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Once in the town of cleventstone, a boy lived whose name was Jack. He was tall handsome
young man with great ambitions and was also good in studies, but the thing that always landed
him in all sorts of trouble was that he over thought most of the things he used to do.

He was running for the president’s role in the student’s council of his high school, hence one
thing which mattered him most was his image and popularity among the students. Popularity did
not create an issue as he was popular but image was the main concern. He did his best to keep his
image clean. Tensions were running high in school as Bradley was the also competing for the
elections he too was trying his best to win the elections. Every single student across all classes
the dilemma of whom to vote. The elections were the most intense and even the school had ever
had. Soon the voting day came near. The night before the voting day Jake was nervous. He had
never felt so nervous about something. He was sitting on his bed thinking that what will happen
if he loses the election. Suddenly all the lights of the neighbourhood went dark and the entire
neighbourhood was pitch black. Jake was terrified he was afraid of dark and believed in ghosts.
He looked around to find a torch but as soon as he turned around he found a horrendous figure
standing in front of him with white eyes staring him. His soul left his body as soon as he had the
frightening sight and he jumped in the blanket quaking from head to toe and screamed as hard as
he could, the sound travelled through the entire neighbourhood and the entire neighbourhood
travelled to his house and his mom and sister rushed towards his door and opened his door to see
darkness everywhere as if he had disappeared in the darkness. He was hiding behind the door
with a blanket on him. Electricity came back and it turns out that the ghost from which Jake got
scared was a doll of his sister sitting on stool. This embarrassing news flied through
neighbourhood through light speed and was known by everybody. Next day Jake didn’t want to
go to school as he thought no one would vote him and he will be a laughing stock in the school,
he told his mom that he didn’t want to go to school as he wasn’t feeling well. His mother noticed
that something isn’t right as she knew Jake would not miss school on Election Day at any cost.
When she asked “why is he not going to school, really” Jake opened up and said everything in
his mind to his mom. She told him to not overthink and nothing would happen. Jake from inside
wanted to go so he also quickly got ready and went to school. To his surprise nobody laughed at
him whereas all other students could relate with him as most of the student feared dark. He came
back from school laughing ear to ear. He got his lesson that over thinking could have costed him
an entire president’s role. He promised to his mom that he would never overthink

Moral- over thinking costs time, opportunities and emotions.

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