TeachStarter Lesson 10 Using A Stimulus Independent Writing

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Lesson 10: Using a Stimulus - Independent Writing

Literacy Writing Informative Writing

Disclaimer: This Starter Sheet should be regarded as a guide only. Teachers should make adjustments in accordance with the individual learning
needs of their students.

A 60 minute lesson in which students will independently write
60 min an informative text, using appropriate text structure, language
and features.

Tuning In
Explain to the students that they are now going to plan and write an
informative text independently.

Teacher Instruction
Select one of the 5 Informative Writing Stimulus Sheets that best suits
the focus content of the unit e.g. The Animal World. Project the
stimulus on the board and read through it as a class. Explain to the
students that they will be writing an informative text based on this
Assessment Rubric - Informative Writing
An assessment rubric designed to help
Remind the students to apply their knowledge of informative text
teachers to assess students' informative
structure, language and features when writing their
text. Encourage the students to refer to their copy of the Informative
Text Checklist - Structure, Language and Features throughout the
writing process.
Teachers may wish for students to formally plan or research the topic
of the text before writing begins (depending on computer availability
and internet access). If this is the case, provide the students with a
copy of one of the Informative Texts - Scaffold Planning Sheets or the
Note Taking Graphic Organiser. Remind the students to write dot
point notes and to translate all information into their own words when
writing their text.
Guided/Independent Learning
Note Taking Graphic Organiser
Provide the students with a copy of the Informative Texts Writing
A graphic organiser for students to use
Scaffold. Monitor and support the students as they plan and write
when recording research notes.
their informative texts. Teachers may wish to set a time limit for
writing, or they may allow the students to take as much time as they
need to complete the task. Ensure that the students know exactly
how much time they have and provide regular reminders of how
much time is remaining.

Wrapping Up
Once students have finished writing their informative texts,
encourage them to proofread and edit their work.
Teachers may wish to collect this piece of writing and use it to assess
the students' understanding of the unit objectives. The Informative
Writing - Assessment Rubric may be a helpful tool for teachers during
this process.


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Supporting Students
Support weaker writers through the planning process, so they have a
clear direction for writing.

Extending Students
Encourage strong writers to select a more challenging topic for the
writing task.


Informative Text Checklist - Structure,
Language and Features Used strategic whole class or individual questioning

A checklist for students to use when Observed student participation during learning activities
proofreading and editing their Recorded student progress on a checklist
informative texts. Annotated student work samples
Collected and reviewed student work samples
Facilitated whole class or peer feedback sessions
Encouraged student self-reflection
Administered formal assessment tasks

5 Informative Writing Stimulus Sheets
Writing stimulus sheets with an
informative text focus.

Informative Texts - Scaffold Planning
4 planning templates to use when
writing an informative text.

Lesson 10 - Using a Stimulus - Independent Writing Page 2 of 3

Informative Texts Writing Scaffold
A scaffolding sheet which can be used
to write an informative text.

National Curriculum

Key Stage 2 (KS2) - Lower Key Stage 2 (KS2) -

Lower covers
students in Year 3
and Year 4..

English By the beginning of year 3, pupils

should be able to read books written
at an age-appropriate interest level.
They should be able to read them
accurately and at a speed that is
sufficient for them to focus on
understanding what they read rather
than on decoding individual words.
They should be able to decode most
new words outside their spoken
vocabulary, making a good
approximation to the word’s
pronunciation. As their decoding
skills become increasingly secure,
teaching should be directed more
towards developing their vocabulary
and the breadth and depth of their
reading, making sure that they
become independent, fluent and
enthusiastic readers who read widely
and frequently. They should be
developing their understanding and
enjoyment of stories, poetry, plays
and non-fiction, and learning to read
silently. They should also be
developing their knowledge and skills
in reading non-fiction about a wide
range of subjects. They should be
learning to justify their views about
what they have read: with support at
the start of year 3 and increasingly
independently by the end of year 4..

Writing .

Composition .

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