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Vendor : Nebo rentcar palu

Address : Jln. Padat karya Kel. Tondo
Date : 08 September 2023
Activity : preparation Identification and Mapping of 625 Prospective Coffee Farmers
SASCI+ in Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve also to monitoring Kalemago
Farmers on 03 - 08 September 2023

To :
Dinas Perkebunan dan Peternakan Prov. Sulawesi Tengah
Jln. RA Kartini No. 25 - Palu
Palu - Central Sulawesi

Dear Sirs/ Madams,

I herewith would like to submit invoice for my service as follows:

No Description Quantity Price Total Price

Rental Car Toyota Avanza (including Driver,

1 Gasoline) for seven days on 03 - 08 6 days 750,000 4,500,000
September 2023

Total 4,500,000
In Word : Five million Five hundred Thousand Rupiah

Please Transfer to :
Bank : Bank BNI
Acc No : 1135025265
Name : Muh Rusli

I thank you in advance for your kind attention and support

Best regards,
Nebo Rent Car

Muh. Rusli
HP : 0813-4279-9968

Received from : GIZ - SASCI+

The sum of : four million four hundred ten thousand rupiah

Being : Payment 6 (six) days (3 - 8 September 2023) for Rental Car for
preparation Identification and Mapping of 625 Prospective Coffee
Farmers SASCI+ in Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve also to monitoring
Kalemago Farmers

The payment after Tax PPh 23 with NPWP

NPWP : 85.363.401.2-831.000

Palu, 08 September 2023

Nebo Rent Car

Muh. Rusli
HP : 0813-4279-9968

Rp 4.410.000,-

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