Index of HTML

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Labwork Date of Date of

Name of the Labwork Remarks
No. Performance Submission
May 25,
1 Create a HTML File May 11, 2023
May 25,
2 Open a HTML File May 11, 2023
Use of Subscript and Superscript May 25,
3 May 11, 2023
Element 2023
Use of Font Face, Font Size,
May 25,
4 Font Color and PRE Tag in a May 11, 2023
Create a Webpage of a List by May 25,
5 May 11, 2023
Using Various Types of Tag 2023
Create a HTML File to Present May 25,
6 May 11, 2023
Information in a Table 2023
Make Relation Between Two May 25,
7 May 11, 2023
Web Pages 2023
Use of Bangla Font in a May 25,
8 May 11, 2023
Webpage 2023
Insert an Image or Picture in a May 25,
9 May 11, 2023
Webpage 2023

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