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Welcome to EMS Handbook.

• Here you will find basic info and all the

rules and regulations that you need to
follow as a member of the EMS
• Please make sure to read everything

• Respect your fellow members of EMS and seniors.
• Please behave kindly when you are treating a
• Always use the main entrance while taking the
patient to the hospital in case
of emergencies.
• Always use the given hotkeys according to your rank.
• Making nuisance in the hospital by jumping /
punching and tasing is not allowed.
• Always used EMS Vehicles according to your rank.
• Always Park the ambulance at the back entrance of
the hospital. Impounding of ambulance is not allowed.
• Before Impounding a vehicle outside the hospital
always check for the citizens that the vehicle doesn't
belong to them. Ask the civilians politely to correctly
park their vehicle if its wrongly parked.
• Always try to maintain peace in the hospital and
• Do not try to act as a SASP member or perform
actions which are done by the SASP. Your job is to
treat people and not to arrest people or take a fight
with them in any code red situation.
• When responding to emergency calls always make
sure to go in “CODE 3” and when coming back to the
hospital from the emergency situation use “CODE 2”.
• Make sure to not go in “CODE 12” during the rush
hours in the hospital.
• Make sure to let your seniors know if they are in
dispatch when you are attending a call.
• Make sure to never park your EMS Vehicles near the
front entrance of the hospital. After attending the call,
take the ambulance to the backside of the hospital.
• Make sure to never go on the hospital roof when you
are not a certified member of the MedEvac team.
• Always wear uniforms according to your ranks.
• Always remember that you can never give a lift or
ride to any person in the EMS Vehicles.
• Never tell your salary to any person who is not
related to EMS.
• Always make sure to not reveal the amount of police
in the city to any citizens.
• You are not allowed to run in the hospital unless its a
• Also always make sure to never sign on as a doctor
unless you are a certified to do so and if seen doing it
you will be given a strike or maybe even fired. When
you are signed in as a doctor, never leave the ICU
with doctor signed on, as it will leave patients
untreated on bed.
• Also never lock the doors of the general ward unless
the police do so themselves.
• Also as a EMS you will be providing bandages to the
patients in need at a rate of $55/- per bandage and
also you have to buy the bandages with your own
salary for now.
• Never allow any citizens to enter into the morgue.
Only certified members of EMS & SASP &
Government officials can enter morgue.If you see a
citizen enter morgue and changing clothes then make
sure to report him with his server UID and proof
(screenshot) in #ems-report-a-player.
• You always have to carry the patients from
ambulance to check them in the hospital and never
ever escort them near the check-in counter.
• Always make sure to use hotmic which means that
you should speak in game and on dispatch when you
are near a person.
• Always make sure that you dont carry or have any
illegal items and if you find them with you make sure
to handover them to the SASP and if you are found to
carrying them or using them you will be given proper
punishment according to your actions.
• Also use the liveries according to your ranks.
• Never spam the on duty and off duty option at the
counter in hospital.
• Also make sure to give enough time to EMS every
• Make sure to give EMS character the most priority
than any other characters.
• Always make sure to have your Callsign infront your
name in discord like “[Callsign] Name”.
• You are not allowed to do any other jobs except EMS.
• You are only allowed to use taser for self defense
when you are being threatened by someone inside
hospital or if he is making a nuisance with a lot of
• Please dont message any members of the FTO
Department for the purpose of promotion.
• Only Doctors and above can apply for Medevac.
• Only Lead Paramedic and above can get license of


Follow this format to give callouts in dispatch.
<Your Callsign>
<What is happening: 10-Codes>
<Where: Current location/direction of travel>

• Here you can read all the scenarios and
situations you will face as a member of
the EMS Department.
• Please make sure to read all the
scenarios properly.
• And also please follow the DO’s and
DONT’s in the scenarios.
• Anyone seen avoiding these DO’s and
DONT’s will be given the proper
punishment according to your actions.
• Feel free to let the FTO Members know
if there needs to be changes done in
these scenarios.
Do’s :-
• When you get a call from SASP about 10-90 situation
then you have to take your ambulance according to
your rank and reach the location of the 10-90.
• And when you reach the location then make sure to
stay 100m far away from the Bank/Store. Try to avoid
line of sight from suspects of your ambulance and you
• And after the bank robbery is finished and if the SASP
has started chasing the suspects then ask for code 4
first from an officer then you can start checking and
treating the hostage.
• In case of “CODE RED” you always have to take
cover near the ambulance and after the shootout is
over and when the SASP declare it as a “CODE 4”
then you have to contact with any officer who is
present at that situation and with their permission you
can start treating the SASP members and the
suspects and make sure that after treating them take
them back to hospital with the help of the ambulance.
• Always make sure to give the first treatment priority to
SASP members.
• And if there are more patients at the situation then
you can always request for backup in the dispatch.
• In some cases if there is no backup available then
you can give proper treatment and give “CPR” to
maximum of only 2 SASP Members if all the SASP
members are injured.
• And make sure that the officers who were given CPR
are safely taken to the hospital in the ambulance and
• And make sure to do proper trips between the
hospital and situation if there are more patients than
the amount of people that can be in ambulance and
also if there is no backup available.
Dont’s :-
• Never go too close to the bank/store robbery situation
i.e closer than 100m radius.
• And in CODE RED situations dont try to act as a
SASP member and start shooting or tasing the
suspects and doing this may so be dealt with proper
punishment depending on your actions.
• When the suspects are leaving the bank and the
SASP are starting to chase the suspects then you
should never go with the chase and pit/collide the
suspects or SASP.
• Always make sure that you never give CPR to the
• If there are more than 1 patient on scene and there is
no 10-26 (backup) available you can take SASP
assistance to transport one or more patients in their
vehicles (2 per suv and 1 per sedan SASP vehicles)
Do’s :-
• If you ever receive a call from a gang war situation
then you always have to inform the SASP about it and
wait for further clearance from SASP that the war is
over and it is a “CODE-4”.
• After receiving the clearance that the area of war is
clear then you can go to that situation and check all
the suspects and injured people and start treating
them with the permission of any SASP officer there.
• And In some cases if there are a lot of patients at the
situation then you can request backup in the dispatch.
• But in some cases if there is no extra backup
available then you can give “CPR” to the patients who
are not able to fit in ambulance but after giving “CPR”
you still have to take them back to the hospital for
further treatment.
• And if there are more people than you can fit in
ambulance at that scenario then you have to do
proper trips from that scenario to hospital and make
sure to safely reach them to hospital for further
Dont’s :-
• Never go near the gang war situation until and unless
the SASP declares it as a “CODE- 4”.
• Never give CPR to a person who can easily fit in the
• And also don’t let the SASP or the suspects who were
injured and who were given CPR just go away from
the scene as they have to go hospital to finish their
treatment and they can only go to hospital in an
ambulance No SASP Vehicle or other vehicle is

Do’s :-
• When you know that you are being kidnapped then
you immediately as soon as possible have to tell in
the dispatch that “I am being kidnapped and my 10-20
is ‘your location’”.
• And after saying that they might handcuff you and
remove your tracker and radio comms.
• And after they remove radio comms you cannot talk in
dispatch until your are given your radio comms back.
• Any breaking of rules during the kidnapping as an
EMS Member you will be given proper punishment
according to your actions.
• And if you are rescued from kidnappers by the SASP
and you are free to go then you can ask the SASP to
give you back your tracker and radio comms from the
kidnappers and after taking back your radio comms
you can start talking back in the dispatch.
Dont’s :-
• Please cooperate with the kidnappers because if you
don’t that is considered as Fail-RP and you are
violating Fear-RP and so please think and act when
being kidnapped.
• Never pull out your taser when you are at gunpoint
by someone else and they are trying to kidnap you.
• Never speak anything in dispatch or try to tell your
location when your tracker and radio comms have
been taken away.

Do’s :-
• The illegal places which are allowed to go but with
proper escort are Weed Farm & Weed Processing &
Cocaine Processing & Cocaine Hangar & Grove
• In some cases when you get a call from the places
mentioned above you need to have proper SASP
escort to go to those places.
• You can ask in your dispatch for SASP escort to these
• And once you go to these locations you have to check
& treat the patient with caution and let the SASP
Member give you cover. Take them back to hospital in
an ambulance with SASP escort.
• You always need SASP escort to these locations
because these locations are highly illegal places and
you might get kidnapped or hurt in these places.
Dont’s :-
• Do not go to these locations without a proper SASP
• Do not go to these locations if there is no SASP
available in the city.
• Don’t think to go to these places when there are 2
EMS in ambulance thinking that you can handle the
• Anyone seen doing this stuff mentioned above will be
given proper punishment according to your actions.
• And remember that you are an EMS not a SASP and
so dont try to act as a SASP.

Here you can view all the ranks in the
EMS and information about those ranks.
• You will find each rank’s actual role and
in-game role
• Please make sure to read this
information correctly.
• Also please make sure to follow the
rules of your ranks.
• Also you can check this section anytime
if you are in a misunderstanding about
any rank or its rules.

The Strike system:-
You will be able to receive 3
STRIKES before you are fired from the EMS.If you have
committed a MAJOR infraction you may be removed
instantly from the department! If you constantly receive
more than 1 STRIKE per month you will be closely
monitored and possible punishments will be handed out!
Your stikes will be visible on the EMS roster.
1 Strike - This is more so your verbal/formal warning to
address the actions that you may have done to receive
2 Strikes - This will grant you a demotion from your job.If
you happen to be an FTO Member and you happen to get
this point you will be removed from the FTO Department
and will have the chance to eventually work your way back
3 Strikes - Fired.
Going on Leave of Absence (LOA) :-
Whenever you are going on LOA,
make sure to write your LOA request in
#ems-loa-request with proper format in
discord.Also make sure to contact the FTO
Members when you are back. You are also
required to add “(LOA)” as a prefix to your
name in Discord in order to let everyone
know that you are on a leave.
Thank you!

• Here you can find all the commands
used by the EMS Department.
• Make sure to read about these
commands properly.
• And never ever abuse or misuse these
commands in any roleplay situation.
• Any abuse or misuse seen of these
commands will be dealt with proper
punishment according to your actions.
/depot - Tow a vehicle.
/escort - To escort any patient or any
/carry - To carry people near counter to
check them in.
Use F1 Menu - To put the patient or citizen
inside any vehicle.
Use F1 Menu - To take the patient or
citizen outside of any vehicle.
Go Back Side EMS Garage of the Pillbox
- To change the livery of your EMS vehicle.

Be it pledged as a EMS Member, I will honor the physical

and judicial laws of God and man. I will follow that regimen
which, according to my ability and judgement, I consider
for the benefit of patients and abstain from whatever is
deleterious and mischievous, nor shall I suggest any such
counsel.Into whatever home I enter, I will go into them for
the benefit of only the sick and injured, never revealing
what I see or hear in the lives of men unless required by
law. I shall also share my medical knowledge with those
who may benefit from what I have learned. I will server
unselfishly and continuously in order to help make a better
world for all mankind.While I continue to keep this oath
unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life, and the
practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times.
Should I trespass or violate this oath,may the reverse be
me lot.
So help me god.

So you have read everything and so this is
the end of the handbook and we are
reminding you that this handbook might be
big and lengthy but trust us as this
handbook can improve your roleplay by a
lot and so make sure to read everything
thoroughly and if you have any doubts or if
you notice any mistakes in this just let us
know and they can help you and so have a

good day and good luck in EMS and we
hope for the best for your future.

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