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433 MHz RF transmitter and receiver
(In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Electronics & Communication Engineering under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of
Technology, Kolkata)

Submitted by:

Names: Mimangsa Chhetri, Sayan Debnath, Keshav Kr. Tiwary

ROLL NOs: 11900321011, 11900321012, 11900321014

Under the guidance of

Mr. Sandip Banerjee
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
Siliguri Institute of Technology


YEAR: 2024
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This is to certify that the Mini Project ((EC 681) report entitled ‘433 MHz RF
transmitter and receiver ’ submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of Bachelor of Technology in ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION
TECHNOLOGY, KOLKATA during the year 2023-24, is a faithful record of the
bonafide work carried out by: Mimangsa Chhetri , Sayan Debnath , Keshav Kr.
Tiwary ; ROLL NOs: 11900321011,11900321012,11900231014 under my guidance
and supervision.

Mr. Sandip Banerjee

-------------------------------(Guide’s Name and signature)
Assistant Professor
Department of ECE
Siliguri Institute of Technology
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We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individual and organizations. We would like to extend
our sincere thanks to all of them. We would like to earnestly acknowledge the sincere
efforts and valuable time given by our guide Prof. Sandip Banerjee and respected mini
project co-ordinator Prof Sarmistha Mondal. We wish to convey our gratitude to Mrs.
Priyanka Nandi and Mr Soumen Bidyanta , and to the authority of SIT for providing all
kinds of infrastructural facility towards the research work.

We also wish to convey our gratitude to all the faculty members and staffs of the
Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering, SIT for their whole hearted
cooperation to make this work turn into reality.

Thanking you,
Names: Mimangsa Chhetri ,Sayan Debnath, Keshav Kr. Tiwary
Roll No: 11900321011, 11900321012, 11900321014
Dept: ECE, 3rd Year
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1. Abstract 5

2. Introduction 6

3. Circuit Diagram 7

4. Components required 8

5. Components Description 9 - 13

6. Working Principle 14 - 15

7. Demonstration of the model 16 - 17

8. Advantages & Disadvantages 18

9. Conclusion 19

10. References 20
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This paper presents the design and implementation of a 433MHz RF (Radio Frequency)
transmitter and receiver circuit, which enables wireless communication between
electronic devices over short to medium distances. The circuit utilizes the 433MHz
frequency band, which is widely used for low-power, short-range wireless applications
due to its favourable propagation characteristics and regulatory compliance in many

The transmitter circuit consists of an RF transmitter module, which modulates data onto
a 433MHz carrier signal for transmission. It is interfaced with a microcontroller or other
data source to transmit digital signals wirelessly. The receiver circuit, on the other hand,
comprises an RF receiver module that demodulates the received RF signal and recovers
the transmitted data. The receiver output can be interfaced with a microcontroller or
other receiving device for further processing.

Key considerations in the design of the transmitter and receiver circuits include antenna
design, RF power output, modulation techniques, data encoding, and error
detection/correction methods to ensure reliable communication in various environments.
Additionally, practical aspects such as power supply requirements, PCB layout, and
component selection are addressed to optimize performance and minimize interference.

The proposed RF transmitter and receiver circuit finds applications in remote control
systems, wireless sensors, home automation, security systems, and telemetry, among
others. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and versatility make it suitable for a wide range
of wireless communication projects requiring robust and efficient RF transmission and
reception at 433MHz frequency. Experimental results and performance evaluation
metrics are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed
circuit design.
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The introduction of the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver circuit

highlights the importance of wireless communication in modern electronics.
This circuit facilitates communication between devices without physical
cables, offering flexibility and ease of integration. The 433MHz frequency
band, known for its favourable propagation characteristics, is widely used for
short-range wireless applications. The introduction outlines the significance
of the circuit in various applications, such as remote-control systems,
wireless sensors, and home automation. It also previews the key components,
design considerations, and potential benefits of the circuit, setting the stage
for further exploration in the paper.
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1. 433Mhz RF Rx/Tx Module 1

2. Encoder IC(HT12E) 1

3. Decoder IC(HT12D) 1

4. Momentary Push buttons 5

5. 5V Battery 1

6. Resistors: 1MΩ, 33KΩ,470Ω 1,1,5

7. Light Emitting Diode 1Red, 4Green

8. Connecting Wires As per Reqd.

9. Breadboard 2
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1. RF Transmitter (Tx) Module:

• Function: The transmitter module generates RF signals at a frequency of
433MHz, which can be modulated to carry data.
• Components: It typically consists of an oscillator circuit, modulation circuitry,
and an antenna.
• Input: Accepts digital data from a microcontroller or other devices for
• Output Power: Usually operates at low to moderate power levels, suitable for
short to medium-range communication.
• Range: The effective range depends on factors like antenna design, power supply
voltage, and environmental conditions, typically ranging from a few meters to
several hundred meters.
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2. RF Receiver (Rx) Module:

• Function: The receiver module captures and demodulates RF signals transmitted

by the transmitter module.
• Components: It includes a receiver circuit, demodulation circuitry, and an
• Output: Delivers demodulated digital data to a microcontroller or other devices
for further processing.
• Sensitivity: Capable of receiving weak RF signals, enabling reliable
communication over varying distances.
• Range: Similar to the transmitter, the effective range depends on factors like
antenna design, power supply voltage, and environmental conditions.
• Compatibility: Compatible with various modulation schemes, including ASK
(Amplitude Shift Keying) and FSK (Frequency Shift Keying).

3. Encoder IC(HT12E):

The HT12E encoder IC is a compact and versatile component commonly used in

wireless communication systems. It encodes parallel data inputs along with
address bits, allowing for multiple transmitter-receiver pairs to operate
independently. With features such as built-in oscillators, low power consumption,
and easy integration, it's ideal for applications like remote controls, wireless
sensors, home automation, and security systems.
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4. Decoder IC(HT12D)

The HT12D decoder IC serves as a vital component in wireless communication

systems, specifically those utilizing RF transmitters and receivers. It works in tandem
with the HT12E encoder IC, completing the communication link.

Features and Functionality:

Address and Data Decoding: The HT12D decodes RF signals received by the RF
receiver module, extracting both address and data bits. This allows for the identification
of specific transmitter-receiver pairs and the retrieval of transmitted information.
Parallel Data Output: Once decoded, the HT12D outputs the data as 12 parallel digital
signals (D0-D11). These signals can be interfaced with microcontrollers or other digital
devices for further processing.
Address Matching: The HT12D compares the received address bits with its own address
inputs (A0-A7). If the received address matches the programmed address, it proceeds to
decode the data.
Valid Transmission Output (VT): Alongside the decoded data, the HT12D provides a
valid transmission output signal (VT). This signal indicates the presence of a valid
transmission and can be used for various purposes, such as triggering an interrupt on a
Built-in Oscillator: Like the HT12E, the HT12D features a built-in oscillator circuit,
eliminating the need for an external clock source and simplifying circuit design.
Low Power Consumption: Operating on low power and voltage, the HT12D is suitable
for battery-operated devices and other low-power applications.
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5. Resistors:
A passive electrical component with two terminals that are used for either limiting or
regulating the flow of electric current in electrical circuits.

6. Connecting Wires:
Connecting wires are essential for establishing electrical connections between
electronic components. They come in various types, colours, lengths, and gauges.
These wires are insulated to prevent short circuits and can feature connectors for easy
attachment. Connecting wires facilitate circuit assembly, testing, and prototyping in
electronics projects.

7. Breadboard:
A breadboard is a reusable tool used in electronics prototyping. It consists of a grid of holes
connected by metal strips, allowing for easy insertion and connection of electronic
components without soldering. Power rails along the edges provide access to power sources,
and terminal strips enable external connections. Breadboards are portable and facilitate rapid
circuit design and testing, making them essential for electronics enthusiasts, students, and
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Power Supply :
A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical
load. The main purpose of a power supply is to convert electric current from a
source to the correct voltage, current, and frequency to power the load. As a result,
power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. Some power
supplies are separate standalone pieces of equipment, while others are built into the
load appliances that they power. Examples of the latter include power supplies
found in desktop computers and consumer electronics devices. Other functions
that power supplies may perform include limiting the current drawn by the load to
safe levels, shutting off the current in the event of an electrical fault, power
conditioning to prevent electronic noise or voltage surges on the input from
reaching the load, power-factor correction, and storing energy so it can continue to
power the load in the event of a temporary interruption in the source power
(uninterruptible power supply).
The input and output are usually hardwired circuit connections, though some
power supplies employ wireless energy transfer to power their loads without wired
connections. Some power supplies have other types of inputs and outputs as well,
for functions such as external monitoring and control.
An AC-to-DC power supply operates on an AC input voltage and generates a DC
output voltage. Depending on application requirements the output voltage may
contain large or negligible amounts of AC frequency components known as ripple
voltage, related to AC input voltage frequency and the power supply's operation.
A DC power supply operating on DC input voltage is called a DC-to-DC converter.
This section focuses mostly on the AC-to-DC variant.
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The working principle of a 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver circuit involves the
transmission and reception of radio frequency signals to establish wireless
communication between two devices. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how these
circuits operate:
Transmitter Circuit:
1. Data Encoding: The transmitter circuit receives digital data from a
microcontroller or another source. This data represents the information to be
transmitted, such as sensor readings, commands, or control signals.
2. Modulation: The digital data is modulated onto a 433MHz carrier frequency
using modulation techniques like Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) or Frequency
Shift Keying (FSK). Modulation changes the characteristics of the carrier wave to
encode the digital information.
3. Signal Amplification: The modulated signal is then amplified to the desired
power level using components like transistors or RF amplifiers. This
amplification ensures that the transmitted signal has sufficient strength to travel
over the intended distance.
4. Antenna Transmission: The amplified signal is fed into an antenna, which
radiates the RF signal into space. The antenna's design and placement are critical
for efficient transmission and optimal signal range.
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Receiver Circuit:
1. Signal Reception: The receiver circuit uses an antenna to capture the RF signal
transmitted by the transmitter. The antenna converts the electromagnetic energy
of the RF signal into electrical signals, which are then fed into the receiver
2. Signal Demodulation: The received signal is demodulated to recover the original
digital data. Demodulation reverses the modulation process applied at the
transmitter, extracting the digital information encoded in the RF signal.
3. Data Decoding: The demodulated digital data is processed to extract the relevant
information. This data may represent sensor readings, commands, or other
transmitted information, depending on the application.
4. Signal Processing: The decoded data is further processed as needed, such as
filtering out noise or performing error correction to ensure data integrity.
5. Output: The processed data is then made available for use by the receiving
device, such as a microcontroller or other digital system. The received data can be
used for various purposes, such as displaying information, controlling devices, or
triggering actions.
The transmitter and receiver circuits work together to establish wireless communication
between two devices. The transmitter sends data wirelessly to the receiver, which then
receives and processes the data. This communication enables the exchange of
information over a distance without the need for physical connections, making it
suitable for various applications, including remote controls, wireless sensors, and home
automation systems.
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Transmitter Circuit

1. HT12E Encoder IC:

o Vcc: Connect to +5V.

o GND: Connect to Ground.

o Osc1 and Osc2: Connect a 433 MHz crystal oscillator between these pins, along with two 18pF
capacitors to ground.

o AD8 to AD11: Connect to ground (for address setting).

o AD0 to AD3: Connect to GND through pull-down resistors (1k ohm each).

o TE: Connect one terminal of a push button switch to TE. Connect the other terminal of the push
button to GND.

o DOUT: Connect to the data pin of the RF Transmitter module.

2. 433 MHz RF Transmitter Module :

o Vcc: Connect to +5V.

o GND: Connect to Ground.

o Data: Connect to DOUT of HT12E.

Receiver Circuit

1. HT12D Decoder IC:

o Vcc: Connect to +5V.

o GND: Connect to Ground.

o Osc1 and Osc2: Connect a 433 MHz crystal oscillator between these pins, along with two 18pF
capacitors to ground.

o AD8 to AD11: Connect to ground (for address setting, should match the transmitter address).

o DIN: Connect to the data pin of the RF Receiver module.

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o VT: Connect an LED with a 220-ohm resistor in series to ground. When VT pin goes high, the
LED will turn on.

o D0 to D3: Optionally connect LEDs with current limiting resistors to ground to indicate
received data.

2. 433 MHz RF Receiver Module:

o Vcc: Connect to +5V.

o GND: Connect to Ground.

o Data: Connect to DIN of HT12D.

HT12E Encoder: This IC encodes the 4-bit parallel data (AD0-AD3) and address
(AD8-AD11) into a serial data stream suitable for transmission via the RF Transmitter.
HT12D Decoder: This IC decodes the received serial data back into parallel form
and activates the VT pin when valid data is received, indicating successful
RF Modules: These modules handle the wireless transmission and reception of data.
The transmitter module sends the encoded data from HT12E, and the receiver module
receives this data and passes it to HT12D for decoding.
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• Long range transmission capability.
• Low power consumption.
• Cost-effectiveness.
• Widespread availability.
• Simple implementation.

• High frequency generally equals shorter range.
• Limited bandwidth.
• Potential interference.
• Regulatory restrictions.
• Security concerns.
• Limited data rates.
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In conclusion, the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver circuit provide a versatile and
reliable solution for establishing wireless communication between devices over
moderate distances. By modulating digital data onto a 433MHz carrier frequency and
transmitting it through the air via an antenna, the transmitter circuit enables the
transmission of information without the need for physical connections.
On the receiving end, the receiver circuit captures the transmitted RF signal using an
antenna, demodulates it to recover the original data, and processes it for further use.
This communication method offers flexibility and convenience in various applications,
including remote controls, wireless sensors, and home automation systems.
While these circuits offer numerous benefits, including simplicity, cost-effectiveness,
and ease of implementation, they also come with considerations such as limited
bandwidth, potential interference, and regulatory compliance. Addressing these factors
ensures optimal performance and reliability in wireless communication systems
utilizing 433MHz RF technology.
Overall, the 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver circuit serve as integral components in
modern communication systems, facilitating seamless data transmission and enabling a
wide range of wireless applications across different industries and domains.
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• HT12D RF Decoder Pinout, Examples, Features and Applications (
• 433MHz RF Transmitter and Receiver Circuit » Freak Engineer
• (2848) 433Mhz RF Transmitter And Receiver Without Arduino - YouTube


➢ Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications by Kenneth C. Smith and Adel

S. Sedra, 7th Edition Oxford University Press.
➢ Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits & Systems by Chetan D.
Parikh, Christos C. Halkias, and Jacob Millman, 2nd Edition.
➢ Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky,
7th Edition, Prentice Hall Publication
➢ Timer, Op Amp, and Optoelectronic Circuits & Projects by Forrest M Mims

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