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The Middle Ages

### Overview

The Middle Ages, or Medieval Period, spanned roughly from the 5th to the late 15th century,
beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merging into the Renaissance and the Age
of Discovery.

### Key Characteristics

1. **Feudalism**: The dominant social system, where the nobility held lands from the Crown in
exchange for military service, and vassals were tenants of the nobles.

2. **The Church**: The Catholic Church was the most powerful institution, influencing all aspects of
life, from politics to education.

3. **Knighthood and Chivalry**: Knights followed a code of conduct known as chivalry, which
emphasized bravery, honor, and respect for women and the weak.

4. **Art and Architecture**: Romanesque and Gothic styles dominated, with the latter featuring
pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, as seen in cathedrals like Notre-Dame de Paris.

5. **Crusades**: Military campaigns sanctioned by the Church aimed at reclaiming the Holy Land
from Muslim rule, significantly affecting European and Middle Eastern societies.

### Important Events

- **Fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD)**: Marked the beginning of the Middle Ages.

- **The Crusades (1096-1291)**: A series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims.

- **The Black Death (1347-1351)**: A devastating pandemic that resulted in the death of an
estimated one-third of Europe's population.

- **The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)**: A prolonged conflict between England and France over
territorial claims and succession to the French throne.

### Influence and Legacy

The Middle Ages were foundational for the development of Western civilization. Many modern
European states trace their origins to this period. The Church's influence, the emergence of
universities, and the codification of legal systems were significant legacies.


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