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Name: __________________________ SCORE: ________/

Write the question to the responses.

1. ____________________________________________________________?

I’m sorry I haven’t got my watch.

2. ____________________________________________________________?

That’s 12£.

3. ____________________________________________________________?

You can get off at Road Station.

4. ____________________________________________________________?

I like listening to music and reading books.

5. ____________________________________________________________?

Well, actually I prefer vanilla ice cream.

6. ____________________________________________________________?

Some cola, please.

Translate into English.

1. Jak ona wygląda?


2. Jaka ona jest?


3. Chidźmy na spacer

4. Czy mogę Cię o coś zaytać?


5. Obawiam się że t jet zbyt drogie.


6. Czy sądzisz że to możliwe?


7.Czy to prawda?

8. Tak, oczywiście.

9. Kiedy przyjeżdżasz?

10. Czy możesz powtórzyć?

11. Jakie są Twoje plany na lato?

12. Dlaczego nie przyszedłeś wczoraj do szkoły?


13. Jak się masz?/ Miło mi.


14. Kim jest ten chłopak?


Choose the correct response.

1. I’m moving to England.

a. Yes, you do. b. Really? c. See you.

2. I’m sick. I feel awful.

a. Great I had fun. b. Cheer up! c. I’m sorry to hear that.

3. What does he do?

a. He’s Polish b. He’s a doctor c. See you.

4. I won the first prize!

a. Great I had fun. b. Bad luck. c. Congratulations

5. I’m hungry

a. How do you do? b. I’m fine thank you. c. See you.

6. Thanks a lot.

a. Good bye. b. Yes, a little. c. It was a pleasure.

Write the answers to the questions.

1. My name’s Ben.


2. Have you ever been to England?


3. Do you speak any other languages?


4. How are you?


5. Where should I get off?


6. Are you Mr Williams?


8. Would you like some tea?


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