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9.1 Circulatory Systems, Heart & Blood Vessels

Question Paper

Course CIE IGCSE Biology

Section 9. Transport in Animals
Topic 9.1 Circulatory Systems, Heart & Blood Vessels
Difficulty Medium

Time Allowed 60
Score /42
Percentage /100

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Question 1a
A student wanted to exert themselves in light exercise and monitor their heart rate for a period afterwards.
Describe a method they could follow to determine their heart rate after exercise.
[5 marks]

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Question 1b
A stopwatch was used to measure how long a student exercised for.
Fig. 1 shows three stopwatches which are ready for the student to use. One of the stopwatches has an error.

Fig. 1
(i) Identify the stopwatch with the error and state the type of error the stopwatch has.
(ii) Describe what the student should do to correct the error.
(iii) Identify and explain one type of variable that the time measured by the stopwatch could be in an investigation.
[4 marks]

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Question 1c
Students participating in an investigation to record their heart rate are considered research subjects. Ethical procedures
associated with using students in this way should be followed.
(i) Describe an ethical consideration that should be considered before students take part in the investigation.
(ii) Describe two health and safety precautions which should be adhered to as part of the investigation.
[3 marks]

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Question 1d
A student had a resting heart rate of 75 bpm.
Fig 2. shows the same student's results after completing five different exercises and recording their heart rate each time.
Each exercise was carried out for two minutes.

Fig. 2
(i) Prepare a table to record the results shown in Fig. 2. Your table should include clear headings and units where

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(ii) Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable from the information given and Fig. 2.
(iii) Use the information above and Fig. 2 to identify the variable that was kept constant during the investigation (control
(iv) Describe how the student could make their results more reliable and explain why this increases the accuracy of the
(v) Calculate the percentage change in heart rate when the student carried out running.
[12 marks]

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Question 2a
Blood vessels can be modelled using straws of different diameters. Students investigated the flow of a viscous liquid
through three different diameters of straws. Fig. 1 shows their experimental set up.

Fig. 1
Below is the method the students followed.
1. Place a piece of each different diameter straw securely into a clamp and stand, and position above an empty beaker.
2. Place a funnel at the top of the first tube to be tested.
3. Measure out 300 cm3 of the liquid.
4. Slowly but continuously pour the liquid into the funnel and immediately start the stopwatch.
5. Record the time taken for the entire volume of liquid to flow out of the tubing.

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6. Repeat the test two more times and calculate an average time.
7. Repeat the whole experiment with the other remaining diameters of tube.
(i) Suggest the apparatus the students should use to accurately measure 300 cm3 of liquid.
(ii) Describe a method to ensure 300 cm3 of liquid is measured accurately.
(iii) Suggest a unit of time the students should use to measure how long it takes for the liquid to flow through each tube
and explain why this unit is most appropriate.
(iv) Describe a source of error that may arise from the method above and explain how to overcome this error.
[9 marks]

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Question 2b
Table 1 shows the data collected by students when following the method described in part (a).
Table 1

diameter of straw / time for liquid to flow through the straw / seconds
cm3 trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 mean
0.5 3 2 3 2.7
1 2 2 2 2.0
2 1 0.5 0.8
(i) Calculate the mean for the 2 cm3 diameter straw.
(ii) The following formula can be used to calculate the flow rate. Use the mean time for the liquid to flow through the
straws to calculate the flow rate of the three straws.
Flow rate = volume ÷ time
Where flow rate is measured in cm3/sec, volume in cm3 and time in seconds
Give each answer to three significant figures.
(iii) The height of the tubes has been cut to 20 cm.
Recall and use the equation for the volume of a cylinder to calculate the volume of the 2 cm3 diameter tube. Give
each answer to two significant figures and include the units for volume.
[9 marks]

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