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TION OF METALS ~ Summary - of stages involved PROCESS RESSING OF THE ORE - Concentration of the ore - Separation of ore from ~ gangue [impurities] Reason ~ Toconvert the impure ore to pure concentrated ore, METHODS USED. + Hydrolytic method [Gravity separation] Separation of ore & gangue - due to difference in ~ density of particles. * Magnetic separation Separation of ore & gangue - ~ magnetic ore from non-magnetic gangue ~ magnetic gangue from non-magnetic ore. * Froth Flotation Method Separation of ore & gangue - ~ by preferential wetting * Chemical Method Separation of ore & gangue - ~ by use of a chemical e.g. NaOH Conversion of ~ CONCENTRATED ORE- TO ITS OXIDE Reason - To convert the pure concentrated ore toits oxide- since oxides are easy \to reduce. * Roasting Process of heating the concentrated ore in the presence of excess air - to a high temperature before it is reduced to a metal. 2ZnS + 30, > 2ZnO +280, [g] conc. ore oxide * Calcination Process of heating the concentrated ore in a limited supply or absence of air - at a temperature not sufficient to melt the ore. ZnCO; > ZnO + COpz[g] conc. ore oxide Reduction of - METALLIC OXIDES ~ TO ITS METAL [impure] Reason ~ Toobtain the metal [impure] from the metallic oxide by reduction, [Method ofreduction depends on the position of the metal inthe activity series of metals). K | +Reduction by ~ Electrolysis ‘a | [reduction of-K,Na,CaMg, Al oxides /halides} ALO; = 2A+ + 302- Al) Cathode: 2A5++ 6e- > 2AL \¢Reduction by -Reducing agents [C,cO,Ha]| reduction of - Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu oxides} Zn + CG ZnO + C *Retluction by ~Thermal decomposition {reduction of - Hg, Ag oxides] 2ngo, 4 2Hg + 4 Op f ELECTRO-REFINING OF- |* Electrorefining IMPURE METAL [Reference] | _ Onelectrolysis of the impure metal Reason = ~ Pure metal - obtained at cathode Toobtciathen sae ~ Impurities - settle down. ure form. 131 ppnre. — ~ - gifference grooves On ticles ~ ‘ORE jghte ashed GANCUE- L Ww Th is Ra + when ajetl te down particles settle do¥ Separation of ~ Magneti Magnetic Magnetic ore fe. ion oe] °° | ORE ae tic Non-magnetic PROCESS : «The pulverized ore is P! into a fine P s called pulve attracted to the magnetic magnetic particles. [crushing of the ore + The magnetic particles 2 wheel - separate from the nor . FROTH FLOTATION METHOD - Separation of - Pore & gangue by - preferential wetting PRINCIPLE: Separation of: GORE = Ore wetted by the oil - floats on top. LGANGUE- Gangue wetted by water - settles dow 8 mn. BROCESS 9 ‘© The method is generally appli i 5 generally applied f 7 Are cei te Oe a € vate ag y re separate er is agitat ca. nal * Separation of ore & ; ji Sangue - in Baeyer’s process ee # by use of if Y use of acl ‘i extraction of hemical e.g. aluminium. igh tem, one 'perature before it is reduced to the metal, \ 22n0, 280, tsi 11 > 2 Is 2Fe,0. ™% oxid 3 * 880, Ig] ina limi : perature just below its meltime (ted Supply of air or in n - absence of air — {8 Point or not sufficient t ” fo melt the ore, 103 > ‘bonate ore ly carbonate ores are calcined ~ and ence ~ carbon dioxide is given out] mg zinc carbonate, a residue of zinc oxide YZnO) is formed - yellow when hot and white when cold] TED ORES ARE CONVERTED TO. ‘THEIR OXIDES \SINCE - Oxides are easy to reduce .CTION OF METALS - is based on Activity Setjes of Metals Us differ in - icy to lose valence electrons & hence can be - iged in a series ~ according to their tendency to give up v: CTIVITY SERIES — 7 E a series of metals arranged according to their - decreasing activity. e metal at the top of the series - most easily oxidised [i.e. gives up valence electrons most readily] st electropositive & most reactive. displace the metal below - from its salt soln. copper displaces silver from - AgNO; soln. forming blue copper [II] nitrate soln cannot bee reducing 9S } eran terest - Hess Or iny for oxys™ celess affinity for" oxides ~ ced bY - |- hav' +)- Metallic «can be reducing & C feokel, CO red Hg AS. ~ctropositive = are least ele’ sity for oxyse" — have least aff" | Metallic oxides ‘can be reduced by ~ reat alone. cted metal from the fining volatile met vapourizes and is impurities - remain ation of the above extra ON REFINING ~ For rel Pure\metal - Non-volatile Separi 4, DISTILLATI On heating * N REFINING - For Yefining metals by - oxidatio 2. OXIDATIO? ‘On oxidation » Pure metal - remains behind in + Impurities\eg, P, S, C ~ oxidised by |3, ELECTROLYTIC REFINING - For fefining impure metals ___eletrlysis eg, Cu, Pb (Al 3 Thick block of - impure metal. pe a the - cathode. + Impurities -settledon forming - anode mud. SUANETNE GRIND cg, i : sing conc. soln. of NaOH. gs used \ BAEYER’S PROCES sion ~-\ Impure bauxi i : x Pure bauxite [41.03.2110] to pure alumina [Al,03] pteric oxide \+ Base 152°C we Bauxite] \ [NaOH] ne her ngh Water 2 Z hydrolysis 0S) n hydroly: Soluble hydroxide + Insoluble hydroxide [NaOH] [AlOH)3] " o ble hydroxide Pare find’ <4: Water ignition [Al03] 2)- Conversion of ONCENTRATED ORE - TO ITS OXIDI ot neces Si = : - 7 t necessary — in metallurgy of aluminium, since ore is already an oxide 3 | - Reduction of - LIC OXIDE - TO ITS METAL [impume pd used - Electrolysis, — HALL HEROULT’S RROCESS ~ Pure alumina [A1,Ox] to pure aluminium [Al] - Electrolytic reduction of pure alumina [A103] - Mixture of fused alumina [A1,03], cryolite [Na3AIF¢] an fluorspar [CaF,]. - Cryolite and fluorspar - acts as a solvent for fused alumi [A103] [they also lower the\fusion (melting) point of the mixtu and increase the conductivity\of the electrolytic mixture]. - Inert graphite [carbon] electrodes. : - Onelectrolysis of fused alumina [ At cathode - Pure aluminium [Al] At anode - Oxygen gas [CO & CO, may also be evolved due to 03] the products formed < necessary ~ since metals extracted by electrolysis are already - ted at the cathode in the pure state. of aluminium - about 99.5% purity metal is obtained. er refining is required it is carried out by - a ’ “§ PROCESS in which about - 99.9% pure aluminium is obtained. {aluminium hydros (OH)3is igni A ie METHOD - Reference ‘ DRESSING OF ORE BY - HALL'S PROCESS = Removal of imp ly, Conversiorraf impure bauxite - into sodium aluminate by ‘A058, + NaxCOs eS 2, Passage of carbon. dioxide - into sodium i Ee; alumin i Fo.13,0 CO; ate solution! . Ignition of init i ignition of dry aluminium hydroxide - at temperatures of 11 1100°C. : ted to give - purea Precipitated All =I le layers, bon electrodes AL wit ye cathode YER - reryolite, BaF, AIF, _ electrolyte IYER - f- anode. IC REACTION ~ ab Se" 3e- te > A Al > aBt ON - RI- Extraction of Aluminium BAUXITE - Al,03.2H,0 focess I+ NaOH mpurities separate Fe703, S102 Sodium aluminate - NaAlO3 | - Aluminium hy droxide- Al(OH); wp Ignite at 1100°C Hydrolysis agitate with Al(OH)3] B ALUMINA ~ Al,03 ult’s | Electrolytic reduction ~ Carbon eatode {at bottom alongwith carbon Thing, Pure Al [about 99.9% pure] - is withdra OP = Impure metal - Reference only 1c Impure AL Pure Al Hoope's process [Pure Ai Al ions from middle layer discharged] Umpure APD Al from lower layer enters the middle layer] from the tapping hole. MAIN EQUATIONS - Extraction of Aluminium STEP -1| - DRESSING OF THE ORE Chemical process -Baeyers process - sing NaOHsoln| Impurebauxite[|Al,032H,0] to—purealumina{Al,Oz) Al;03.2H,0+ 2NaOH 20°F 2NaAlO,+ 3H,0. {Sodium aluminate] [Impure bauxite] [cone. soln.] NaAlO, + 2H,0 2S NaOH + AIOH)Y [Sodium Poa, (ene ydroxide] aluminate] ydroxide] 2AK(OH)32"S, —_Al,03 + 3H,0 [vapl [aluminium hydroxide] {pure alumina] STEP ~ 2|- CONC. ORE TO OXIDE - Ow aiready anos STEP -3 |-ELECTROLYTIC REDUCTION - Hatter Pure alumina [Al,O3] to - pure aluminium {al] Electrolysis - of fused Al,O3 [cryolite & fluorspat]} ANODE ‘Alumina : AQ3=> 2A1*+ 302- \ n [99%] Oxygen At cathode : ed + 6e7 > 2AL Atanode + 6e- > 3[0] > 302 s i; Electrorefining ~ i en IREFINING = Reference only ‘CATHODE jum [99.9%] reduction produces ~ further refined by ~ 99.9% pure Al. © Refining - Electrolytic io eh pure ‘Al which can be electrolysis [Hoope’s process] to give = 139 4. Its sop Amalga” Brass Bronze Germans silt Gun mel etal Bell me tal jver Duralumin Magnalium - Solder [fuse metal] - Type metal Sean. + NICKEL STEEL! - Stainless Steel [> STANDESSTEEL|_ ALUMINIUM I” [mas e alloying Pro} erty Reason for nfor : Al pal Jightness, M g ~ imparts 3 Light, hard, tou etal and type mu Fn [tin] [50%] sn tin] [5%] Reason im alloying Sn - lowers melting point of alloy melting point of alloy: 1 Sn, Sb- lowers mip., enhances oni ity Pb (08 Stainless steel, nickel steel and tum Fe(ox) Ni [10%] Crise %| Ni [2%] ‘ lustre, C = ardné [corrosion resista imparts har =_Nickel Steel - Mangat - Lead di - ped lead sea re - Potassium Oxidise cone. ns form These reactio' ros Oxidising agent + Hy HYD! Oxidising agent + Hydrochloric acid —> [conc. HNO3] [conc. HCl] .__* AQUA REGIA - mixture of - 1 part of conc, HNO; + NITRIC ACID - oxidises - hydrochloric acid to chic Nitricacid + Hydrochloric acid => [Oxidising agent] cone. HNO; + —* #0 [1 part] B Parts] * NASCENT cHro) Corresponding solyp), 1°t°tS Wi Au . gable chlorides, od dipped in soln. [NH,Ony yht near vapours chloric acid, on of silver soln. to dil. HC} ed with dil. HNO] in addition to s turning red] of heat ona of manganese fe & cone.HCl ing of metals - Hydrochloric Acid ee OBSERVATION. _____ Der ° White fumes of ~ Nu, oq Curdy white preci AEN fits Precipitate ~ of silver chloride obtained, ea 3 ich > Agciy + HNO; [The white taoreel Precipitate of silver chloride © eines er chloride = (AgC)) is excess NHJOH & insoluble in dilute F BOs took water] faeNHAOH > [Ag(NH,)ICL + 2H,0 : Xcess ammonia soln] soluble disnaine silver choi2y TABNOs [aq] added to dit Het also distinguishes dil. HCI from dil. He, Greenish yellow gas [chlorine] ~ evolved, ammonium chloride are formed. * Heil > NH,cL [vapour] . [dense white fumes} MnO, + 4HCl cone. 4 MnCl, + 2H,0 + Cly{g} IReaction proves thai t HCl acid contains ~ chlorine] Tn manufacture of *Dyes, drugs, paints. *Silver chloride [for photographic films]. *Glucose from - starch. In the following industries : *Tanning industry + Soldering works. Hydrochloric acid - dissolves the calcium phosphate present in bones. galvanizing aration of - Hydrochloric acid - issolves the metallic oxide coating limpurities| 01 surface of the metal, thereby cleans the surface. ixture of conc. HNO; & cone. HCl [1:3 by vol.] dissolyes noble metals {Au, Pt] - insoluble in all other acids. + Cl nascen 3HCl > 2H,O + NOCI cone. {nitrosyl chloride] FORMATION - of Ammon” ‘Metal nitrides react W ith warm Magnesium nitride © Calcium nitride © Aluminium nitride burnt in nitrogen a5, form Jcium nitride & aluminium nitride as th dded to the products formed ie. the are decomposed by ding insoluble metal hydi . Mg3Np] and warm Ca&Alwhen Burning metals eg: Mg, magnesium nitride, ca When warm water is a the metal nitrides undergo hydrolysi pungent ammonia gas. The correspond : Metal nitride [eg, REACTANTS PROCEDURE : The reactant ie. magnesium nitride is and warm water is allowed to trickle do DBSERVATION _: The ammonia gas obtained in flask [X] ; DRYINGAGENT ==: Quicklime [CaO] in the - dryi 'RECAUTION + The lower end of the thi: a e thistle ‘OLLECTION : Ammonia ee Itis lighter thai collect by the - Itis highly sol 'y soluble in A gas tod dipped in eee thejar(Z] Irthe re Cone. HCL Faris ful, dense wo white, fe Ut 00. a a noni Asm te sol 08) NHa/2.. ‘ ite nitsale tN |, calciv®. sno rite patios) pia West Hk ‘ammonia Clatom This Clatom b F atom breaks the ozont ce C1+05 [ozone] > C10+0,] oi CFCI,- freon] ~ ee yer which preventsharmful LL V. radiations iuitable alternatives to chlorofh Hydrochlorofluoroca ee i Hgdpoecbns[CEC| which act gs cube eens Horeuarcare include: HORC <1 ie ~ 14 ie. x 12 ittatcoraead oa e. hloro ~1 Chamber Conversion Reactants : Ratio of reactants, ae neni ee | Catalyst Temperature + 700-8009C {maintethed electrically Nature of reaction Exothermic Products + a Nitric oxide [NO]; bi Steam [1,0] Conversion ratio —_;_95% NH converted to nitric oxide [NO] {remaining burnt to N, and steam} -Il Chamber : OXIDATION CHAMBER Conversion : Oxidation of nitric oxide [NO] to nitrogen dioxide [NO] 50°C 2NO+0, ——~> 2NO, Temperature + Around 50°C TT Chamber Conversion Temperature Product — The colow of PO tory’ id 8 108th out Oa eane te emperaid b in eo , jis 6 pure nitric cre [low tavoratory 1 slight Wr or nary which 8 7° giisiel® ‘ it + Dec on nitroge" ¢ the colour to . [Hence concentrated " © The yellow prown ti” Bubbling of 4 _ which drives oul ~ and further Dilution with water ~ a air or C4 vidi = Platinum gauze [Catalyst] Oxidation Catalytic Chamber v Ammonia (1 Vol] mith >" Air [10 Vols.) Oxidati M: lation cl fanufacture of = a acid J chamber + CATALYTIC CHAMBER | conversion + Catalytic oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide 7 ANH, +50, —P*_, gn + 6t1,0+ 215 K cals. | 700-800°C | [Catalyzed reaction] | peactants + alPuredry ammonia; bl Dry air. xatio of reactants + Ammonia: Air [1:10 by volume] | catalyst + Platinum gauze Temperature : 700-800°C [maintained electrically] Nature of reaction; Exothermic products 2 a] Nitric oxide [NO]; b] Steam [HO] Conversion ratio —_:_ 95% NH converted to nitric oxide [NO] [remaining burnt to N> and steam] pel Chamber : OXIDATION CHAMBER Conversion : Oxidation of nitric oxide [NO] to nitrogen dioxide [NO,] 50°C 2NO+0, ——~<> 2NO, Temperature : Around 50°C TIT Chamber + ABSORPTION TOWER Conversion + Nitrogen dioxide to nitric acid by absorption in water in the presence of excess air. a “ 4NO, + 2H,0 + Og 4HNO, Temperature Product MANUFACTURE ~~ w CHART REFERENCE-FLO! {I yol] coxyge" iva Catalye chamber {10vol) Heat exchange" Oxidation chamber Absorption tower REFERENCE 1, REACTANTS The ammonia-air mixture a much higher ratio of ait- in the reactant mixt «The ratio of ammonia to air [ie. 1 volume of pure dry ammonia and 10 volumes of d + A higher ratio of air is used since ‘Air is used in all the three main reactions ~ in the m ‘e. the reactions in the catalytic, oxidation and oxidation of nitric oxide to nitrogen di excess air. i b] Only about 21% or 1/5 by volume of air is 03 2. CATALYTIC CHAMBER ic chamber the catalyst [platinum gauze] is at evolved - ie, N . heat -. Bic reaction, © of reaction fut ZN CHAMBER i . saving the catalytic chamber ne oxidati chamber, ate passed through cooling, coils before ,ses leaving the catalytic chamber “al oxygenata are mainly nitric oxide, steam and '00-800°C, erature around 71 wy ate P a heat ex 2 ihe gases tO temperatures mee and through cooling coils which jation chamber, t ne oxi aoe 1 catalytic oxidatc Pp) fy takes Place by combining. with ex HiOn of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrogen dioxide - 50°C sce85 O> present in the reactant air mixture. pyo +2 Na by jemperatures are used th a facilitate easy oxidation Minimize the chances of, ke place at higher tem tric oxide to nitrogen dioxide. lecomposition of nitrogen dioxide which may psorption tower 18 a steel tower filled with of vater trickling from the top. quartz stone and has a spray he gjssolve in the water forming nitric acid which collects at the base. JNO, + 2H,0 + 0, ——>4HNO, Quartz is i is avid resistant. Tie quartz is packed in lay! ~ it slows down the movement of the g INO, entering from below and initiates better solvation of nitrogen dioxide in wat PRODUCT - Nitric Acid. PROPERties — of nitric Acld_L = [Chemica PROPERTIES ~ Of Nitric ae ing Nature NITRIC ACID - Oxidising. r The oxidising property of nitric ac id ‘s bose the} When nitric ted undergoes decompos \ it yield BHNOy[rotconel> 120 * ee a * 2 2HNOs [hot conc) 20 Sek. yey > cue . + HO Que + 2HNO, — Cu(NO})2 | Sx" + 2HNO, > SU ; + sHNO, > Cu(NO3), + 24,0 2NO, 2NO 2HNOs [mod. conc] H,0 i * The nascent oxygen oxidises- Non-metals, me & * Nitric acid itself undergoes reduction in a num: a a hence a number of reduction products [NO 2 N,0 depending on the acid concentration and the tempera A. OXIDATION OF - NON-METALS * CONC. NITRIC ACID [Hot] - liberates NITROGEN D NITRIC ACID NON-METAL nee CONG) +|4HNO; > +| 6HNO; > +|5HNO; > “Carbon Sc Sulphur S Phosphorus P Carbon, sulphur & phosphorus are thus ~ oxidi Sulphur a non-metal, reacts wth hot cone. HINO to form its Thus volatile nitric acid can be used in the preparation of no B. OXIDATION OF - METALS i] COLD, VERY DILUTE NITRIC ACID [1% acid] - NITRIC ACID (COLD, VERY DILUTE} * Magnesium Mg + * Manganese Mn + Hydrogen is normally not liberated when dil. HNO, [intl ice get tes pal ae a Pin forms nascent oxygen hong sen enti tans rN rm — |3Cu(NO,), 3Zn gine ( 3Fe ror yc. NITRIC ACID (Hot] [or hot dil, HNO, - liberates - NITROGEN DIOXIDE [NOa} PRoDucT DIOXIDE cu & 2NO2 4 2NO2 E Coppet zine 5 [ron Fe Copper, zine & iron are thus = oidisedby cold dilute HNO; & hot cone. HNO3 nus the property of HNO which allows it to react with copper is its ~ oxidizing nature. igIVITY iconc. nitric acid or fuming nitric acid renders iron [Fe] & Al - passive. “cninyor inerthess ~ is exhibited by certain metals under conditions in which activity expected. suaminium arétendered passive ~ due to formation of a thin oxide coating on | ace of the metalwhich prevents further reaction. " anica ly or chemically the metal becomes active again. mic he surf sie Inyer is removed = me JA REGIA ~ \ ixture of cone. nitric acid [1 p + cone. hydrochloric acid [3 parts] [by vol.] itric acid - oxidises hyd a «liberated chlorine in the nascent for ts with - pld or platinum forming the t luble higher chloride. HNO; [conc] + SH i + Nod Bkidising ent) tu t + Tron [II] sulphate [acidified] 6FeSO4+3H2504 * Oxidation + Nitricacid C600: i a shh hot conc] * Nitration GHe + 3HNO} Toluene jdation & nitration of ory ng ovidising agent decomposes to gi s organic compounds to = & Cone. nitric acid brings about 0-1 * Nitric acid being a stra nascent oxygen which oxidises eg, saw dust, turpentine and alcohol burst into flarhes when — ho Nitric acid also brings about - nitration of organic compounds in atoms of an organic compound are replaced by a nitro group [= itration of toluene & benzene. Nitration of protein matter results in formation of —xant vs Addition of ~Dibasic acids hi . Dissociate in \ _ | 8 aq. solution to give” of the thoo hydrogen tors H i 904 per molecule of the acl? (H2904 Dissociate i" ~ two steps ic acid forms ~ f ¢ Form - two types of 3 uric a foe r salts with an alkali with an alkalt since its b NaOH + HyS04 — a] Anacid salt finsufficient 2NaOH + H,SOg— b] Anormal salt | fexcess! ID - As a Least or Ne ~ jg a least or non-vo! itil 3, SULPHURIC AC} Concentrated sulphuric acid * Concentrated sulphuric acid in comparison to nitric aci a less volatile or non-volatile acid with - a high boilin © Hence on heating with salts of more volatile acids - cone. sulphuric acid displaces the volatile acids from their Hence conc. HS, is used in the preparation of hy SALT OF VOLATILE NON- VOLATILE ACID ACID Sodium chloride | NaCl +] H,SOq <200°C. [conc.] <200°C. KCl ; F804 es, | KHSO, " Copper cu Strong Deh PHURIC ACID [Cone.] 7 bas ais strong af emoves - elements Of ~ carbohydrates, ¢ type naam vs Cone, Hs D4 also removes - water of crys es gases such as SO, also acts as a drying agent ~ it enor dred ati TASS & Nig eact with cone 11,50) & hence are i feact with conc w bring about a physical change with no change jn, agents — bring about a ge er Phen, being about a chemical change & Cone. HyS0, CoH1206 cone CHO ——F “, Glucose Cane sugar Sucrose] Cellulose ood Paper Organic compounds Formic acid Oxalte acid TH,c,0,) Cone. HS [Cet0Os], SSS ‘ont. H,SO, Conk HaS0y Cone. HySO, COOH CQOH — Ido + q COOH Ethanol C,Hs0H. [ethyt atcohory Hydrated salts Cone. H)S0, Copper sulphate-5-avater CuSO,. 5H,0 ———2°y 1 Telue hydrous Steam evoly Cysts il of sugar 3H 4 & MSO, are insoluble Pier scltble int water or Lis soluble in hot wat) | when Bat ¢ {H2$04 from dit ey &dil No, ei eal 140 give a_ White pps. of Bao, PPI. is produced ince BaCly & Bath it SO, and so, ting. PoC howell T8250, is also formed di of hydrogen fro 15+ Ch > Ming, PbOn, Pb3Ogy] HNOs Cone. HySO, Oy Cl O3 Fa Bes :0r Ibstnce which u PNA, [reducing ag [since which METH| fern | PRO! -OH HiC-CH,-OH __ | Hydroxy! 3] FiyC-CHy-CHy-OH} eoheN | H | t=O | METH] H,C-CHO Jatdenyaic ETH | ~ANE GHsCHOn=3]H3C-CHy-CHO | PROP | “ANE C3H7CHOn=4f HyC-CH,-CHy-CHO, [pur_| -ANd CARBOXYLIC | C,, Hz, O2 oH | [ACIDS 2 7 - c-0 | METH| | | Carboxylid ETH | -A -oic acid arboxl {prop | -ANE | -oic acid -oic acid’ H,C-COOH H3C-CH,-COOH | C-CO-CH; | PROP | -ANE (C~CO-CH,-C [pur | -ANE ENT | -ANE Alkoxy [ator | PI |-C-O-C| METH] -ANE |-methoxy) | |MpcH] -ANE |-methoxy] ETH }=ANE | -ethoxy [E )-CH; -O-CH)-CH, | | A = _ 6 [COrs™. V :2--<7ioN — Methane = Venn & Ethan: (PE RANTION FROM | e ip rr noite {sodium acetate} NaOH 05 * aalime 4? |CH4+.Na,co, -qnoate (sodium propionate] Cad QQNatNaQH = => Ynate sodalime Pe jans ate of decarboxylationy| in ate] Stim, nascent hydrogen nh ‘Zn/Cu couple alcohol , Br + 2 [A] nascent hydrogen ether + 2Na a a REACTANT: ji Sodium acetate or sodium propionate and sodalime [sodalime - is a mixture of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) & calcium oxide (CaO)] PROCEDURE: The reactants are heated ~ ina hard glass test tube. [soda lime is used in preference to NaOH - since it is not deliquescent & does not attack glass.] PRODUCT: Methane or ethane respectively COLLECTION: aa or CH, is collected by~ Sova vals Decarboxylation- elimination of a molecule of CO2 from ~ a carboxylic acid. [in the above reaction COp is | eliminated as a carbonate.} REACTANTS: Methyliodide orethyl bromide & Zn/Cu couple in alcohol -which evolves nascent H. PROCEDURE: Alkyl halide & alcohol mixture: isadded to Zn/Cu couple kept inaconical flask. Thealkylhalide is reduced with - nascent H. COLLECTION | [The alkane is collected by - \downward displacement of wat isnotsuitablefor prep. of a fiyliodide sodium PHYSICAL PROPER ; \cling/boiling point) mp. = —=18 ‘(0\\ DENSITIES OF = METHANE 4 & [cri JM wie han a Kith odd no. of C atoms e.g. mono cH:C2 ys al ethane — 4CO> ion or combustion +6H,0+ A insufficl air 30g fli \a{limited}> 2CO + 4H,O ' ,O+A a [poisonous CO formed] pose yK + aa limited] > eh a bO} ‘HYSICAL PRY ‘ature, colour, ilubility ensity dich i ie i Nol tntene | Ethene [¢ ccly - CH jw 2 +! ae} 2 i HC = CH ‘ie caret i Br ;bromoethane | | 1 Ethene [ethylene] | ' Jene dibromide] | cCly —_ | Cc! yl Hy + |b | i2di 4 oethane Ethene [ethylene ee OGEN ACIDS c= chy _* [HB | at — ie } | # BE Ethene [ethylene] | hydrogen | bromoethane | bromide | [ethyl bromide] H,C= CH, +/HCI >| CHgCH2Cl (CH, | fencHc| © + |KO >| GoHSOH + KUT | | ] | dj] SULPHURIC ACID H,C= CH, + |H-Hi Ethene [ethylene] ee ‘ in "" ile | cone | H HSOg ethyl hydrogen | sulphate 234 roduction of Ox ipening of gre jomoethane ene dibromnl jbromide} ction | # +H2 C — C-H 2) Hf eceCH 5) H now ethane ethene Ne Ethyne [acetylene ALKENE a ALKYNE | y ne — g 1 ) HALOGENATION +Cly _c-@H — CG lp-c=CH ? | aay f ! H-C=CH+Cly~ a cl acl Z . |1,1,2,2, tetra Ethyne [acetylene] 12dichioe ee jet ee [acetylene aichloride] tetrachloride] | cal Bal, toe H-C=C-H + Bry H-C-CH > |B oa | BrBr Br Br Ethyne acetylene] __|1,2,dibromo-|1,1,2,2, tetra jethene bromoethane |facetytene [acetylene |eibromide) tetrabromide] alcohol | GH, + 1,->|C,H), Ethyne [acetylene] [cet lene di iodide] EN ACIDS | 1 +HBr' ir HC=CHY | it A HBr > |H-C=C-H > HCC: He oe Br Ethyne [acety| H Br [acetylene] [nc=cepy [54C-CH romoethene |11-pj 2. H-C=C-H+HCl 5 leaycu 1-Dibromoethane bC=CHCI]> | [Fy Chloroethene |44 ys Ca) a~Wic) Nae ~ INT Mo are ALCOHOLS - 2 yr nd ber Cor 01 ‘oH grouP’ Alcohols@re clas ed ot ne jc alco! General IS molecu attached 0.25% ir ric al ie. Monohy' FORMULA - C ie. General, fornt [They are further ¢ on the at = depending ¢ jcohols ren Jassifie as tachment 0 ot - gene’ MAIN SOURC Ethanol is also proc of the - cracking of Pe NOMENCLATURE - Alcoh There are two main ways of naming alcohtol COMMON NAME The alkyl group at roup is named & nik group ~ ethyly as a separate word i.e. 4 LU.P.A.C. SYSTEM : In this system alcohols are named as continuous carbon chain containing the -OH group is Sikane corresponding to this chain 'S changed by droppi ending ‘- and adding suf ‘ol’ ie. alkane - ethane; alco Trivial or Common name Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol n-Propyl alcohol iso-Propyl alcohol Methanol Ethanol \ Propan-1-ol CH .CHy.CH,.OH Propan-2-ol \ |CH3,CHOH.CH; + 4504 feone] + 1,0 water [steam] Colour and odour | Solubility Density boiling point —— ej SULPHURIC ACIDS |) GH0H thylaleohol 2GH,0H chloroform ants ious alcohol -Alcohs ilalaadetconasgs ‘om for human & nofnthe mixture dei skchol may beused a= fe bering isd — ‘cH,CHO, aT exyco0G ts * Px 5 PHYSICAL PF Physical state /*! me Cour stabi Puree ater, aca NE are je strong hydro otic acid as vs an ice lke solid On Sr on cooling, BelOW: in forming @ crysta Jpn pure acetic acid 18 Boiling point it boils 2t Pare acetic iquefaction DICNATURE OOH + NiOH >) CH;COONA Sodium acetate OOH + Ca(OH), >| (CH;COO)Ca + Calcium acetate OH + NH,OH >| CH;COONHy mmonium acetate Inthe food indi Acetic acid is neutralized B ng the correspond Asasolvent. Asa laboratory re Asa coagulant

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