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Human design & love

Human Design Blueprint

My intention today

• Wherever you are on your relationship

journey, I want to offer you insights based
on your unique type, strategy, authority and
beyond that help you identify how to make
yourself available for the right
relationships in the first place as well as
how to cultivate deep, rewarding
relationships once you’re in them
The why

• So often, we get tripped up when we expect a

partner to be more similar to us or different
than what they are
• When we truly understand what we uniquely
need to thrive in relationships and how to
honor how different our partner(s) might be
from us, we take so much less personally and
so much more becomes possible
If you are dating or in partnership with
someone, I encourage you to look up their
design(s) too

• You can look up their design at
• The key pieces to look for are Type, Authority,
Definition & Profile

• We are offering a special discount on guides

and classes to celebrate Valentine’s day
• It is active until Feb 14 and will give you 14%
off all guides and classes
• I’ll share the code & more ways to dive
deeper at the end
One quick note

• The chat is a great place for questions, so

please feel free to ask questions as we go – I
will answer as many as I can
• The chat is also a great place for shares, so if
something is striking a chord or you have an
example you want to share, please share
Which types go best together?
• All of them
• I do not believe that human design tells us
who we can or cannot be with
• Rather, it let us know how to best be with the
people we choose
• Some relationships may be harder; some
may feel easier — yet I believe when we
understand our differences, all are possible
Let’s begin with type
Generators & Manifesting Generators Seeking Love

• The more you do what you love and use your energy
in a way that feels satisfying, the more you will attract
aligned relationships and opportunities into your life
• Pay attention to who and what you naturally respond
to. As soon as you have a positive gut response
toward someone (in person or on an app), that is the
signal to pursue it
• If you feel no one is coming, go put yourself out in
the world—whether it’s on apps or at event—and give
yourself people to respond to. See who sparks a
natural response
• Trust the right timing and do not force dynamics that
do not feel right; wait for a genuine gut response
Generator & Manifesting Generator Needs in Relationships

• You have space to pursue what feels exciting

and follow your desires, even if your interests
are different than your partner’s
• Your partner makes space to do things with
you that they know you love
• Your partner proactively takes things off your
plate, creating more space for you to do what
you love
• You are asked questions about your passions
and have space to talk about your interests
• Your energy feels treasured and there is an
appreciation for how much you handle
Generator & Manifesting Generator Needs in Relationships

• Your partner does not try to keep up with or do

as much as you
• Even though you are capable, you are not
expected to handle everything yourself; a
partner makes sure you genuinely have the
energy for something before expecting to do it;
your boundaries and nos are respected
• You are given yes/no questions or options when
making decisions, and your gut feeling is trusted
• You pay attention to where frustration arises
consistently and use that as a place to check in
and course correct in the relationship
Manifesting Generators Seeking Love

• Embrace your dynamic, multi-passionate

nature and lean into your bigness; trust the
right potential partners will embrace it
Manifesting Generator Needs in Relationships

• Your partner does not try to move as fast as you or

pursue as much at once as you
• You have space to pivot from commitments, even
from commitments you made with them, and you are
not made wrong for shifting direction; they are
adaptable and understand no one benefits from your
half-hearted yes
• They value your growth and evolution
• You have ample space to be in your own creative
flow without disruption
• You do not feel a need to make all the things you’re
doing make sense to them and they do not put you
in a box in your career or life
Projectors Seeking Love

• It is essential to feel invited in and deeply recognized

by any potential partner
• Put yourself out there on apps or at events if you’re
inspired and pay attention to who you feel
authentically seen and invited in by; see where there is
genuine curiosity and understanding
• The invitation can be energetic; if you sense a curiosity
and feeling of recognition from someone, lean in
• Appreciate and recognize yourself; this makes it easier
for others to recognize you too
• Don’t shy away from depth or intimacy; let them see
who you really are
• Take good care of your energy; you are at your best
when you are well-rested
Projector Needs in Relationships

• You feel deeply seen in your relationship

• They invite you to share your perspective often
and genuinely value it; they offer words of
• You have ample space to be in your own energy
guilt-free and can even sleep alone when inspired
• Your need for rest is respected and encouraged
• Your desire to learn and study is also respected
• You feel no need or expectation that you’re
supposed to keep up with a partner; you feel free
to honor your ebbs and flows and be honest
about your energy levels
Projector Needs in Relationships

• They are curious about how you operate best

and ask questions to understand better; they
don’t expect you to operate like them
• They ask you open-ended questions and
gives you space to talk things out
• One-on-one quality time is prioritized
• In group settings, they recognize you publicly
and make it easier for others to see you too
• You pay attention to where bitterness arises
consistently and use that as a place to check
in and course correct in the relationship
Manifestors Seeking Love

• You are here to initiate and make the first move

• If the urge comes to initiate a connection,
follow it; let someone know what you want
• Even in the early stages of a connection, it’s
important that you keep those around you
informed of what you’re choosing and when —
it will put others at ease and allow you to feel
peace and freedom
• Own and express your power; the right
relationships will respect your powerful,
provocative nature
Manifestor Needs in Relationships

• Your powerful nature is celebrated rather than

seen as threatening; your partner is excited to be
transformed and provoked by you
• You can take time alone guilt-free and even sleep
alone when you’d like
• You feel free to honor the ebbs and flows of your
energy and don’t feel a need to be on and available
all the time; your creative bursts are respected
• You have space to be in your own flow and do
things your way; a partner doesn’t encroach on
your freedom
• You do not feel controlled
Manifestor Needs in Relationships

• You have a healthy communication dynamic that

feels clear, respectful, and open
• You don’t feel the need to lead all the time; they
step up when asked
• They do not pester you with unwanted questions
• They support your visions, even if they don’t yet
understand them
• You feel free to pivot and change direction
quickly without judgment
• You pay attention to where anger arises
consistently and use that as a place to check in
and course correct in the relationship
Reflectors Seeking Love

• It is essential to feel invited in and deeply

recognized by any potential partner. You
operate differently than most and it’s important
people see that
• Invest your energy in spaces that feel good —
online and offline. This makes you available for
the right people and opportunities
• This looks like spending time in restaurants or
at classes you love
• Take your time feeling into and entering new
relationships; see how you feel with them as
well as away from them
Reflector Needs in Relationships

• A partner feels good to be around; they are

processing their stuff in healthy ways
• You feel acknowledged and deeply recognized;
words of affirmation are offered often
• Your perspective is invited in
• If living together, the space you’re living in
feels good
• You can take time alone guilt-free
• You feel no need to keep up with a partner’s
consistency or energy; your ebbs and flows are
Reflector Needs in Relationships

• Your sensitivity to space is encouraged and

you feel free to move spaces until you find one
that feels good
• They offer consistency and reliability
• They meet you where you are, even as you
evolve and change; you feel free to keep
• Your way of doing things is honored, even if it’s
different than a partner’s
• You pay attention to where disappointment
arises consistently and use that as a place to
check in and course correct in the relationship
Let’s dive into authority
Sacral (Trust your Gut) Seeking Love

• You are meant to listen to and trust your gut

feeling in the moment
• Do not pursue relationships that don’t feel
right in your gut
• And trust your gut feeling, even if it is
pointing you towards someone you didn’t
• Notice when you are getting in your head and
trying to convince yourself out of pursuing
someone or to stay with someone who no
longer feels right
Sacral (Trust your Gut) Needs in Relationships

• Your gut feeling is respected and you aren’t

expected to explain it
• You are given specific yes/no options when
making a decision
• They check in to make sure you are getting a
yes in your gut before moving forward with a
• They don’t rush you when you haven’t received
a full-bodied gut yet
• When you are feeling uncertain, they help you
make important (and small) decisions in your
life by asking the right questions
Emotional (Wait for Clarity) Seeking Love

• You are meant to sleep on a relationship and

give yourself time to feel into it before
• You are not meant to jump into a relationship
• Courtship may feel good
• Give yourself space to feel into someone on
all sides of your motional wave
• You are meant to move forward only when
you feel calm and settled
Emotional (Wait for Clarity) Needs in Relationships

• You are not rushed or pressured into

decisions; they understand you need to see
things from multiple angles
• Time is built into your collective decision-
• They value the clear knowing that comes
with time for you
• Immediate clarity isn’t expected, especially
when you’re feeling emotionally charged
• You feel free to feel and express your
emotional range
Splenic (Tune into your Intuition) Seeking Love

• You are meant to be spontaneous and trust

your instinctive knowing in the moment
about relationships
• If someone feels right and you have an
immediate instinct about someone, you’re
meant to act on it
• Because you are so sensitive to others’
energy, it can be useful to take space away
from a partner to ensure your instinct is
giving you a yes and you are not
overwhelmed by their excitement about you
Splenic (Tune into your Intuition) Needs in
• You feel free to make decisions fast (and you
don’t expect a partner to be as fast as you)
• You can take space and pull away to be in
your own energy when you need
• A partner asks what you’re sensing when you
feel unclear
• They notice when you’re speaking from your
mind, not your intuition, and they remind you
to come back to your intuition
• You are not expected to explain how you
know what you know
Self-Projected (Talk it Out) Seeking Love

• When you give yourself space to talk out the

relationship, you just sense it’s right and the
relationship makes you feel seen as well as
creates space for your most authentic
expression to emerge
• It’s helpful to talk out a potential relationship
with good sounding boards in your life to see
how the relationship feels when you talk about
it aloud
• It may also feel good to partner with someone
who is a good listener and willing to serve as a
sounding board
Self-Projected (Talk it Out) Needs in Relationships

• A partner is willing to serve as a non-judgmental

sounding board and listen, or let you know when
they’re not available
• They don’t give you advice if you’re not asking
• They don’t make you feel wrong for needing to say
things aloud
• They take the time to learn how you best work and
the value of asking you questions like “Does this
opportunity make you happy? Does it move you in the
right direction?”
• They ask what would be most supportive in each
moment instead of assuming, e.g., asking whether it’d
be helpful to listen or give you space and time alone
Ego (Tune into your Willpower) Seeking Love

• A relationship is right for you when you

desire it, are motivated to pursue it, and it
feels like your heart is fully in it
• It’s also important to make sure your power
and energy feel appreciated and respected in
a relationship
• You can be so loyal and bring such heart into
a relationship when it feels like a yes
Ego (Tune into your Willpower) Needs in
• They let you know how much they value and
appreciate you
• You give a lot and also receive a lot
• They check in to make sure your heart is fully
in a decision before moving forward with it
• They serve as a sounding board if you need to
verbally process a decision
• They honor the ebbs and flows of your energy
and give you space to recharge and reset
before committing to something else
• They remind you of your power, especially
when you forget
Mental (Be in the Right Space and Talk it Out)
Seeking Love

• A relationship is right for you when you have

taken the time to process the relationship
out loud in spaces that feel good, and it
continues to feel right
• A partner must feel really good to be around
• Remember, you need time to process and are
not meant to rush into decisions, even if
someone else feels immediately clear
Reflectors (Wait a Lunar Cycle) Seeking Love

• You are designed to give yourself a full

28-30 days to feel into a relationship
• Even if you can’t wait a full cycle, it’s
important to make a decision from clarity
and not from pressure or urgency
• Time gives you space to disentangle what’s
not yours from what is, and ensures you
aren’t lost in someone else’s feelings about
the relationship
• It’s worth waiting to see if it’s right
Reflector and Mental (Be in the Right Space and Talk
it Out and Wait a Lunar Cycle) Needs in Relationships
• A partner serves as a non-judgmental
sounding board; they listen attentively
• They respect your process, even if they need
less time to reach clarity than you
• They don’t take it personally if you don’t want
to talk thing out with them; they ask what
would be most supportive — listening to you or
giving you space
• They don’t give you advice if you’re not asking
• They take good care of their own energy and
know how sensitive you are to them
• They honor your sensitivity to space
A few nuggets on definition
Single (Independent) Needs

• Your independence is honored

• A partner doesn’t expect you to be more
collaborative than you desire to be, and are
not upset if you don’t need them all the time
• You are with someone not because you need
them, but simply because they make life
• You have ample space to be in your
independent flow
• You feel a sense of independence and
autonomy in the relationship
Split (Collaborative) Needs

• Your relationship brings you a sense of

• You are supported in your desire to be in
regular connection with others
• You find ways to get your connection needs
met inside and outside of the relationship
• You recognize not everyone benefits from
being around others’ energy like you do
Triple (Synthesizing) Needs

• You feel freedom within the relationship

• You can move around and be stimulated by
others throughout the day freely
• You can take time away from a partner guilt-
free when you simply need to move your energy
• When you feel trapped, you know it’s less about
something being wrong with the relationship,
and more about your need to move
• You can be out in the world and adventure
Quadruple (Subjective) Needs

• You have ample space to process at your

own pace and take time to digest
• Your way of doing things is respected and
you are not expected to be more adaptable
than feels natural
• A partner pulls out an expression of you that
feels aligned
• They know all your needs can’t be met by
one person, and they support you in
cultivating deep relationships with friends
None (Objective) Needs

• You are with a partner whose energy you

enjoy being around
• You have space to pull away and process
alone as well as process out loud with them
when you need; your needs in the moment
are honored
• You feel free to move your energy around
throughout the day and don’t feel stuck in a
A few nuggets on profile
1 Needs

• A relationship gives you a sense of security

and solidity
• Your inquisitive and introspective nature are
respected; your questions are welcomed
• You have taken the time to dive deep with the
partner and build a foundation you trust
• They tell you the truth — you can clearly see
when there is no truth or foundation to what
someone is saying
2 Needs

• They make you feel deeply seen and

appreciated for your unique magic
• They create opportunities for you to share
your magic
• They appreciate how selective you are about
your relationships
• Your need for alone time is honored and you
can take it guilt-free
3 Needs

• You have taken the wisdom from past

relationships and let it inform how you show
up in this one
• You have space to experiment and try new
things in the relationship
• You are never made wrong for not getting
something perfect the first time; your trial
and error nature is honored
• You adventure together
4 Needs

• You have a strong foundation of friendship

and feel inspired to deepen it
• You’re not just in partnership with them; you
want to be friends with them
• You have a strong community outside of the
5 Needs

• You have space to be all that you are and you

don’t feel put in a box; you feel free to keep
• Your communication is super clear
• You feel no need to solve every problem in
the relationship
6 Needs

• You have space to keep growing

• They feel like a soulmate of some kind and
there’s deep trust
• You have space to pull away when you need
• Your wisdom is appreciated and invited in
Let’s wrap it up
If there’s one gem you took away
• Share it in the chat
• I’d love to know what landed
And if you’d like to dive in with me, we
just launched our valentine’s day discount

• It’ll give 14% off all guides and classes!

• The code is SWEETHEART14
About the Blueprint guide

• A 55+ page hyper-personalized guide all about your unique design

• If you’re curious to learn about your unique design or the design of someone you
love, it is the perfect place

• “I cannot even begin to express how amazing my Blueprint guide is. It’s like Erin
knows me personally. This is one of those resources I know I’m come back to over
and over again.”

• “I cannot believe how much you’ve packed into the guide. I’ve been a fan of human
design for awhile, but this provided so many new insights into who I am. I’m so

• Your Blueprint guides saved my marriage and helped me parent my four kids far more
effectively and feel more connected to them. I will be forever grateful for your
Blueprint guides.”

• “My husband is reading his Blueprint guide right now and loves it! He now wants to
order one for everyone in his company (and he didn't want to know anything about
human design 2 months ago.)”
About our classes

• Fun, comprehensive, accessible, deep and practical

human design classes that will teach you everything you
need to know about human design, whether you want to
share this system with others or you are looking to deepen
your own-self-knowledge

• “I am in awe after every class. I can’t believe how you have

curated all this information and somehow made it
digestible for someone new.”

• “I’ve taken so many human design trainings and this is the

best I’ve taken. I consistently do my best learning with Erin.”
When we honor who we are and who our partners are, anything is
possible. Human Design reveals the energetics underneath the surface
and gives us the language and tools to step into our full potential,
individually and in partnership.

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