Lesson Plan Amelia Nugraini

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Name : Amelia Nugraini

NPM : 2111040127
Class : 6E

 Identity
Subject : English
Class : Grade 8
Topic : Descriptive Text (Condition of Our Beach)
Skill : Writing
Duration : 90 Minutes

 Learning Objectives
 Define descriptive text and identity its functions.
 Identity the generic structure of descriptive text.
 Recognize and use various linguistic features of descriptive text.
 Write a well-structure and descriptive text about a person, place, object, or event.
 Students are more aware of environmental problems and can express their ideas on
how overcome these problems.

 Learning Activities
 Pre-teaching
o The teacher greets to the students.
o The teacher checks the students attendance.
o The teacher motivates students by asking stimulating questions, such as
“What do you imagine when you see the beach?” and “What is the condition
of our beaches now?”

 Whilst-teaching
o The teacher explains the meaning of descriptive text.
o The teacher mentions characteristics of descriptive text.
o The teacher explains the elements of descriptive text, namely :
Introduction ;
Body ;
o The teacher gives an example of a long descriptive text and asks students to
analyze it.
o The teacher divides students into several groups and gives them
assignments to write descriptive text about beach for the next week. The
assignments is to visit any beach and look any objects on the beach like sand
or wood. After choosing what object to describe, they will feel as if they are
the object, feel what it is like to be that object and then describe as a third
person point of view. (Outside class hours)

 Post-teaching
o The teacher provide feedback to students.
o The teacher concludes the learning material.

 Evaluation
 Attitude Assessment
o Observation
o Anecdotal notes
 Knowledge Assessment
o Written test
o Practice exam for writing descriptive text
 Skill Assessment
o Presentation of the descriptive text work

 Assessment Rubric

Assessment Aspect Assessment Criteria Score

Text Structure - Arrange paragraphs correctly. 4
- Use the right connecting words.
- Implement appropriat development 3
- There are some text structure errors. 2
- The text structure is unclear and difficult 1
to understand.
Linguistics Element - Use appropriate and varied adj. 4
- Use effective and easy to understand
- Use correct spelling and punctuation.
- The use of adj and sentences is less 3
- There are several spelling and
punctuation errors.
- Innapropriate use of ajc and sentences. 2
- Many spelling and punctuation errors.
- The use of adj and sentences does not 1
match the context.
- The text is difficult to understand due to
many spelling and punctuation errors.
Body Text - Describe objects clearly and in detail. 4
- Provide complete and accurate
- Use imaginative and interesting
- The depiction of objects is less clear and 3
- The information provided is incomplete
and inaccurate.
- The language use is less imaginative and
- The depiction of objects is unclear and 2
not detailed.
- The information provided is incomplete
and inaccurate.
- The language used is unimaginative and
- The depiction of the object does not 1
match the object being described.
- The infomation provided is not relevant
to the object being described.
- The language used is not appropriate to
the context.

Note : 4 : Very Good

3 : Good
2 : Fair
1 : Poor

Intra relation : Because i like beach so i choose the beach theme

Inter relation : Students communicate with each other
Extra relation : It is hoped that students who are going to the beach will be careful

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