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Harambee University

Article review
I. Student’s Information

Full Name of the student Fetene Indashew

ID No.

II. Manuscript Information

Name of the Author Title Journal Name Volume, No and

& Year of Or Publisher PP (ranges of
Publication pages)
The idea of adaptation in Emerald Publishing DOI 10.1108/SBR-
Vladislav transaction cost economics: an Limited 03-2023-0072
Valentinov,2024 application to stakeholder

III. Evaluation Criteria

1 Introduction/background General Comment

1.1 The topic investigated is original study, and The journal was contributed on the significances of
has practical and /or theoretical significance. transaction cost economics, on the distinction
between the types of adaptation equips stakeholder
theory with a new systematic understanding of a
potentially broad spectrum of firm–stakeholder
collaboration forms.
1.2 The title of the study fully reflects the Based on the study finding was fruitfully matched
contents of the paper. with the title (the assumption that people are
influenced by competitive self-interest or the
concepts of transaction of cost and stakeholder
theory are fully reflected) the journal.
1.3 Clarity of the abstract including all important An expected all components of the abstract is well
components of an abstract. indicated in this journal. Because, in this paper it
contains Purpose, methodology, Findings, and
value as well as fully self-contained and make
sense by itself.
1.4 The background context to the study is Yes, well and adequately discussed especially
adequately discussed. indicates the conversation b/n stakeholder theory
and transaction cost economics and is productive.
1.5 The paper has clearly stated the problem by Yes, this paper is shows and identify the precise
identifying gaps in previous researches or development of this application as a gap but there
identifying, discussing and operationally are no any involvements of a variables.
defining (where appropriate) the variables
2 Literature Review
The author has related to existing theories Yes of course it used the dt theories to develop the
and bodies of knowledge by way of literature studies i.e dynamic approach involving both
review or by having clear theoretical or autonomous and cooperative adaptation strategies,
conceptual frameworks. and to diverse stakeholder relationships which
argued to exemplified by Walmart’s policies the
and the empirical applications of the distinction
between the two types of adaptation may be
contestable and perspective-dependent, this
distinction itself has the potential to stimulate
several debates in stakeholder theory
The author has consulted relevant and up-to- Yes, in terms of the used source the used literature
date sources. is from 1992-2023 which is relevant and not that
much out-dated source.
3 Materials & Methodology The authors develop a novel conceptual framework
applying the distinction between the two types of
economic adaptation to stakeholder theory.
Appropriateness and adequate description of There is no clearly defined description of the
the research design research design.
3.1 Identification of the population of the study The population of the study/ sample size is not
and appropriateness of sampling identified.
3.2 Appropriateness of data collection In this paper the data collection method is not
instruments/ tools. appropriately and briefly identified
3.3 Adequate description of the data collection There is no any collected data adequately for the
procedures. purpose of this paper.
3.4 Validity, reliability and/or credibility of No
instruments used and the data collection
3.5 Adequate description and discussion of data No
analysis and analytical tools employed.
3.6 Appropriateness of the ethical conducts of Not fully follow the conducted of the paper in this
the study. study
4 Results and Discussion 20%
4.1. The author has presented data adequately, Neither qualitative nor quantitative results are not
described them properly using tables and presented in this paper. Well as the table and
figures (where appropriate), and used figures are not seen in this paper.
appropriate statistical analysis or thick
descriptions (in qualitative studies).
4.2 The findings are convincingly drawn based No
on sufficient analysis and discussion.
4.3 The author has indicated how the results The authors try to relate his result/ finding with the
relate to related previous works or theories previous studies, theories and arguments, but not
either to support or refute findings. full.
5 Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 The conclusions or implications are most direct contribution of our argument is
convincingly drawn based on the analysis enriching the conversation between stakeholder
and findings in the study. theory and transaction cost economics.
5.2 Plausibility of the recommendations As a reviewer of this journal am recommended that
forwarded. its good if it’s supported by the model.
6 Write-up, Citations, Referencing, Layout
and Formatting (Using APA Style)

6.1 The manuscript is adequate in terms of Fill it

indicating authors and their affiliations,
acknowledgements, and overall formatting.

6.2 Proper use of citation style, referencing Fill it

styles, and completes match between in-text
and the references

6.3 Overall clarity, coherence, and organization The studies were good even if it’s not supported by
of the paper an empirical study and not show a qualitative and
quantitative results.

Overall assessors’ recommendations:

Major strength of the article: - The authors argue that the idea of cooperative adaptation useful
on describing the firm’s collaboration with primary stakeholders in the joint value creation

also, autonomous adaptation is more relevant for firms interacting with secondary stakeholders
who are not directly engaged in joint value creation and may not have formal contractual
relationships with the firm. adaptation addresses how the firm maintains legitimacy within the
larger stakeholder environment.
Major limitations of the article: - autonomous and cooperative adaptation in transaction cost
economics are often mixed in hybrid governance mechanisms, they are also mixed in stakeholder
theory, perhaps even in more radical ways.

Recommendations to increase the quality and relevance of the article: -

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