OOP Abridge Lesson Plan - (2022-23)

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Abridged Lesson Plan

Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Course Code: 21CS4C03

LTP: 3:0:0 Duration of SEE: 3 Hours
SEE Max. Marks: 100 CIE Max. Marks: 50
Course Instructor: Priyanka R V Date: 22/06/2023
Semester and Section:4th Semester 'B' Section Academic year:2022-23

Portions to be covered and duration

1. Portions to be covered before Test 1
Module 1: Classes and Objects, Arrays, pointers, References, and the Dynamic
Allocation Operators.
Module 2: Function Overloading, Copy Constructor, and Default
Arguments, Operator Overloading.
2. Portions to be covered after Test 1 and before Test 2
Module 3: Inheritance Virtual Functions and Polymorphism.
Module 4: Templates, Applying Generic Function, Applying Generic Classes.
Module 5: Exception Handling, Introducing the Standard Template Library.

Evaluation Scheme
● Sum of marks obtained from all tests (Test -1, 2, 3) shall be the final CIE
● A written examination of three hours duration of 100 marks, with 50%
Assessment Weightage in
TEST 1 20
TEST 2 20
TEST 3(Quiz) 10
Total CIE 50
SEE 100

Signature of Course Instructor/s

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