PE Final Practice Exam-Student.

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Listening (12 points) – Multiple Choice: Listen and circle the correct answers. Each question is worth 1 point.

1. Why is the woman flying to Toronto on Sunday? 2. What is the man doing on Tuesday during lunchtime?
1. She is meeting a friend. 1. He is meeting the woman for lunch.
2. She is attending a business meeting on Monday. 2. He is attending a conference.
3. She is going to do some shopping. 3. He is flying back to his hometown.
4. She is moving to Toronto. 4. He is having lunch with a customer.

3. Why can’t the woman meet the man on Tuesday evening? 4. What time is the woman and man planning to meet on Wednesday?
1. She will be coming back from Toronto that evening. 1. At lunchtime, but the exact time is not decided.
2. She is having dinner with a friend. 2. At 13:15 outside the Conference centre.
3. She has another meeting. 3. After the man’s conference finishes at five.
4. She is free but needs to confirm the time. 4. In the evening before the man’s flight.

5. Which statement is true? 6. The second reason why people prefer online shopping is ___________.
1. 15,000 people prefer online shopping 1. online stores are very busy on the weekends
2. 15% of online retailers offer discounts 2. physical stores are open on holidays
3. Online retailers sometimes offer 55% discounts 3. online stores are always open
4. 15,000 participated in the survey 4. it’s easy to compare products in physical stores

7. Online shopping also offers _________________. 8. What is the result of the last question on the survey?
1. convenience when comparing in-store products 1. People get information about products.
2. a smaller choice than in-store shopping 2. Most people might prefer to speak with someone face-to-face.
3. a chance to compare customer service 3. 11% of people prefer reading about a product online.
4. website companies that are near each other 4. There are many ways to get information about a product.

Writing (10 points) – Write your answers in complete sentences. 2 points each. (1-2 sentences)
Reading (12 points) – Multiple Choice: Read the passage and circle the correct answers. 1 question = 1 point.

The business world of today is more

competitive than ever. In order to be more Text Completion (9-12)
successful, companies 9 ____ keep up with
trends and adapt to any challenges that they 9. 10.
face when running a business. Using social 1. must 1. offer a solution
media to advertise, having multi-channel 2. can 2. increase awareness
customer service options, and employee training 3. are allowed to 3. have a query
are just a few ways in which businesses are 4. might 4. word of mouth
staying competitive. 11. 12.
1. take a step back 1. don’t follow/will
2. get free publicity 2. followed/would
It is no secret that social media advertising offers 3. get feedback 3. follow/won’t
the best way to get free publicity. Instagram, 4. develop your skills 4. don’t follow/wouldn’t
YouTube and TikTok are all great ways to 10
____ for your company or brand. Next, a
satisfied customer is a loyal customer. Keep your customer or client happy by offering different channels of
communication, such as social media, email, and
face-to-face communication. Companies who
offer many ways to 11 ____ from customers are Reading Comprehension (13-14)
often more profitable. Lastly, upgrading your
workforce has become a big trend in today’s
market. Offering training courses 13. Which statement matches the information in the article?
or hiring a business coach can greatly improve
the productivity 1. Companies do not consider social media advertising to be important.
of an employee and the company.
2. Businesses can stay competitive by ignoring customer service channels.
In the UK, it is estimated that 31% of businesses shut down
within the first two years. There are many reasons why a 3.Employee training does not matter in today’s business environment.
business fails. However, if you 12 ____ these simple
suggestions, 4. Businesses can stay competitive if they use social media for advertising,
your company ____ have a better chance of doing well in the
future. Offer multiple customer service options, and provide employee training.

14. What is the main idea of the article?

1. The failure of many UK businesses can be reduced if they adopt certain


2. Social media platforms are the only way to effectively advertise a business.

3. Most businesses become successful within the first two years.

4. To stay profitable companies don’t have to offer customer support.

Reading (12 points) – Multiple Choice: Read the passage and circle the correct answers. 1 question = 1 point.

Everyone makes mistakes in life. We all have regrets, or things we wish we could have done differently. For example, we
should have studied harder or we shouldn’t have eaten so much junk food. What about you? If you 15 ____ go back, what ____
you change? Clockwork Magazine interviewed 1000 people who are over 70 years old and asked them about their three
biggest regrets in life.

At the top of the list is time. 65% of people surveyed wished they could 16 ____ with family. “Sometimes when we are busy,
it’s easy to forget what is really important in life,” one woman said. Connected to time is the next biggest regret: working too
hard. One man said he worked so hard for his family that didn’t have time to enjoy it. He worked 16 hours a day for 50 years in
order to 17 ____ for his company. The third biggest regret on this list is not traveling more. Many people want to see The Eiffel
Tower or The Great Wall of China before they die, but so few actually have money or time to travel.

Having big dreams, such as being rich, traveling or starting a business, is very common among young people. The problem is
that it is difficult to achieve those goals due to the responsibilities of everyday life. The 18 ____ thing to avoid regret is to hold
on to your dreams and do whatever it takes to reach them.

Text Completion (15-18)

15. 16.
1. could/would 1. on time
2. could/will 2. spend more time
3. would/might 3. save time
4. would/will 4. waste time

17. 18.
1. allow time 1. most expensive
2. offer discounts 2. most important
3. boost sales 3. more flexible
4. conduct an advertising campaign 4. better

Reading Comprehension (19-20)

19. Which statement matches the information in the article?

1.Most people regret not saving enough money throughout their lives.
2. Over 60% of those surveyed wished they had spent more time with their family.
3. Most people regret not having fun when they were young.
4.The main regret was not working harder.
20. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

1.People should have big dreams and achieve their goals to avoid regrets in the future.
2. Life responsibilities often stop people from pursuing large dreams such as travelling
or starting a business.
3. Most people achieve their dreams of becoming rich by the end of their careers.
4. Young people should start business despite the challenges.

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