
mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
전인미답 전인미답

directly ask for very high prices for video games

the participants to reveal much [more / less]149) about
because at no point will the buyer see possession of
themselves than they would usually do. When we can them as an absolute necessity. Access to this type of
keep private that which seems to threaten us, we can knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating to
be [less / more]150) open concerning other matters.
전인미답 전인미답

each other’s preferences and limitations of belonging

The greater degree of openness [is generated / to a similar cultural and economic universe.
generates]151) a greater degree of emotional closeness
as well. Accordingly, in online relationships we can (C) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class
find both greater privacy and greater closeness and understands what the other sees as a necessity and a
openness - this [considerable / considerably]152) luxury. In the case of electronic products like video
reduces the common conflict between openness and
games, they are not a necessity at the same level as
전인미답 전인미답

privacy. other household purchases such as food items.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
전인미답 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?163) 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
the way [many / much]153) of education occurred. would help stamp in the preference for a stable
Students began reading information, coupled with the environment (so animals might learn to like their
information a teacher would share. To ensure that the homes).
student had retained the information, a test or paper
was often required to make an assessment of that (A) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
retention. This downloading of information is known as Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
the banking model, and what the banking model does
전인미답 전인미답
in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
[to be / is]154) it reduces the student from [to be / or some other form of disliking. How would families
being]155) a critical and independent thinker to [be / stay together?
being]156) a receptacle for facts. The process of the
(B) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
banking model raises the power and control of the
know each other, know how to work together, know
teacher while [failed / failing]157) to recognize that
how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to
students are [more / most]158) than simply unthinking
each other), it is not surprising that nature favored
전인미답 전인미답

blank slates. The concept, then, is placed squarely into

animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
the minds of students, [they / who]159) are taught that other on the basis of familiarity.
[they / who]160) are subservient and beholden to the
keeper of information. As a result, students have [little (C) How would friendships, alliances, or other
/ a little]161) control over their own thinking and their partnerships survive? If you always preferred a
own education. stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
automatically grew to like the people you saw

regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,

and groups would form and stabilize easily.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
전인미답 전인미답
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?164)

전인미답 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?166) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

전인미답 12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답
individual members.
(A) This downloading of information is known as the
(A) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good banking model, and what the banking model does is it
thing, and he suggested that members should be asked reduces the student from being a critical and
to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts.
point of view in order to provoke discussion. In The process of the banking model raises the power
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
and control of the teacher while failing to recognize

rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain that students are more than simply unthinking blank
their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than slates.
the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
and obedience. 전인미답
(B) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the

minds of students, who are taught that they are

(B) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced As a result, students have little control over their own
with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink, Janis thinking and their own education. 전인미답

proposed a system of organization that encourages

independent thinking. (C) Students began reading information, coupled with
the information a teacher would share. To ensure that
전인미답 전인미답

(C) The leader of the group should appear to be the student had retained the information, a test or
impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to paper was often required to make an assessment of
obey. Furthermore, he or she should get the group to that retention.
examine all the options, and to consult people outside
the group, too. ➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) ➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
전인미답 전인미답

➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?165)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
controls the information that is revealed.

(A) These circumstances do not lead the participants

to remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
전인미답 전인미답

many cases it leads the participants to reveal much

more about themselves than they would usually do.
When we can keep private that which seems to
threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
전인미답 전인미답

(B) The greater degree of openness generates a greater

degree of emotional closeness as well. Accordingly, in
online relationships we can find both greater privacy
and greater closeness and openness - this
considerably reduces the common conflict between
openness and privacy.

(C) In this world, the full identity of the person is not

전인미답 전인미답

revealed, and the two people are physically remote

from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep
private whatever areas the participants so wish.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와

전인미답 전인미답

(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?167) 주어진 단어를 배열하여 요약문을 완성하시오.

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and seller are animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
전인미답 전인미답

aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, would help stamp in the preference for a stable
buyers and sellers can assess to a large extent the environment (so animals might learn to like their
financial constraints that other actors have in their homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals
economic class understands what the other sees as a in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
necessity and a luxury. In the case of electronic or some other form of disliking. How would families
products like video games, they are not a necessity at
stay together? How would friendships, alliances, or

the same level as other household purchases such as other partnerships survive? If you always preferred a
food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in
not to directly ask for very high prices for video constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
games because at no point will the buyer see 전인미답
automatically grew to like the people you saw 전인미답

possession of them as an absolute necessity. Access to regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus and groups would form and stabilize easily. Given the
by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations advantages of stable groups (e.g., people know each
of belonging to a similar cultural and economic other, know how to work together, know how to make
universe. decisions together, know how to adjust to each other),
it is not surprising that nature favored animals that
전인미답 전인미답

ê grew to like (rather than dislike) each other on the

basis of familiarity.
The price mechanism in Delhi's markets seems (A)
; the underlying shared cultural and economic
knowledge among participants ensures prices are (A): [favoring the towards familiar to animals]168)
adjusted to (B) everyone's financial situations
전인미답 전인미답

and essential requirements. (B): [the chaos social and avoiding bonds,]169)
전인미답 전인미답

(A) (B) (C): [structures to and social unfamiliar would brin

➀ variable …… suit g]170)
➁ rigid …… meet
➂ changable …… add
➃ fixed …… accomodate Nature has inclined (A) ____________________ foster
➄ negotiable …… complicate stable environments (B) ____________________ that
preference for the (C) ____________________ group

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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- 28 -
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다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와

전인미답 전인미답

(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?171) 주어진 단어를 배열하여 요약문을 완성하시오.

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be essentially an ideal private world in which each person
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit controls the information that is revealed. In this world,
전인미답 전인미답

becomes more important than the opinions of the full identity of the person is not revealed, and the
individual members. It's also likely to form if the two people are physically remote from each other.
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever
and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do
groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization not lead the participants to remain completely
that encourages independent thinking. The leader of mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads
the group should appear to be impartial, so that
the participants to reveal much more about themselves

members do not feel any pressure to obey. than they would usually do. When we can keep private
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to that which seems to threaten us, we can be more
examine all the options, and to consult people outside open concerning other matters. The greater degree of
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually
openness generates a greater degree of emotional

a good thing, and he suggested that members should closeness as well. Accordingly, in online relationships
be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an we can find both greater privacy and greater closeness
alternative point of view in order to provoke and openness - this considerably reduces the common
discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group conflict between openness and privacy.
comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing
members to retain their individuality creates a
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, (A): [attempt they what private individuals to conceal
which results from conformity and obedience. consider]172)

ê (B): [up revealing about themselves more end]173)

To (A) groupthink, Janis proposed a leadership

전인미답 (C): [to leads well as greater as openness]174)

approach that is (B) , urges consideration of

전인미답 전인미답
diverse options, and includes external perspectives,
thereby encouraging open discussions and preserving While (A) ____________________, they often (B)
individual contributions. ____________________, especially when focused on
such private information. This paradoxically (C)
(A) (B) ____________________ enhanced privacy.
➀ eliminate …… stubborn
➁ foster …… comprehensive
➂ encourage …… partial
➃ eradicate …… opinionated
➄ overcome …… unbiased
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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- 29 -
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주어진 단어를 적절한 곳에 넣어 요약문을 완성하시오.

주어진 단어를 적절한 곳에 적절한 형태로 넣으시오. 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of

12-G. Bazaar economies ________180) an ________181)
전인미답 전인미답

education, as the nature of education is somewhat flexible price-setting mechanism that sits atop more
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and
the way much of education occurred. Students began seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s
전인미답 전인미답

reading information, coupled with the information a bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large
teacher would share. To ensure that the student had extent the financial ________182) that other actors have
retained the information, a test or paper was often in their everyday life. Each actor belonging to a
required to make an assessment of that retention. This specific economic class ________183) what the other
downloading of information is known as the banking sees as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of
model, and what the banking model does is it reduces electronic products like video games, they are not a
the student from being a critical and independent
necessity at the same level as other household

thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process of purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s
the banking model raises the power and control of the bazaars is ________184) not to directly ask for very
teacher while failing to recognize that students are high prices for video games because at no point will
more than simply unthinking blank slates. The전인미답
the buyer see ________185) of them as an absolute

concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of necessity. Access to this type of knowledge _______
students, who are taught that they are subservient and _186) a price consensus by relating to each other’s
beholden to the keeper of information. As a result, preferences and limitations of belonging to a similar
students have little control over their own thinking cultural and ________187) universe.
and their own education.
feature constraints careful establish
전인미답 전인미답

apparent possess economic understand

independent diminishing boosts reduces undermines

The banking model ________175) students to fact

receptacles, thereby ________176) their critical thinking
전인미답 전인미답

capabilities. This approach ________177) the teacher's

전인미답 전인미답
control and ________178) the notion that students are
capable of ________179) thought and self-directed

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
animals. A tendency to grow ________188) of the
familiar would help ________189) in the preference for
a stable environment (so animals might learn to like
their homes). It would certainly ________190) stable
전인미답 전인미답 social bonds. Imagine, for example, that nature
________191) animals in the ________192) way, so that
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of
disliking. How would families stay together? How would
friendships, alliances, or other partnerships _______
_193)? If you always preferred a stranger to someone
you knew, social life would be in constant turmoil and
전인미답 전인미답

turnover. In contrast, if you ________194) grew to like

the people you saw regularly, you would soon prefer
them over strangers, and groups would form and
________195) easily. Given the advantages of stable
groups (e.g., people know each other, know how to
work together, know how to make decisions together,
know how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising
that nature favored animals that grew to like (rather

than dislike) each other on the basis of familiarity.

stabilize promote fond stamp

opposite automatical survive program
전인미답 전인미답

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- 30 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis ________196) the 12-4. People often have different definitions of
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
education, as the nature of education is somewhat
전인미답 전인미답

avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education ________212). Students
individual members. It's also likely to form if the began reading information, ________213) with the
전인미답 전인미답

group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, information a teacher would share. To ensure that the
and they are ________197) with a difficult decision. To student had ________214) the information, a test or
prevent groupthink, Janis ________198) a system of paper was often ________215) to make an assessment of
organization that ________199) independent thinking. that retention. This downloading of information is
The leader of the group should appear to be impartial, known as the banking model, and what the banking
so that members do not feel any pressure to obey. model does is it ________216) the student from being a
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
critical and independent thinker to being a _______

examine all the options, and to consult people outside _217) for facts. The ________218) of the banking model
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually raises the power and control of the teacher while
a good thing, and he ________200) that members failing to recognize that students are more than simply
should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ —전인미답
unthinking blank slates. The concept, then, is _______

introducing an alternative point of view in order to _219) squarely into the minds of students, who are
________201) discussion. In addition to ensuring that taught that they are subservient and beholden to the
the group comes to more ________202) and fair keeper of information. As a result, students have little
decisions, allowing members to retain their control over their own thinking and their own
individuality creates a healthier team spirit than the education.
state of groupthink, which results from ________203)
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

and obedience. process reduce couple retain

receptacle occur place require
rational suggest conform provoke
encourage propose face recognize

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.220)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is Each actor belonging to a specific economic class
essentially an ________204) private world in which each understands what the other sees as a necessity and a
person ________205) the information that is revealed. In luxury.
this world, the full identity of the person is not
revealed, and the two people are physically remote
전인미답 전인미답

from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
private whatever areas the participants so wish. These price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
circumstances do not lead the participants to _______ ties of shared culture. ① Both the buyer and seller
_206) completely mysterious — on the contrary, in many are aware of each other’s restrictions. ➁ In Delhi’s
cases it leads the participants to ________207) much bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large
more about themselves than they would usually do. extent the financial constraints that other actors have
전인미답 전인미답

When we can keep ________208) that which seems to in their everyday life. ➂ In the case of electronic
________209) us, we can be more open concerning products like video games, they are not a necessity at
other matters. The greater degree of openness the same level as other household purchases such as
________210) a greater degree of emotional closeness as food items. ➃ So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is
well. Accordingly, in online relationships we can find careful not to directly ask for very high prices for
both greater privacy and greater closeness and video games because at no point will the buyer see
openness - this considerably ________211) the common possession of them as an absolute necessity. ➄ Access
conflict between openness and privacy.
to this type of knowledge establishes a price consensus

by relating to each other’s preferences and limitations

reduce remain ideal private of belonging to a similar cultural and economic
generate reveal threaten control universe.
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 31 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.221) 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.223) 전인미답

If you always preferred a stranger to someone you

When we can keep private that which seems to
전인미답 전인미답

knew, social life would be in constant turmoil and threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
turnover. matters.
전인미답 전인미답

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other essentially an ideal private world in which each person
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar controls the information that is revealed. ① In this
would help stamp in the preference for a stable world, the full identity of the person is not revealed,
environment (so animals might learn to like their and the two people are physically remote from each
homes). ① It would certainly promote stable social
other. ➁ Hence, it is much easier to keep private

bonds. ➁ Imagine, for example, that nature whatever areas the participants so wish. ➂ These
programmed animals in the opposite way, so that circumstances do not lead the participants to remain
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of completely mysterious — on the contrary, in many
disliking. ➂ How would families stay together? How
cases it leads the participants to reveal much more

would friendships, alliances, or other partnerships about themselves than they would usually do. ➃ The
survive? ➃ In contrast, if you automatically grew to greater degree of openness generates a greater degree
like the people you saw regularly, you would soon of emotional closeness as well. ➄ Accordingly, in
prefer them over strangers, and groups would form online relationships we can find both greater privacy
and stabilize easily. ➄ Given the advantages of stable and greater closeness and openness - this
groups (e.g., people know each other, know how to
considerably reduces the common conflict between
전인미답 전인미답

work together, know how to make decisions together, openness and privacy.
know how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising
that nature favored animals that grew to like (rather
than dislike) each other on the basis of familiarity.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.222) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.224)

It's also likely to form if the group is made up of Students began reading information, coupled with the
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced information a teacher would share.
with a difficult decision.

12-4. People often have different definitions of

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the education, as the nature of education is somewhat
problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
전인미답 전인미답 the way much of education occurred. ① To ensure
becomes more important than the opinions of that the student had retained the information, a test
individual members. ① To prevent groupthink, Janis or paper was often required to make an assessment of
proposed a system of organization that encourages that retention. ➁ This downloading of information is
independent thinking. ➁ The leader of the group known as the banking model, and what the banking
should appear to be impartial, so that members do not model does is it reduces the student from being a
feel any pressure to obey. ➂ Furthermore, he or she critical and independent thinker to being a receptacle
전인미답 전인미답

should get the group to examine all the options, and for facts. ➂ The process of the banking model raises
to consult people outside the group, too. ➃ the power and control of the teacher while failing to
Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing, recognize that students are more than simply
and he suggested that members should be asked to unthinking blank slates. ➃ The concept, then, is
play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative placed squarely into the minds of students, who are
point of view in order to provoke discussion. ➄ In taught that they are subservient and beholden to the
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more keeper of information. ➄ As a result, students have
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain
little control over their own thinking and their own

their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than education.

the state of groupthink, which results from conformity
and obedience.
전인미답 전인미답

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- 32 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

밑줄 친 부분을 적절하게 고치시오. 옳은 건 그대로 쓸 것.

전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies featuring225) an apparently

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis was recognized245)
전인미답 전인미답

flexible price-setting mechanism where226) sits atop the problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
more enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
and seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In becomes more important than the opinions of
전인미답 전인미답

Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a individual members. It's also likely form246) if the
large extent the financial constraints what227) other group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,
actors have in their everyday life. Each actor and they are faced247) with a difficult decision. To
belonging to a specific economic class understands prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of
what the other is seen228) as a necessity and a luxury. organization that encourage248) independent thinking.
In the case of electronic products like video games, The leader of the group should appear to be impartial,
which229) are not a necessity at the same level as
so that members do not feel any pressure obey249).

other household purchases such as food items. So, the Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly ask examine all the options, and to consult people outside
for very highly230) prices for video games because at the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually
no point will the buyer sees231) possession of them as
a good thing, and he suggested that250) members

an absolute necessity. Access to this type of knowledge should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ —
establishes a price consensus by relating to each introducing an alternative point of view in order to
other’s preferences and limitations of belonging232) a provoke discussion. In addition to ensure251) that the
similar cultural and economical233) universe. group comes to more rational and fair decisions,
allowing members to retain their individuality creatin
g252) a healthier team spirit than the state of
전인미답 전인미답

groupthink, which results from conformity and


전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

12-1. One should perhaps ask because234) even very 12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is
simple animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar essential253) an ideally254) private world in where255)
other animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar each person controls the information that is revealed.
would help stamp in the preference for a stable In this world, the fully256) identity of the person is not
environment (so animals might learn to like their revealed, and the two people are physically remote
homes). It would certain235) promote stable social from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep
bonds. Imagine236), for example, that nature private whatever areas the participants so wish257).
programmed animals in the opposite way, so that These circumstances do not lead the participants to
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of remain complete258) mysteriously259) — on the contrary,
disliking. How would families stay together? How would
전인미답 전인미답 in much260) cases it leads the participants reveal261)
friendships, alliances, or other partnerships survive much more about them262) than they would usually do.
d237)? If you always preferred a stranger to someone When we can keep private that263) which seems to
you knew, social life would be in constantly238) turmoil threaten us, we can be more openly264) concerning
and turnover. In contrast, if you automatically239) grew other matters. The greater degree of openness
to like the people you saw regular240), you would soon generates a greater degree of emotional closeness as
prefer themselves241) over strangers, and groups would well. Accordingly, in online relationships we can foun
전인미답 전인미답

form and stabilize easily. Give242) the advantages of d265) both greater privacy and greater closeness and
stable groups (e.g., people know each other, know how openness - this considerably reduces the common266)
to work together, know how to make decisions conflict between openness and privacy.
together, know how to adjust to each other), it is not
surprising that nature was favored243) animals that
grew to like (rather than dislike) each other244) on the
basis of familiarity.
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 33 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?278)

전인미답 전인미답

12-4. People often have different definitions of 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
education, as the nature of education is somewhat
전인미답 animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
전인미답 전인미답

fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press have animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
been changed267) the way much of education was would help stamp in the preference for a stable
occurred268). Students began reading information, environment (so animals might learn to like their
전인미답 전인미답

coupled with the information a teacher would share. homes).

To ensure that the student had retained the
information, a test or paper was often require269) to (A) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
know each other, know how to work together, know
make an assessment of that retention. This
how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to
downloading of information is known270) as the banking
each other), it is not surprising that nature favored
model, and what the banking model does is271) it
animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
reduces the student from being a critical and
전인미답 전인미답

other on the basis of familiarity.

independent thinker to be272) a receptacle for facts.
The process of the banking model rises273) the power (B) How would friendships, alliances, or other
and control of the teacher while failing to recognize partnerships survive? If you always preferred a
that students are more than simply unthinking blank
전인미답 전인미답

stranger to someone you knew, social life would be in

slates. The concept, then, is placed square274) into the constant turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
minds of students, who teach275) that they are automatically grew to like the people you saw
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information. regularly, you would soon prefer them over strangers,
As a result, students have few276) control over their and groups would form and stabilize easily.
own thinking and their own education.
(C) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
전인미답 전인미답

Imagine, for example, that nature programmed animals

in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to contempt
or some other form of disliking. How would families
stay together?

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A) 전인미답

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?277)

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible

price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
ties of shared culture.

(A) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to

directly ask for very high prices for video games
because at no point will the buyer see possession of
전인미답 전인미답

them as an absolute necessity. Access to this type of

knowledge establishes a price consensus by relating to
each other’s preferences and limitations of belonging
to a similar cultural and economic universe.

(B) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class

understands what the other sees as a necessity and a 전인미답 전인미답

luxury. In the case of electronic products like video

games, they are not a necessity at the same level as
other household purchases such as food items.

(C) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each

other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and
sellers can assess to a large extent the financial
constraints that other actors have in their everyday
전인미답 전인미답


➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)
전인미답 전인미답

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- 34 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?279)

전인미답 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?281) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

전인미답 12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답
individual members.
(A) Students began reading information, coupled with
(A) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of the information a teacher would share. To ensure that
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced the student had retained the information, a test or
with a difficult decision. To prevent groupthink, Janis paper was often required to make an assessment of
proposed a system of organization that encourages that retention.
independent thinking. 전인미답 전인미답

(B) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the

(B) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good minds of students, who are taught that they are
thing, and he suggested that members should be asked subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative
As a result, students have little control over their own

point of view in order to provoke discussion. In thinking and their own education.
addition to ensuring that the group comes to more
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to retain (C) This downloading of information is known as the
their individuality creates a healthier team spirit than banking model, and what the banking model does is it

the state of groupthink, which results from conformity reduces the student from being a critical and
and obedience. independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts.
The process of the banking model raises the power
전인미답 전인미답

(C) The leader of the group should appear to be and control of the teacher failing to recognize than
impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to simply unthinking blank slates.
obey. Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
examine all the options, and to consult people outside ➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
the group, too. ➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A) 전인미답

➀ (A)-(C)-(B) ➁ (B)-(A)-(C)
➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
전인미답 전인미답

➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?280)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
controls the information that is revealed.

(A) The greater degree of openness generates a

greater degree of emotional closeness as well.
전인미답 전인미답

Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both

greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
this considerably reduces the common conflict between
openness and privacy.

(B) These circumstances do not lead the participants 전인미답 전인미답

to remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in

many cases it leads the participants to reveal much
more about themselves than they would usually do.
When we can keep private that which seems to
threaten us, we can be more open concerning other

(C) In this world, the full identity of the person is not

전인미답 전인미답

revealed, and the two people are physically remote

from each other. Hence, it is much easier to keep
private whatever areas the participants so wish.

➀ (A)-(C)-(B)
전인미답 ➁ (B)-(A)-(C) 전인미답

➂ (B)-(C)-(A) ➃ (C)-(A)-(B)
➄ (C)-(B)-(A)

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- 35 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것을 모두 바르게 고치시오. 적절한 건

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것을 모두 바르게 고치시오. 적절한 건 전인미답

그대로 쓸 것.282) 그대로 쓸 것.284)

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently ① 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
inflexible price-setting mechanism that sits atop more problems of groupthink, but ① feeling that it could be
enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
전인미답 전인미답

seller are ➁ aware of each other’s restrictions. In becomes more important than the opinions of
Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can ➂ access to a individual members. It's also likely to form if the
large extent the financial constraints that other actors group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,
have in their everyday life. Each actor belonging to a and ➁ who are faced with a difficult decision. To
specific economic class understands what the other ➃ prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of
see as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of organization that encourages ➂ dependent thinking.
electronic products like video games, they are not a
The leader of the group should appear to be impartial,

necessity at the same level as other household so that members do not feel any pressure to obey.
purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s Furthermore, he or she should get the group to
bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very high examine all the options, and to consult people outside
prices for video games ➄ because of at no point will
the group, too. Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually

the buyer see possession of them as an absolute a good thing, and he suggested that members should
necessity. Access to this type of knowledge establishes be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — ➃ introduction an
a price consensus by relating to each other’s alternative point of view in order to provoke
preferences and limitations of belonging to a similar discussion. In addition to ensuring that the group
cultural and economic universe. comes to more rational and fair decisions, allowing
members to retain their individuality ➄ creating a
전인미답 전인미답

① healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink,

➁ which results from conformity and obedience.

➃ ①
➄ ➁
전인미답 ➂ 전인미답

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것을 모두 바르게 고치시오. 적절한 건 ➃

전인미답 전인미답
그대로 쓸 것.283) ➄

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

animals would ① be preferred familiar stimuli or
familiar other animals. A tendency to grow fond of the
familiar would help ➁ stamped in the preference for a
stable environment (so animals might learn to like
their homes). It would certainly promote stable social
bonds. Imagine, for example, that nature ➂
programming animals in the opposite way, so that
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of
전인미답 전인미답

disliking. How would families stay together? How would

friendships, alliances, or other partnerships ➃ to
survive? If you always preferred a stranger to
someone you knew, social life would be in constant
turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you automatically
grew to like the people you saw regularly, you would 전인미답 전인미답

soon prefer them over strangers, and groups would

form and stabilize easily. Given the advantages of
stable groups (e.g., people know each other, know how
to work together, know how to make decisions
together, know how to adjust to each other), ➄ which
is not surprising that nature favored animals that grew
to like (rather than dislike) each other on the basis of
familiarity. 전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 36 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것을 모두 바르게 고치시오. 적절한 건

전인미답 전인미답

그대로 쓸 것.285) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.287)

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a
essentially an ideal private world in which each person large extent the financial constraints that other actors
controls the information that ① reveals. In this world, have in their everyday life.
전인미답 전인미답

the full identity of the person is not ➁ revealed, and

the two people are physically remote from each other.
Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
areas the participants so wish. These circumstances do price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
not lead the participants to remain completely ties of shared culture. ① Both the buyer and seller
mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it leads are aware of each other’s restrictions. ➁ Each actor
the participants to reveal much ➂ less about
belonging to a specific economic class understands

themselves than they would usually ➃ be. When we what the other sees as a necessity and a luxury. ➂ In
can keep private that which seems to threaten us, ➄ the case of electronic products like video games, they
who can be more open concerning other matters. The are not a necessity at the same level as other
greater degree of openness generates a greater degree
household purchases such as food items. ➃ So, the

of emotional closeness as well. Accordingly, in online seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly ask
relationships we can find both greater privacy and for very high prices for video games because at no
greater closeness and openness - this considerably point will the buyer see possession of them as an
reduces the common conflict between openness and absolute necessity. ➄ Access to this type of knowledge
privacy. establishes a price consensus by relating to each
other’s preferences and limitations of belonging to a
전인미답 전인미답

① similar cultural and economic universe.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것을 모두 바르게 고치시오. 적절한 건

그대로 쓸 것.286) 주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.288)

12-4. People often have different definitions of In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the
education, as the nature of education is somewhat people you saw regularly, you would soon prefer them
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed over strangers, and groups would form and stabilize
the way much of education occurred. Students began easily.
reading information, coupled with the information a
teacher would share. ① Ensure that the student had
retained the information, a test or paper was often
전인미답 전인미답 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
required to make an assessment of that retention. This animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
downloading of information is known as the banking animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
model, and ➁ that the banking model does is it would help stamp in the preference for a stable
reduces the student from being a critical and environment (so animals might learn to like their
independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts. homes). ① It would certainly promote stable social
The process of the banking model raises the power bonds. ➁ Imagine, for example, that nature
전인미답 전인미답

and control of the teacher ➂ while failing to recognize programmed animals in the opposite way, so that
that students are more than simply unthinking blank familiarity led to contempt or some other form of
slates. The concept, then, ➃ placed squarely into the disliking. ➂ How would families stay together? How
minds of students, who are taught ➄ what they are would friendships, alliances, or other partnerships
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information. survive? ➃ If you always preferred a stranger to
As a result, students have little control over their own someone you knew, social life would be in constant
thinking and their own education. turmoil and turnover. ➄ Given the advantages of
stable groups (e.g., people know each other, know how

① to work together, know how to make decisions

➁ together, know how to adjust to each other), it is not
➂ surprising that nature favored animals that grew to
➃ like (rather than dislike) each other on the basis of
전인미답 전인미답

➄ familiarity.

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 37 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.289) 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.291) 전인미답

The leader of the group should appear to be impartial,

To ensure that the student had retained the
전인미답 전인미답

so that members do not feel any pressure to obey. information, a test or paper was often required to
make an assessment of that retention.
전인미답 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be 12-4. People often have different definitions of
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit education, as the nature of education is somewhat
becomes more important than the opinions of fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
individual members. ① It's also likely to form if the the way much of education occurred. ① Students
group is made up of like-minded people to begin with, began reading information, coupled with the
and they are faced with a difficult decision. ➁ To
information a teacher would share.
➁ This
prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of downloading of information is known as the banking
organization that encourages independent thinking. ➂ model, and what the banking model does is it reduces
Furthermore, he or she should get the group to the student from being a critical and independent
examine all the options, and to consult people outside
thinker to being a receptacle for facts. ➂ The process

the group, too. ➃ Disagreement, Janis argued, is of the banking model raises the power and control of
actually a good thing, and he suggested that members the teacher while failing to recognize that students are
should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ — more than simply unthinking blank slates. ➃ The
introducing an alternative point of view in order to concept, then, is placed squarely into the minds of
provoke discussion. ➄ In addition to ensuring that the students, who are taught that they are subservient and
group comes to more rational and fair decisions,
beholden to the keeper of information. ➄ As a result,
전인미답 전인미답

allowing members to retain their individuality creates a students have little control over their own thinking
healthier team spirit than the state of groupthink, and their own education.
which results from conformity and obedience.

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

주어진 문장을 적절한 곳에 넣으시오.290)

The greater degree of openness generates a greater

degree of emotional closeness as well.

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
전인미답 전인미답

controls the information that is revealed. ① In this

world, the full identity of the person is not revealed,
and the two people are physically remote from each
other. ➁ Hence, it is much easier to keep private
whatever areas the participants so wish. ➂ These
circumstances do not lead the participants to remain 전인미답 전인미답

completely mysterious — on the contrary, in many

cases it leads the participants to reveal much more
about themselves than they would usually do. ➃ When
we can keep private that which seems to threaten us,
we can be more open concerning other matters. ➄
Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both
greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
this considerably reduces the common conflict between
전인미답 전인미답

openness and privacy.

전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 38 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

적절하게 재배열 하시오.292) 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.298) 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies [ties feature atop an

12-1. One should perhaps [prefer animals even very
전인미답 전인미답

apparently of enduring more flexible mechanism ask stimuli familiar familiar other simple or would
shared price-setting sits that] culture. why] animals.
전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.293) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.299)

Both the buyer and seller are aware of each other’s A [in the familiar stable grow the of fond stamp
restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers [to
tendency a preference to would for help] environment

financial extent assess the other actors that have their (so animals might learn to like their homes).
can constraints large in a] everyday life.

전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.294) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.300)


Each [necessity the class understands economic actor It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
to a specific other sees belonging and as a what] a
Imagine, for example, [animals form to other of some
전인미답 전인미답

luxury. contempt so or familiarity in programmed nature the

that way, opposite that led] disliking. How would
families stay together? How would friendships,
alliances, or other partnerships survive?

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답
적절하게 재배열 하시오.295) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.301)

In the case of electronic products like video games, If you always [life would constant someone preferred
they are [such same necessity at as household level as social a and be stranger knew, in you turmoil to]
other the purchases not a] food items. turnover.

적절하게 재배열 하시오.296)

전인미답 전인미답 적절하게 재배열 하시오.302)

So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars [to directly high In contrast, if you [would and groups you to people
because is careful at no for video absolute of them as strangers, regularly, you form would prefer saw soon
very games point possession the not ask an will see them grew stabilize and the automatically like over]
for prices buyer] necessity. easily.
전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.297) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.303)

Access to [a preferences type knowledge a belonging Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
this to each and cultural consensus relating know each other, know how to work together, know
establishes by other’s similar and to of limitations
how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to

economic price of] universe. each other), [grew nature favored not like surprising is
to that animals that it] (rather than dislike) each other
on the basis of familiarity.
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 39 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

적절하게 재배열 하시오.304) 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.311) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

12-3. The [in is which cyberspace world essentially
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be person alternative revealed the that an world is
avoided. It is most [develop of the important members controls information by ideal provided private each].
spirit individual opinions to likely than team more 전인미답 전인미답

becomes when].

적절하게 재배열 하시오.305) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.312)

It's also [to faced the made and like-minded are with
In this world, the [remote from are revealed, person of

they people is if begin with, group of up likely form is physically full people the not two the identity and]
to] a difficult decision. each other.

전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.306) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.313)


To [groupthink, of organization Janis proposed that Hence, [it wish private so easier keep much areas the
independent a encourages system thinking prevent].
participants whatever to is].
전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.307) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.314)

The [be not group obey so should the appear pressure

전인미답 These circumstances do not lead the participants to

any leader feel impartial, that to to do of members]. remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
전인미답 전인미답
many cases it [much they usually would leads
themselves do about participants the to than reveal

적절하게 재배열 하시오.308) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.315)

Furthermore, he or she should [all group the and When we [seems be can threaten concerning keep
group the to get outside options, the consult people more us, open can which to private we that] other
examine to], too. matters.
전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.309) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.316)

Disagreement, Janis argued, is [advocate“ — suggested The [closeness as a openness degree emotional of of
introducing of should good he point actually be asked degree greater generates greater] well.
전인미답 전인미답

to play "devil's thing, members view order that

provoke in a to and an alternative] discussion.

적절하게 재배열 하시오.310) 적절하게 재배열 하시오.317)

In addition [members to healthier to ensuring rational

Accordingly, in online relationships [conflict and this

and fair more than to decisions, allowing team comes we closeness reduces considerably between both
creates spirit the retain a group that individuality greater openness can common greater and privacy the
their] the state of groupthink, which results from find -] openness and privacy.
conformity and obedience.
전인미답 전인미답

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 40 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

적절하게 재배열 하시오.318) 주어진 문장을 적절한 순서로 배열하시오.325)

전인미답 전인미답

12-4. People often [the of education, education is have 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible
fluid nature definitions of as somewhat different].
전인미답 price-setting mechanism that sits atop more enduring
전인미답 전인미답

ties of shared culture.

A) Access to this type of knowledge establishes a price

전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.319) consensus by relating to each other’s preferences and

limitations of belonging to a similar cultural and
Nearly 600 [the the changed printing ago way press of economic universe.
much occurred education years].
B) Each actor belonging to a specific economic class
understands what the other sees as a necessity and a
적절하게 재배열 하시오.320) 전인미답 전인미답

C) Both the buyer and seller are aware of each other’s

Students began reading information, coupled with the restrictions.
information a teacher would share. To [assessment of
often ensure a test or had that the an information, to
전인미답 전인미답

D) In the case of electronic products like video games,

paper the retained student make required was] that they are not a necessity at the same level as other
retention. household purchases such as food items.

E) In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to

적절하게 재배열 하시오.321) a large extent the financial constraints that other
actors have in their everyday life.
전인미답 전인미답

This downloading of information is known as the

banking model, and [a being does a and reduces F) So, the seller in Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to
independent the it model banking is being thinker the directly ask for very high prices for video games
from receptacle what student to critical] for facts. because at no point will the buyer see possession of
them as an absolute necessity.
전인미답 전인미답

적절하게 재배열 하시오.322) 주어진 문장을 적절한 순서로 배열하시오.326)

전인미답 전인미답

The [more students that teacher model the raises 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple
failing are the banking power process and control of animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
recognize the to of while] than simply unthinking blank animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
slates. would help stamp in the preference for a stable
environment (so animals might learn to like their

적절하게 재배열 하시오.323) A) In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the

people you saw regularly, you would soon prefer them
The concept, then, is placed squarely [the to taught
전인미답 전인미답
over strangers, and groups would form and stabilize
and of beholden into the are of that they minds easily.
keeper students, who subservient are] information.
B) If you always preferred a stranger to someone you
knew, social life would be in constant turmoil and
적절하게 재배열 하시오.324)
C) Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g., people
전인미답 전인미답

know each other, know how to work together, know

As a result, [have thinking own over their their own how to make decisions together, know how to adjust to
education control and little students]. each other), it is not surprising that nature favored
animals that grew to like (rather than dislike) each
other on the basis of familiarity.

D) Imagine, for example, that nature programmed

animals in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to

contempt or some other form of disliking.

E) It would certainly promote stable social bonds.

F) How would families stay together? How would

전인미답 전인미답

friendships, alliances, or other partnerships survive?

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 41 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

주어진 문장을 적절한 순서로 배열하시오.327) 전인미답 주어진 문장을 적절한 순서로 배열하시오.329) 전인미답

12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the

전인미답 12-4. People often have different definitions of
전인미답 전인미답

problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be education, as the nature of education is somewhat
avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
becomes more important than the opinions of the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답
individual members.
A) The process of the banking model raises the power
A) Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good and control of the teacher while failing to recognize
thing, and he suggested that members should be asked that students are more than simply unthinking blank
to play "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative slates.
point of view in order to provoke discussion.
B) Students began reading information, coupled with

B) It's also likely to form if the group is made up of the information a teacher would share.
like-minded people to begin with, and they are faced
with a difficult decision. C) As a result, students have little control over their
own thinking and their own education. 전인미답

C) In addition to ensuring that the group comes to

more rational and fair decisions, allowing members to D) This downloading of information is known as the
retain their individuality creates a healthier team spirit banking model, and what the banking model does is it
than the state of groupthink, which results from reduces the student from being a critical and

conformity and obedience. independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts.

D) The leader of the group should appear to be

E) To ensure that the student had retained the
전인미답 전인미답

impartial, so that members do not feel any pressure to information, a test or paper was often required to
obey. make an assessment of that retention.

E) To prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of F) The concept, then, is placed squarely into the
organization that encourages independent thinking. minds of students, who are taught that they are
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.

F) Furthermore, he or she should get the group to

examine all the options, and to consult people outside
전인미답 전인미답

the group, too.

주어진 문장을 적절한 순서로 배열하시오.328)

12-3. The alternative world provided by cyberspace is

essentially an ideal private world in which each person
controls the information that is revealed.

A) When we can keep private that which seems to

threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
전인미답 전인미답


B) In this world, the full identity of the person is not

revealed, and the two people are physically remote
from each other.
전인미답 전인미답

C) Accordingly, in online relationships we can find

both greater privacy and greater closeness and
openness - this considerably reduces the common
conflict between openness and privacy.

D) These circumstances do not lead the participants to

remain completely mysterious — on the contrary, in
many cases it leads the participants to reveal much
전인미답 전인미답

more about themselves than they would usually do.

E) Hence, it is much easier to keep private whatever

areas the participants so wish.
전인미답 전인미답

F) The greater degree of openness generates a greater

degree of emotional closeness as well.

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 42 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것 다섯 개를 찾아 모두 바르게 고치

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것 다섯 개를 찾아 모두 바르게 고치 전인미답

시오.330) 시오.332)
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently flexible 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized the
price-setting mechanism that it sits atop more problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
enduring ties of shared culture. Both the buyer and avoided. It is most likely to develop when team spirit
전인미답 전인미답

seller are aware of each other’s restrictions. In Delhi’s becomes more important than the opinions of
bazaars, buyers and sellers can assess to a large individual members. It's also likely to form if the
extent the financial constraints that other actors have group is made up of like-minded people to begin with,
them in their everyday life. Each actor belonging to a and they are faced with a difficult decision. To prevent
specific economic class understands what the other groupthink, Janis proposed a system of organization
sees it as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of that it encourages independent thinking. The leader of
electronic products like video games, they are not a
the group should appear to be impartial, so that

necessity at the same level as other household members do not feel any pressure obey. Furthermore,
purchases such as food items. So, the seller in Delhi’s he or she should get the group to examine all the
bazaars is careful not to directly ask for very high options, and to consult people outside the group, too.
prices for video games because at no point will the
Disagreement, Janis argued, is actually a good thing,

buyer to see possession of it as an absolute necessity. and he suggested that members were asked to play
Access to this type of knowledge establishes a price "devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative point of
consensus by relating to each other’s preferences and view in order to provoke discussion. In addition to
limitations of belonging to a similar cultural and ensuring that the group comes to more rational and
economic universe. fair decisions, allow members to retain their
individuality creates a healthier team spirit than the
전인미답 전인미답

➀ - > state of groupthink, which results in conformity and

➁ - > obedience.
➂ - >
➃ - > ➀ - >
➄ - > ➁ - >
전인미답 ➂ - > 전인미답

➃ - >
전인미답 전인미답
어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것 다섯 개를 찾아 모두 바르게 고치 ➄ - >

12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very simple

animals would prefer familiar stimuli or familiar other
animals. A tendency to grow fond of the familiar
would help stamp in the preference for a stable
environment (so animals might learn to like their
homes). It would certainly promote stable social bonds.
To imagine, for example, that nature programmed
animals in the opposite way, so that familiarity led to
전인미답 전인미답

contempt or some other form of disliking. How would

families stay together? How would friendships,
alliances, or other partnerships survive? If you always
preferred a stranger to someone you were known,
social life would be in constant turmoil and turnover.
In contrast, if you automatically grew to like the 전인미답 전인미답

people you were seen regularly, you would soon prefer

him over strangers, and groups would form and
stabilize easily. Given the advantages of stable groups
(e.g., people know each other, know how to work
together, know how to make decisions together, know
how to adjust to each other), it is not surprising that
nature favored animals that they grew to like (rather
than dislike) each other on the basis of familiarity.
전인미답 전인미답

➀ - >
➁ - >
➂ - >
전인미답 전인미답

➃ - >
➄ - >

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 43 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것 다섯 개를 찾아 모두 바르게 고치

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

12-3. The alternative world is provided by cyberspace

is essentially an ideal private world which each person
controls the information that it is revealed. In this 전인미답 전인미답

world, the full identity of the person is not revealed,

and the two people are physically remote from each
other. Hence, it is much easier to keep private
whatever areas the participants so wish. These
circumstances do not lead the participants to remain
completely mysterious — on the contrary, in many
cases it leads the participants to reveal much more
전인미답 전인미답

about themselves than they would usually have done.

When we can keep private that which seems to
threaten us, we can be more open concerning other
matters. The greater degree of openness generates a
전인미답 전인미답

greater degree of emotional closeness as well.

Accordingly, in online relationships we can find both
greater privacy and greater closeness and openness -
this considerately reduces the common conflict
between openness and privacy.
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

➀ - >
➁ - >
➂ - >
➃ - >
➄ - >
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

어법 및 어휘가 잘못된 것 다섯 개를 찾아 모두 바르게 고치


12-4. People often have different definitions of

education, as the nature of education is somewhat
fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press changed
the way much of education occurred. Students began
reading information, coupled with the information a
teacher would be shared. To ensure that the student
전인미답 전인미답

had retained the information, a test or paper was

often required to make an assessment of that
retention. This downloading of information is known as
the banking model, and what the banking model does
is it reduces the student from being a critical and
independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts. 전인미답 전인미답

The process of the banking model rising the power

and control of the teacher while failing to recognize
that students are more than simply unthinking blank
slates. The concept, then, is placed square into the
minds of students, who they are taught that they are
subservient and beholden to the keeper of information.
As a result, students have a little control over their
own thinking and their own education.
전인미답 전인미답

➀ - >
➁ - >
➂ - >
전인미답 전인미답

➃ - >
➄ - >

cafe.naver.com/leeym8078 < - - - - 편집 가능 한글 파일로 이용 가능

- 44 -
전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

76) be asked
전인미답 77) ensuring 전인미답

78) to retain
1) ➂ 79) which
2) ➃
80) is 전인미답 전인미답

3) ➁ 81) essentially
4) ➁ 82) to keep
5) ➄ 83) remain
6) ➁ belonging 84) themselves
7) ➃ saw 전인미답

85) that

8) ➃ ensuring 86) and

9) ➃ we 87) and
10) ➂ being 88) occurred
11) ➃ 89) X
12) ➃ 90) does
13) ➂ 91) being
14) ➀ 92) failing
15) ➂ 전인미답
93) is placed 전인미답

16) ➃➄ 94) are taught

17) ➂➄ 95) little
18) ➃➄ 96) ➃
19) ➀➂➄ 97) ➂
20) ➀➄ 전인미답
98) ➃ 전인미답

21) ① 99) ➂
22) ➂ 100) ➁
23) ➁ 101) ➁➂
24) ➁ 102) ➀➂
25) ➄ 103) ➂➄ 전인미답

26) ① 104) ➂➄
27) ④ 105) ➀➄
28) ③ Also Furthermore
106) ➂ flexible
전인미답 전인미답

29) ④ Hence Accordingly 107) ➀ grow fond of the familiar

30) ③ 108) ➃ do not feel any pressure to obey
31) ➄ assess to a large extent the financial constraints 109) ➀ reduces the common conflict between openness
that other actors have and privacy
32) ➂ always preferred a stranger to someone you 110) ➀ have little control over their own thinking and
knew their own education
33) ➂ independent thinking 111) ➃
34) ➁ more open concerning other matters

112) ①

35) ➂ reduces the student from being a critical and 113) ➃

전인미답 전인미답

independent thinker to being a receptacle for facts 114) ➂

36) ➁ 115) ➂
37) ➁ 116) sits
38) ➄ 117) are
39) ➀ 118) which
40) ➂ 119) belonging
41) ➀ shared 120) what
42) ➃ saw 121) other
43) ➂ independent 122) is
44) ➄ reduces 123) directly
45) ➂ raises 124) see
46) ➀ 125) establishes
47) ➄ 126) to grow
48) ➁ 전인미답 전인미답
127) stable
49) ➄ 128) that
50) ➂ 129) led
51) ➄ 130) survive
52) ➁ 131) would be
53) ➄ 132) easily
54) ① 133) that
55) ➃ 134) recognized
56) flexible 135) felt전인미답 전인미답

57) enduring 136) more

58) assess 137) likely
59) belonging 138) they
60) sees 139) which
61) directly 140) impartial
62) Access 141) provoke
63) similar 142) which
64) programmed 143) provided
65) opposite 144) controls
66) X 전인미답
145) physically 전인미답

67) automatically 146) much

68) X 147) whatever
69) them 148) completely
70) that 149) more
71) that(which) 150) more
72) be avoided
전인미답 151) generates

73) important 152) considerably

74) proposed 153) much
75) that(which) 154) is
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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

155) being 235) certainly

156) being 전인미답 236) Imagine 전인미답

157) failing 237) survive

158) more 238) constant
159) who
239) automatically
전인미답 전인미답

160) they 240) regularly

161) little 241) them
162) ➀ 242) Given
163) ➀ 243) favored
전인미답 전인미답

164) ➂ 244) other

165) ➃ 245) recognized
166) ➃ 246) to form
167) ➀ 247) faced
168) animals towards favoring the familiar to 248) encourages
169) and social bonds, avoiding the chaos 249) to obey
170) unfamiliar would bring to social structures and 250) that
171) ➄ 251) ensuring
172) individuals attempt to conceal what they consider
252) creates 전인미답

private 253) essentially

173) end up revealing more about themselves 254) ideal. 명사 “private world”를 수식하므로 형용사 ideal
174) leads to greater openness as well as 이 적절하다. 형용사 “private"을 수식하는 게 아니기 때문
175) reduces 전인미답 에 부사 ideally는 적절하지 않다. “이상적으로 사적인 세 전인미답
176) diminishing
177) boosts 계”가 아니라 ”이상적인 사적 세계“가 자연스럽기 때문이
178) undermines 다. “부사+형용사+명사”의 어순이 일반적이긴 하나 부사가
179) independent 형용사가 아니라 “형용사+명사” 즉 명사를 수식하는 경우
180) feature
181) apparently 에는 부사보다 형용사가 적절하다. 전인미답

182) constraints 255) which

183) understands 256) full
184) careful 257) wish
전인미답 전인미답

185) possession 258) completely

186) establishes 259) mysterious
187) economic 260) many
188) fond 261) to reveal
189) stamp 262) themselves
190) promote 263) that
191) programmed 264) open
192) opposite
전인미답 265) find 전인미답

193) survive 266) common

194) automatically
전인미답 267) changed. "Nearly 600 years ago" 명백한 과거기 때문

195) stabilize 에 과거형으로 써야 한다. 또한, 수동태가 아니라 능동태가

196) recognized 맞다.
197) faced 268) occurred
198) proposed 269) required
199) encourages 270) is known
200) suggested 271) is
201) provoke 272) being
202) rational 273) raises
203) conformity 274) squarely
204) ideal 275) are taught
205) controls 276) little
206) remain 277) ➄
207) reveal
전인미답 전인미답 278) ➄
208) private 279) ➀
209) threaten 280) ➄
210) generates 281) ➀
211) reduces 282) flexible aware assess sees because
212) occurred 283) prefer (to)stamp programmed survive it
213) coupled 284) felt they independent introducing creates
214) retained 285) is revealed revealed more do we
215) required 286) To ensure
전인미답 what while is placed that

216) reduces 287) ➁

217) receptacle 288) ➄
218) process 289) ➂
219) placed 290) ➄
220) ➂ 291) ➁
221) ➃ 292) feature an apparently flexible price-setting
222) ① mechanism that sits atop more enduring ties of
223) ➃
224) ① shared
225) feature 전인미답
293) can assess to a large extent the financial

226) that(which) constraints that other actors have in their

227) that(which,X) 294) actor belonging to a specific economic class
228) sees understands what the other sees as a necessity and
229) they 295) not a necessity at the same level as other
230) high
231) see household purchases such as

232) belonging to 296) is careful not to directly ask for very high prices

233) economic for video games because at no point will the buyer
234) why see possession of them as an absolute
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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

297) this type of knowledge establishes a price thinking and their own education
consensus by relating to each other’s preferences
전인미답 325) CEBDFA 전인미답

and limitations of belonging to a similar cultural 327) BEDFAC
and economic
전인미답 전인미답

298) ask why even very simple animals would prefer 329) BEDAFC
familiar stimuli or familiar other 330) 12-G. Bazaar economies feature an apparently
299) tendency to grow fond of the familiar would help flexible price-setting mechanism that X sits atop
stamp in the preference for a stable more enduring ties of shared culture. Both the
전인미답 전인미답

300) that nature programmed animals in the opposite buyer and seller are aware of each other’s
way, so that familiarity led to contempt or some restrictions. In Delhi’s bazaars, buyers and sellers
other form of can assess to a large extent the financial
301) preferred a stranger to someone you knew, social
constraints that other actors have X in their
life would be in constant turmoil and
302) automatically grew to like the people you saw everyday life. Each actor belonging to a specific
regularly, you would soon prefer them over
economic class understands what the other sees X

strangers, and groups would form and stabilize as a necessity and a luxury. In the case of
303) it is not surprising that nature favored animals electronic products like video games, they are not a
that grew to like necessity at the same level as other household
304) likely to develop when team spirit becomes more
전인미답 purchases such as food items. So, the seller in

important than the opinions of individual members Delhi’s bazaars is careful not to directly ask for
305) likely to form if the group is made up of
very high prices for video games because at no
like-minded people to begin with, and they are
point will the buyer see possession of them as an
faced with
306) prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of absolute necessity. Access to this type of knowledge

organization that encourages independent thinking establishes a price consensus by relating to each
307) leader of the group should appear to be impartial,
other’s preferences and limitations of belonging to a
전인미답 전인미답

so that members do not feel any pressure to obey similar cultural and economic universe.
308) get the group to examine all the options, and to 331) 12-1. One should perhaps ask why even very
consult people outside the group simple animals would prefer familiar stimuli or
309) actually a good thing, and he suggested that familiar other animals. A tendency to grow fond of
members should be asked to play "devil's advocate“ the familiar would help stamp in the preference for
— introducing an alternative point of view in order a stable environment (so animals might learn to like
to provoke 전인미답
their homes). It would certainly promote stable

310) to ensuring that the group comes to more

social bonds. Imagine, for example, that nature
rational and fair decisions, allowing members to
programmed animals in the opposite way, so that
retain their individuality creates a healthier team
familiarity led to contempt or some other form of
spirit than
311) alternative world provided by cyberspace is disliking. How would families stay together? How
essentially an ideal private world in which each would friendships, alliances, or other partnerships
person controls the information that is revealed survive? If you always preferred a stranger to
312) full identity of the person is not revealed, and the someone you knew , social life would be in constant
two people are physically remote from turmoil and turnover. In contrast, if you
313) it is much easier to keep private whatever areas automatically grew to like the people you saw
the participants so wish regularly, you would soon prefer them over
314) leads the participants to reveal much more about strangers, and groups would form and stabilize
themselves than they would usually do
전인미답 전인미답
easily. Given the advantages of stable groups (e.g.,
315) can keep private that which seems to threaten us,
people know each other, know how to work
we can be more open concerning
316) greater degree of openness generates a greater together, know how to make decisions together,
degree of emotional closeness as know how to adjust to each other), it is not
317) we can find both greater privacy and greater surprising that nature favored animals that X grew
closeness and openness - this considerably reduces to like (rather than dislike) each other on the basis
the common conflict between of familiarity.
전인미답 전인미답

318) have different definitions of education, as the 332) 12-2. Social psychologist Irving Janis recognized
nature of education is somewhat fluid the problems of groupthink, but felt that it could be
319) years ago the printing press changed the way avoided. It is most likely to develop when team
much of education occurred spirit becomes more important than the opinions of
320) ensure that the student had retained the
individual members. It's also likely to form if the
information, a test or paper was often required to
group is made up of like-minded people to begin
make an assessment of
321) what the banking model does is it reduces the with, and they are faced with a difficult decision.

student from being a critical and independent To prevent groupthink, Janis proposed a system of

thinker to being a receptacle organization that X encourages independent

322) process of the banking model raises the power thinking. The leader of the group should appear to
and control of the teacher while failing to recognize be impartial, so that members do not feel any
that students are more
pressure to obey. Furthermore, he or she should
323) into the minds of students, who are taught that get the group to examine all the options, and to
they are subservient and beholden to the keeper of consult people outside the group, too. Disagreement,
324) students have little control over their own
Janis argued, is actually a good thing, and he
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전인미답 영어연구소 The Best or Nothing

suggested that members (should) be asked to play

"devil's advocate“ — introducing an alternative point
전인미답 전인미답

of view in order to provoke discussion. In addition

to ensuring that the group comes to more rational
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

and fair decisions, allowing(to allow) members to

retain their individuality creates a healthier team
spirit than the state of groupthink, which results 전인미답 전인미답

from conformity and obedience.

333) 12-3. The alternative world X provided by
cyberspace is essentially an ideal private world in
which(where) each person controls the information
that X is revealed. In this world, the full identity of
the person is not revealed, and the two people are
physically remote from each other. Hence, it is
전인미답 전인미답

much easier to keep private whatever areas the

participants so wish. These circumstances do not
lead the participants to remain completely
mysterious — on the contrary, in many cases it
전인미답 전인미답

leads the participants to reveal much more about

themselves than they would usually do . When we
can keep private that which seems to threaten us,
we can be more open concerning other matters. 전인미답

The greater degree of openness generates a greater

degree of emotional closeness as well. Accordingly,
전인미답 전인미답 전인미답

in online relationships we can find both greater

privacy and greater closeness and openness - this
considerably reduces the common conflict between
openness and privacy.
334) 12-4. People often have different definitions of
education, as the nature of education is somewhat
전인미답 전인미답

fluid. Nearly 600 years ago the printing press

changed the way much of education occurred.
전인미답 전인미답

Students began reading information, coupled with

the information a teacher would share . To ensure
that the student had retained the information, a
test or paper was often required to make an
assessment of that retention. This downloading of
information is known as the banking model, and
what the banking model does is it reduces the
student from being a critical and independent
thinker to being a receptacle for facts. The process
of the banking model raises the power and control
전인미답 전인미답

of the teacher while failing to recognize that

students are more than simply unthinking blank
slates. The concept, then, is placed squarely into
the minds of students, who X are taught that they
are subservient and beholden to the keeper of
information. As a result, students have little control
over their own thinking and their own education.
전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

전인미답 전인미답

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