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21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS CIGRE 2018

http : // C3-110

Ecological and occupational electromagnetic safety of power grid facilities


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Izmerov Research Institute of
Occupational Health”

Joint Stock Company "Research and Development Center at Federal Grid Company of
Unified Energy System"


Prospective trends of staff and general public protection against unfavorable effects of power
frequency (PF) electric and magnetic fields (EF and MF) by means of three protective principles:
protection by time, protection by distance and protection by engineering measures (including
collective and individual protective means) are discussed. Protection by time is provided in the
hygienic regulations applicable in the Russian Federation based on intensity-time (dose) dependency
of EF and MF effects on human body and sets permissible limit values (PLV) depending on the
exposure time. Protection by time for population is implemented at 50 Hz frequency when, depending
on the possible time of exposure, the PLVs vary from the strictest (with probability of round-the-
clock exposure) to the mildest. Protection by distance is provided most often for the population by
means of right-of-way zones (sanitary protection zones). In cases where PLVs cannot be maintained
by traditional means, the best ways to solve the issues of reducing the PF EF and MF environmental
impact, and in some cases to minimize the occupational exposure effects, are new technical solutions
(patented in the Russian Federation). This paper presents the data of new methods that allow
decreasing the PF EF and MF levels in residential areas, such as: shielding of overhead transmission
line EF by means of passive, active and resonant rope screens; shielding of overhead transmission line
MF by means of passive, active and resonant directed contour screens; new designs electrical
reactors without the ferromagnetic core and their screening. Traditional usage of personal protective
equipment (PPE) for protection against of PF EF requires adequate evaluation of its effectiveness. In
addition to the applicable standard requirements, it is proposed to use a comprehensive approach that
includes, beside numerical simulation, determination of both the current induced on a test phantom
placed in the EF as well as its strength in the space underneath the clothes to enable benchmarking
with the normative values existing worldwide.


Electric field, magnetic field, power frequency, permissible limit values, overhead transmission lines,
electrical reactors, methods and means of protection

Human health protection from the adverse effects of anthropogenic factors is one of the important
issues of occupational and environmental safety. It is crucial to exclude the harmful effects of
electromagnetic fields (EMF) where their levels at workplaces and in population areas are likely to
exceed the permissible limit values (PLV) provided by relevant hygienic standards. But PLV are
different in different countries. The main sources of power frequency (PF) electric and magnetic fields
(EF and MF) are power grid facilities with high, extremely high and ultrahigh voltage. Ensuring
electromagnetic safety of power transmission includes two main areas: reducing the potential adverse
impact of PF EF and MF on workers and minimizing their effects on the general public. Special
attention should be paid to the population PF MF exposure risks, which have been subsumed by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer since 2002 under category "2b" – potential risk factors
for childhood leukemia [1].
There are three distinct approaches to the protection of human health from the adverse effects of EMF:
protection by time, protection by distance and protection using safety equipment. According to
hygienic requirements, protection of workers from EF and MF adverse effects is ensured by means of
organizational, engineering, and preventive/healthcare measures.
Organizational measures include: limitation of the time of stay in the area of exposure (“protection by
time”) and relocating a person and/or the site of work from the impacted zone or to a distance where
the field level is below the PLV (“protection by distance”). The protection by time principle is
implemented in the majority of Russian hygienic standards and is applied in cases when there is no
possibility to reduce EF and MF levels down to the PLV. Protection by distance implies that workers
have to be kept away from the area with raised field levels by means of mechanization, automation of
industrial processes, use of remote controls, manipulators, and optimized workplace layouts.
In cases where there is no possibility to ensure compliance with PLV, protection of workers from PF
EF in extremely high voltage (EHV) outdoor switchgears is achieved by using structures that reduce
the EF levels through the use of the compensating effects of dissimilar phases of live parts and the
screening effect of high equipment stands, designing buses with minimum number of bundle wires
sagging as little as possible, and other activities.
Technical measures include the use of stationary and/or portable collective or individual screening
devices (personal protective equipment, hereinafter PPE). Collective protective equipment includes
devices that restrict the field flow onto workplaces (shielding). Personal protective equipment (PPE) is
used for the protection of individuals. The main characteristic of any protective equipment is the PF
EF attenuation factor, which is expressed in conventional field reduction units or as a shielding factor.
All of the above highlights the need to develop integrated solutions aimed at improving the system of
ensuring the occupational and environmental safety of power grid facilities.



PF EF (50 Hz) occupational exposure hygienic standards in the Russian Federation are one of the most
stringent in the world. They are established depending on the exposure time from 5 kV/m for the whole
work day, while in the field strength range from 5 kV/m to 20 kV/m the permissible time stay is
determined as: = (50/ ) – 2, where T is time (in hours), is EF strength (in kV/m). Maximum PLV is
25 kV/m (up to 10 minutes per shift) [2]. With high EF levels, working without protection is not
The PLV of occupational PF MF exposures are set for overall (all body) and local (extremities)
exposure respectively from 80/800 A/m for the whole work day to 1600/6400 A/m for work not more
than 1 h per shift [2].
The PLV of 50 Hz EF for the occupational are from 0.5 kV/m inside of residential buildings and
structures and 1.0 kV/m in housing estate territories to 20 kV/m for remote areas [3]. Boundaries of
sanitary protective zones (SPZ, sanitary gaps) are also established for 330 kV to 1150 kV overhead
transmission lines, which are from 20 m to 55 m wide, outside of which the EF strength value shall not
exceed 1 kV/m [4].

General public PF MF PLV in the Russian Federation are from 4 A/m inside residential buildings, 8 A/m
in residential areas, 16 A/m for habitable areas, and 80 A/m for unfrequented and remote districts [5].
The requirements for PF MF are not applicable to sanitary-protective zone limitations.



Rope screens (RS) [6], which are intended to reduce the electric field strength along the route of EHV
overhead transmission lines, can be passive (PRS), active (ARS), and resonant (RRS). PRS is
grounded in one point. To ARS, voltage is applied relative to the ground with a certain value of the
module and the phase angle. To RRS, voltage with a certain value of the module and the phase angle
is induced when it is grounded through inductive resistance X L . The voltage induced on RRS is
calculated as:
j R jX L l
where U A , U B and U C are phase , and line voltages; , are partial capacities
between RRS and phases , and respectively; R0 is RRS partial capacitance relative to the
ground; l is RRS length; = 2 f is angular frequency.
Installation of active or resonant RS
behind the wires of TL extreme phases
will allow reducing the width of TL
electric field exposure on humans.
However, application of ARS and RRS
has virtually no effect on Emax (the
effective value of EF strength along the
major axis of field polarization) under
transmission line phases.
To reduce the EF strength in the area of
TL phases, passive rope screens are
installed. Figure 1 provides an example
of a 500 kV TL with horizontal phase
arrangement with a minimum wire-to-
ground clearance of 10.5 m showing
ARS and PRS relative to transmission
Figure 1 – Diagram of ARS and PRS for 500 kV TL with line phases and shield wires, as well as
10.5 m clearance and distribution of Emax at 1.8 m above the the curves of EF Emax variation at 1.8 m
ground: curve 0 is for an unshielded line; curve 1 is for TL above the ground in the section of the
shielded by three PRS and two ARS with the voltages of considered line: curve 0 is for the
63.5 -j180 kV on the left screen and 63.5 -j60 kV on the right unshielded TL; curve 1 is for the TL
one; curve 2 is for TL shielded by three PRS and two ARS shielded by three PRS and two ARS
with the voltages of 63.5 -j120 kV on both ARS with the voltages of 63.5 -j180 kV on the
left and 63.5 -j60 kV on the right screen;
curve 2 is for the TL shielded by three PRS and two ARS with the voltages of 63.5 -j120 kV on both ARS.
Application of ARS combined with PRS (Figure 1, curve 1) helps reduce the EF strength in the
sanitary protective zone under 500 kV TL to below the permissible level values (PLV) in Russia of 5
kV/m for inhabited areas, and at the sanitary protective zone boundary, to below the PLV for
dwellings zones (1.0 kV/m).


Contour screens (CS) [6], which are intended

to reduce the MF strength along the route of
EHV TL, can be passive (PCS), active (ACS),
and resonant (RCS). A PCS is a closed loop
circuit. ACS and RCS differ from PCS in that
a source of electromotive force or a
capacitance, respectively, is included in series
into their circuits in order to adjust the current
module and phase angle in these screens for
the greatest compensation of the MF
generated by the TL. According to the spatial
Figure 2 – Arrangement of 500 kV TL phases, arrangement, contour screens are divided into
directed contour screen and H max vector vertical contour screens (VCS) and directed
contour screens (DCS) (see Figure 2).
For a VCS, the screen plane passing
through its forward and reverse wires is
perpendicular to the surface of the ground.
For a DCS, the screen plane is inclined to
the ground at an angle of , which is
determined as = 90 - , where is the
inclination angle of the MF polarization
ellipsis major axis to the ground surface.
The DCS is directed so that the
perpendicular to its plane is parallel to the
major axis of the polarization ellipse in the
area of the greatest Hmax values [6]. Figure Figure 3 – Distribution of max strength at 1.8 m
2 shows the arrangement of 500 kV TL above the ground surface in the section of a 500 kV
phases, DCS wires, and H max vector along TL: curve 0 without DCS, curve 1 with DCS
considering R, curve 2 with DCS without
the major polarization axis. considering R
Figure 3 shows the curves of max strength
distribution at 1.8 m above the ground
surface in the section of a 500 kV TL with
the wire-to-ground clearance of 10 m and
the phase current module Iph = 1000 A for
three cases: TL without shielding – curve 0,
with MF shielding by passive DCS
calculated taking into account their active
resistances R – curve 1, and without taking
these resistances into account – curve 2.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of max
Figure 4 – Distribution of max strength at 1.8 m strength at 1.8 m above the ground surface
above the ground surface in the section of a 500 kV in the section of the same 500 kV TL when
TL: curve 0 without DCS, curve 1 with active DCS, it is shielded by active DCS – curve 1 and
curve 2 with resonant DCS resonant DCS – curve 2. The use of both
passive and active DCS, as well as resonant
DCS, can reduce the MF strength at 1.8 m above the ground surface under a 500 kV overhead TL to
below the Russian PLV of 16 A/m for occupied district outside of zone of housing estate.


Contour screens have a virtually zero potential to ground (in comparison with TL phase voltage), as
the contour screen’s return wire is grounded, and the voltage drop across the screen resistance from its
current is tens of volts.
For this reason, the contour
screen upper wires installed
in the zone of TL phases
simultaneously play the role
of passive rope screens.
Figure 5 shows a scheme for
the joint installation of two
ARS, three PRS and two
passive DCS at a 500 kV TL
with a minimum clearance of
10 m, as well as the curves of
Emax EF strength and max
MF strength distribution at
1.8 m above the ground
surface in the section of this
Joint use of ARS, PRS and
DCS allows to decrease the
electric and magnetic field
Figure 5 – Outline of a joint installation of ARS, PRS and passive strength levels at 1.8 m above
DCS at a 500 kV overhead TL and distribution of EF Emax and MF the ground under a 500 kV
max strengths at 1.8 m above the ground in its section: without overhead transmission line to
screens – curves 0 and 0, with two ARS, three PRS and two below 5 kV/m and 16 A/m
passive DCS – curves 1 and 1 respectively (Russian PLVs)
for an residential development area and below the PLV of 1 kV/m and 8 A/m at the boundary of it.



Maximal compensation of EF and MF is achieved in case of double-circuit coaxial power transmission

lines (DCTL). The DCTL consists of three coaxial pairs. Each coaxial pair consists of coaxially
arranged wires of two phases 1 and 2, as shown in Figure 6. Phase 1 contains n1 wire, and phase 2
contains n2 wires. The total number of coaxial pair wires is equal N = n1 + n2. Each coaxial pair
parameters are calculated by the equation (1) [7],
1 n1 rp1 1 N rp1
ln ln
U1 n1 j 1 r1 j n2 j n1 1 r1 j
1, (1)
U2 1 n1 rp2 1 N rp2
ln ln
n1 j 1 r( n1 1) j n2 j n1 1 r( n1 1) j

under which the sum of coaxial pair charges is zero, where:

rp1 and rp2 are phase 1 and 2 splitting radii, r1j and r(n1+1) j are
distances between wires 1 and j, as well as between wire
(n1+1) and wire j, respectively, U1 and U 2 are phase
Figure 6 – DCTL coaxial pair
voltages of coaxial pair 1 and 2 phases. According to the

Gauss theorem, the flux of displacement (of electric induction D) through an arbitrary enclosed
surface is proportional to the algebraic sum of the charges covered by that surface. Thus, with the
coaxial pair’s sum of charges equal to zero, the latter is not an EF source to its environment.
According to equation (1), voltages U1 and U 2 are equal by modulus and opposite by direction. In
this case, the currents in phases 1 and 2 will also be equal by modulus and oppositely directed, which
is known for a coaxial system to result in mutual MF compensation beyond.
Counter direction of the phase voltages of the outer and inner phases of the coaxial pairs is provided
by different vector groups of their transformers. For example, the transformer of outer phases has
Y/ 9 vector group, and that of the inner ones, Y/ 11. Another option for achieving the opposite
direction of these voltages is to change the winding path direction of transformers in manufacture: the
lower voltage winding of the outer phase transformer is wound clockwise, while for the inner phases
the winding is wound counterclockwise.
With n1 = n2 and rp1 = rp2 we will obtain a particular case of a coaxial pair – a single-radial pair of
phases 1 and 2 whose wires are arranged along the perimeter of a single circle in an alternating order.
If the conditions of the equation (1) are met, the single-radial pair is also not a source of EF and MF
for the surrounding space. A double-circuit single-radial TL (DSRTL) consists of three single-radial
pairs with the phase voltages and currents equal by magnitude and opposite by direction on the
complex plane.
DCTL and DSRTL design features satisfying equation (1) make such lines environmentally safe for
humans as well as for the environment.
Very low electrical and magnetic interference between adjacent pairs allows such TLs to operate
without phase transposition.
Due to convergence of wires of phases
1 and 2 inside the coaxial and the
single-radial pair, the capacities of
these phases are increasing and the
inductances are decreasing, resulting in
a lower characteristic impedance and a
higher natural power, and hence a
higher transmission capacity of the
Figure 7 shows a 220 kV DSRTL
located on a concrete tower, with its
Figure 7 – Compact 220 kV DSRTL on an intermediate phases made with 2xAC-600/72 wire.
concrete tower The natural power of this TL is PN =
609.6 MW. This line can easily replace a single-circuit 500 kV TL of a conventional design. Figure 8a
shows the distribution of Emax strength of the EF, while Figure 8b shows the distribution of Hmax
strength of the MF created by a 220 kV DSRTL and a conventional 500 kV TL with the wire-to-
ground clearance of 8 m for both lines.

a b
Figure 8 – Distribution of Emax (a) and Hmax (b) created by 220 kV DSRTL and 500 kV TL


Combined electromagnetic screens (CEMS) [6, 8] are intended for reducing the strength levels of
the MF created by electric reactors without ferromagnetic core, such as current-limiting reactors. The
CEMS consists of EMF turns, shielding turns (ST) and connective buses (B). The EMF turns and
the STs are installed coaxially with the reactor winding (RW): EMF turns are installed in the
middle, inside or outside of the RW, and the STs are installed at its ends, at a distance of g from the
RW. Figure 9a shows a CEMS layout on the RW: three EMF turns with REMF = 0.7 m radius and k =
0.1 m winding pitch are installed outside in the middle of the RW; single turns ST1 and ST2 with
RST = 0.9 m radius are installed at a distance of gST = 0.35 m from the RW ends; EMF turns ST1 and
ST2 are connected in series into a closed circuit by buses B.
RW parameters: hRW = 1.0 m, RRW = 0.55 m, equivalent number of turns is 27, inductive reactance R =
0.175 Ohm, reactor current I R = 2500 A.
The current induced in the CEMS is IS = 5332.9 -j179 A. Figure 9b shows the distribution of the MF
strengths created by the reactor (H maxR), the CEMS (HmaxS), and the resulting strength (HmaxRS) at z =
3 m above the WR upper end, and Figure 9c shows the same at R = 3 m from the WR centerline.

b c
Figure 9 – Installation of CEMS on RW ( ) and distribution of HmaxR, HmaxS and HmaxRS strengths at
z = 3 m level (b) and at R = 3 m distance (c)
Installation of CEMS on the RW allows to reduce the MF strength at the level z = 3 m above the RW
by 8 times: from 239.0 /m to 29.9 , and at the distance R = 3 m from the RW centerline, by 3.5
times: from 187.4 A/m to 53.1 A/m. The obtained HmaxRS strengths of the resulting MF are lower than
the PLV (80 A/m) during the whole 8-hour working day in occupational conditions. The RW inductive
reactance with CEMS is RS = 0.127 Ohm, i.e. it decreased by 0.048 Ohm.


Many years of experience in maintenance and repairs on electrical installations of substations and
overhead transmission lines show that "protection by time" and "protection by distance" are often not
applicable, as they complicate (restrict) the performance of work on the functioning equipment.
Stationary and collective protective equipment is not always functional or can simply be not applicable
in view of the geometry of the operating facilities. In such cases, the most effective, convenient and
universal solution is to use personal protective equipment, which provides individual screening suits in
its best option. An important advantage is the possibility to use such suits as special work clothes with
necessary elements of individual protection.
In contrast to foreign approaches to the PPE assessment where work with the use of PPE is only
considered on live wires [9], in the Russian Federation two types of works are defined, the first of
which is carried out on the ground in an area where the PLV (15 kV/m) is exceeded, and the second is
made as live-line maintenance [10], same as abroad.

PPE shielding efficiency is determined by testing. The greatest difficulty lies in the evaluation of the
effectiveness of PPE shielding, as the applicable hygienic standards (PLV) consider the physical
characteristics of a field (root-mean-square value of the field strength), whereas in modern regulatory
documents, the shielding efficiency is viewed as an indirect characteristic of the external field, i.e. so-
called induced currents in a metallized phantom dressed in PPE and placed into an inhomogeneous
field that simulates the power line at different voltages.
Given the ambiguity in assessing the effectiveness of screening over the field or over induced currents,
mathematical models of the human body have been developed with PPE and exceeded PLV.
In numerical simulations, to reproduce the experimental test conditions, experimental setup models
were designed (Figure 10), which included a parallel plate capacitor, a screening suit, and a human
body phantom. The capacitor consisted of two metal plates 2.4x1.8 m2 in size and 0.1 m thick each,
with 0.7 m distance between them. A potential was created on the upper plate that provided a
sufficiently homogeneous PF EF with 70 kV/m strength in the test phantom’s location, and the lower
plate was grounded. For the phantom, a numerical heterogenic human body phantom with a height of
1.77 m was used [11]. The simulation was performed using the dielectric parameters of human body
tissues (electrical conductivity and permittivity) in the investigated frequency range generally accepted
in modelling [12]. The screening suit model represented by a set of hollow objects with wall thickness
of 2 to 4 mm, that were electrically interconnected and repeating approximately the human body
Based on the simulation results, an
analysis of EF strength distribution,
estimation of bias currents on the
phantom surface and currents
induced within the organs and
tissues of the phantom were made.
In numerical models, EF and current
parameters were studied in three
regions corresponding to the
arrangement of the head, chest and
pelvis of the human body phantom.
External EF in these regions was
Figure 10 – Setup numerical model with human body and fairly homogeneous, and the EF
conductive suit general form strength was equal to 70.9 kV/m
with an error less than 1 %.
As the human body phantom is introduced into the capacitor’s EF, the EF is considerably distorted,
and the EF strength increases more than 1.5 to 2 times near the protruding parts of the body, such as
nose, thorax, groin, and toes. On the phantom body’s surface, the strength of the EF distorted by the
human body was 119.3 kV/m in the head area and 170 kV/m in the chest and pelvis areas. The
calculated bias currents for the head, chest and groin reached 1.88 µA, 36.8 µA and 0.46 µA,
To assess the shielding properties, the protective suit was housed in the capacitor with and without the
human phantom. Based on the results of the simulation, there was a significant EF reduction in the
grounded metallized suit; however, the decrease of the EF strength levels was uneven by volume
(Figure 11a). With a screening suit dressed on the human body phantom, the bias currents also
decreased. The simulation data show that the screening factor values (Figure 11b) differ slightly in
terms of current from the values calculated by the EF strength for each region.
The differences observed in the local shielding factors are connected with the complex shape and
structure of the developed model of the protective suit, as well as with imperfect connection of its
elements with each other. Both local and averaged shielding factors demonstrate a good comparability
of the two methods considered for evaluation of the shielding suit properties. Calculations results have
shown that estimation by bias current can give a higher screening factor than when assessed by EF
strength (which is actually rated for occupational exposures), and because of the spatial non-
uniformity of screening the assessment should be carried out in several points for better objectification
of the results.

200 E, kV/m




3.0 J,µA/m2




Figure 11 – Distribution pattern of EF strength and induced currents for a human body phantom

Lack of benchmarking of existing PLV with efficiency of PPE shielding properties by induced
currents, ambiguity of laboratory test conditions to PF EF strength at the test sample location, and
incomplete consideration of the worst human exposure conditions in light of PPE general structural
features all call for improvement of the tests methods. One of the first importance steps in assessing
PF EF protective equipment efficiency and developing scientific approaches to their harmonization is
the numerical simulation, which takes into account not only metallized objects, including PPE, but
also human body models, too, which is crucial for the improvement of personnel safety principles at
power grid facilities.


[1] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs “Non-Ionizing Radiation,
Part 1: Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) Electric and Magnetic Fields” (WHO/IARC,
v.80, 2002, 426 p.).
[2] Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) “Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for
physical factors at workplaces”.
[3] “Sanitary norms and rules of general public protection from electric field created by dc power
frequency overhead transmission lines” no. 2971-84.
[4] Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) 2.2.1./ “Sanitary protective zones and
sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other assets”.
[5] Hygienic Norms 2.1.8/ “Permissible limit values of 50 Hz magnetic fields in
residential, public buildings and in residential areas”.
[6] Misrikhanov M.Sh., Rubtsova N.B., Tokarskiy A.Yu. “Power network objects electromagnetic
safety maintenance” ( oscow, Nauka, 2010, 868 p.).
[7] Author’ Certificate 1382346 “Double circuit overhead transmission line” // Kuzmin Ya.F.,
Tokarskiy A.Yu., Portnov F.G., Ierusalimskiy A.P., Kukainis ., Iostson Yu. .
[8] Russian Patent of Invention 2304815 “Electromagnetic screen for an air-core reactor” //
Misrikhanov M.Sh., Rubtsova N.B., Tokarskiy A.Yu.
[9] IEC 60895-2002 Live working - Conductive clothing for use at nominal voltage up to 800 kV
a.c. and ±600 kV d.c.
[10] GOST 12.4.172-2014 “Occupational safety standard system (OSSS). Individual screen set for
protection from power frequency fields. General technical requirements and test methods”.

[11] Christ A., Kainz W., Hahn E.G. at al. “The Virtual Family – development of surface-based
anatomical models of two adults and two children for dosimetric simulations” (Physics in
Medicine and Biology. 2010. Vol. 55, No. 2, pages 23-38).
[12] Mcintosh R.L., Anderson V.A. “Comprehensive Tissue Properties Database Provided for the
Thermal Assessment of a Human at Rest” (Biophysical Reviews and Letters, 2010, Vol. 5, No.
3, pages 129-151).

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