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1 Contents
1. CORPORATE SCORECARD .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. BANKING BUSINESS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. Human Resource ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

2.2. Facility Management...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3. Finance and accounts ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

2.4. International Banking Department .............................................................................................................................................................................11

2.5. Financing & Appraisal ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

3. CUSTOMER AND CHANNEL .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

3.1. Customer Relationship Management ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15

3.2. Branch Operation......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

3.3. Digital banking ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19

4. STRATEGY AND MARKETING...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

4.1. Marketing ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

4.2. Business Development .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

4.3. Strategy and result management ................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

5. INFORMATION SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27

6. INTERNAL AUDIT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

7. RISK & COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

8. LEGAL ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

Wei Target FY 2022/23

Perspective Strategic objective Performance measure %) Baseline Q-1 Q-2 Quarter 3 Q-4 Annual

Annual Profit/loss (Birr) 2 (143M) (53M) (93M) (103M) (100M) (100M)

Cost/Expense to revenue ratio 2 6.19 2.03 1.55 1.28 1.12 1.12

Income from financing & 3 19.5M 32.6M 102M 207.9M 344.1M 344.1M
Revenue from FCY dealing($) 1 23.7K 2.7M 7M 11.4M 15.3M 15.3M
F1:Ensure sustainable
Non financing revenue
profit (11%)
(commissions & service) in 3 24M 16M 34M 52M 71.7M 71.7M
ROA (Return on Asset),% 0 -6.3
ROE (Return on Equity),% 0 -14.6 -129.5% -76.4 -28.2 -25.9 -25.9

EPS (Earning Per Share),% 0 -0.01

NPF (Non Performing 2 0 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2
Financial Finance),%
(45%) Capital adequacy ratio 2 58 >8 >8 >8 >8 >8
F2: Ensure financial
Liquidity ratio,% 2 55.8 >18 >18 >18 >18 >18
soundness (9%)
FD ratio (financing to deposit 2 28 <82 <82 <82 <82 <82
Open Position (Maximum 1 15 15 15 15 15 15
Amount of Paid-up Capital 8 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
F3: Increase resource Deposit amount (Birr) 9 1.3B 2.5B 3.8B 5B 7B 7B
mobilization &
FCY Generation (Birr) 2 1.9M 5.3M 8.8M 11.8 M 11.8M
reallocation (22%)
Financing collection (Amount 3 N/A As per schedule
of collection)
F4: Enhance equitable Outstanding financing (amount 3 374.6M 1.1B 2.5B 3.7B 4.9B 4.9B
financing (3%) in Birr)
C1: Retain & Expand 4
No of customers 198.9K 273K 354K 441K
customer base (4%) 134.8K 441K
Customer External customer satisfaction 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
(15%) C2: Maximize customer survey,%
satisfaction (3%) Customer satisfaction survey 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
(BOD & SAC), %
Amount allotted to Corporate 1
C3: Enhance Value- 1.5M N/A N/A N/A 0.8M 0.8M
Social responsibility activities
based intermediation
Amount of Zakat collected and 1
(2%) N/A As per Sharia principle from the Wealth of the Bank
Number of digital users
C4: Enhance customer Card holders - 500 13,547 30,179 50,000 50,000
digital experience (6%) 2
Mobile & Internet subscribers - 2,000 11,807 22,888 35,100 35,100
Wallet subscribers - - 118,000 118,000
SDT 1.5 N/A To be defined for each service
IB1: Enhance
efficiency and IT rollout (automation) %age 1.5 30 40 50 60 60
effectiveness (4%) 1
SLA achievement (%) N/A 50 60 75 80 80
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate /Correction/ 1 35 65 70 75 85 85
for Moderate Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate /Correction/ 1.5 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
for critical Findings (%)
Operational Risk Level (rate of 1 N/A Below 0.1%
incident in normal transaction)
Project plan performance ratio 1.5 100 100 100 100 100
IB2:Enhance sound
Internal governance and risk Up time for critical systems
business management (17.5%) 3 99.97 99.97 99.97 99.97 99.97
process (25%) Mission Critical system (%) 99.97
1.5 98.33 98.33 98.33 98.33 98.33
Business Critical system (%) 97.30
1 N/A 96.40 96.40 96.40 96.40 96.40
Non critical system (%)
Cyber security risk framework 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
(no of incident)
Business continuity 1 N/A 50 70 90 100 100
assessment (%age completion)
IB3:Enhance No. of new products & 1 4 1 1 1 1 4
marketing and sales services
(2%) 1 N/A 75 75
Brand Perception index (%)
1.5 44 50 56 60 60
IB4:Increase service Number of branches 40
accessibility(5.5%) Number of digital channels
(ATM, POS, Agent,
1 1 0 9 10
Number of ATM devices 0
No of POS devices 1 0 0 0 50 50 100
No of Merchants 1 0 0 0 0 330 330
No of Agents 1 0 0 0 0 330 330
Employee satisfaction score 3 57 75 75
L1:Increase employee
satisfaction and
Employee engagement score 3 51 80 80
engagement (10%)
Employee attrition rate 4 7 5 5 5 5 5
(Maximum in %)
Investment on training (% of 2 2 2
Operating expense)
Learning and
growth (15%)
L2:Increase employee Average training hour per 1 8 4 4 4 4 16
competency (3%) employee per year
Employee competency 0 N/A 80 80
exam(out of 100 points)
technological capacity Number of trainings on digital 1 0 1 1 1 1 4
(1% & technology
L4:Improve corporate 1 N/A 75 75
culture (1%) Reputation index (%)
2.1. Human Resource
Weight Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Corporate objective Director's Objective Performance measure Baseline
(%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual

Manage controllable
Amount of expenses 3 N/A
F1: Ensure sustainable expenses
profit (10%) Enhance leave
% of accrued leave 7 N/A 70 50 30 10 10
Financial management
(33%) Amount of Paid-up
Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
F3: Increase resource Capital (Birr)
mobilization &
reallocation (23%) Support deposit Amount of Deposit 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
% HR processes
Automate &
standardize HR 6 0 50 50 100
System Completeness
Time to fill, days 4 70 60 60 60 60 60
Improve HR
Recruitment process Offer acceptance
IB1: Enhance efficiency 2 88 90 90 95 95 95
efficiency & rate,%
and effectiveness (28%) effectiveness
Vacancy rate,% 3 30 25 25 20 15 15

Increase processing SLA achievement (%) 5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80

Internal efficiency of service
business delivery SDT achievement, % 5
process Increase employee Internal promotion
(35%) 3 N/A 10 12 15 18 18
retention rate, %
Declining number of
2 N/A
audit findings
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
IB2: Enhance sound /Correction/ for 3 35 65 70 75 85 85
governance and risk Minimize Risks Moderate Findings
management (7%) (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
2 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for
critical Findings (%)
L1: Increase employee Increase employee Employee
Learning 5 57 75 75
satisfaction and satisfaction satisfaction score (%)
and growth engagement (17%) Increase employee Employee
5 51 80 80
(32%) engagement engagement score (%)
Employee attrition
Reduce attrition rate 7 7 5 5 5 5 5
rate (Maximum in %)
Average training
hour per employee 5 N/A 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 8
per year
L2: Increase employee Increase employee's competency exam 0 N/A 80 80
competency (10%) competency (out of 100 points)
Investment on
training (as % of 5 2%
Operational expense)
Improve corporate
Reputation index (%) 2 N/A 75 75
culture of the bank
Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1 N/A
work engagement
L4: Improve corporate
Ensure employees'
culture (5%)
compliance with the Dressing code 1 N/A
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees' Employees'
1 N/A
punctuality punctuality
Total 100
2.2. Facility Management
Target FY 2022/23
Weight Baselin
Perspective Corporate objectives Director's Objective Performance measure Ann
(%) e Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4

Optimize budget
Budget vs Actual 25 N/A Within budget
F1:Ensure sustainable
profit (30%)
Financial Manage controllable
Amount of expenses 5
(53%) expenses

Amount of Paid-up Capital

F3:Increase resource Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
mobilization &
Support deposit Amount of deposit, Br
reallocation (23%) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
Build long term
C1: Retain & Expand 6,18
relationship with No of corporate customers 5 N/A 1,348 2,356 3,460 4,756
customer base (5%) 0
Customer vendors & suppliers
(10%) C2:Maximize
Improve External Customer satisfaction
customer satisfaction 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
customers' satisfaction score,%

Enhance Logistic SLA achievement, % 5 N/A 75 75 80 85 85

Management service
efficiency, Compliance Service delivery time
5 N/A 75 75 80 85 85
IB1:Enhance percentage achievement,%
efficiency and
Internal effectiveness (22%) Automate procurement
business & facility management % Of Procurement System
Completeness 12 0 50 50 100
process processes (store
(32%) management)
Declining number of audit
IB2: Enhance sound 3 N/A
governance and risk Minimize Risks
Audit Discrepancies
management (10%) 4 35 65 70 75 85 85
Rectification Rate
/Correction/ for Moderate
Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
3 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for critical
Findings (%)
L2:Increase employee Increase employee's Average training hour per
2 N/A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
competency (2%) competency employee per year

Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1 N/A
Learning work engagement
& Growth
Ensure employees'
(5%) L4: Improve corporate
compliance with the Dressing code 1 N/A
culture (3%)
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1 N/A

2.3. Finance and accounts

Director's Performance Weight Target FY 2022/23

Perspective Corporate objective Baseline
Objective measure (%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
F1: Ensure sustainable
controllable Amount of expenses 5
profit (10%)
Capital adequacy
5 58 >8 >8% >8 >8 >8
ratio (Minimum) %
Enhance liquidity
management Liquidity ratio (%) 5 56 >18 >18 >18 >18 >18
F2: Ensure financial FD ratio (financing
Financial soundness (18%)
3 28 <82 <82 <82 <82 <82
to deposit ratio) %
(48%) Enhance financial
Compliance with
reporting System 5 N/A 100% compliance
IFRS standard
of the Bank
Increase share
Amount of Paid-up
F3: Increase resource capital of the 20 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
Capital (Birr)
mobilization & bank
reallocation (20%) Deposit amount
Increase deposit (Birr) 5 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B

Customer C2: Maximize customer 5
External satisfaction survey N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
(5%) satisfaction (5%)
customer %

Ensure timely, Meet Standard 23 75 75 80 80

N/A 75
IB1: Enhance efficiency accurate and Delivery Time
and effectiveness (28%) reliable financial
reporting SLA Achievement 75 80 80 80
Internal 5 75
Declining number of
process 4 N/A
audit findings
(39%) IB2: Enhance sound Audit Discrepancies
governance and risk Minimize Risks Rectification Rate
management (11%) /Correction/ for 3 35 65 70 75 85 85
Moderate Findings
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate 80 90 100 100
4 N/A 70
/Correction/ for
critical Findings (%)
Increase Average training
L2: Increase employee 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
employees’ hour per employee 5 N/A 0.5
competency (5%)
competency per year
Level of
employees’ work 1
Learning &
(8%) L4: Improve corporate
compliance with Dressing code 1
culture (3%)
the bank's
dressing code
employees' 1

2.4. International Banking Department
Perspecti Corporate Director's Performance Weight Target FY 2022/23
ve objective objective measure (%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Increase FX
FCY earning (Birr) 7 23,813.50 2.7M 7.1 M 11.4 M 15.3 M 15.3 M
Ensure optimal
utilization &
F1: Ensure Amount of FX
timely 3 N/A 98% allocation of FX
sustainable profit allocated
allocation of
available funds
Amount of
Controllable 5 N/A
Financial expenses
(58%) F2: Ensure
Maintain open Open Position
financial soundness 10 15 15 15 15 15 15
position (Maximum ratio) %
Increase Deposit amount
10 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
F3: Increase deposit (Birr)
resource Increase share Amount of Paid-up
mobilization & 3
capital Capital (Birr)
reallocation (33%)
Increase FX
FX Deposit (USD) 20 0.19 M 1.9 M 5.3 M 8.8 M 11.8 M 11.8 M
Increase &
C1: Retain & retain customer No of exporters 5 0 12
3 3 3 3
Expand customer base of foreign
base (8%) currency
Customer No of MTOs 3 1 1 1 1 1 5
C2: Maximize Customer
customer satisfaction survey 5
satisfaction (5%) %
Standard Delivery
Internal Increase Time (Meet 75% 7 75 75 80 80 80
IB1: Enhance
processing SDT)
Business efficiency and
efficiency of
Process effectiveness
(23%) (12%) SLA achievement
delivery 5 75 75 80 80 80
Declining number
4 N/A
of audit findings

IB2: Enhance Rectification Rate
3 35 65 70 75 85 85
sound governance Minimize /Correction/ for
and risk Risks Moderate Findings
management (11%) (%)
Rectification Rate
4 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for
critical Findings
L2:Increase Increase Average training
employee employees’ hour per employee 3 1 1 1 1 4
competency (3%) knowledge per year
employees’ Level of
work absenteeism
Learning engagement
& Growth Ensure
L4: Improve
(6%) employees'
corporate culture
compliance Dressing code 1
with the bank's
dressing code
employees' 1

2.5. Financing & Appraisal

Weigh Target FY 2022/23

Director's Performance t Baselin
Perspective Strategic objective
Objective measure (100% e Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
F1:Ensure sustainable
controllable Amount of 5
profit (5%)
expenses expenses
F2: Ensure financial
quality of 12
soundness (12%)
assets NPF (%) 0 <2%

Financial Increase share Amount of Paid-

3 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
(55%) F3: Increase resource capital up Capital (Birr) 980M
mobilization &
reallocation (23%) Increase
deposit Increase deposit 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
mobilization mobilization
F4: Enhance Increase Outstanding
equitable financing resource financing 15 375 M 1.1B 2.5B 3.7B 4.9B 4.9B
(15%) allocation (amount)
SDT (Meet 21
IB1: Enhance processing
80% SDT) N/A 75 75 80 80 80
efficiency and efficiency of
effectiveness (26%) financing
achievement 5
(%) 75 75 80 80 80
number of audit 4 N/A
Internal findings
business Audit
process Discrepancies
(37% Rectification
IB2: Enhance sound 3 35 65 70 75 85 85
Minimize Rate /Correction/
governance and risk
Risks for Moderate
management (11%)
Findings (%)
Rectification 4 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
Rate /Correction/
for critical
Findings (%)

Average training
L2: Increase employee hour per
employees' 5
competency (5%) employee per
employees’ Level of
work absenteeism
Learning engagement
and growth Ensure
(8%) L4: Improve corporate employees'
culture (3%) compliance Dressing code 1
with the bank's
dressing code
employees' 1
3.1. Customer Relationship Management
Director's Performance Wei Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Corporate objective Baseline
objective measure ght Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Increase financing Financing
11 3.3 M 25.3 M 87.5 M 186 M 314.5 M 314.5 M
income income
Revenue from
Increase non-
F1:Ensure sustainable guarantee 7 6.8 M 4.5 M 9M 13.5 M 18 M 18 M
profit (23%) financing revenue
controllable Expense 5 N/A
expenses amount
NPF (Non-
F2: Ensure financial Increase quality of
performance 6 0 <2%
soundness (6%) assets
Financial Loan) %
(61%) Increase share Amount of Paid-
3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
capital up Capital (Birr)
F3: Increase resource Financing
mobilization & collection (Amount 5 N.A As per schedule
of collection) (Amount of
reallocation (28%)
collection) Br
Increase deposit Amount
20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
mobilization of Deposit Br)
F4: Enhance equitable Increase resource
financing 4 375 M 1,086 M 2,535 M 3,661 M 4,935 M 4,935 M
financing (4%) allocation
(amount) Br
Build strong &
C1: Retain & Expand long-lasting
No of client 3
customer base (3%) relationship with 24 24 24 24 96
Customer clients visits
(8%) C2: Maximize Customer
Improve customer
customer satisfaction satisfaction 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
(5%) survey %
Increase processing
business SDT (Meet 80 80 80
efficiency of 7 75 75
process IB1: Enhance financing requests 80% SDT )
(23%) efficiency and
effectiveness (12%) Increase processing SLA
efficiency of achievement 5
service delivery (%)
number of audit 4 N/A
Rate 3 35 65 70 75 85 85
IB2: Enhance sound /Correction/ for
governance and risk Minimize Risks Moderate
management (11%) Findings (%)
Rate 4 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for
critical Findings
L2: Increase employee knowledge of Average training
5 N/A 1 1 1 1 4
competency (5%) financing products hour per
& process & employee per
Customer service year

Level of
Learning employees’ work 1
and engagement
(8%) Ensure employees'
L4: Improve corporate compliance with
Dressing code 1
culture (3%) the bank's dressing

Ensure employees' Employees'

punctuality punctuality

3.2. Branch Operation
Target FY 2022/23
Director's Performance Weight
Perspective Corporate objective Baseline Annual
Objective measure % Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4

F1:Ensure Manage
sustainable profit controllable Amount of expenses 5 N/A
(5%) expenses
Increase share Amount of Paid-up
3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
capital Capital (Birr)
Amount of Deposit
30 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
Deposit sourced
Financial Increase deposit
F3: Increase from financed
(50%) mobilization
resource customers (as a 4 N/A 10 15 20 25 25
mobilization & percentage of the
reallocation (45%) financed amount),%
4 9,895 12,346 13,869 14,992 15,954 15,954
deposit/account (Br)
Increase account
% of accounts with
less than Br 1,000 4 66 60 55 50 45 45
No of retail
C1: Retain & 4 133,497 196,537 269,577 349,577 435,057 435,057
Customer Increase customer customers
Expand customer
(9%) base No of corporate
base (9%) 5 1,348 2,356 3,460 4,756 6,180 6,180
Improve service SDT (meet 80%
7 75 75 80 80 80
IB1: Enhance delivery time SDT) N/A
efficiency and Increase processing
effectiveness (12%) efficiency of SLA achievement 5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
service delivery (%)
Internal Expand branch
service Number of branches 4 40 44 50 56 60 60
business channel
accessibility (4%)
IB2:Enhance sound
governance and Ensure strict % of customers with
7 N/A 100 100 100 100 100
risk management KYC compliance complete KYC data
IB2: Enhance sound Declining number of
4 N/A
governance and risk Minimize Risks audit findings
management (11%) Audit Discrepancies 3 35 65 70 75 85 85
Rectification Rate
/Correction/ for
Moderate Findings
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
4 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for
critical Findings (%)
L2:Increase Increase Average training
employee employee hour per employee 4 N/A 2 2 2 2 8
competency (5%) knowledge per quarter
Learning employees’ work Level of absenteeism 1
and engagement
growth L4: Improve Ensure employees'
(7%) corporate culture compliance with
Dressing code 1
(3%) the bank's dressing
Ensure employees' Employees'
punctuality punctuality
Total 100
3.3. Digital banking
Director's Weight Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Corporate objectives Performance measure Baseline
Objective (%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
F1:Ensure Manage
sustainable profit controllable 5
(5%) expenses Amount of expenses
Financial Increase share Amount of Paid-up
(28%) F3: Increase resource capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
Capital (Birr)
mobilization &
Increase deposit Amount of Deposit
reallocation (23%) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
mobilization (Br)
Card Customers - 500 13,547 30,179 50,000 50,000
No of Internet &
Increase digital
Mobile banking 7
banking customers - 2,000 11,807 22,888 35,100 35,100
C4: Enhance customers
customer digital No of Wallet
(20%) 2
experience (20%) customers - - - - 118,000 118,000
Handle customer
disputed No of days to resolve
4 N/A 8 8 8 8 8
transactions within customer’s requests
reasonable time
Increase # of
successful digital % of successful 4 N/A 95 95 95 95 95
transactions digital transactions
Enhance third
party (technology)
4 1 1 2 1 2 7
interfaces with No of third parties
IB1: Enhance service providers interfaces
Internal efficiency and
business effectiveness (19%)
process 6 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
efficiency of SDT (Meet 80%
(45%) financing requests SDT)
Increase processing
efficiency of service SLA achievement 5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
delivery (%)
IB2: Enhance sound
Declining number of
governance and risk Minimize Risks 4 N/A
audit findings
management (11%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
3 35 65 70 75 85 85
/Correction/ for
Moderate Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
4 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for critical
Findings (%)
Coordinate &
IB3:Enhance enhance marketing No of sales &
marketing and sales & digital marketing campaign 4 N/A 1 1 1 1 4
(4%) campaigns for on digital products
digital products
Number of ATM
4 0 0 1 9 0 10
No of POS devices 3 0 0 0 50 50 100
IB4:Increase service Increase digital
accessibility (11%) channels 2 0 0 0 0 330 330
No of Merchants
2 0 0 0 0 330 330
No of Agents
competency and Average training hour
technological 4 0 1 1 1 1 4
skills of employees per employee per
capacity (4%)
on digital banking quarter
Learning Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1
and growth work engagement
(7%) Ensure employees'
L4: Improve corporate
compliance with the Dressing code 1
culture (3%)
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1
4.1. Marketing
Weig Target FY 2022/23
Perspecti Corporate
Director's Objective Performance measure ht Baseline
ve objectives Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Manage controllable
sustainable Amount of expense 5 N/A
profit (12%)
Optimize budget Budget Vs Actual 7 N/A Within Budget
(35%) F3: Increase Amount of Paid-up Capital
resource Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
mobilization &
reallocation Increase deposit
Amount of Deposit (Br) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
(23%) mobilization
C1: Retain &
Expand Utilize Mainstream No of spots/placements
5 N/A 30 30 30 90
customer base and social media in mainstream media
C2: Maximize
customer Improve customer Customer satisfaction
5 N/A 75 75
satisfaction satisfaction survey (%)
Custome C5: Enhance Amount allotted to
r (18%) Corporate Engage in Corporate Corporate Social 3 1.5 M N/A N/A N/A 0.8 M 0.8 M
Social Social responsibility responsibility activities
responsibility activities Amount of Zakat collected As per Sharia principle from the Wealth of the
2 N/A
(5%) and distributed Bank
C6: Enhance
stakeholder Enhance stakeholder
Stakeholder engagement
relationship & relationship & 3 N/A 75 75
survey (%)
engagement engagement
Engage in marketing
No of marketing
IB1: Enhance intelligence & 5 N/A 1 1 1 1 4
efficiency and researches conducted
Internal effectiveness Increase processing SLA achievement (%) 5 75 75 80 80 80
Process (15%) efficiency of service
(43%) delivery SDT Achievement, % 5 75 75 80 80 80
IB2: Enhance Declining number of audit
3 N/A
sound Minimize Risks findings
governance and Audit Discrepancies 4 35 65 70 75 85 85
risk management Rectification Rate
(10%) /Correction/ for Moderate
Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
3 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for critical
Findings (%)
No of Facebook
subscribers 84,565 93,022 102,324 112,556 123,812 123,812
Increase social media
subscribers Telegram subscribers 1
6,874 8,593 10,741 13,426 16,782 16,782
No of posts on Facebook 5 60 60 60 60 240
marketing and
sales (18%) No of trade shows &
Engage in marketing
marketing events 5 N/A 3 3 3 3 12
Enhance the bank's Brand Perception index
5 N/A 75
brand %
L2:Increase Increase competency
employee and skills of Average training hour
1 N/A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
competency employees on digital per employee per quarter
Learning (1%) banking
and Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1
growth work engagement
L4: Improve Ensure employees'
corporate culture compliance with the Dressing code 1
(3%) bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1
4.2. Business Development
Weight Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Strategic objective Performance measure Baseline
Director's Objective (%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Increase revenue bases No of new fee-based
F1:Ensure 10 NA 0 1 1 1 3
of the bank revenue sources
sustainable profit
Manage controllable
(15%) Amount of expense 5
Financial expenses
(38%) F3: Increase Amount of Paid-up
Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
resource Capital (Birr)
mobilization & Increase deposit
reallocation (23%)
Amount of Deposit (Br) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
C1: Retain &
Increase the number of No of strategic partners
Expand customer 4 4 4 0 4 4 16
strategic partners recruited
base (4%)
C2: Maximize
Improve customer Customer satisfaction
customer 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
satisfaction survey (%)
satisfaction (2%)
Amount allotted to
Corporate Social 1 1.5 M N/A N/A N/A 0.8 M 0.8 M
C5: Enhance Enhance corporate social responsibility activities
Corporate Social responsibility of the Amount of Zakat As per Sharia principle from the Wealth of the
responsibility (3%) bank 1
collected and distributed Bank
No of new products for
1 NA 0 0 0 1 1
CSR purposes
C6: Enhance
Enhance stakeholder
stakeholder Stakeholder engagement
relationship & 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 75 75
relationship & survey (%)
engagement (1%)
% of standardized
Enhance & Standardize
IB1: Enhance (enhanced, qualified) 2 0 25 50 100 100 100
products & services
efficiency and products
effectiveness Increase processing SLA achievement (%) 5 75 75 80 80 80
(12%) efficiency of service
delivery SDT achievement, % 5
Internal Declining number of
2 N/A
business audit findings
process Audit Discrepancies
(46%) IB2: Enhance Rectification Rate
3 35 65 70 75 85 85
sound governance /Correction/ for Moderate
Minimize Risks
and risk Findings (%)
management (7%) Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
2 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for critical
Findings (%)
Increase the number of No. of new products &
18 N/A 2 2 5 5 29
IB3:Enhance products & services services
marketing and sales Enhance business
(22%) No of business & market
intelligence capability of 4 0 0 1 1 1 3
research conducted
the bank
service Increase no of branches Number of branches 5 40 4 6 6 4 60
accessibility (5%)
Enhance the capacity of Average training hour per
employee 3 NA 1 1 1 1 4
employees employee per quarter
competency (3%)
Increase employees’
Learning & Level of absenteeism 1 0 0 0 0 0
work engagement
L4: Improve Ensure employees'
corporate culture compliance with the Dressing code 1
(3%) bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1
4.3. Strategy and result management
Strategic Performance Weight Baseli Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Director's Objective
objective measure (%) ne Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Manage controllable
sustainable profit Amount of expenses 5 N/A
Financial F3: Increase Amount of Paid-up
Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
(28%) resource Capital (Birr)
mobilization &
Increase deposit Amount of Deposit
reallocation 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
(23%) mobilization (Br)
Percentage of
Enhance strategy scorecard coverage
10 25 100 100 100
implementation across the
No of branch
performance 5 N/A 16 16 16 16 64
Percentage of
Enhance monitoring & corporate
1178 N/A 80 85 90 95 95
evaluation system performance reports
delivered on time,%
Internal IB1: Enhance
business efficiency and No of industry
5 N/A 1 1 1 1 4
process effectiveness analysis document
(64%) (64%)
SLA achievement 5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
Increase processing
efficiency of service
SDT 5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
No of strategy
Increase internal
Meeting/Discussion 12 1 1 1 1 4
Enhance project No of initiatives &
management process project progress 5 N/A 3 3 3 3 12
efficiency reports submitted
L2:Increase Effectively Average training
employee communicate strategy hour per employee 5 1 1 1 1 4
Learning & competency (5%) to employees per quarter
Growth (8%)
L4: Improve Increase employees’ Level of
corporate culture work engagement absenteeism
(3%) Ensure employees'
compliance with the Dressing code 1
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees' Employees'
punctuality punctuality

Weight Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Strategic objective Director's Objective Performance measure Baseline
(%) Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Manage controllable
F1: Ensure Amount of expenses 5 N/A
sustainable profit expenses
(14%) Optimize budget Budget Vs Actual 9 N/A Within budget
(37%) F3: Increase Increase deposit
Amount of Deposit (Br) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
resource mobilization (3)
mobilization & 1.75
Increase share capital Amount of Paid-up Capital (Birr) 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 2B 2B
reallocation (23%) B
# of new functionalities for ATM &
2 N/A 1 1
POS implemented
# of new functionalities for Mobile
2 N/A 1 2 3
& Internet banking implemented
C4: Enhance # of new functionalities for USSD 2 N/A 1 2 3
Implement seamless
Customer digital % of developed Extra Channels
digital platforms
Experience (10%) (Chatbot on website and social 1 N/A 50 50 100
media platforms)
% of Resolved Customer
Customer 1 90 90 90 95 99 99
Complains (External)
% of resolved issues (Internal) 2 90 90 90 95 99 99
# Of new CBS Modules
1 3 2 5
# Of Customers that Can Be
C1: Retain & 1 150,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Enhance CBS & other Supported by the system
Expand customer
IT systems # Of Branches that Can be
base (5%) 1 40 160 200
Supported By the system
# Of Transactions Per Second
2 10 50 50
(TPS) supported by the system
% Of Designed Standard Reports &
2 99 99 99 99 99 99
Standardization of Dashboards
business process % Of the Bank’s IT policies and
2 10 40 50 100
procedures completeness
% Of Procurement System
1 90 50 50 100
Internal IB1: Enhance Completeness
business Efficiency & % HR processes (Payroll,
process Effectiveness Recruitment...) System 1 0 50 50 100
(42%) (17%) Automation of Completeness
business processes %Of Customer Relation
Management/Customer Experience 1 0 40 60 100
system Completeness
% Of Financing & Appraisal
1 5 45 50 100
% Of TT System Deployment 1 0 50 30 10 10 100
% Of Website & Corporate Portal
1 0 30 50 10 10 100
System Completeness
% SDT achievement 2 75 75 80 80 80
Increase processing
efficiency of service 5 75 75 80 80 80
delivery SLA achievement (%)
Enhance existing % Of Integration enhancements
2 99 99 99 99 99 99
integrations addressed
IB4: Increase
Enhance CBS % Of Customizations enhanced on
service 2 99 99 99 99 99 99
capability CBS System
accessibility (6%)
Increase third party No. of third-party integrations
2 0 2 2 2 2 8
integrations accomplished
% Of Up time for mission critical
4 99.97 99.97 99.97 99.97 99.97 99.97
Maintain a reliable % Of Up time for business-critical
3 97.3 98.33 98.33 98.33 98.33 98.33
Information System systems
% Of Up time for non-critical
3 N/A 96.4 96.4 96.4 96.4 96.4
Enhance the Bank's IT
No of cyber security incident 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
IB2: Enhance Ensure Business
sound governance continuity of IT % Uptime for disaster recovery site 2 94 96 99.74 97.37 97.37
and risk Services
management Ensure timely
(19%) completion of ongoing Project plan performance ratio % 2 100 100 100 100 100
Declining number of audit findings 1 N/A
Audit Discrepancies Rectification
Rate /Correction/ for Moderate 1 N/A 65 70 75 85 85
Minimize Risks Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies Rectification
Rate /Correction/ for critical 1 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
Findings (%)
Enhance technological
No. Of trainings Conducted 2 10 5 5 4 3 17
L3: Enhance capacity of employees
Employee Enhance system
Learning technological Familiarity Time taken to interface with CBS
1 15 15 15 15 15
& Growth capacity (3%) capability/Learning (days)
(6%) Curve
L4: Improve Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1
corporate culture work engagement
(3%) Ensure employees' Dressing code 1
compliance with the
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1
Weigh Target FY 2022/23
Perspectiv Baselin
Strategic objective Performance measure t Q- 1 Q- Q-3 Q-4 Annua
e Director's Objective e
(%) 2 l
F1:Ensure sustainable Manage controllable
Amount of expenses 5 N/A Within budget
profit (5%) expenses
(28%) F3: Increase resource Increase share capital Amount of Paid-up Capital (Birr) 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
mobilization &
reallocation (23%) Support deposit
Amount of Deposit (Br) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
% of branches audited 20 25 50 75 100 100
Expand audit
% of departments audited 15 25 50 75 100 100
IB1: Enhance coverage/scope
efficiency and No of audit reports prepared 8 3 3 3 3 12
effectiveness (53%)
Increase processing SLA achievement (%) 5 75 75 80 80 80
Internal efficiency of service
business delivery 75 75 80 80 80
process SDT achievement (%) 5
(68%) Declining number of audit
5 N/A
Audit Discrepancies
IB2:Enhance sound
Rectification Rate /Correction/ 5 35 65 70 75 85 85
governance and risk Minimize risks
for Moderate Findings (%)
management (15%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate /Correction/ 5 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
for critical Findings (%)
L2:Increase employee Enhance the capacity of Average training hour per
1 N/A 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
competency (1%) employees employee per quarter
Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1
work engagement
Ensure employees'
L4: Improve corporate
compliance with the Dressing code 1
culture (3%)
Learning & bank's dressing code
Growth Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1
(4%) punctuality
Weight Baselin Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Strategic objective Performance measure
Director's Objective (%) e Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Manage controllable
sustainable profit 5
(5%) Amount of expenses
F2: Ensure
Improve risk &
Financial financial Number of risk & 15 3 3 3 3 12
compliance reporting
(43%) soundness (15%) compliance reports
F3: Increase Amount of Paid-up
Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
resource Capital (Birr)
mobilization & Support deposit Amount of Deposit
reallocation (23%) 20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
mobilization (Br)
Improve the number of Growth in the number 10
risks identified of risks identified
Implement risk No of risk mitigation
IB1: Enhance 10 6 6 6 6 24
mitigation measures measures implemented
efficiency and
effectiveness Timely delivery of
(28%) 4 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
reports Meet SDT
Increase processing
efficiency of service SLA achievement 4 75 75 80 80 80
Internal delivery (%)
business The percentage of key
process Monitor key risk areas 10 N/A 75 100 100 100 100
risks monitored
(53%) Declining number of
5 N/A
audit findings
Audit Discrepancies
sound governance
Rectification Rate
and risk 5 35 65 70 75 85 85
/Correction/ for
management Minimize Risks
Moderate Findings (%)
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
5 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for critical
Findings (%)
Increase the risk
awareness & Average training hour
employee 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
knowledge of per employee per
competency (1%)
employees quarter
Learning & L4: Improve Increase employees’
Level of absenteeism 1
growth (4%) corporate culture work engagement
(3%) Ensure employees'
compliance with the Dressing code 1
bank's dressing code
Ensure employees'
Employees' punctuality 1

Performance Weight Baselin Target FY 2022/23
Perspective Strategic objective
Director's Objective measure (100%) e Q- 1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Annual
Manage controllable
sustainable profit Amount of expenses 5 N/A Within budget
F3: Increase Amount of Paid-up
(28%) Increase share capital 3 980M 1.25 B 1.5 B 1.75 B 2B 2B
resource Capital (Birr)
mobilization & Support deposit Amount of Deposit
20 1.3 B 2.5 B 3.8 B 5.3 B 7B 7B
reallocation (23%) mobilization (Br)
% of cases solved
20 N/A 95 100 100 100 100
No of contracts
7 NA 0 1 4 2 7
No of legal opinions N/A
IB1: Enhance Increase process 8 12 12 12 12 48
efficiency and efficiency &
SLA achievement N/A
effectiveness (45%) productivity 5 75 75 80 80 80
SDT (Meet 75%
5 N/A 75 75 80 80 80
Continuously explore
No of researches &
macro & micro legal
review of laws 6 N/A 2 4 6 8 8
environment of the
% of non-
Ensure legal
compliance issues 11 N/A 100 100 100 100 100
Internal resolved
business Declining number
IB2:Enhance sound 2 N/A
process of audit findings
governance and risk
(68%) Audit Discrepancies
management (23%)
Rectification Rate
/Correction/ for 2 35 65 70 75 85 85
Minimize Risks Moderate Findings
Audit Discrepancies
Rectification Rate
2 N/A 70 80 90 100 100
/Correction/ for
critical Findings (%)
Learning & L2:Increase Increase legal Average training
growth employee awareness & hour per employee 1 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2
(4%) competency (1%) knowledge of per quarter
Increase employees’ Level of N/A
work engagement absenteeism
L4: Improve Ensure employees' N/A
corporate culture compliance with the Dressing code 1
(3%) bank's dressing code
Ensure employees' Employees' N/A
punctuality punctuality

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