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APRIL 6,2024
At some point, people start to wonder what the real meaning of Rizal's life and works .The
purpose of this critique paper is to explore Rizal's life, accomplishments, and lasting legacy in
greater detail. It explores numerous aspects of Rizal's life, including his upbringing, education,
political involvement, cultural contributions, and enduring influence on Philippine society.
Because of this, just a few people are able to understand and appreciate how it functioned as a
tool and reminder of today. The article, "Rizal in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Philippines,"
by John N. Schumacher, S. J.maintains the circumstances and events of that era. 1991. This
may enlighten the audience and provide an explanation that enables them to understand more
and investigate this with their own perspectives. Where, how, and what factors have affected
Rizal's development over time are discussed, along with some highlights of features of political,
cultural, religious, and economic advancements.
In his life and writings, José Rizal's interactions with the Catholic clergy play a major role.
Although Rizal came from a deeply religious household, there was friction and disagreement in
his interactions with the Church and its agents. Jose Burgos, a martyred priest, was one of the
people who reached out to Jose Rizal during that period, and his story stands out among the
conversations and events described in the articles. As if things have started to relate to one
another, it has come to light. Developing our desires to defend rights and learn more in order to
provide a more comprehensive understanding of what is and what can be. This historical period
has come to symbolize what is possible to imagine in the modern day
The methods and practices of today bear evidence of the economic progress. Since then, there
has already been evidence of the trading of goods. Modern political and liberal concepts were
already pervasive thanks to the significant role that the Galleon trade played in becoming an
instrument. This was one of the things that motivated the Filipino people to struggle for their
independence. The development of Philippine commerce over time is a reflection of the intricate
interactions between national and international trade laws, as well as general economic trends.

From the 19th century to the present, the Philippines' political development has been
characterized by authoritarian governments, democratic transitions, colonial domination,
independence movements, and continuous difficulties with governance and democratization. As
if what happens has been imprinted on political evolution over time, it is the focal point of
conversations to this day. The sole distinction is that industrialization and independence have
combined to form today, although there are still remnants of the past. Nonetheless, the 19th
century is advancing the idea of liberalism as a concept of equality and freedom through the
influence of trade, which opens up not only the possibility of physical exchange but also the
liberal ideas and political concepts. Changes were later implemented as a result of the voices
and demands being heard.

Filipino reformists and intellectuals like José Rizal and Marcelo H. Del Pilar promoted more
independence from Spain and political changes. Nationalist emotions were kindled among
Filipinos by the publishing of Jose Rizal's writings "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo."
These novels have since been the key to the complete realization of what we currently have.
From the way in which the superiors treat the Filipinos to the way in which education is provided
—not just in schools but also in helping the Filipino people understand what they are entitled to
and the causes for which they should fight. Similar to Jose Burgos, "go you to their countries in
search of the treasures we lack; they came here seeking gold." But remember all that glitters is
not gold.

The national hero of the Philippines, Jose Rizal, was in close contact with propagandists in the
late 19th century. He rose to prominence as a leader of the reformist movement known as
Propaganda, which relentlessly pushed for political and social freedoms by using their
connections with liberal Spanish politicians to lobby the peninsular government. It is a
nonviolent reform movement in which notable people take part, and it is the first nationalist
movement in Filipino history spearheaded by the top class of the country and motivated by the
pioneering action of individuals like Jose Burgos and his execution at the hands of colonial
These gatherings had a significant influence on Rizal's nationalist beliefs and strengthened his
dedication to the cause of Philippine independence. Together, they produced books, pamphlets,
and essays detailing the wrongdoings of the Spanish colonial government and pushing for legal
equality, representation in the Spanish Cortes, and press and speech freedom for Filipinos. In
addition to having an impact on Rizal's own works, such as the novels "Noli Me Tangere" and
"El Filibusterismo," these propaganda encounters were vital in igniting the Filipino people's
feeling of national identity and resistance to colonial oppression.

"Rizal in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Philippines" serves as a blueprint for the current
situation. By analyzing Rizal's accomplishments and shortcomings, we can better comprehend
his nuanced character and his continued influence on Philippine society. The fight for justice,
freedom, and national liberation is still being waged today, and Rizal's legacy stands as a
reminder of this.

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