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Rhythmic Movement Training

International (RMTi) Curricula
Evidence-Based Rationale and
Relevance to Physical Therapy Practice
by Sonia Story

Physical Therapists examine individuals with impairment, functional limitation, and

disability. Physical Therapists help alleviate these challenges by implementing therapeutic
interventions and educating their patients about the process of therapy.

In the Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT/RMTi) courses, we teach neurodevelopmen-

tal movements. Neurodevelopmental movements are the innate developmental, rhythmic,
primitive reflex, and postural reflex movements of early infancy and childhood. Physical
Therapists utilize these neurodevelopmental movements to improve balance, posture, mus-
cle strength, stamina, coordination, and overall function for patients of all ages.

newborn neurological exams (Fletcher, M. A.,

Primitive and 1973).
Postural Reflexes
Though primitive reflex movement patterns are
The Rhythmic Movement Training courses give present in normally developing infants, ide-
theoretical and experiential learning of primi- ally most are integrated (inhibited) by the end
tive and postural reflex patterns to use in both of the first year, as the brain and body mature
assessment and intervention. and volitional movements and postural reflexes
replace primitive reflexive movements. Children
Innate infant reflexes have long been used as and adults with unintegrated, retained primitive
signs for determining the health or dysfunction reflexes and underdeveloped postural reflexes
of the central nervous system (CNS) (Fioren- often experience mild to severe obstacles in
tino, M., 1973). The infant reflex movements are functioning and learning. Sensory and motor
crucial for development; they fuel brain growth
and build the neuro-sensory-motor skills needed
to progress to an upright, walking toddler. These SONIA STORY developed
same neuro-sensory-motor skills are the foun- the Brain and Sensory
Foundations curricula and
dation for balance, posture, strength, speech,
is a certified instructor
social-emotional skills, and future learning. of Rhythmic Movement
Because of their importance to development, Training™ (RMTi).
assessing the primitive infant reflexes is part of

© 2017 Sonia Story


reflex patterns beyond infancy inform assessment Another recent example shows that the reappear-
of how well the CNS is functioning, as well as ance of primitive oral-facial reflexes in nursing
intervention. home patients was associated with challenges
in eating function, risk of malnutrition, and risk
of developing aspiration pneumonia (Hobo, K.,
Consequences of Retained Kawase J., Tamura, F., Groher, M., Kikutani, T.,
Primitive Reflexes Sunakawa, H., 2014).
Primitive reflexes, located at the brainstem level,
Retained primitive reflexes and underdeveloped
are stereotypical movement patterns that in
postural reflexes correlate with abnormal muscle
infancy are integrated or inhibited as the cortex
tone, poor postural control, and poor coordination
develops and overrides reflex expression. How-
(Fiorentino, M., 1972; Goddard, S., 2005). Exten-
ever, for many children these reflex patterns are
sive studies explore this relationship in individuals
not fully integrated or inhibited. Even when an
with cerebral palsy and with other known neuro-
individual does attain fully integrated primitive re-
logical conditions such as stroke. Retained reflexes
flexes, the movement patterns are still underlying
less severe than typical in cases of brain injury can
at the brainstem level and may reemerge when the
also drive less severe changes in muscle tone and
higher brain levels are damaged in cases such as
postural control; these reflex-driven tonal and pos-
brain injury, stroke, or dementia. The persistence
tural changes may still significantly affect function
of primitive reflexes beyond infancy is associated
(Kohen-Raz, R., 1986; Goddard, S., 2005).
with developmental delay as well as neurological
and physical challenges. Retained reflexes also are
a reliable predictor of emotional, behavioral, and Research that Supports
cognitive challenges across the age span.
the Use of Reflex
For example, retained primitive reflexes are com- Integration Programs
mon in children with challenges such as Develop-
mental Coordination Disorder (DCD) (Goddard Looking at specific retained reflex patterns and
Blythe, S., 2009), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity their consequences helps us understand why it is
Disorder (ADHD) (Konicarova, J., Bob, P., Rab- important to address retained reflex patterns. In
och, J., 2013), and dyslexia (McPhillips, M., Jor- addition, when we do movements to develop and
dan-Black, J. A., 2007), and in adults with schizo- mature the reflexes, we see significant improve-
phrenia (Hyde, T. M., Goldberg, T. E., Egan, M. ments in functioning.
F., Lener, M. C., Weinberger, D. R., 2007).

Additionally, retained primitive reflexes are com- Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)
monly found in frontal lobe disease, Parkinson’s When retained, TLR can cause weak muscle tone,
disease, dementias, and advanced HIV infection exaggerated muscle tone, tone that fluctuates with
(McGee, S. R., 2001). head movement, center of balance that changes
with head position, visual dysfunction, impaired

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

balance, and poor posture (Blomberg, H., Demp- correlated with higher reading and mathematics
sey, M., 2011). scores ( Jordan-Black, J. A., 2004).

Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
A 2012 study found evidence of ATNR reemer- STNR, when retained, may cause difficulties with
gence following stroke. When voluntary neck visual skills and learning challenges (Goddard, S.,
rotation elicited ATNR, the authors concluded 2005). Utilizing movements to integrate STNR
that ATNR expression likely utilizes “a common is highly useful in overcoming the symptoms of
neuroanatomical link” with “flexion synergy—the ADHD (O’Dell, N., Cook, P. A., 2004). In her
abnormal torque coupling of elbow flexion with book Reflexes, Learning and Behavior, Sally God-
shoulder abduction—resulting in loss of independ- dard highlights studies focusing on STNR inte-
ent joint control in stroke patients.” (Ellis, M. D., gration that show improvement in learning as well
Drogos, J., Carmona, C., Keller, T., Dewald, J. P. as reduction of hyperactivity (Goddard, S., 2005).
A., 2012)
It is worthwhile to note that ADHD symptoms—
A retained ATNR may cause various difficulties linked to both a retained ATNR and a retained
for the growing infant and child: lack of normal STNR—also are significantly associated with bal-
hand-to-mouth and hand-to-hand play, which ance deficits. Balance deficits were measured even
can result in imbalances in oral sensitivity and in individuals with ADHD who have no history
poor bilateral, symmetrical upper extremity use; of medication and no neurological disease present
poor control of eye muscles resulting in poor visual (Konicarova, J., Bob, P., Raboch, J., 2014). In clini-
perception (Bly, L., 1983); and poor ability to cross cal situations, we see that when we mature infant
midline and poor laterality (Goddard, S., 2005). reflexes, balance skills improve measurably. Recent
research also shows that improving balance amel-
In addition, a retained ATNR can set the stage iorates anxiety and increases self-esteem (Bart, O.,
for scoliosis (Bly, L., 1983) and may cause fur- Bar-Haim, Y., Weizman, E., Levin. M., Sadeh, A.,
ther difficulty with specialized movement tasks Mintz, M., 2009).
such as handwriting and use of tools (Goddard,
S., 2005). A retained ATNR is also significantly
associated with ADHD symptoms (Taylor. M., Moro Reflex
Houghton, S., Chapman, E., 2004; Konicarova, J; When the Moro Reflex fails to mature, we observe
Bob, P., 2013), and reading challenges (McPhillips, numerous sensory processing challenges and an
M., Hepper, P. G., Mulhern, G., 2000; Jordan- underlying state of stress, as the nervous system
Black, J. A., 2004). Intervention programs based remains in a fight-or-flight pattern (Goddard,
on replicating innate infant movements, including S., 2005). In addition, a retained Moro Reflex is
ATNR reflex patterns, showed significantly greater associated with ADHD symptoms and learning
improvement in reading and writing speed for challenges (Taylor. M., Houghton, S., Chapman,
the experimental group (McPhillips, M., Hepper, E., 2004).
P. G., Mulhern, G., 2000), and in a related study,

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

Combined Reflexes RMT uses a combination of primitive and postural

reflex integration protocols, plus infant rhythmic
In a study implementing corrections for several re- and developmental movements. In his work ap-
tained infant reflexes, children showed significant plying RMT with children with ADHD, develop-
improvement in reading fluency and reduction of mental delay, and learning challenges, Blomberg
headaches (Wahlberg, T., Ireland, D., 2005). witnessed immense improvements in function and
often a reversal of ADHD symptoms and learning
In another study, oculo-motor functioning and
challenges (Blomberg, H., Dempsey, M., 2011).
reading skills improved as retained reflexes were
corrected (Bein-Wierzbinski, W., 2001, as quoted The fact that many studies conclude that symp-
in Goddard, S., 2005). toms of ADHD arise from a delay of normal brain
maturation (Sripada, C.S., Kessler, D., Angstadt,
Rationale for Addressing Retained M., 2014; Rubia, K., 2007) gives further support to
the use of innate neurodevelopmental movements
Reflexes and the Problems that Arise as a key factor in promoting brain maturation and
Subsequent to the Retained Reflexes creating successful outcomes for this condition.

Physical Therapists using neurodevelopmental Svetlana Masgutova, developer of the Masgutova

movements with their patients also are reporting Neuro-Sensory-Motor Reflex Integration program
measurable beneficial results. The basic premise (MNRI), also has experienced beneficial outcomes
supporting the use of neurodevelopmental move- for children with challenges by using the innate
ments for Physical Therapists is that the brain primitive and postural reflex movement patterns
recognizes and responds to these innate move- (Masgutova, S., Akhmatova, N., Sadowska, L.,
ments whose original function is to support brain Shackleford, P., Akhmatov, E., 2016).
and body development. These innate neurodevel-
opmental movements stimulate and develop im- Plausible Mechanism for Brain
portant neuro-sensory-motor and brain pathways
as a regular course of development, and we can Maturation and Connectivity
use these movements at any age to create effects
It is helpful to understand a plausible mechanism
similar to those we see in infancy (Blomberg, H.,
underlying the increased brain and neuro-sensory-
Dempsey, M., 2011).
motor maturity fueled by neurodevelopmental
It is reasonable that these innate neurodevelop- movements. In his book Spark, John Ratey, MD,
mental movements could help mature the brain cites several studies showing that movement
and sensory systems beyond infancy. The theory activity stimulates BDNF—Brain Derived Neu-
of increased brain maturity through use of the rotrophic Factor (Ratey, J. J., 2008). BDNF also
neurodevelopmental movements beyond infancy stimulates myelin formation repair after stroke
is the explanation given for the successes of Har- (Ramos-Cejudo, J., Gutiérrez-Fernández, M.,
ald Blomberg, MD, one of the developers of the Otero-Ortega, L., Rodríguez-Frutos, B., Fuentes,
Rhythmic Movement Training program (RMT).

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

B., Vallejo-Cremades, M. T., Navarro Hernanz, T., injury, Parkinson’s disease, Down syndrome, and
Cerdán, S., Díez-Tejedor, E., 2014). more.

Myelin, the fatty sheath surrounding neuronal We often see retained primitive reflexes and bal-
axons, is essential for normal brain function. The ance issues in individuals with DCD, ADHD,
development of the myelin sheath enables rapid, stroke, anxiety, ASD, and many other conditions.
effective communication across the brain and is Therefore, therapists using neurodevelopmental
thought to be involved in higher order cognitive movement tools may contribute greatly to help-
functioning. We now know, through quantitative ing individuals with these and similar disorders.
measures, that myelination increases greatly in the Recent studies show that motor coordination
first three years of life in the normal course of de- challenges are present in a high majority of indi-
velopment (Carmody, D. P., Dunn, S. M., Boddie- viduals with ASD and “findings indicate that motor
Willis, A. S., DeMarco, J. K., Lewis, M., 2004). impairment constitutes a core characteristic of ASD”
(Hilton, C. L., Zhang, Y., Whilte, M. R., Klohr, C.
Learning a new motor skill also increases myelin.
L., Constantino, J., 2012, emphasis added). Using
Furthermore, the rate of learning correlates sig-
innate neurodevelopmental movements may be
nificantly with increased myelin density (Sam-
of huge significance to individuals suffering from
paio-Baptista, C., Khrapitchev, A.A., Foxley, S.,
ASD, especially considering that autism spectrum
Schlagheck, T., Scholz, J., Jbabdi, S., DeLuca,
disorder is now recognized as highly associated
G.C., Miller, K.L., Taylor, A., Thomas, N., Kleim,
with mild to severe movement abnormalities.
J., Sibson, N.R., Bannerman, D., Johansen-Berg,
H., 2013). We can reason that the enormous
changes in myelination during infancy are stimu- Using a computerized posturographic procedure,
lated at least in part by the innate movements con- children with autism were found to have postural
current in normal development as an infant learns control patterns that differed from normal chil-
to be more skillful with motor tasks. dren (Kohen-Raz, R., Volkmar, F. R., Cohen, D.
J., 1992). Delays in motor functioning related to
reflexes and development also are seen as reliable
Common Disorders Linked to early indicators for risk of autism (Flanagan, J. E.,
Landa, R., Bhat, A., Bauman, M., 2012; Teitel-
Sensorimotor Abnormalities baum, P., Teitelbaum, O. B., Fryman, J., Maurer,
R., 2002). In a recent Physical Therapy journal, sub-
Understanding that the innate neurodevelopmen-
titled “Current Perspectives on Motor Function-
tal movements of infancy are fueling brain growth
ing in Infants, Children and Adults with Autism
and connectivity helps us grasp why they may
Spectrum Disorders,” the authors state: “This
be highly beneficial for a wide variety of condi-
article aims to highlight and support our perspec-
tions involving sensorimotor challenges, including
tive that motor abnormalities seen in individuals
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD),
with ASDs, if more widely recognized, may affect
ADHD, sensory processing deficits, stroke, autism
ASD interventions and eventual outcomes.” (Bhat,
spectrum disorder (ASD), anxiety, traumatic brain
A., Landa, R., Galloway, J. C., 2011)

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

Consistent with previous studies, we see that ap- Rhythmic Movement Training, Level 1
plication of primitive reflex patterns for individuals
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
with ASD results in building a foundation that
Landau Reflex
leads to better function. For example, application
Amphibian Reflex
of the Masgutova Neuro-Sensory-Motor Reflex
Integration method (MNRI) for individuals with Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
ASD showed significant improvement in the Spinal Galant Reflex
children’s cognitive abilities, as well as in emotional Babinski Reflex
regulation, self-awareness, social interaction, stress
Rhythmic Movement Training, Level 2
resilience, physical health, and speech (Masgutova,
S., Akhmatova, N., Sadowska, L., Shackleford, P., Fear Paralysis Reflex
Akhmatov, E., 2016). Moro Reflex
Tendon Guard Response

Rhythmic Movement Training, Level 3

The RMTi Curricula Overview
Moro Reflex
In the Rhythmic Movement Training courses we Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
combine an in-depth set of neurodevelopmental Headrighting Reflexes
movements tools to integrate primitive and pos- Hand-Mouth Babkin Reflex
tural reflexes for the purpose of developing skills Palmar Grasp Reflex
and boosting overall functioning. Hands Pulling (Pull-to-Sit) Reflex

Part One: Innate The RMTi curricula offer the therapist a variety of
Sensory-Motor Reflex Patterns intervention strategies and a range of appropriate
tools for all ages.
For each reflex listed, we teach:

» Original stimulus for the reflex pattern Part Two: Innate Rhythmic and
» Original motor pattern of the reflex Developmental Movement Patterns
» Original functions of the reflex in infancy In the Rhythmic Movement Training courses,
in addition to reflex assessment and integration
» How to assess for retained or abnormal reflex
activity protocols, we teach specific developmental and
rhythmic movements—the innate, self-initiated
» How to recognize various compensatory rhythmic movements of infancy—that provide
behaviors and consequences that may relate to
tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, rhythmic-mo-
a specific retained reflex pattern
tor, and rhythmic-auditory input. Many of these
» Various movement and tactile interventions to rhythmic movements involve weight shifts that are
mature and integrate the reflex important in developing proper upright posture,
balance, and gait.

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

In Sweden, Kerstin Linde pioneered the use of disease (Kadivar, Z., Corcos, D., Foto, J., Hondzin-
the innate rhythmic movements to help individu- ski, J., 2011) and following stroke (Hayden, R.,
als with developmental and functional challenges. Clair, A., Johnson, G., Otto, D., 2009). Rhyth-
Harald Blomberg, MD, a psychiatrist and student mic sensory input has been effective for helping
of Linde, found the rhythmic movements espe- children exposed to trauma, most likely by means
cially helpful for his adult psychiatric patients with of regulation of the brainstem (Perry, B., 2006).
mental illness (Blomberg, H., 2007). Psychiatric Neurodevelopmental rhythmic movements have
patients using the rhythmic movements showed also played a part in successful rehabilitation after
more interest in social activities, were less irritable, stroke (Doidge, N., 2007).
and had a greater sense of well-being (Blomberg,
H., 2007). Blomberg’s results with these adult pa-
tients are consistent with findings that show that Conclusion
childhood neuromotor dysfunction is a risk factor
for adult schizophrenia (Murray, G. K., Jones, P. The evidence suggests that through the use of in-
B., Moilanen, K., Veijola, J. Miettunen, J., Cannon, nate neurodevelopmental movements—the primi-
T.D., Isohanni, M., 2006). Blomberg later used a tive and postural reflexes plus the developmental
combination of rhythmic movements and reflex and rhythmic movements of infancy—Physical
integration to help children with learning and Therapists can create better outcomes for their
behavior challenges (Blomberg, H., Dempsey, M., patients. Utilizing this inborn sensory-motor
2011). template of movements fuels brain growth, con-
nectivity, and sensory maturity. These special,
There is promising preliminary evidence showing innate movements repeatedly show effectiveness in
that rhythmic and primitive reflex motor interven- clinical and research settings. And because of their
tion can reduce muscle tension, diminish sensory fundamental importance in human life, the neu-
processing challenges, and improve balance, co- rodevelopmental movements show great promise
ordination, and physical function (Blomberg, H., for helping individuals of all ages overcome a large
Dempsey, M., 2011; Gazca, M., 2012). variety of challenges.

Rhythmic sensory input itself has been beneficial

for helping with gait in patients with Parkinson’s

R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

Bart, O., Bar-Haim, Y., Weizman, E., Levin, M., Sadeh, A., and Mintz, M. (2009). Balance treatment ameliorates anxiety and
increases self-esteem in children with comorbid anxiety and balance disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities,
30(3), 486-495. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2008.07.008

Bhat, A. N., Landa, R. J., and Galloway, J. C. (2011). Current Perspectives on Motor Functioning in Infants, Children, and
Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Physical Therapy, 91(7), 1116-1129. doi:10.2522/ptj.20100294

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Sunnybank Hills, Qld.: Book Pal

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Hayden, R., Clair, A. A., Johnson, G., and Otto, D. (2009). The Effect Of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS) On Physical
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R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

Hilton, C. L., Zhang, Y., Whilte, M. R., Klohr, C. L., and Constantino, J. (2011). Motor impairment in sibling pairs concordant
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Hobo, K., Kawase, J., Tamura, F., Groher, M., Kikutani, T., and Sunakawa, H. (2013). Effects of the reappearance of primitive
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Hyde, T. M., Goldberg, T. E., Egan, M. F., Lener, M. C., and Weinberger, D. R. (2007). Frontal release signs and cognition
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Kadivar, Z., Corcos, D. M., Foto, J., and Hondzinski, J. M. (2011). Effect of Step Training and Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation
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McPhillips, M., and Jordan-Black, J. (2007). Primary reflex persistence in children with reading difficulties (dyslexia): A
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McPhillips, M., Mulhern, G., and Hepper, P. G. (2000). Effects of replicating primary-reflex movements on specific reading
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R H Y T H M I C M O V E M E N T T R A I N I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U L A : P T R E L E V A N C E
© 2017 Sonia Story |

Perry, B. D. (2006). Applying principles of neurodevelopment to help traumatized and maltreated youth. In N. B. Webb
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Rubia, K. (2007). Neuro-anatomic evidence for the maturational delay hypothesis of ADHD. Proceedings of the National
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Sampaio-Baptista, C., Khrapitchev, A.A., Foxley, S., Schlagheck, T., Scholz, J., Jbabdi, S., DeLuca, G.C., Miller, K.L.,
Taylor, A., Thomas, N., Kleim, J., Sibson, N.R., Bannerman, D., Johansen-Berg, H. (2013). Motor Skill Learning Induces
Changes in White Matter Microstructure and Myelination. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(50), 19499-19503. doi:10.1523/

Sripada, C. S., Kessler, D., and Angstadt, M. (2014). Lag in maturation of the brain’s intrinsic functional architecture
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