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attitudes toward advertisements and increase the a direct effect between Green Marketing on

possibility of trying and buying the product. Purchase Intention has shown significant results. It
. can be concluded that the role of Brand Awareness
H3: Brand Awareness has a significant and in this study is partial mediation (all variables are
positive influence towards Purchase intention significant). This proves that the influence of Green
The results of hypothesis testing that have been Marketing can improve Love, Beauty, and Planet
carried out show that the higher the brand Purchase intention with or without Brand
awareness, the higher the consumer's purchase awareness. Through green marketing, producers
intention for the product; in this case is the Love, and advertisers develop products that they seek to
Beauty and Planet product. The findings are in meet the wishes of an environmentally conscious
accordance with Malik (2013) research that when society, and their love for the environment will
the respondent has recognized a brand, it will be make the company more innovative, both
able to increase the respondent's buying interest. innovative in input, process, output, and even
Based on the findings, ‘Love, Beauty, and Planet marketing/marketing strategies
are easy to distinguish from other competing 5. CONCLUSION
brands’ has the highest value of 0.846. When After conducting various analyses in the
consumers are more aware of a brand, they are previous chapter, several conclusions can be
more confident and able to become loyal to that drawn. The purpose of this study aims to find out
brand, whereas brands with a low level of the influence of Green Marketing on purchase
awareness may find it harder to penetrate the intention through a brand awareness study on Love,
market (Keller, 1993). It signifies that Love, Beauty, and Planet in Malang. Based on the
Beauty and planet’s brand is prominent in the research that has been done, The summary of the
consumer’s memory and has a good reputation in results is as follows. First, It is known that Green
the market. Marketing can increase brand awareness of Love,
Beauty, and Planet so that when a company
H4: Green Marketing has a significant influence implements Green Marketing, it will have an
on Purchase Intention mediated by Brand impact on high brand awareness. This is based on
awareness. green marketing getting an average value of 4.26.
Based on the research results above, it is shown that The statement item that becomes the green
Green Marketing has a significant influence on marketing indicator (X) with the highest average
Purchase Intention mediated by Brand Awareness. value is the GM4 item, namely, “Love, Beauty, and
The results showed that Brand Awareness provided Planet contribute to supporting environmental
a mediating effect from the influence of Green programs and activists,” with an average of 4.34.
Marketing on Purchase Intention. The results of Second, It is known that Green Marketing can
Green Marketing indicators towards Brand increase positive purchase intentions so that when
Awareness and Brand Awareness to Purchase a company implements Green marketing, it will
Intention show significant results. The existence of have an impact on consumers’ positive purchase
intention. Third, It is known that brand awareness Computer Sciences and Engineering,
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