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(SECTION-1) HINDI COMPREHENSION Peer (rer sme) + Prefertrer fe eat gat Bees en 4. 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A) Fe (C) Teor (8) wie (0) serihra Rarer ger wT ree S Gee rer ote “ fra wich @ ae Her el Tre % (a) Seafta ah ore & (@) gfe eM aire & (© afta a ore e © %&. va, ther SF get at omg so. omeef Frere Y ae arerd 87 (at aRerh et (@) ot argent a (©) Hwa 3 sae aa ae O ore wh (SECTION-I) ENGLISH LANGUAGE Direction (1-5) : Fill in the blanks by choosingthe suitable preposition: 1. Mohan belongs <» the upper strata of the society: (A) fiom @) for Ov )of 2. Hedidnotgo.... the right direction : (A)t0 (B) by (©) into On 3. (A) to ®) for On @)of 4, Superfast trains are useful. long journey: (A) to ®) for On (©) into 1548 5. Orders have been issued to inquire the matter; (A) about ©) into (of Oot Directions (6-10) : Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer 0 each question: PASSAGE Just as some men like to play football or cireket, so some men like toclimb mountains. This is often very difficult to do, for mountains are not just big hills. Paths are usually very steep. Some mountain sides ar° straight up and down, so that it may take many hours to climb as little as one hundred feet ‘There is always the danger than you may fall offand be killed or injured, Men talk about ‘conquering a mountain, It is @ wonderfil feeling to reach the top of a mountain after sErD Scanned with CamScanner climbing for hours and may be, even for days. You look down and see the whole country below you. You feel god-like. Two Italian pris- ners of war escaped from a prison camp to Kenya during the war. They did not ry to get back to their own country for they knew that was impossible, Instead, they climbed to the top of Mount Kenya and then they came down ogain and gave themselves up. They had Wanted to get that feeling of freedom that one has, after climbinga diffcult mountain. 6. Some men like to climba mountain because : (A) They donot like to play football or circket (B) They know the trick of climbing (©) They want tohave a wonderful feeling (D) They liketo face danger 7. Toclimb mountains is often diffeult because: (A) Mountains are big ills (B) Itconsumes more time . (©) Prisoners often escape from camps and settle there (D) Paths are steep and uneven “Tt refers to: 8. ‘Itisa wonderful feeling... (A) The steep path (B) Theprisoner (© Themountain (D) Mountaineering 9, Twoltalian prisoners escaped from the camp and climbed to the top of Mount Kenya: (A) Toescopeto Italy (B) Tocome down and give up (C) Toget the feeling of freedom (D) Togain fame as mountaineers 10, Mountaineering isnot. very popularsport like football or cricket because: (A) There are no spectators inthis sport (B) Itmay take many hours or even days (C) Not many people are prepared to risk theirlives ; (©) People donot want toenjoy a god-like feeling 1548 Directions (11-20) : Anoun phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as a noun. A noun phrase can be the subject or object ofa verb. Itcan also be the object of preposition. Kdentify the noun phrasein the following sentences |. hope to win the first prize: (A) Lhope to (B) Ihopeto win (C) To win the first prize (D) Towinthe . tried to solve the puzzle: (A) Tosolve the puzzle (8) Itriedto solvethe (©) Iisied (D) Thepuzzle |. Did youenjoy reading this book? (A) Didyouenjoy (B) Youenjoyreading (C)Didyouenjoy _ (D) Readings book |. The boy wants to go home: (A)Togohome —(B) The boy (C)Theboy wants (D) Wantstogohome | Horses prefer living in dark stables: (A) Horses (8) Prefer (C) Horses prefer () Livingin darkstables . “The accused refused to answer the question (A) The accused refused (B) Toanswerthe question (C) Thequestion (D) Toanswerthe The boy denied stealing the money: (A) Stealing the money (B) The boy denied (©) Themoney (D) Stealing, SETD Scanned with CamScanner 18. Towrite such rubbish is disgraceful: (A) Towrite (B) Writesuch rubbish (C) Towritesuch rubbish (D) Rubbishis disgraceful 19. dislike having to punish my kids: (A) Punish my kids (B) Having to punish (C) Idislikehaving (D) Havingto punish my kids 20, Lwillhatetodosucha thing (A) Todosucha thing(B) Iwillhate (C)Todosuch —_(D) Sucha thing Directions (21-25) : In the following questions choose the synonyms of the given word : 21. CORPULENT: (A) Lean (8) Gaunt (C)Emaciated —_(D) Obese 22. BRIEF: (A) Limited (B) Small (C) Shon )Litle 23, VENT: (A) Opening @) Stodge (C) End (D) Pasttense of grammar 24, CANNY: v (A) Obstinate __(B) Handsome (©) Clever )Stout 25. ALERT: (A) Energetic (B) Watchful (C) Observant (©) Intelligent 1548 + Read each sentence; ions (26-3 icone ape correct HOMONY fy sentence? cat? 26, Isthat-~ on a (a) they" (their (D) anyone 7 rrmgoingtoseeamovie tonight. Would, . z [ike to go along. (a) two B)t0 (Q)too (D) anyone 28, Weshould tum. atthe comer (A) waite (B) right (©) wright (D) anyone 30. Yournext assignment is (A) due (B) do (© done (D)None of these 31. The win er hat right ofther head: (4) bling (B) blue (©) blew (D) None ofthese 32. Don'tevertry to feed a... when youart camping in the woods : (A) bare ®) bear (©) beer (©) anyone monarch in 33. Queen Elizabeth is the England: (A) ing (© nmning B) raining )anyone * boys will play softball ‘together on a team this summer: (A) at (B) Ate (Eig (D) Anyone ser Scanned with CamScanner 35. “The bride will walk down the -n.ou- With her father: (A) isle @) sisle (C) else (D) anyone Directions (36-40) : Some proverbs/idioms are 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 1548 given below together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaningof provertvidiom To make clean breast of (A) To gain prominence (B) Topraiseoneself (©) Toconfess without of reserve (D) Todestroy before it blooms To keep one'stemper: (A) Tobecome hungry (B) Tobe in good mood (C) Topreserve ones energy (D) Tobealoof from Tocatchatartar: (A)To trap wanted criminal with gteat difficulty (B) Tocatcha dangerous person (©) Tomeet with disaster {(D) To deal witha personswhio is more than ‘one’s match Todrivehome: (A) To findone’s roots © () Toretuim toplace of rest (C)Backto original positon (D) Toemphasize Tocry wolf: (A) Tolisten eagerly (B) Togive falsealarm (C) Totumpale (D) Tokeepoffstarvation Direction (41-45) : Indemtify the part of the sentence containing an error. Ifthere is no error then choose D as your answer, 4. (A) Thelittleshow was organised {B) not only forhim (C) but for youand as well (D) noerror 42. (A) Hewill notpay (B) unless heis (C) notcompelled (D) no error 43. (A) Either Mukesh or are (B) at the top. (C) ofthe class (©) noerror (A) When on duty (B) sheis always wearing (C) awhite sare witha blue border (D) no error 45. (A) The two friends walked (B) besides each other (C) insilence (D)noerror Direction (46-50) : Choose’ the most suitable “one ‘word' forthe given expression. 46, Easily cheated or duped: (A) Native (B) Deceived (©) Gaulble (D) Forged Scanned with CamScanner ‘ho possesses Many talents. 47. Anillusion or hope that cannot be realized: 49. —_ ©) Gifted ts: (A) Mirage (B) Fantasy - - tional (D) Nubile (C) Misconception (D) Perception (C) Exceptio 48. Group oflions : 50. A person who is very fond of Teading bog (A) Shoal (B) Pride (A) Bookish (B) Book worm, (C) Flock (D) Pack (C) Book-keeper — (D) Book-let Scanned with CamScanner

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