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ÿS¸¨@¯õ |©:
@£µß¤ØS›¯ Bz©Âz¯õ (@£ma 2) ‡è¯ºPÐUS,
§ä¯ÿ K[Põµõ|¢u ©íõìÁõªPÎß £µ©A~Uµí® uõ[PÒ AøÚÁ›hzv¾®
14&04&2024 •uÀ 09&05&2024 Áøµ é«ñõ Põ»©õS®. §ä¯ÿìÁõªã AÁºPÒ
|©US HØöPÚ@Á ÁÈ|hzv²ÒÍ£i, C¢u |õmPøÍ, AøÚzx ÁS¨¦PøͲ® @Pmk
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u[PÍx ö£¯º ©ØÖ® Bz©Âz¯õ User IDBQ¯ÁØøÓ, JÆöÁõ¸ Œõìzµzvß

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Bz©Âz¯õ SÊ

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha


Dear Atmavidya (Batch 2) Shishyas,

May Pujyasri Omkarananda Mahaswamigal's Parama-anugraham be with you.

14-04-2024 to 09-05-2024 is Samiksha period. As already guided by Pujyasri

Swamiji, we kindly request you to utilize this time to complete your backlogs (if any)

10 questions are being asked in each Sastra.

As done before, the Atmavidya Academic Team trained by Pujyasri Swamiji will
correct your answers and will guide you in better understanding.

Kindly mention your name and AV ID in the answer sheet of each sastra. After
writing all the answers, kindly scan them, convert to PDF and upload in the given
link -
We request all students to send their answer using the above Link only. So that we
esily evaluate the answer sheets and send the observations to you.

Last date for sending the answer sheets: 10/07/2024

In case, if you have any doubts, kindly send an email to
Portions for Samiksha

1. Dharma Sastra – Thirukkural 1-100

2. Upasana Sastra – Shivanandalahari Shlokas 51-100

3. Vedanta Sastra – Ishavasya Upanishad, Kaivalyopanishad

4. Gita Sastra – Srimadh Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5-10

5. Yoga Sastra - Pathanjali Yoga Sutrams 2nd 3rd Padham

We offer our sincere prayers to Adiguru Sriprajna Dakshinamurti and Pujyasri

Swamiji for the well being of all the Atmavidya students and by their grace, may all
of us dwell in peaceful happiness.

With kind regards,

Atmavidya Team

1) v¸USÓÒ G¢u ¡¼ß éõµ©õP ÂÍ[SQÓx?

A) Cµõ©õ¯n® B) £PÁzRøu C) @Áu[PÒ D) v¸©¢vµ®
1) Thirukkural is an essence of
a) Ramayana b) Bhagavadgita c) Vedas d) Thirumandiram

2) v¸USÓÒ }zuõº ö£¸ø© AvPõµzvߣi & öŒ¯ØP›¯ öŒ¯À Gx?

A) ¦»ÚhUP® £ÇSuÀ B) ö£õÖø©ø¯U Pøh¨¤izuÀ
C) Phø©PøÍ •øÓ¯õPa öŒ#uÀ D) £Uvø¯ öÁΨ£kzxuÀ
2) According to Thirukkural Neethar Perumai Adhikaram, which is the most
difficult task?
a) Practising sense-control b) Being patient
c) Doing one's duties properly d) Expressing one's Bhakti

3) CÀÁõÌUøP°ß £s£õPÄ® £¯ÚõPÄ® ÂÍ[SÁx &

A) Aߦ® öŒÀÁ•® B) AÓ•® ¦PÊ®
C) Aߦ® AÓ•® D) öŒÀÁ•® ¦PÊ®
3) The qualities that are the attributes and benefits of householder's life are -
a) Love and Wealth b) Dharma and Fame
c) Love and Dharma d) Wealth and Fame

4) AÓöÚÚ¨ £mh@u CÀÁõÌUøP ALx® ¤ÓߣȨ£x CÀ»õ°ß |ßÖ

A) xÓÁÓ® B) Áõ|¨µìu® C) CÀ»Ó® D) ©õnÁ¨£¸Á®
4) Aran enapaattade illvazhkkai akhuthum piranpazhippadu illaayin nandru
In the above Kural, the word akhuthum refers to -
a) Sannyasa b) Vanaprastha c) Family life d) Studenthood.

5) C®ø©°¾® ©Öø©°¾® Cߣ® u¸Áx &

A) PÀ B) öŒÀÁ® C) |À»õ›nUP® D) CÛ¯ öŒõØPÒ
5) That which gives happiness in this life and life after is -
a) Education b) Wealth c) Company of the wise d) Sweet words
6) v¸USÓÒ PhÄÒ ÁõÌzx AvPõµzv¾ÒÍ SÓm£õUPÎÀ & CøÓÁÛß
C»UPn®, CøÓÁøÚ ÁÈ£k® •øÓ, CøÓÁÈ£õmiß £¯ß BQ¯ÁØøÓ
£mi¯¼mkU TÖP.
6) Explain the Nature of God, Methods of Worship and the Benefits of
Worshipping God in a tabular column..

7) JÊUP©õÚ ÁõÌUøP•øÓUS® ©øÇUS® EÒÍ öuõhºø£ ÂÁ›zxU TÖP.

7) Explain the connection between the Dharmic lifestyle and rain.

8) A) AÓaöŒ¯ÀPøÍ G¢u @|õUPzxhß öŒ#¯ @Ásk® Gߣøu ÂÍUSP.

8) a) Explain the intention, with which dharmic actions should be performed.
b) Explain the kinds of impurities in the mind and suggest methods to get
rid of them.

9) A) I®ö£¸® @ÁÒÂPøÍ ÂÍUSP. B) ¸¢@uõ®£¼ß ]Ó¨ø£U TÖP.

9) a) Explain the Panchamahayajnas b) Discuss the glory of hospitality.

10) 23, 76 Gsqøh¯ SÓm£õUPøÍ GÊv, AÁØÔß ö£õ¸øÍ ÂÍUSP.

10) Write the Kurals 23, 76 and explain the meaning.
GH IJ Upasana Sasthram
1. What are the five arrows of Manmathan alluding to ?

2. 52 _ `a S bc, def g hi jk 4 GH`f S W

2. While explaining the verse 52, Pujya Swamiji was referring to
four useful habits in an otherwise purposeless worldly life. What are these ?

3. pgL Vaqc rsmX tOb L, o uVvqc wx rsZH yX

zm]f Pg ULW?
3. What’s the significance of Lord Shiva adorning moon on his
head and poison in his throat ?

4. HSg ML _k X|nSV} HyY U~PS.

4. Explain the six qualities of Bhagavan .

5. Vg • O , w€•v Vg • O , Q Vg • O
UL^ c ULW?
5. What are Dvaita , Vishishtadvaita, Advaita siddhantams?

6. HSg ML rs bsg‚ST U VWm XYm]L^W?

6. What are the two ‘Thiruvdis’ of Bhagavan connote?

7. ‘कला यां चूडाल कृत’ UW o vnX z c `a S V wg„mS

7. Give a brief description of the Dhyana shloka ‘ Kalabhyam chudalankruta…’
8. _b nS † ‡s bVf HˆHb‰vL t HObmS jk
G |nSV} HyY U~PS
8. What are the five similes ( comparisons) given by Adi Shankaracharya
under the topic of Bhakti to illustrate how ‘ chitta vritti’ is to relate with
Pashupati the Lord?

9. ‘Hyk ‘QLR U‡g k `g^ WP?

9. How is ‘Patru’ different from ‘ QLR’?

10. `a S 74 rc, g Œi jk 5 Qˆ bST f Vg?

10. What are the 5 impurities referred by Swamiji in verse 74
`g O t – Vedanta Sasthram
1) tOf I aŽ| ULW ?
a) • g| bSV}m `S•vc b) S f S Hu‘ c.
c) Hy^y^ `W ’Va. d) GH` t ot“ c.
1) What is the characteristics of Sanyasa ?
a) Doing sadhanas like Sravana b) Giving up of actions
c) Remaining detached. d) Listening to teachings.

2)` Ž byX Ub ZH ULW?
a) QYf V b) HO . c) Uu|nST d)t t
2) What is the opposite of Moksha?
a) Ignorance b) Attachment c) Thoughts d) Samsara

3)ig LVW H g SZ R„OP oS Tg yX UP S | ?
a) ” W b) Xs c) zfy† d)Ruf
3) What causes Jivatma
Jivatma to realize oneself as Paramatma
a) Knowledge b) Guru c) Effort d) Punyam

4) rV^gL U L G wf c GaVS ` ykwm]^ ?

a) –•g L b) Z msb c) f d) — ufS H
4) Using what does Lord creates the world ?
a) Isvara b) Prakrti c) Maya d) Hiranyagarbhar
5) ‡f msb GH tVW ULHP ULW?
a) f GH tVW b) ˜S™H GH tVW
c) Q`WS™H GH tVW d) — ufS H GH tVW
5) What is vyakruti upasana?
a) Maya upasana b) Single form upasana
c) Multiple form upasana d) Hiranyagarba Upasana

6) fbST nSV} UZH‚ G| OP oS T]^ ST ULHV wg„mSš ?

6) Elaborate how Yatis realizes their real nature?

7)HO UL^ c ULW ? QYg œqL _ aŽ|nST f Vg?

QYg œ UZH‚ t t V U„ Pw\]^ L?
7) What is attachment? What are the characteristics of a wise man? How
does a wise man burns the samsara?

8) QVt]L^ , QVtf oH s•S•mX _ WV w„ Pm j^š ?

8) Explain about that principle which is the substratum of both movable and
immovable things ?

9) GH tVWqL HaL ULW?

9) What are the benefits of doing Upasana?

10)w f -Qw f tz•tf , t db- QI db tz•tf _]fgyYL

wg | U~ š ?
10) Explain about Vidya-avidya samuchayam, samboothi-asamboothi
ž t Gita Sasthram
1. Ÿ` O „f:
„f: UL^ c:
a. WV ‰ rO „fnSV}‰ ogL^g ST b. rOb L
c. HVv¡ ML oHf
1. Jitendriyaha means :
a. The one who has won over mind and senses b. Lord Indra
c. A Soldier’s name

2. `f St¢† UL^ c:
a. JvZHbL HfL b. `f ]SœL GH tVW c. f W bL HfL
2. Yogasanjitam means:
a. Benefits of walking b. Upasana of Yogis c. Benefits of Dyanam

3. UO bVt `J m] f W ot“f `gu\ :

a. gvmX b. ]lmX c. o yX
3. Dyanam to be done facing:
a. North b. East c. South

4. HSg žV 7_ Q f f bc £ ms•| jkgP:

a. f s ` Ž byX zfy†ZHbcVa
b. _q bc ¤s †k HXb mST L ` Ž byX zfy†ZH yST.
c. Uc`a s ` Ž byX zfy†ZH yST.
4. In chapter 7 of Bhagwat Geeta Sri Krishna says :
a. No one attempts to get Moksha
b. Only a few among thousands attempt to get moksha:
c. Everyone attempts to get Moksha
5. `a S V d b ot“S “प ं पु पं फलं तोयं यो मे भ या य छ त””

a. करो म य यत ् सकलं पर मै ीमन ् नारायणाये त समपया म

b. सव कृ णापणम ्

c. तदहं भ$ यप
ु &तं अ(ना म )यता मनः ||

“ ं पु पं फलं तोयं यो मे भ
5. Complete the sloka “प या य छ त””

a. करो म य यत ् सकलं पर मै ीमन ् नारायणाये त समपया म

b. सव कृ णापणम ्

c. तदहं भ$ यप
ु &तं अ(ना म )यता मनः ||

6. £ ms•| S IOf I b X S `f S byS W `gkH •Vv

Q ©ªW«mX U‡g k w}m]W ?
6. Sri Krishna advises Arjuna the differences between Karma Sanyasa and
Karma yoga and guides him on which path he should follow under his
current situation in the battlefield. Please describe hown Sri Krishna described
this to Arjuna

7. HSg žV _^ Q f f bL H‚ f W ot“gbL HfLSV}

7. Explain what are the benefits of dyanam as per Bhagwat Gita chapter 6 ?

8. IS Hmb UL^ c ULW ULHV ‰ , Q L HfLSV}‰

XV^H \SV}‰ w}mXS
8. What is sakama bhakti, its benefits and drawbacks:
9. f Vg SvZHP U‡g k ULHV £ ms•| Q ©ªW«mX
U‡g k w}mX]^ .
9. What is Sri Krishna’s teaching to Arjuna to transcend Maya.

10 £ ms•|„L wdbVf HSg žV H Q f f U‡g k

10. Describe Sri Krishna’s vibhuthi as per B,G.chapter 10
`f St Yoga Sasthram
1.m„f `f S Hqcg c ____ ˜yH\ yk ____ XV^OP `H X
1. Kriya yoga is practiced to bring about ____ and to minimize ____ .

2.zfy†Vf } Pg - , QJO Mc / UcVafy^ LV

oH sObfgyYc WV aqmS•ot“g - ____ ˜yH\]^P
2. Relaxing or loosening of effort, and allowing attention to merge with
endlessness, or the infinite, results in ____.

3. | , bf W yk t b _]f ¯Lk GH fnST, ¤`

oH sV}Z HyY
QV O c QP ____ ULk QVlmSZH\]^P.
3. The three processes of dharana, dhyana, and samadhi, when taken together
on the same object, place or point is called ____.

4.H ¢t°qL jykZH‚, ____ yk ____ _]fVg `gk U«

” W † bc rsmX `H P QVW V ‰ _• b^L ˜yH\]^P.
4. According to Patanjali, discrimination between ____ and ____ brings
mastery over all.

5.____ yk ____ _]fVg HyYf I f bW c, w`gS bW c

˜yH\ ” W Guv ]^P.
5. Higher knowledge comes from samyama on ____ and ____.
6. y^ m`a nS•mX wV}’a S rsmX m`a UP? Q L
6. Which of the five kleshas is the root of the others? Explain the different
stages of it?

7.m„f `f S yk Q L gVSSV} XY P w„g S U~PS.

7. Explain Kriya Yoga and its components.

8.† bL ¯Lk H„| nSV} HyY w„g S U~ š .

8. Explain in detail about the three subtle transitions witnessed by the mind.

9.f ’f nSV} HyY H ¢t° `f S± b bc jY‰T}g k

w}mSš .
9.Explain Yama and Niyama as described in the Yoga Sutras

10.`f S± b bLH‚ SvO [^Z[VW HyYf e” W U‡g k

˜yH\ ?
10. According to Patanjali, how is the knowledge of previous incarnations

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